14.3.2024 New Online Tutorial: FIT English Studies

Over the past years, we have developed a collection of online tutorials for various subjects on how to use the library's resources effectively, including how to find literature using the HEIDI online catalogue and subject-specific databases. 

We have now created our first tutorial in English, specifically for English Studies. It will be of value to all English students, especially those who are new to Heidelberg University and would like to learn more about the library services offered by the University Library and the Library of the English Department.

This tutorial is a starting point for understanding how to access and use key resources such as the Modern Language Association (MLA) database, which is fundamental to English Studies. We have also included guidance on citation styles and the use of reference management tools, which may help you when writing your first term papers. A highlight is the video tour of the Library of the English Department, which gives you a brief tour of the rooms and services. At the end of each chapter there is a quiz to test your knowledge.

You can either navigate through the entire tutorial or select chapters to focus on topics that are most relevant to your current needs. The entire tutorial takes approximately 90 minutes to complete.

The online tutorial covers (almost) everything you need to know about using the libraries for English studies in Heidelberg. If there's anything missing or unclear, your feedback is welcome!

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