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Library use Introduction on how to use the Main Library Altstadt (focus: Arts and Humanities)

  • Diese Veranstaltung ist abgesagt
  • Donnerstag, 23. Januar 2025, 09:15 - 10:45 Uhr
  • University Library | Foyer of the main library
    • Dr. Nicole Kloth

New at the University Library? Welcome! To get you started, we offer introductions on how to use the library. These include tours through the building, provide an overview of the collection of the library and its range of services and give you helpful tips for your first bibliographic search with focus on humanities.

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Introduction on how to use the Main Library Altstadt
  • Adresse

    University Library Heidelberg 
    Foyer of the main library
    Plöck 107 – 109
    69117 Heidelberg

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