Special collections
Conditions of use for the Manuscript Reading Room
- Holdings of the department “Special collections” are excluded from loan and can only be consulted within the Manuscript Reading Room (LSH), insofar conservation reasons do not conflict with a use.
- If microforms, facsimile editions or digital editions are available, original works will generally not be delivered.
- Manuscripts, incunabula, deeds and sheets of the Graphic Collection have to be ordered one day ahead of your visit at the Reference Desk of the Manuscript Reading Room or via email to Handschriftenabteilung der UB. Orders from bequests must be made at least three days before use.
- Old prints can be ordered by an automatic link from the online catalogue HEIDI. For the request of manuscripts, incunabula and rare books the purpose of use has to be indicated and proved.
- Requested material can be collected at the Reference Desk within the Manuscript Reading Room on representation of a valid identity card. Please note: items may not be taken out of the Library.
- If users notice damage to an item, it is their responsibility to immediately bring the damage to the attention of our staff. Only pencils are to be used at all times for notices or excerpts.
- No self-copying is allowed. Readers may request reproductions from our Reproduction Service.
- Reproduction orders can be placed by the help of the staff of the Manuscript Reading Room (LSH) or by E-Mail to the Digitization Team. The order form is available in the Manuscript Reading Room or can be downloaded (PDF version).
- To get permission to publish reproduction/parts of original documents held by Heidelberg University Library (e.g. manuscripts) users are obliged to complete a special Declaration Form. Only after we have received the filled in and signed declaration form we can proceed with your order.
As non-local user send your requests to this address only.
For questions contact the staff of the Manuscript Reading Room (LSH)
Tel.: +49 6221 54-2392,
Email: Handschriftenabteilung der UB
further contact persons (in German)