Neuerwerbungen im Januar 2025
Fach: Religion und Philosophie
Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergStand: 01.02.2025 09:00 – Anzahl der Neuerwerbungen: 38
A Muslim's concept of time / complied by Umm Muhammad. -
Jeddah: Abul-Qasim, 2002. - 47 Seiten : IllustrationenSignaturen:- rel 55 C 225/299
Ajijola, Adeleke Dirisu: The concept of family in Islam / Alhaji A. D. Ajijola. -
New Delhi: Adam Publishers & Distributors, 2008. - XXIII, 254 SeitenSignaturen:- rel 55 A 25/298
An ethnography of the Parsees of India : 1886-1936 / edited by A. M. Shah and Lancy Lobo. - First published. -
London ; New York: Routledge, 2022. - xxi, 233 Seiten : IllustrationenSignaturen:- rel 56 A 523/3839
Azami, Iqbal Ahmad: Muslim manners : a guide for parents and teachers of muslim children / Iqbal Ahmad Azami. - Revised edition. -
Leicester: UK Islamic Academy, 2004. - 112 SeitenSignaturen:- rel 55 C 225/302
Azimabadi, Badr: Etiquettes of Islamic life / Badr Azimabadi. -
New Delhi: Adam Publishers & Distributors, 2003. - 175 SeitenSignaturen:- rel 55 A 25/293
Az-zaujus salih / Mujlisul Ulama of South Africa. -
New Delhi: Idara Ishaʼat-e-Diniyat, 2005. - 112 SeitenSignaturen:- rel 55 C 225/276
Aḥmad, Faḍl: Aisha : the truthful / by Prof. Fazl Ahmad. -
New Delhi: Idara Ishaat-e-Diniyat. - 140 SeitenSignaturen:- rel 55 A 25/304
Bevilacqua, Daniela: From Tapas to Modern Yoga : Sādhus' understanding of embodied practices / Daniela Bevilacqua. -
Sheffield ; Bristol: Equinox Publishing, 2024. - xiv, 402 Seiten : IllustrationenSignaturen:- rel 51 C 25/165
Bilal, Muhammad: Beyond the law : living blasphemy in Pakistan : ethnography of mundane violence, faith, and lifeworlds / Muhammad Bilal. -
Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, [2024]. - xv, 205 Seiten
(Contemporary anthropology of religion)Signaturen:- 280 rel 2025/96
Bohanec, Cogen: Bhakti ethics, emotions, and love in Gauḍīya Vaiṣṇava metaethics / Cogen Bohanec. -
Lanham ; Boulder ; New York ; London: Lexington Books, [2024]. - xvi, 313 Seiten
(Explorations in Indic traditions: theological, ethical, and philosophical)Signaturen:- rel 51 I 925/167
Buṣūl, Asʿad Nimr: A guide for the young Muslim
Book 1. - . -
New Delhi: Goodword Books, 2004. - 60 Seiten : IllustrationenSignaturen:- rel 55 A 25/305::1
Denffer, Ahmad von: Islam for children / Ahmad Von Denffer. -
New Delhi: Markazi Maktaba Islami Publishers, September 2008. - 200 Seiten : Illustrationen
(Human Welfare Trust Publication ; no. 464)Signaturen:- rel 55 A 25/285
Dynamics of Islam in the modern world : essays in honor of Jamal Malik / edited by Saeed Zarrabi-Zadeh, Armina Omerika, Thomas K. Gugler and Michael E. Asbury. -
Leiden ; Boston: Brill, [2022]. - XVIII, 441 Seiten
(Social, economic and political studies of the Middle East and Asia ; volume 130)Signaturen:- rel 55 A 25/156
Encounters with the invisible : revisiting spirit possession in the Himalayas / edited by Marie Lecomte-Tilouine and Anne de Sales. -
London ; New York: Routledge, 2024. - xvi, 290 Seiten : Illustrationen, Notenbeispiele, 1 Karte
(Anthropology, religion, spiritualism, sociology of religion)Signaturen:- 103 rel 2025/145
Faza'il-E-Tijaarat : (virtues of merchandise) / by Mohammad Zakariya Kandhalwi. Transl. by Yusuf Karaan. -
New Delhi: Idara Isha'at-E-Diniyat, 1993. - VII, 101 S.Signaturen:- rel 55 C 225/277
Fārābī, Abū-Naṣr Muḥammad Ibn-Muḥammad al-: L'épître sur l'intellect / Abû Nasr al-Fârâbî. Trad. de l'arabe, annoté par Dyala Hamzah. -
Paris [u.a.]: L'Harmattan, 2001. - 109 S. : Ill.
(Collection "Traduire la philosophie")Signaturen:- rel 55 B 225/301
Holt, James: Understanding Hinduism : a guide for teachers / James D. Holt. -
London ; New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2024. - xv, 216 Seiten : Illustrationen
(Teaching religions and worldviews)Signaturen:- rel 51 A 25/177
Iṣlāḥī, Amīn Aḥsan: Self purification and development / Amin Ahsan Islahi ; englisch translation by Sharif Ahmad Khan. -
New Delhi: Adam Publishers & Distributors, 2000. - xii, 315 SeitenSignaturen:- rel 55 A 25/291
Iṣlāḥī, Muḥammad Yūsuf: Etiquette of life in Islam : new English version of A'dab-e-zindagi / Muhammad Yusuf Islahi. - Edition February 2007. -
New Delhi: Markazi Maktaba Islami Publishers, February 2007. - 423 Seiten
(Human Welfare Trust publication ; no. 70)Signaturen:- rel 55 A 25/294
Jassal, Aftab S.: Gods in the world : placemaking and healing in the Himalayas / Aftab S. Jassal. -
New York: Columbia University Press, [2024]. - XVIII, 244 Seiten
(Religion, culture, and public life)Signaturen:- 277 rel 2025/257
Kooriadathodi, Mahmood: Islamic law in circulation : Shafi'i texts across the indian ocean and the mediterranean / Mahmood Kooria. - First paperback edition. -
Cambridge ; New York ; Port Melbourne ; New Delhi ; Singapore: Cambridge University Press, 2024. - xv, 446 Seiten : Illustrationen, KartenSignaturen:- rel 55 A 225/180
Linden, Bob van der: Cultivating Sikh identity and culture : art, music and philology / Bob van der Linden. -
London ; New York: Routledge, 2025. - xv, 173 Seiten : Illustrationen
(Routledge critical Sikh studies)Signaturen:- rel 54 A 25/194
Literary cultures in early modern north India : current research / Edited by Imre Bangha and Danuta Stasik. -
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2024. - xiv, 492 Seiten : IllustrationenSignaturen:- rel 51 L 25/247
Maqṣūd, Ruqaiya: The Muslim marriage guide / Ruqaiyyah Waris Maqsood. - 1. publ.. -
New Delhi: Goodword Books, 1998. - 190 S. : Ill.Signaturen:- rel 55 A 25/287
Mind, body and self / Purushottama Bilimoria, Jaysankar Lal Shaw, Anand Vaidya, Michael Hemmingsen, editors. -
Cham, Switzerland: Springer, [2024]. - xxiii, 108 Seiten : Diagramme
(Sophia studies in cross-cultural philosophy of traditions and cultures ; volume 38)Signaturen:- rel 50 B 325/239
Minor God and Goddess in Indian Literature and Art <Veranstaltung, 2017, Ujjain>: Minor and folk deities in Indian literature and art / editor, Ram Kumar Ahirwar. -
Delhi: B.R. Publishing Corporation, 2019. - x, 94 Seiten : IllustrationenSignaturen:- 200 rel 2020/1686
Muslim parents, their rights and duties / editor A. Husain. - Revised edition. -
Delhi: Adam Publishers & Distributors, 1999. - 179 SeitenSignaturen:- rel 55 A 25/292
Nakashadīpa Pañjakohā, Ga. Sa.: In essence the bani of Guru Nanak Sahib
Volume 1. - . -
Patiala, Punjab, India: Autumn Art, [2022]. - 657 Seiten : IllustrationenSignaturen:- rel 54 B 24/4111::1
Neff, Deborah Lyn: Kerala's Pulluvas and Pampum Tuḷḷal : an enthnography of ritual practice / Deborah L. Neff ; foreword by V. Kaladharan. -
New Delhi: Manohar Publishers & Distributors, 2024. - xxiv, 241 Seiten : IllustrationenSignaturen:- 252 rel 2025/82
Ranganathan, Shyam: Yoga - anticolonial philosophy : an action-focused guide to practice / Shyam Ranganathan. - First published in Great Britain. -
London ; Philadelphia: Singing Dragon, 2024. - 192 SeitenSignaturen:- rel 51 C 25/211
Robibo, Aviva: The guru tradition : India's spiritual heritage / Aviva Robibo. -
Lanham ; Boulder ; New York ; London: Lexington Books, [2024]. - xi, 289 SeitenSignaturen:- rel 51 A 25/170
Stop worrying, relax ... be happy : (renew your life) / by Shaikh Muhammad al-Ghazali. - First edition. -
London: Al-Firdous Ltd., 2002. - 256 SeitenSignaturen:- rel 55 A 25/288
Swamy, Priya: Struggles for Hindu sacred space in the Netherlands : affect and absence / Priya Swamy. - First published in Great Britain. -
London ; New York ; Oxford$BNew Delhi ; Sydney: Bloomsbury Academic, 2024. - vii, 177 Seiten
(Bloomsbury studies in religion, space and place)Signaturen:- 429 rel 2025/195
The Sāṃkhya system : accounting for the real / edited by Christopher Key Chapple. -
Albany: State University of New York Press, [2024]. - xii, 286 Seiten : Illustrationen, Pläne
(Suny series in Hindu studies)Signaturen:- rel 51 C 125/153
The essential guide to Buddhism / edited by Gwendolyn Gillson. -
London ; New York ; Oxford ; New Delhi ; Sydney: Bloomsbury Academic, 2024. - xi, 205 Seiten : Illustrationen, Diagramme
(The essential guides to religion ; [vol. 1])Signaturen:- rel 52 A 25/176
The music made me do it : an in-depth study of music through Islam and science / Gohar Mushtaq. - 1. ed.. -
Riyadh: International Islamic Publishing House, 2011. - 276 S.Signaturen:- rel 55 A 25/289
Thub-bstan-sbyin-pa: Self, reality and reason in Tibetan philosophy : Tsongkhapa's quest for the middle way / Thupten Jinpa. - 1. publ.. -
London [u.a.]: RoutledgeCurzon, 2002. - XVI, 248 S : graph. Darst
(Curzon critical studies in Buddhism)Signaturen:- rel 52 F 25/250
Ḥasanī, ʿAbd-al-Ḥaiy al-: Tahdhīb al-Akhlāq : a Ḥadīth guide for personal and social conduct / Sayyed ʿAbduʾl-Ḥayy al-Ḥasanī. -
Leicester: UK Islamic Academy, 2003. - xx, 161 SeitenSignaturen:- rel 55 C 225/303
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