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Air-conditioning reading room Main Library (Triplex) | |
Anatomage Table Virtual Dissection | |
Archaeology (DFG Special Information Service) | |
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Art History (DFG-Specialised Information Service) | |
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Bibliotheca Laureshamensis – digital | |
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Building plan of the University Library | |
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Classical Archaeology (DFG-Specialised Information Service) | |
Course Reserve Collections | |
Databases (DBIS Database Information System) | |
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DigiKat - Digitised alphabetical catalogue for holdings acquired before 1961 | |
Digital Art Books by Request | |
Digital Books in Egyptology and Classical Archaeology by Request | |
Digital Humanities Heidelberg | |
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Dissertation, online publishing | |
Document delivery service for holdings of the library | |
DWork – Heidelberg digitisation workflow | |
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Egyptology (DFG Special Information Service) | |
Electronic journals / E-Journals | |
Electronic publishing - Open Access | |
Enquiry and reference services Main Library | |
Enquiry and reference services Neuenheim Branch | |
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Lost and found Main Library | |
Lost and found Neuenheim Branch | |
General terms of ordering and delivery | |
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heiDATA - research data repository of Heidelberg University | |
heiDOK - Heidelberg Document Repository | |
Heidelberg Accession Index (HAI) | |
Heidelberg Electronic Document Delivery (HEDD) | |
heiBIB - Heidelberg University Bibliography | |
Heidelberg University matriculation register 1386-1936 | |
heiUP - Heidelberg University Publishing | |
HEIDI (library online catalogue) | |
heidICON – Heidelberg object and multimedia database | |
heiEDITIONS – Heidelberg Digital Editions | |
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History of Heidelberg University Library | |
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Information Centre Main Libary (IZA) | |
Information Centre Neuenheim Branch Library (IZN) | |
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International interlibrary loan | |
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Literature supply for Heidelberg University Hospital | |
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Management of the library | |
Manuscript reading room (LSH) | |
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New acquisitions lists of the specialised information services | |
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Open Access Monograph Fund | |
Open Access Publishing Fund | |
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ORCID (= Open Researcher and Contributor ID) | |
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Plagiarism and detecting plagiarisms | |
Profile of Heidelberg University Library | |
Propylaeum (DFG Specialised Information Service Classics) | |
Propylaeum-DOK - publication platform for classical and ancient studies | |
Public relations and communication | |
Publishing at Heidelberg University Library | |
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Reading room Main Library (LSA) | |
Reading Room Neuenheim (LSN) | |
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Reference management systems | |
Registration and library account | |
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Reproduction of library materials | |
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Smartboards / smartscreens | |
South Asia (DFG Specialised Information Service) | |
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Subito for specialised information service literature | |
Subito for specialised information services | |
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Ventilation system reading room Main Library (Triplex) | |
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