Book Collection of the reading room
The reading room offers around 60,000 volumes of literature, mainly from the humanities and social sciences. The volumes cannot be borrowed and can only be used on site.
The reading room holdings are listed in full in HEIDI. You can determine the special location signature "LSA..." in HEIDI in the full information of the desired title. There you will also find references to any other copies of the title available for loan
2. Obergeschoss Triplex (2. OG Triplex)
You will find the following departments on the 2nd floor:
- Classical Studies / Altertumswissenschaft (location mark = LSA Alt)
- Ethnology / Ethnologie (= LSA Et)
- History / Geschichte (= LSA His)
- Oriental Studies / Orientalistik (= LSA Or)
- Education / Pädagogik / Erziehungswissenschaften (= LSA Päd)
- Political Science / Politische Wissenschaft (= LSA Pol)
- Psychology / Psychologie (= LSA Psy)
- Law / Rechtswissenschaft (= LSA Jur)
- Theology / Religious Studies / Religion, Theologie (= LSA Rel)
- Sociology / Soziologie (= LSA Soz)
- Economics and Business / Wirtschaftswissenschaft (= LSA Wi)
This is followed by the location directories and the specialised system. (Only in german)
3. Obergeschoss Triplex (3. OG Triplex)
You will find the following departments on the 3rd floor:
- General / Allgemeines (= LSA Al)
- Language and Literature / Allgemeine und vergleichende Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaft (= LSA Spr)
- English Studies / Anglistik, Amerikanistik (= Ang)
- Biographical Reference Section / Biographische Nachschlagewerke (= LSA Biog)
- Library and Information Sciences / Buch- und Bibliothekswesen (= LSA Bub)
- European Art History / Europäische Kunstgeschichte (= Kunst)
- Geography / Geographie und Länderkunde (= Geo)
- German Studies / Germanistik (= Ger)
- Manuscript Reference Collection / Handschriftenapparat (= HS) (partly in our Manuscript Reading Room LSH)
- Medicine / Medizin (= Med) (ready reference collection in the Main Library, see Branch Library Neuenheim)
- Musicology / Musikwissenschaft (= Mus)
- Science / Naturwissenschaften, Technik (= Nat) (ready reference collection in the Main Library, see Branch Library Neuenheimer Feld)
- Philosophy / Philosophie (= Phs)
- Romance studies / Romanistik (= Rom)
- Slavic studies / Slavistik (= Sla)
- Performing Arts / Theater-, Tanz- und Filmwissenschaft (= Thea)
- Dictionaries / Wörterbücher (= LSA Woert)
This is followed by the location directories and the specialised system. (Only in german)
3. Obergeschoss Triplex (3. OG Triplex)
4. Obergeschoss Triplex (4. OG Triplex)
You will find the following departments on the 04th floor:
- General Reference and Library Catalogues / Allgemeinbibl. u. allgem. Bibliothekskataloge (= LSA Abi)
- Theses / Hochschul- und Schulschriften (= LSA Diss)
- National Bibliographies / Nationalbibliographien (= LSA Nabi)
- Regional Bibliographies / Regionalbibliographien (= LSA Reg)
- Journals, Newspapers, Conferences: Bibliographies / Zeitschriften, Zeitungen, Kongresse: Inhaltsbibliographien (= LSA Zin & LSA ZSS)
This is followed by the location directories and the specialised system. (Only in german)