International interlibrary loan for foreign libraries


Heidelberg University Library also lends parts of its holdings to foreign libraries or makes copies of them. You can search directly in the online catalogue HEIDI.  Please note that we send our holdings on international loan exclusively for use on site (reading room).

To order, please contact us via e-mail: Please provide sufficient bibliographic information and include your delivery address.

Terms of payment and fees

Heidelberg University Library takes part in the international Voucher-Scheme for the payment of international interlibrary loans. 

Please send the IFLA vouchers when you return the item or - in case of copies/scans - as soon as you receive the copies. 

Phone: +49 (0) 6221 54 2587
Fax: +49 (0) 6221 54 2548 

Postal address for the shipping of interlibrary loan media:
Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
Plöck 107-109
D-69117 Heidelberg

Overview of fees for foreign libraries


2 IFLA vouchers
1/2 (up to 20 pages) - 1 IFLA voucher
4 IFLA vouchers
1 - 2 IFLA vouchers

Alternatives to interlibary loan for foreign libraries

For Heidelberg University Library’s special subject collections Classical Archaeology, Egyptology, South Asia and Art History ("Medieval and Modern Art History up to 1945 and General Art Studies") you can also place an order via the document delivery service Subito. Both the loan of books and copies or scans from journals and books are possible.

On request, we can also produce digital copies of complete copyright-free works. For enquiries about this service and cost estimates, please contact our digitization centre.