Help with questions about Citavi and EndNote

Citavi counselling online

This service is aimed at all members of Heidelberg University. If you have already taken part in an introduction to Citavi or have basic knowledge and now have specific questions - be it about importing from databases, citing in Word or creating reference lists - we will be happy to help you. In a consultation, we will discuss your questions based on your individual Citavi project.

EndNote counselling online (humanities and social sciences)

The online consultation hour is open to all members of Heidelberg University and focusses on the humanities and social sciences. To make an appointment, please contact the University Library's training team directly by e-mail. If you have already taken part in an EndNote introduction or have the relevant basic knowledge and now have specific questions - be it about customising citation styles, importing from databases, citing in Word or creating reference lists - we will be happy to help you. In a consultation, we will discuss your questions based on your individual EndNote project.

EndNote counselling online (natural sciences and medicine)

During consultation hours you will receive answers to questions such as

  • on importing from databases
  • the creation of bibliographies
  • citation styles and references
  • citing in MSWord

The online consultation hour is open to all members of Heidelberg University. The focus of this service is on the natural and life sciences.

 An open online EndNote consultation hour takes place in the Neuenheim branch on Wednesdays from 14:00 - 17:00 during the lecture period. You can join the virtual meeting room via the link. If you have any questions (also in advance), you are welcome to write an e-mail.