Neuerwerbungen im Februar 2025
Fach: Religion und Philosophie
Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergStand: 01.03.2025 09:00 – Anzahl der Neuerwerbungen: 85
25 Years in Retrospect: Buddhism, Ethnic Conflicts, and Religious Harmony in South and Southeast Asia <2014, Kandy>: Ethnic conflict in Buddhist societies in South and Southeast Asia : the politics behind religious rivalries / edited by K.M. de Silva ; editorial board John Clifford Holt, P.D. Premasiri, Tissa Jayatilaka, Ven. Mahinda Deegalle. -
Kandy: International Centre for Ethnic Studies, Sri Lanka, November 2015. - xvi, 270 SeitenSignaturen:- 190 rel 2017/330
Amalānanda: Śāstradarpaṇam / Śrīparamahaṃsaparivrājakācārya Śrīmadanubhavānandapūjyapādaśiṣyaiḥ Bhagavadamalānandaḥ viracitam. - Prathama saṃskaraṇa. -
Dillī: Parimala Pablikeśansa, 2024. - ii, 11, 369 Seiten
(Parimala Saṃskr̥ta sīrija saṃ ; 183)Signaturen:- rel 51 F 125/24
Ao, Atula: He is still on time! : Dr. Atula Ao's writings on Old Testament, feminist and tribal theology / compiled and edited by Samuel George. -
Delhi: Christian World Imprints, 2023. - xviii, 249 SeitenSignaturen:- rel 56 E 24/4149
Apostolate of St.Thomas in India / edited by Pius Malekandathil, K.S. Mathew, James Kurikilamkatt, Jenee Peter. -
Delhi: Primus Books, 2024. - xvi, 526 Seiten : Illustrationen
(History of Christianity in India ; volume 1)Signaturen:- rel 56 E 25/78
A primer of Bhāratīya darśanas / editors Subramanian Chidambaran, Dr. R. Venkata Raghavan, Dr. M. Sudarshan Chiplunkar. - First edition. -
Ernakulam, Kerala, India: Chinmaya International Foundation, May 2022. - viii, 114 Seiten : IllustrationenSignaturen:- rel 51 O 24/4137
Aurobindo: Neue Geburt : vom Ego in das wahre Bewusstsein : Auszüge aus den Werken von Sri Aurobindo und der Mutter. - 2. Aufl.. -
Berchtesgadener Land: Sri Aurobindo Bhavan, 2024. - 28 Seiten : Illustrationen
(Alles Leben ist Yoga)Signaturen:- 219 aur 2024/3789 Kp
Aurobindo: Savitri : das Mantra zur Transformation der Welt : Auszüge aus den Werken von Sri Aurobindo und der Mutter / Sri Aurobindo, die Mutter. - 2. überarbeitete Aufl.. -
Berchtesgadener Land: Sri Aurobindo Bhavan, 2024. - 44 Seiten : Illustrationen
(Alles Leben ist Yoga)Signaturen:- 219 aur 2025/94 Kp
Baby Rani: Marriage : not power but partnership / Baby Rani. -
Delhi: Indian Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 2024. - xxiii, 286 SeitenSignaturen:- rel 56 E 24/2801
Bakht, Mirza Vilayat: The Sufi's bowl / by Mirza Vilayat Bakht. - First edition. -
Varanasi: Pilgrims Publishing, 2024. - 159 Seiten : IllustrationenSignaturen:- rel 55 B 224/3893
Bhagavatpāda, Nīlakaṇṭha: Brahmasūtrabhāṣyam
Bhāgaḥ 1. - . -
Tirupatiḥ: Śrīveṅkaṭeśvaravedaviśvavidyālayaḥ, 2023. - lix, 321 Seiten
(S.V. Vedic University series ; no. 142)
(Research and publication)Signaturen:- rel 51 F 325/530::1
Bhagavatpāda, Nīlakaṇṭha: Brahmasūtrabhāṣyam
Bhāgaḥ 2. - . -
Tirupatiḥ: Śrīveṅkaṭeśvaravedaviśvavidyālayaḥ, 2023. - xv, 381 Seiten
(S.V. Vedic University series ; no. 143)
(Research and publication)Signaturen:- rel 51 F 325/530::2
Borkar, Vedprakash: Environmental consciousness and sustainable development in Indian knowledge system / Dr. Vedprakash Borkar. -
New Delhi, India: AuthorsPress, 2024. - 255 Seiten : IllustrationenSignaturen:- rel 50 A 424/4146
Bowler, Dianna: The journeying years : how they came to Auroville / Dianna Bowler. - Second edition. -
Auroville: Prisma, 2023. - 147 Seiten : IllustrationenSignaturen:- 219 aur 2025/223
Buddhism on the ancient Silk routes / by Dr. Archana Gupta, Aradhana Gupta, Dr. Akanksha Qayum. - First edition. -
New Delhi: DPS Publishing House, 2024. - vii, 168 Seiten : IllustrationenSignaturen:- 150 rel 2025/544
Chatterjee, Ashoke Kumar: Who is this Shama Churn? / Dr. Ashoke Kumar Chatterjee ; translator, Joyati Kapur, translated from the Bengali original into English. - 3rd Reprint. -
Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass Publishing House, 2024. - xiv, 304 Seiten : Illustrationen, TabellenSignaturen:- nsp 2.18 W 2009/3747
Chaubey, Devbrat: The sacred book of Indian religions / by Prof. Devbrat Chaubey. -
Varanasi: Prachya Vidya Bhawan, 2018. - ii, 276 SeitenSignaturen:- rel 50 A 24/3872
Church in India on the synodal path : national conference, 21-23 March 2022 / edited by Antony Lawrence, Stany C. Fernandes and Simon Pinto. -
Bengaluru: ATC Publishers, 2023. - x, 772 Seiten : Illustrationen, DiagrammeSignaturen:- rel 56 E 24/1152
Dange, Sadashiv Ambadas: 'Dream' in ancient India : a study in mythological beliefs / Sadashiv A. Dange and Sindhu S. Dange. -
New Delhi: Aryan Books International, 2024. - xxviii, 130 Seiten : IllustrationenSignaturen:- rel 51 A 24/3480
Das, Kripamoya: Santana Dharma : questions and answers on the essence of Hnduism / Kripamoya Das. -
Gurugram: Penguin Ananda, an imprint of Penguin Random House, 2024. - xii, 217 SeitenSignaturen:- rel 51 A 25/317
Datta, Srilekha: Cognition, truth and reality : insights from Indian philosophical texts / Srilekha Datta. -
New Delhi: Suryodaya Books, 2024. - xii, 339 SeitenSignaturen:- rel 51 O 25/489
Delhey, Martin: Xuanzang's rendition technique : a dictionary of grammatical and stylistic devices used in his translations from Sanskrit / Martin Delhey. -
Hamburg: Department of Indian and Tibetan Studies, Universität Hamburg, 2024. - 360 Seiten
(Indian and Tibetan Studies ; Volume 15)Signaturen:- rel 52 G 125/518
Devasahayam, V.: Musings on mission from the margins / V. Devasahayam. -
Delhi: Indian Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 2023. - xiv, 318 SeitenSignaturen:- rel 56 E 25/470
Dreaming to be human come true : essays in honour of Paul Parathazham / editor Nishant Alphonse Irudayadason. -
Pune: Jnana Deepa, 2023. - xviii, 256 Seiten : Illustrationen
(JD philosophy series ; 21)Signaturen:- rel 56 E 24/4143
Dubey, Maheshwari Prasad: Kriyā yoga rahasya : (the secret of kriyāyoga) : volume I & II / Maheshwari Prasad Dubey ; English translation by Raj Yoga Kriya Yoga Mission. -
Kolkata: Sanskrit Pustak Bhandar in collaboration with Raj Yoga Kriya Yoga Mission, Uttarpara, West Bengal, July 2022. - 125 Seiten : IllustrationenSignaturen:- rel 51 C 224/4095
Ehm, Chandra Chiara: Queens without a kingdom worth ruling : Buddhist nuns and the process of change in Tibetan monastic communities / Chandra Chiara Ehm ; photographs by Carol Sachs and Chandra Chiara Ehm. -
Kathmandu, Nepal: Vajra Books, 2024. - viii, 269 Seiten : Illustrationen
(Vajra academic ; Vol. 5)Signaturen:- rel 52 F 24/2395
Flood, Gavin: The concept of mind in Hindu tantra / Gavin Flood. -
London ; New York: Routledge, 2025. - x, 148 Seiten : Diagramm
(Routledge Hindu studies series)Signaturen:- rel 51 G 625/360
Frisch, Hermann-Josef: Die Welt des Hinduismus : Orte des Hinduismus in Indien und anderen Ländern / Hermann-Josef Frisch. - 1. Auflage. -
Norderstedt: BoD – Books on Demand, [2025]. - 216 Seiten : 91 IllustrationenSignaturen:- rel 51 A 25/95
Gaṅgeśa: Navyanyāyaprapañcaprajāpatiśrīgaṅgeśopādhyāyaviracite Tattvacintāmaṇau Anumānakhaṇḍāntargatam Hetvābhāsasāmānyaniruktiprakaraṇam : Abhinavavyākhyāvivr̥tivibhūṣitābhyāṃ Gādādharij̄āgadīśibhyāṃ saṃvalitayạ Dīdhityā pariśobhitam / vivr̥tikāraḥ Vi. Navīnahoḷḷaḥ ; sampādakaḥ Ḍô. Śyāmasundaraḥ E. ; pradhānasampādakaḥ Śrīnivāsa Varakheḍị. - Prathamaṃ saṃskaraṇam. -
Navadehalī: Kendrīyasaṃskr̥taviśvavidyālayaḥ, 2024. - xxvi, 365 Seiten
(Amr̥tamahotsavagranthamālā ; 23)Signaturen:- rel 51 D 225/435
Hari Kumar, K.: Daiva : discovering the extraordinary world of spirit worship / K. Hari Kumar. -
Gurugram, Haryana: Harper Non-Fiction, 2024. - xvi, 245 SeitenSignaturen:- 225 rel 2024/3478
Hinüber, Oskar von: Vor dem Tipiṭaka : Überlegungen zu den ersten Versuchen der Buddhisten, ihre Texte zu ordnen und zu gestalten / Oskar von Hinüber. -
Mainz: Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur, [2024]. - 76 Seiten
(Abhandlungen der Geistes- und sozialwissenschaftlichen Klasse / Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur ; Jahrgang 2024, Nr. 2)Signaturen:- rel 52 D 25/91 Kp
Husain, Akbar: Contribution of Indian Muslim theologians and thinkers to Islamic-spiritual psychology / Professor Akbar Husain & Dr. Mohammad Muslim. - First edition. -
New Delhi: Institute of Objective Studies, 2024. - iv, 180 SeitenSignaturen:- rel 55 B 224/4071
Imran, Muhammad: Ideal woman in Islam / by Muhammad Imran. -
New Delhi: Markazi Maktaba Islami, Januar 2010. - 203 Seiten
(Human Welfare Trust Publication ; no. 156)Signaturen:- rel 55 A 21/2399
Inayat Khan <Hazrat>: Musik : aus mystischer Sicht / Hazrat Inayat Khan ; übersetzung Amaité Anna-Elisabeth Willand. - 3. neu übersetzte und überarb. Auflg.. -
Polling: Heilbronn, 2025. - 139 SeitenSignaturen:- rel 55 B 125/690
International Conference on Bhakti in Vaiṣnava Traditions <2022, Online>: Bhakti in Vaiṣṇava traditions / edited by Shakuntala Gawde, Ferdinando Sardella. -
New Delhi: Dev Publishers & Distributors, 2024. - xiv, 246 SeitenSignaturen:- rel 51 I 24/2789
Joseph, Jacob: The Christ who embraces : an Orthodox theology of margins / by Jacob Joseph. -
Leiden ; Boston: Brill, [2025]. - XII, 237 Seiten
(Theology and mission in world Christianity ; 33)Signaturen:- rel 56 E 25/309
Kali-santaraṇa Upaniṣad. -
Chennai: ISKCON Chennai, 2023. - 37 SeitenSignaturen:- rel 51 I 925/464 Kp
Khān, Yāsir: Syed Maududi : discourses on history, identity and revolution / Dr. Khan Yasir. -
New Delhi: White Dot Publishers, 2023. - 108 Seiten : IllustrationenSignaturen:- rel 55 B 224/3574 Kp
Konczak, Ines: Essays and studies in the art of Kucha / Ines Konczak-Nagel and Monika Zin. -
New Delhi: Dev Publishers & Distributors, [2020]. - ix, 238 Seiten : Illustrationen
(Leipzig Kucha studies ; Volume1)Signaturen:- 171 rel 2023/3917::1
Kundakunda: Pañcāstikāyasāra of Kundakunda : building of the cosmos / edited, translated and commentary by Jagdish Prasad Jain. -
New Delhi: DK Printworld, 2024. - viii, 237 SeitenSignaturen:- rel 53 D 25/558
Leitz, Andreas: The branches of the Rig Veda - different traditions in Vedic period
Volume 4. - . - First edition. -
New Delhi, India: Pathak Publisher and Distributors, 2025. - 516 Seiten : IllustrationenSignaturen:- rel 51 B 23/1030::4
Locklin, Reid B.: Hindu mission, Christian mission : soundings in comparative theology / Reid B. Locklin. -
Albany: SUNY Press, [2024]. - xiv, 418 Seiten
(SUNY series in religious studies)Signaturen:- rel 51 N 25/169
Maithrimurthi, Mudagamuwe: Wohlwollen, Mitleid, Freude und Gleichmut : Eine ideengeschichtliche Untersuchung der vier apramāṇas in der buddhistischen Ethik und Spiritualität von den Anfängen bis hin zum frühen Yogācāra / Mudagamuwe Maithrimurthi. -
Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 1999. - 1 Online-Ressource (xxxii, 443 Seiten) -
Mansoor, M. A. M.: Does al-Qur'an encourage violence? / Usthaz M.A.M. Mansoor (Naleemi) ; translations, Farweez Imamudeen. - First edition. -
Colombo: Mishkath Research Institute, July 2019. - vi, 71 SeitenSignaturen:- rel 55 C 224/2821 Kp
Mapatuna, Palitha: Right view : based on the discourse on right view of the Majjhima Nikāya / Palitha Mapatuna. - First print. -
Dehiwala: Buddhist Cultural Centre, 2023. - ix, 142 SeitenSignaturen:- rel 52 D 124/3564
Menon, Anand Venkateshwaran: Der Tanz mit der Vergänglichkeit : Weisheit und Akzeptanz im Leben / Anand Venkateshwaran Menon. -
Ahrensburg: tredition, 2024. - 308 SeitenSignaturen:- rel 50 B 324/3373
Meru, Elisabeth: Great Sikh women
Part 2. - The scar of fortune. - 1. Auflage. -
Giessen: VVB Laufersweiler Verlag, 2023. - 61 SeitenSignaturen:- rel 54 A 22/3248::2
Meru, Elisabeth: Great Sikh women
Part 3. - Guru Gobind Singh Ji's smile / Elisabeth Meru, Serge Jacoby, Harjinder Singh Kanwal, Susanne Traunbauer. - 1. Auflage. -
Giessen: VVB Laufersweiler Verlag, 2024. - 64 SeitenSignaturen:- rel 54 A 22/3248::3
Mirza, Asad: Demystifying madrasah and deobandi islam : legacy and history of darul uloom deoband / Asad Mirza. - First edition. -
New Delhi: Vitasta Publishing Pvt Ltd, 2024. - xi, 271 SeitenSignaturen:- rel 55 A 225/509
Miskawaih, Ahmad Ibn-Muhammad: The refinement of character / Miskawayh ; translated by Costantine K. Zurayik ; series editor: Seyyed Hossein Nasr. -
Chicago, IL: KAZI Publications, Inc., [2002]. - xxii, 221 Seiten
(Great books of the Islamic world)Signaturen:- rel 55 B 225/300
'Muslim woman'/muslim women : lived experiences beyond religion and gender in South Asia and its diasporas / edited by Patricia Jeffrey and Kaveri Qureshi. -
London ; New York: Routledge, 2025. - xii, 125 SeitenSignaturen:- 200 rel 2025/363
Ngawang Tengyé: The life and work of Auleshi : Sherpa Buddhist artist and adept / Ngawang Tengyé, Hugh R. Downs, and Matthew T. Kapstein ; with translations by Tib Shelf. -
Kathmandu, Nepal: Vajra Publications, 2024. - xii, 186 Seiten : IllustrationenSignaturen:- 163 rel 2024/2421
No turning back : reflections on mission, theology and spirituality of Sadhu Sundar Singh / editors Vinod Victor, Samuel Richmond Saxena. -
Delhi ; [Kuala Lumpur], Malaysia: Indian Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 2024. - xxiv, 296 SeitenSignaturen:- rel 56 E 24/4155
Nāgārjuna: Ācārya Nāgārjuna and Yuktiṣaṣṭikākārikā / editor Sanjib Kumar Das ; translators, Sanjib Kumar Das (English), Narender Bodh (Hindi), Vijay Lata Negi (Hindi) ; advisors, Prof. (Dr.) Wangchuk Dorjee Negi, Ven. Geshe Dakpa Kalsang, Mr. Neeraj Mittal. -
Delhi: Buddhist World Press, 2024. - xx, 109 SeitenSignaturen:- rel 52 E 125/519
Nārāyaṇabhaṭṭapāda: Nārāyaṇīyam / Nārāyaṇabhaṭṭapraṇītam. - Prathamaṃ saṃskaraṇam. -
Navadehalī: Kendrīyasaṃskr̥taviśvavidyālayaḥ, 2024. - xiv, 324 Seiten
(Amr̥tamahotsavagranthamālā ; 38)Signaturen:- ind 55 B 325/554
Parihar, Haigriv: Buddhism and Jainism in ancient history / Dr. Haigriv Parihar. - First edition. -
New Delhi: Aayu Publications, 2024. - xiii, 174 Seiten : IllustrationenSignaturen:- 235 rel 2025/472
Phaipi, Chingboi Guite: The Bible and patriarchy in traditional tribal society : re-reading the Bible's creation stories / Chingboi Guite Phaipi. - Paperback edition. -
London ; New York ; Oxford ; New Delhi ; Sydney: T&T Clark, 2024. - x, 139 SeitenSignaturen:- rel 56 E 25/188
Prabakaran, B.: The luminary of compassion : Sri Ramalinga Swamigal / B. Prabakaran. - First edition. -
[Secunderabad?]: Samvit Prakashan and Media Pvt Ltd., October 2023. - 96 pages : IllustrationenSignaturen:- rel 51 G 624/4107
Purewal, Pal Singh: Nanakshahi Calender : with calendar conversion tables for 632 years : Nanakshahi 1 to 631-32 NS, Common Era 1469 to 2100 CE, Bikrami 1525-26 to 2156-57 BK, Saka 1390-91 to 2021-22 SK, Hijri 873-74 to 1524 AH, Before Khalsa 231-30 to 401-402 Khalsa / Pal Singh Purewal. - First edition. -
Amritsar: Singh Brothers, August 2022. - xxxiv, 676 SeitenSignaturen:- rel 54 A 24/4076
Rikhi, Vipul: Drunk on love : the life, vision and songs of Kabir / Vipul Rikhi. -
Gurugram: HarperCollins Publishers India, [2023]. - xii, 297 SeitenSignaturen:- rel 51 L 25/241
Roychowdhury, Madhuparna: Beyond the empire of Jagannatha : politics and culture of goddess worship in early-medieval North Odisha / Madhuparna Roychowdhury. -
Delhi: Primus Books, 2024. - xiii, 357 Seiten : IllustrationenSignaturen:- 265 rel 2025/542
Roychowdhury, Sohini: The dance of Kali : from darkness to light / Sohini Roychowdhury, Rishi Dasgupta. - Revised edition. -
Gurugram, India: Shubhi Publications, 2024. - 108 Seiten : IllustrationenSignaturen:- rel 51 H 325/507
Rāghavapaṇḍita Gosvāmi: Kṛṣṇa-bhakti-ratna-prakāśa / Rāghava Gosvāmī ; translated by HH Bhānu Swami. -
Chennai: ISKCON Chennai, 2023. - 168 SeitenSignaturen:- rel 51 I 925/466
Sarakāra, Somabrata: Tāntrikera ātmakathā / Somabrata Sarakāra. - Prathama prakāśa. -
Kalakātā: Karuṇā Prakāśanī, Jānuỵāri 2024. - 360 Seiten : Illustrationenতান্ত্রিকের আত্মকথা / সোমব্রত সরকার. - প্রথম প্রকাশ. -
কলকাতা: করুণা প্রকাশনী, Jānuỵāri 2024Signaturen:- nsp 2.18 W 2025/638
Selvanayagam, Israel: The Hindu religious traditions
Volume 1. - . -
New Delhi: Manohar, 2024. - 500 SeitenSignaturen:- rel 51 A 25/408::1
Selvanayagam, Israel: The Hindu religious traditions
Volume 2. - . -
New Delhi: Manohar, 2024. - viii Seiten, Seite 501-1124Signaturen:- rel 51 A 25/408::2
Sena, Jyotirmaẏa: Abhiśapta Paurāṇika caritra / Jyotirmaẏa Sena. - Dbitīẏa mudraṇa. -
Ḍhākā: Kathāprakāśa, Jūlāī 2023. - 240 Seitenঅভিশপ্ত পৌরাণিক চরিত্র / জ্যোতির্ময় সেন. - দ্বিতীয় মুদ্রণ. -
ঢাকা: কথাপ্রকাশ, Jūlāī 2023Signaturen:- nsp 2.18 W 2025/411
Sharma, Subrata: Relevance of classical Indian philosophy today / Dr. Subrata Sharma, Dr. Anil Kumar Acharya. - First edition. -
New Delhi: Aayu Publications, 2024. - x, 154 SeitenSignaturen:- rel 51 O 24/4156
Singh, Nikky-Guninder Kaur: Guru Nanak's transcendent aesthetics / Nikky-Guninder Kaur Singh, Colby College, Maine. -
Cambridge ; New York ; Port Melbourne ; New Delhi ; Singapore: Cambridge University Press, 2025. - ix, 288 SeitenSignaturen:- rel 54 B 25/372
Singh, Rana P. B.: Hindu tradition of pilgrimage : sacred space & system / Rana P.B. Singh. Foreword, Robert H. Stoddard. -
New Delhi: Dev Publishers & Distributors, 2013. - XIV, 399 S. : Ill., graph. Darst., Kt.
(Planet earth & cultural understanding series ; 9)Signaturen:- rel 51 A 25/405
Siṅghaī, Śrīyāṃśakumāra: Jainakarmasiddhānte bandhamuktivimarśaḥ / lekhakaḥ Ḍô. Śrīyāṃśakumāra Siṅghaī. - Prathamāvr̥tti. -
Jayapuram: Vimalavidyāśrutasaṃsthānaṃ, 2006. - 260 Seiten : Illustrationenजैनकर्मसिद्धान्ते बन्धमुक्तिविमर्शः / लेखकः डॉ. श्रीयांशकुमार सिंघई. - प्रथमावृत्ति. -
जयपुरम्: विमलविद्याश्रुतसंस्थानं, 2006Signaturen:- rel 53 D 25/47
Sutton, Nicholas: Exploring the Yoga sūtras / Nicholas Sutton. -
San Rafael ; Los Angeles ; London: Mandala, an Imprint of MandalaEarth, [2024]. - 351 Seiten : Illustrationen
(The Oxford Centre for Hindu Studies Mandala Publishing series)Signaturen:- rel 51 C 225/316
The holy teaching of Vimalakīrti : a Mahāyāna scripture / translated by Robert A. F. Thurman. -
New Delhi: Dev Publishers & Distributors, 2021. - 166 SeitenSignaturen:- rel 52 E 125/464
Thānvī, Ašraf ʿAlī: Bahishti zewar : (heavenly ornaments) / by Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanwi (Rah.) ; translated by M. Masroor Khan Saroha. - Revised edition. -
New Delhi: Idara Isha'at-e-Diniyat (P) LTD., 1998. - xxvii, 498, xi SeitenSignaturen:- rel 55 A 23/2546
Towards a transformed Indian church : after the ecclesial event of the pandemic / edited by Sebastian Kuthukallunkal, OFMCap. - Paperback edition. -
Bangalore ; Eluru, A.P., India: Omega Book World, 2023. - 332 Seiten : Illustrationen
(Vijnananilaym book series ; 6)Signaturen:- rel 56 E 25/496
Tribal Hermeneutics : Biblical Reflections from North East India / edited by B. Lalnunzira, A. Abeni Patton. -
Aizawl: North East India Society for Biblical Studies, 2023. - viii, 220 SeitenSignaturen:- rel 56 E 24/3481
Tripathi, Arvind: Buddhist suttas / Dr. Arvind Tripathi. -
New Delhi: Shree Publishers & Distributors, 2022. - viii, 258 SeitenSignaturen:- rel 52 D 124/4141
Vajra, Karma Jnana: The Buddhist communities of North-East India / Karma Jnana Vajra. -
Kolkata: Tathagata, 2022. - 167 Seiten : IllustrationenSignaturen:- 222 rel 2024/4160
Vithanagama, Ranmini: Unpacking coexistence : inter-group perceptions of the religious 'other' / Ranmini Vithanagama. -
Colombo: International Centre for Ethnic Studies, 2023. - x, 117 Seiten : DiagrammeSignaturen:- 295 rel 2025/352
Wohlschlag, Dominique: Le Kali-Yuga ou l'ambivalence de l'âge sombre / Dominique Wohlschlag. -
Paris: L'Harmattan, [2024]. - 179 Seiten
(Collection théôria)Signaturen:- rel 51 Q 25/314
Ġulām Aḥmad: Das Allheilmittel für die Herzen / Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad. - 1. Auflage. -
Frankfurt am Main: Verlag Der Islam, 2024. - 519 SeitenSignaturen:- rel 55 A 224/3786
Ġulām Aḥmad: Das Schicksal Athims / Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad. -
Frankfurt am Main: Verlag Der Islam, 2024. - 419 SeitenSignaturen:- rel 55 A 24/3785
Ġulām Aḥmad: Das wahre Wort / Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as), der Verheißene Messias und Imam Mahdi des Islam sowie Begründer der Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat ; herausgegeben unter der direkten Aufsicht von Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad Khalifatul Masih V (aba), (Fünfter Nachfolger des Verheißenen Messias (as) des Islam) ; aus dem Urdu von Intisar Ahmad Tanveer und Mubarak Ahmad Tanveer. - Erste Auflage der deutschen Übersetzung. -
Frankfurt am Main: Verlag Der Islam, 2023. - 367 Seiten : 1 IllustrationSignaturen:- rel 55 A 224/3200
Ġulām Aḥmad: Kohol für die Augen der Arya / Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad. - 1. Auflage. -
Frankfurt am Main: Verlag Der Islam, 2024. - 345 SeitenSignaturen:- rel 55 A 224/3784
Ġulām Aḥmad: Nūru l-ḥaqq
Teil 2. - . - Erste Auflage der deutschen Übersetzung. -
Frankfurt am Main: Verlag Der Islam, 2023. - 137 Seiten : IllustrationenSignaturen:- rel 55 A 24/3197::2
Śaṅkara: Dakshinamurti stotra / of Sri Sankaracharya. - Reprinted. -
Chennai: Samata Books, 2023. - lxxv, 225 Seiten, 8 ungezählte Seiten : illustrations (black and white, and colour)Signaturen:- rel 51 F 125/329
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