Guidance on how to publish

Social Sciences & Humanities

Social Sciences & Humanities

The type of publication can play a decisive role in the successful reception of your work. Publication options in the humanities and social sciences have fundamentally changed and expanded in recent years: Do I choose a smaller, specialised publisher or a larger, renowned one? Do I publish in a series or as an independent work? As a print copy, an e-book subject to licence or as a freely accessible open access publication? How can the printing costs be financed? Your individual publication project takes centre stage in the consultation.

Consultant: Dr Martin Nissen

For an individual consultation appointment, please contact Dr Nissen by e-mail.

Medicine & Natural Sciences

In addition to the dissertation, young scientists in the natural sciences and medicine are already publishing their first articles in specialist journals. Questions on these two topics, publication of the dissertation and journal publications, can be discussed during the counselling session: Which routes can I use to publish my dissertation? How do I choose a suitable journal for my manuscript? What is the significance of bibliometric indicators such as the journal impact factor? How do I achieve the best possible dissemination of my publications? Is open access an option, what models and support programmes are available from the university? Why should I also publish research data and how can it be done?

Consultant: Dr Georg Schwesinger

For an individual consultation appointment, please contact Dr Schwesinger by e-mail.