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Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg

Data Hour (Feb 23): Services for Data Intensive Computing

Next Thursday, February 23rd, 14:00h - 14:45h the Competence Center for Research Data cordially invites you to the seminar of Sabine Richling (Computing Center, Heidelberg University) on the topic: “Services for Data Intensive Computing“.

Increasingly large amounts of data from experiments, simulations or documents require sufficient storage space and powerful computing resources for their analysis.This webinar presents services for data-intensive computing, such as the storage service for "hot" scientific data SDS@hd, the high-performance computing system bwForCluster Helix and bwVisu, a service for remote visualization and interactive applications. Afterwards, a discussion offers the possibility to aggravate the topic. Participation in the event is possible via this link: (access via browser, no additional software required). We are looking forward to your participation!

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