Neuerwerbungen im Oktober 2024
Fach: Kunst, Theater, Film und Architektur
Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergStand: 01.11.2024 09:00 – Anzahl der Neuerwerbungen: 16
Bahadur, Mutua: Traditional textiles of Manipur / Mutua Bahadur. - Second edition (English & Manipuri, revised & enlarged edition).. -
Imphal: Mutua Museum, June 2018. - 155 Seiten : IllustrationenSignaturen:- 256 kul 2024/3206
Baishya, Pahi: Psycho-sexual elements in folk music of Assam / Pahi Baishya. -
Guwahati: EBH Publishers (India), 2023. - viii, 104 SeitenSignaturen:- 229 mus 2024/3540
Bar-On Cohen, Einat <1954->: Awakening a living world on a Kūṭiyāṭṭam stage / Einat Bar-On Cohen. -
Albany: SUNY Press, [2024]. - 227 Seiten
(Suny series in Hindu studies)Signaturen:- 252 kul 2024/3397
Chakraborty, Abhijit: The nachni chronicles : a photographic journey of resilient rhythms / photography and text Abhijit Chakraborty. - First edition. -
Kolkata: Folk & Tribal Cultural Centre, Department of Information & Culture Affairs, Government of West Bengal, 2024. - 160 Seiten : IllustrationenSignaturen:- 278 kul 2024/3534 GF
Correia, Joaquim: Once upon a time in Goa : music and dance in a charming region and its diaspora / Joaquim Correia. -
Saligāo, Goa, India: Goa, 1556, 2022. - 280 Seiten : IllustrationenSignaturen:- 242 mus 2024/3498
Daher, Shmaila: Shibas Kitchen : orientalische Familienrezepte aus Pakistan : das Kochbuch zum Foodblog / Shmaila Daher. -
München: Christian Verlag GmbH, [2024]. - 187 Seiten : IllustrationenSignaturen:- 280 kul 2024/2303
Dangol, Purusottam: Elements of Buddhist stupa architecture / Purusottam Dangol. -
New Delhi: Adroit Publishers, 2024. - xiii, 108 Seiten : IllustrationenSignaturen:- 163 arc 2024/3458
Devotional music of India / edited by Amarendra Khatua, Mandira Ghosh. - First edition. -
Gurugram, India: Shubhi Publications, 2023. - 179 Seiten : IllustrationenSignaturen:- 200 mus 2024/3425
Ghoṣa, Mr̥ṇāla: Bhāratera ādhunika śilpakalāra nārībiśva / Mr̥ṇāla Ghoṣa. - Prathama prakāśa. -
[Kalakātā]: Bhirāsata Ārṭa Pābalikeśana, Sepṭembara 2023. - 413 Seiten : Illustrationenভারতের আধুনিক শিল্পকলার নারীবিশ্ব / মৃণাল ঘোষ. - প্রথম প্রকাশ. -
[কলকাতা]: ভিরাসত আর্ট পাবলিকেশন, Sepṭembara 2023Signaturen:- nsp 2.18 Q 2024/3350
Gupta, Sneha: Students guide to Odissi dance : covering Gandharva Mahavidyalaya syllabus of Prarambhik to Madhyama Pratham / Sneha Gupta. -
Delhi: B.R. Rhythms, 2024. - 120 Seiten : IllustrationenSignaturen:- 265 kul 2024/3437
Guy, John: Arts of India : 1550-1900 / edited by John Guy and Deborah Swallow ; Rosemary Crill, John Guy, Veronica Murphy, Susan Stronge and Deborah Swallow. - Reprinted. -
London: V & A Publications, 1999. - 240 Seiten : IllustrationenSignaturen:- 200 kun 95/247
Hutchins, Bree: Hidden kitchens of Sri Lanka / Bree Hutchins. - Reprinted. -
Sydney: Murdoch Books, 2017. - 271 Seiten : IllustrationenSignaturen:- 295 kul 2024/3648
INTACH directory of traditional building crafts of India
Volume 5. - Tamil Nadu : Chettinad region. -
New Delhi: Indian National Trust for Art & Cultural Heritage, [2022]. - 271 Seiten : Illustrationen, KartenSignaturen:- 219 arc 2024/1312::5
INTACH directory of traditional building crafts of India
Volume 6. - Building crafts of Himachal Pradesh. -
New Delhi: Indian National Trust for Art & Cultural Heritage, [2023]. - 92 Seiten : IllustrationenSignaturen:- 219 arc 2024/1312::6
Jayamanne, Laleen: Walk like an elephant : the Island essays 2022-2023 / Laleen Jayamanne. -
Colombo: The Contemporary Art and Crafts Association of Sri Lanka, 2024. - 193 Seiten : IllustrationenSignaturen:- 295 kul 2024/3377
Pāṛui, Dīpaṅkara: Cān̐doẏā : śilpa, śilpī, itihāsa / Dīpaṅkara Pāḍui. - First impression. -
Bolpur: Bīruṯjātīẏa Sāhitya Sammilanī, January 2024. - 193 Seiten : Illustrationenচাঁ̐দোয়া : শিল্প, শিল্পী, ইতিহাস / দীপঙ্কর পাডুই. -
Bolpur: বীরুৎজাতীয় সাহিত্য সম্মিলনী, January 2024Signaturen:- nsp 2.18 Q 2024/2948
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