Loss of library card

In case of the loss of your library card / student-ID the University Library needs to be informed immediately in order to lock the library account. Card holders are liable for damages caused by the misuse of their library card.

To lock your account, please call the lending service of the main library (phone: 54-2586) or the Neuenheim branch library (54-4265). Outside the opening hours of the lending services call the reading room in the main library (phone: 54-2385) or the information centre in the Neuenheim branch library (phone: 54-4272) before 10 p.m.

Locking the library account has no effect on the payment function of the student ID. This can only be achieved by getting a new student ID from the Student Administration.

Blue library cards can be re-issued for a fee of €5.00 during the opening hours of the lending service

If the Service Card is lost, a replacement card can be requested.