for Heidelberg University Hospital Literature and information supply
The university library is assigned by hospital management to supply all hospital institutions with medical and scientific literature and information.
The contact details for the Literature and information supply can be found on the right-hand side by clicking on the letter symbol.
- Enquiry service
- Acquisitions
- Access to ejournals and ebooks
Delivery of journal articles to your desk:
- "Heidelberger Electronic Document Delivery" (HEDD) ‚Heidelberg Electronic Document Delivery’ (HEDD) – for journal articles from university library collections and from the Medizinisch-Wissenschaftliche Bibliothek Mannheim (free of charge for academic staff)
- Inter library loan – online service (with costs)
- Document supply – we find the most cost effective options
- Document Repository heiDOK (contains, e.g., abstracts of medical dissertations)