Neuerwerbungen im Februar 2024
Fach: Geowissenschaften
Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergStand: 11.04.2024 17:01 – Anzahl der Neuerwerbungen: 15
A TTK road guidebook to Tamil Nadu. -
Madras: TT. Maps & Publications, 1990. - [8 Seiten] : Karten
(Discover India series)Signaturen:- K 1060
Andhra Pradesh. -
Chennai: TTK Pharma, Print. Division, 1991. - 1 Karte : mehrfarb.
(TTK discover India series)Signaturen:- K 1018::23
Arps, Rudolf: Map of the Rajahmundry field of the India Mission : of the United Lutheran Church in America; embracing parts of the Godaveri and Kistan districts, Madras Precidency. -
[Ort nicht ermittelbar]: [Verlag nicht ermittelbar], 1906Signaturen:- K 1055
Darley, James M.: Southwest Asia : India, Pakistan, and Northeast Africa; compiled and drawn in the Cartographic Section of the National Geographic Society for the National Geographic Magazine / Gilbert Grosvenor, Editor; James M. Darley, chief cartographer. -
Washington: The National Geographic Society, June 1952Signaturen:- K 1057
Hall, Brian: High risk : climbing to extinction / Brian Hall ; foreword by Joe Simpson. - This paperback edition first published in 2023. -
Sheffield: Vertebrate Publishing, 2023. - xv, 382 Seiten : IllustrationenSignaturen:- 103 geo 2023/4172
Karma Ura: Bhutan
Vol. 1. - Community and livelihood. -
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2023. - xix, 389 Seiten : IllustrationenSignaturen:- 161 ldk 2024/524::1
Karma Ura: Bhutan
Vol. 2. - Art and ideals. -
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2023. - xxi, 392 Seiten : IllustrationenSignaturen:- 161 ldk 2024/524::2
Keay, John: Himālaya : exploring the roof of the world / John Keay. -
London: Bloomsbury Publishing, 2023. - XLVI, 377 Seiten : IllustrationenSignaturen:- 103 ldk 2023/4186
Lorenzo, A. M.: Atlas of India / by A.M. Lorenzo. - Second edition, reprinted. -
[Bombay]: Geoffrey Cumberledge, Oxford University Press, Indian branch, [March 1946]. - 32 Seiten : Illustrationen, Karten
(Oxford pamphlets on Indian affairs ; No. 16)Signaturen:- 219 geo 2024/278 Kp
Map of the Madras state : showing roads & distances. -
Madras: Photo Zinco Press, [um1950]Signaturen:- K 1059
Political map of India / Government of India. - First edition. -
[Neu Delhi]: Government of India, 1979. - 1 Karte : mehrfarbigSignaturen:- K 1056
Rustad, Harley: Lost in the Valley of Death : a story of obsession and danger in the Himalayas / Harley Rustad. - First edition. -
New York ; London ; Toronto ; Sydney ; New Delhi ; Auckland: Harper Perennial, 2022. - xiv, 286 Seiten : IllustrationenSignaturen:- 245 rei 2024/447
State map of Andhra Pradesh. - Third edition. -
[New Delhi]: Government of India, 1978. - 1 Karte : mehrfarbigSignaturen:- K 1058
State map of Goa, Damān and Diu and Karnātaka. - Fourth edition. -
[New Delhi]: Government of India, 1981. - 1 Karte : mehrfarbig
(Survey of India)Signaturen:- K 994
Sura's Tamilnadu : (the land of temples and festivals). - Eleventh edition. -
Madras ; Bangalore ; Calcutta: Sura Books (P) Ltd., December 1995. - 48 Seiten : 1 FaltkarteSignaturen:- 273 rei 2024/275 Kp
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