Neuerwerbungen im Mai 2024
Fach: Bibliothek des S�dasien-Instituts
Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergStand: 01.06.2024 09:00 – Anzahl der Neuerwerbungen: 221
Abhyaṅkara, Lakṣmībāī: The stepmother and other stories / Laxmibai Abhyankar ; translated from Marathi by Ranjana Kaul. -
Delhi: Ratna Books, 2023. - xii, 240 Seiten
(Ratna translations series)Signaturen:- nsp 13.33 C 2024/1204
Ahuja, Sushma: Satyam Shivam sundaram : female figurine in temple art / Dr. Sushma Ahuja. -
India ; Singapore ; Malaysia, 2022. - 270 Seiten : IllustrationenSignaturen:- rel 51 H 24/1304
Akbar Ilāhābādī: Haṅgāmā hai kyoṃ barpā / Akabara Ilāhābādī ; saṅkalana P̱harahata Ehasāsa. - Prathama saṃskaraṇa. -
Noeḍā, Uttara Pradeśa: Rek̲htā Buksa, 2023. - 182 Seitenहंगामा है क्यों बर्पा / अकबर इलाहाबादी ; संकलन फ़रहत एहसास. - प्रथम संस्करण. -
नोएडा: रेख़्ता बुक्स, 2023Signaturen:- nsp 21.15 B 2024/546
Amīrasāba, Sayyada Usmāna: Bhīṣma Sāhanī ke upanyāsoṃ kā saiddhāntika adhyayana / Ḍô. Sayyada Usmāna Amīrasāba. - Saṃskaraṇa prathama. -
Kānapura: Vānyā Pablikeśaṃsa, 2023. - 400 Seitenभीष्म साहनी के उपन्यासों का सैद्धान्तिक अध्ययन / डॉ. सय्यद उस्मान अमीरसाब. - संस्करण प्रथम. -
कानपुर: वान्या पब्लिकेशंस, 2023Signaturen:- nsp 8.12 G 2024/1867
Ascoli, F. D.: A revenue history of the Sundarbans : from 1870 to 1920 / F.D. Ascoli ; with an introduction by Ananda Bhattacharyya. - Second edition. -
London: Routledge, 2020. - 308 Seiten, 3 ungezählte Seiten : IllustrationenSignaturen:- 216 adm 2024/1837
Ashraf, Syed Irfan: The dark side of journalism : the culture and political economy of global media in Pakistan and Afghanistan / Syed Irfan Ashraf. -
Lahore: Folio Books, 2023. - xiv, 324 SeitenSignaturen:- 280 inf 2023/148
Ashraf, Syed Irfan: The dark side of news fixing : the culture and political economy of global media in Pakistan / Syed Irfan Ashraf. -
London: Anthem Press, 2022. - xvii, 221 Seiten : Illustrationen, Karten
(Anthem global media and communication studies)Signaturen:- 280 inf 2023/148
Atha Sarvapūja prā.. -
Muṃbaī: Purandare āṇi Kaṃpanī Bukaselara, 1829 [1907]. - 7 SeienSignaturen:- ind 52 D 523/2726 Kp, rara
Awan, Muhammad Safeer: Tarar's fragile times : the work of Mustansar Hussain Tarar / by Muhammad Safeer Awan. -
Lahore: Sang-e-Meel Publications, 2023. - 224 SeitenSignaturen:- nsp 21.15 G 2024/1469
Aḫtar-al-Imān: In this live desolation : autobiography of Akhtarul Iman / translated from Urdu by Baidar Bakht. -
New Delhi, India: Anjuman Taraqqi Urdu (Hind), 2023. - 248 Seiten
(Book serial number of Anjuman Taraqqi Urdu (Hind) ; 1670)Signaturen:- nsp 21.15 H 2010/4814
Aṣṭasāhasrikā Prajñāpāramitā : la perfection de sagesse en huit mille stances / traduite du sanskrit par Eugène Burnouf (1801-1852) ; éditée par Guillaume Ducoeur. -
Strasbourg: Université de Strasbourg, 2022. - 443 Seiten : Illustrationen, Porträts
(Publications de l'Institut d'histoire des religions ; 4)Signaturen:- rel 52 D 124/1788
Barua, Rupali Devi: The distant past of Assam / Dr. Rupali Devi Barua. -
Guwahati: Purbanchal Prakash, 2022. - 266 pages : illustrations (black and white), maps (black and white)Signaturen:- nsp 31.25 F 2024/1806
Baums, Stefan: Whatever Happened to Gāndhārī? : Prakrit, Sanskrit, and the “Gāndhārī Orthography” / Stefan Baums, 2024
In: Suhṛdayasaṃhitā. (2024), Seite 7-18 -
Baṃsala, Paramānanda: Indian folk music / Dr. Parmanand Bansal. -
New Delhi, India: Asia Publishers and Distributors, [2023]. - ix, 248 SeitenSignaturen:- 219 mus 2024/707
Bhakti aura śṛṅgāra kī prācīna holiyām̐ / saṅkalana/saṃpādana Śrīmatī Bhāvanā. - Saṃskaraṇa prathama. -
Haldvānī, Nainītāla, Uttrakhaṇḍa: Avicala Prakāśana, 2023. - 144 Seiten
(Holīgīta-saṅgraha)भक्ति और श्रृंगार की प्राचीन होलियाँ / संकलन/संपादन श्रीमती भावना. - संस्करण प्रथम. -
हल्द्वानी: अविचल प्रकाशन, 2023Signaturen:- nsp 8.12 B 2024/537
Bhalotra, Sonia: Intrahousehold resource allocation in rural Pakistan : a semiparametric analysis / by Sonia R. Bhalotra and Cliff Attfield. -
London: London School of Economics and Political Science, 1998. - 37, [1] S. : graph. Darst.
(The Development Economics Research Programme ; 11)Signaturen:- 280 wiw 2000/318 Kp
Bhalotra, Sonia: Investigating rationality in wage-setting / by Sonia R. Bhalotra. -
London: London School of Economics and Political Science, 1998. - 51, [1] S. : graph. Darst.
(The Development Economics Research Programme ; 10)Signaturen:- wiw 2000/317 Kp
Bhat, R. L.: Kashmir Quartet
book 3. - The Persian narrative of Kashmir : a corrigendum / RL Bhat. - First edition. -
New Delhi ; Kashmir: Gulshan Books Kashmir, 2023. - xviii, 438 Seiten : Illustrationen, TabellenSignaturen:- 251 his 2024/766::3
Bhatt, Siddheshwar Rameshwar: The Viśiṣṭādvaita vedānta of Rāmānuja : (a comparative and critical study) / S.R. Bhatt. - Reprint. -
Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass International, 2023. - x, 200 SeitenSignaturen:- rel 51 I 424/1266
Bhattacharjee, Amalendu: A descriptive catalogue of the manuscripts of South Assam
Vol. 2. - . -
Guwahati: EBH Publishers (India), 2023. - xviii, 342 SeitenSignaturen:- 229 inf 2022/4136::2
Bhowate, Sudesh M. B.: A critical analysis of Omprakash Valmiki's Joothan / Dr. Sudesh M. B. Bhowate. -
New Delhi, India: Authorspress, 2023. - XVI, 164 SeitenSignaturen:- nsp 8.12 G 2024/1789
Bhuiyan, Mosharraf Hossain: Der unsterbliche Sheikh Mujib : Abriss seines Lebens und Schaffens. - Erste deutsche Ausgabe. -
Dhaka: Biddya Prokash, Marsch 2024. - 222 Seiten : PorträtsSignaturen:- 292 biog 2024/1657
Bronkhorst, Johannes: Psychological transformation in Buddhism and Yoga / Johannes Bronkhorst, 2024
In: Suhṛdayasaṃhitā. (2024), Seite 243-361 -
Camana Lāla: Life & legend of Bhagat Singh : (a pictorial volume) / Chaman Lal. - First edition. -
New Delhi: Publications Division, Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Government of India, 1944 [2022]. - 212 Seiten : IllustrationenSignaturen:- 216 biog 2024/1163
Cauhāna, Subhadrākumārī: Subhadrā Kumārī Cauhāna kī sampūrṇa kavitāem̐ / saṃpādaka Mādhava Hāṙā. - Pahalā saṃskaraṇa. -
Dillī: Rājapāla, 2023. - 186 Seitenसुभद्रा कुमारी चौहान की सम्पूर्ण कविताएँ / संपादक माधव हाड़ा. - पहला संस्करण. -
दिल्ली: राजपाल, 2023Signaturen:- nsp 8.12 B 2024/808
Ceramics from the excavations in the historic settlement at Bī̄r-Koṭ-Ghwaṇḍai (Barikot) Swat, Pakistan (1984-1992)
Part 1. - Olivieri, Luca Maria: The study / Luca M. Olivieri ; presentation by Adriano V. Rossi ; foreword by Cameron A. Petrie ; contributions by Stefan Baum [und 17 weiteren]. -
Lahore: Sang-e-Meel Publications, 2020. - xi, 570 Seiten : Illustrationen, Diagramme, Karten
(ISMEO Serie orientale roma ; vol. 22,1)
(Bīr-Koṭ-Ghwaṇḍai interim reports ; vol. 4,1)
(Act-field school project reports and memoirs : Special volume ; 2,1)Signaturen:- 285 pha 2024/1781::1
Ceramics from the excavations in the historic settlement at Bī̄r-Koṭ-Ghwaṇḍai (Barikot) Swat, Pakistan (1984-1992)
Part 2. - Rossi, Adriano Valerio: The materials / Pierfrancesco Callieri ; presentation by Adriano V. Rossi ; foreword by Cameron A. Petrie ; forms lists with the contribution of Luca M. Olivieri ; drawings by Francesco Marore, based on the original sketches by Pierfrancesco Callieri and others ; photos by Pierfrancesco Callieri, Elisa Iori, Mauro Nascari and Luca M. Olivieri. -
Lahore: Sang-e-Meel Publications, 2020. - 653 Seiten : Illustrationen, Diagramme
(ISMEO Serie orientale roma ; vol. 22,2)
(Bīr-Koṭ-Ghwaṇḍai interim reports ; vol. 4,2)
(Act-field school project reports and memoirs : Special volume ; 2,2)Signaturen:- 285 pha 2024/1781::2
Cerulli, Anthony: Always already theorizing . . . in the field, elsewhere, all at once / Anthony Cerulli, 2024
In: Suhṛdayasaṃhitā. (2024), Seite 307-323 -
Cerulli, Anthony: Introduction / Anthony Cerulli, Philipp A. Maas, 2024
In: Suhṛdayasaṃhitā. (2024), Seite 1-5 -
Cerulli, Anthony: Preface / Anthony Cerulli, Philipp A. Maas, 2024
In: Suhṛdayasaṃhitā. (2024), Seite xiii-xvi -
Chitrakar, Madan: Nepali art : thoughts & musings / Madan Chitrakar. - First published in Nepal. -
Kathmandu: Sirjana College of Fine Arts, 2021. - 268 Seiten : IllustrationenSignaturen:- 163 kun 2024/1464
Critical Social Science perspectives on Indian cinema / edited by Anirudh Deshpande, Anagha Kamble. -
Delhi: Aakar Books, 2023. - 283 SeitenSignaturen:- 219 kul 2024/1153
Damodaran, Sumangala: Maps of sorrow : migration and music in the construction of pre-colonial AfroAsia / Sumangala Damodaran and Ari Sitas. - First published in India. -
New Delhi: Tulika Books, 2023. - 171 Seiten : Karten, NotenbeispieleSignaturen:- 100 mus 2024/1258
Das, Aioswarjya Kumar: Why museum and why not museum? : perspective of a museologist on museum and cultural heritage / A.K. Das. -
Delhi: B.R. Publishing Corporation, 2022. - xiv, 316 Seiten : IllustrationenSignaturen:- 200 kul 2024/1421
Das, P.K.: Kamrupia Dhulia : their lives and legacy : a discussion paper on traditional drummers of Kamrup District, based on field surveys / P.K. Das, Associate Director, Research Advisory Council, VKIC. - First edition. -
Guwahati, Assam: Vivekananda Kendra Institute of Culture, January 2018. - 20 Seiten : IllustrationenSignaturen:- 229 mus 2024/1256 Kp
Dasgupta, Partha: Decentralization schemes, cost-benefit analysis, and net national product as a measure of social well-being / by Partha Dasgupta and Karl-Göran Mäler. - 2. rev.. -
London: London School of Economics and Political Science, 1998. - 38 S.
(Development economics discussion paper series ; 12)Signaturen:- wiw 2000/319 Kp
Dasgupta, Partha: Population, consumption, and resources : ethical issues / by Partha Dasgupta. -
London: London School of Economics and Political Science, 1997. - 24, [4] S. : graph. Darst.
(The Development Economics Research Programme ; 5)Signaturen:- wiw 2001/1252 Kp
Dasgupta, Partha: The economics of food / by Partha Dasgupta. -
London: London School of Economics and Political Science, 1997. - 16 S.
(The Development Economics Research Programme ; 4)Signaturen:- wiw 2000/313 Kp
Datta O'connor, Manjula: Daughters of durga : dowries gender violence and family in Australia / Manjula Dattas O'Connor. -
Carlton: Melbourne University Press, 2022. - 290 SeitenSignaturen:- 910 eth 2024/1521
Dayal, Divya: Relevance of embellishments in Indian rāga-system / Dr. Divya Dayal. - First edition. -
Delhi: Motilal Banarasidass Publishing House, 2023. - xix, 269 Seiten
(Performing & visual arts series ; 3)Signaturen:- 200 mus 2024/774
De Chiara, Matteo: Toponymy of the Swāt valley : linguistic archaeology / Matteo De Chiara ; presentation by Adriano V. Rossi ; with a note by Luca M. Olivieri. -
Lahore: Sang-e-Meel Publications, 2020. - 287, 54 Seiten : Karten
(Serie orientale Roma : [Nuova serie] ; vol. 25)
(ACT-Field school project reports and memoirs : Archival studies ; 2)Signaturen:- 285 geo 2024/1779
De, Sarmistha: Human resource management in the days of John Company 1790-1850 / Sarmistha De. -
Kolkata: Thema, 2023. - xvi, 260 SeitenSignaturen:- 215 soz 2024/1040
Debating education in India : issues and concerns / edited by Maya John. - First edition (hardback). -
New Delhi: Tulika Books, 2023. - x, 290 SeitenSignaturen:- 219 paed 2024/1516
Dictionary of the Kurmali language : Bangla-Kurmali-English-Hindi / edited by Atanu Saha ; compiled by Arup Majumder, Bornini Lahiri, Dripta Piplai. -
Kolkata: Jadavpur University Press, 2021. - 64 Seiten : Illustrationen, TabellenSignaturen:- nsp 32.18 D 2022/4012
Dragomir, Cristina-Ioana: Power on the move : Adivasi and Roma accessing social justice / Cristina-Ioana Dragomir. -
London ; New York ; Oxford ; New Delhi ; Sydney: Bloomsbury Academic, 2022. - ix, 285 SeitenSignaturen:- eth 2024/1520
Drèze, Jean: Credit in rural India : a case study / by Jean Drèze, Peter Lanjouw and Naresh Sharma. -
London: London School of Economics and Political Science, 1997. - 85 S.
(The Development Economics Research Programme ; 6)Signaturen:- 219 wiw 2001/1253 Kp
Dāśa, Gaurāṅga Caraṇa: Caitanya subodhinī
1. - Ādi-līlā. - 3rd printing. -
Mumbai: Tulsi Books, December 2022. - 256 Seiten : Illustrationen, TabellenSignaturen:- rel 51 I 924/1137::1
Dāśa, Gaurāṅga Caraṇa: Caitanya subodhinī
2. - Madhya-Līlā : Chapters 1-13. - 2nd printing. -
Mumbai: Tulsi Books, December 2020. - 280 Seiten : Illustrationen, TabellenSignaturen:- rel 51 I 924/1137::2
Dāśa, Gaurāṅga Caraṇa: Caitanya subodhinī
3. - Madhya-Līlā : Chapters 14-25. - 1st edition. -
Mumbai: Tulsi Books, March 2018. - 288 Seiten : Illustrationen, TabellenSignaturen:- rel 51 I 924/1137::3
Dāśa, Gaurāṅga Caraṇa: Caitanya subodhinī
4. - Antya-līlā. - 2nd printing. -
Mumbai: Tulsi Books, September 2022. - 288 Seiten : Illustrationen, TabellenSignaturen:- rel 51 I 924/1137::4
Dīpti Kumārī: Mṛdulā Sinhā ke kathā-sāhitya meṃ nārīvādī cetanā / Dīpti Kumārī. - Prathama saṃskaraṇa. -
Gājiyābāda: Latā Sāhitya Sadana, 2023. - 152 Seitenमृदुला सिन्हा के कथा-साहित्य में नारीवादी चेतना / दीप्ति कुमारी. - प्रथम संस्करण. -
गाजियाबाद: लता साहित्य सदन, 2023Signaturen:- nsp 8.12 G 2024/607
Eugène Burnouf (1801-1852) et les études indo-iranologiques : actes de la journée d'étude d'Urville (28 mai 2022). suivis des Lalitavistara (ch. 1-2) et Kāraṇḍavyūha / traduits par E. Burnouf ; édités par Guillaume Ducoeur. -
Strasbourg: Université de Strasbourg, 2022. - 292 Seiten : Illustrationen, Karten, Porträts
(Publications de l'Institut d'histoire des religions ; 3)Signaturen:- rel 52 A 24/1787
Ferrari, Edoardo Paolo: Khangpa : a Ladakhi vernacular architecture's glossary / Edoardo Paolo Ferrari. -
Roma: Scienze e lettere, 2021. - 103 Seiten : Illustrationen, Karten
(Serie orientale Roma : Buova serie ; vol. 26)Signaturen:- nsp 42.2 D 2024/1780
For, in your tongue, I cannot fit : encounters with prison / edited by Shilpa Gupta and Salil Tripathi. -
Chennai: Context, an imprint of Westland Books, 2023. - XIII, 304 Seiten, 13 ungezählte Seiten : IllustrationenSignaturen:- nsp 9.21 B 2024/1791
Freschi, Elisa: Mīmāṃsā and Dharmaśāstra sources on permissions / Elisa Freschi, 2024
In: Suhṛdayasaṃhitā. (2024), Seite 195-218 -
Gandhara Connections (Projekt) / International Workshop <5., 2022, Online>: Gandhāran art in its Buddhist context : papers from the Fifth International Workshop of the Gandhāra Connections Project, University of Oxford, 21st-23rd March, 2022 / edited by Wannaporn Rienjang, Peter Stewart. -
Oxford: Archaeopress Archaeology, 2023. - viii, 88 Seiten : IllustrationenSignaturen:- 202 kun 2023/2143 Kp
Gawde, Shakuntala: Narrative analysis of Bhāgavata Purāṇa : selected episodes from the tenth skandha / Shakuntala Gawde. -
New Delhi: Dev Publishers & Distributors, 2023. - xii, 192 Seiten : Illustrationen
(Vaishnava studies series, Bhaktivedanta Research Center)Signaturen:- ind 52 B 124/1197
Gilbert, David E.: Countering dispossession, reclaiming land : a social movement ethnography / David E. Gilbert. -
Oakland, California: University of California Press, [2024]. - xiii, 275 Seiten : Illustrationen, DiagrammeSignaturen:- 370 agr 2024/1523
Gopāla Bhām̐ḏa / sampādaka Hariśacandra Caṭṭopādhyāẏa. - Prathama prakāśa. -
Kalakātā: Saumya Prakāśana, Jānuẏāri 2023. - 112 Seiten : Illustrationenগোপাল ভাঁড় / সম্পাদক হরিশচন্দ্র চট্টোপাধ্যায়. - প্রথম প্রকাশ. -
কলকাতা: সৌম্য প্রকাশন, Jānuẏāri 2023Signaturen:- nsp 2.18 C 2023/3943
Gopālarāma: Haṃsarāja kī ḍāyarī : (romāñca ke camatkārapūrṇa kāranāmoṃ kā eka manorañjaka citra) / Bābū Gopālarāma Gahamarī. - Prathama saṃskaraṇa. -
Dillī: Vikalpa Prakāśana, 2022. - 119 Seitenहंसराज की डायरी : (रोमांच के चमत्कारपूर्ण कारनामों का एक मनोरंजक चित्र) / बाबू गोपालराम गहमरी. - प्रथम संस्करण. -
दिल्ली: विकल्प प्रकाशन, 2022Signaturen:- nsp 8.12 C 2024/791
Goṇḍavānī : Goṇḍa saṃskr̥ti kī gāthāem̐ aura citrāṅkana / citrāṅkana Sureśa Dhurve ; pradhāna saṃpādaka Rajeśa Prasāda Miśrā ; saṃpādaka Aśoka Miśra. -
Bhopāla: Ādivāsī Loka Kalā evaṃ Bolī Vikāsa Akādamī, Madhyapradeśa Saṃskr̥ti Pariṣad, 2020. - 148 Seiten : Illustrationenगोण्डवानी : गोण्ड संस्कृति की गाथाएँ और चित्रांकन / चित्रांकन सुरेश धुर्वे ; प्रधान संपादक रजेश प्रसाद मिश्रा ; संपादक अशोक मिश्र. -
भोपाल: आदिवासी लोक कला एवं बोली विकास अकादमी, 2020Signaturen:- nsp 8.12 A 20204/1870 GF
Graheli, Alessandro: The choice of Devanāgarī / Alessandro Graheli, 2024
In: Suhṛdayasaṃhitā. (2024), Seite 263-293 -
Guṇabhadra: Ātmānuśāsana / Ācārya Guṇabhadra viracita ; Vijay K. Jain. -
Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India: Vikalp Printers, 2019. - XLVI, 240 Seiten : Illustrationen, TabellenSignaturen:- rel 53 B 124/1185
Gwilt, Lewis: Yoga in Ṛgveda : an exploration of its application and meaning / Lewis Gwilt. -
Heidelberg: Heidelberg Asian Studies Publishing, 2024. - 1 Online-Ressource (10 Seiten)
(Electronic journal of Vedic studies ; volume 29, issue 1) -
Gäb, Sebastian: Die Philosophie des Buddha : eine Einführung / Sebastian Gäb. -
TübingenNarr Francke Attempto Verlag, 2024. - 168 Seiten
(utb ; 6201)Signaturen:- rel 52 A 24/1310
Haksar, Nandita: Shooting the sun : why Manipur was engulfed by violence and the government remained silent / Nandita Haksar. -
New Delhi: Speaking Tiger Publishing Private Limited, 2023. - 260 Seiten : KarteSignaturen:- 256 pol 2024/1823
Handa, Devendra: Monolithic rock-cut temple, Masrur / Devendra Handa. -
Shimla: Himachal State Museum, December, 2018. - iii, 64 Seiten : IllustrationenSignaturen:- 245 arc 2019/3120 Kp
Hanumandhoka : doorway to Nepal's history and culture. -
Kathmandu: Government of Nepal, Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Civil Aviation, Hanumandhoka Durbar Museum Development Committee, [2022]. - 300 SeitenSignaturen:- 163 arc 2024/1462
Haridāsa: Śrī Kelimāla saṅgīta svaralipi / Rasika ananya nṛpati Śrī Svāmī Haridāsa jī Mahārāja kr̥ta ; svaralipikāra saṅgītajña Ajīta Lābha ; saṃyojikā, Ḍô. Urmilā Siṃha. -
Paṭanā: Viśuddhi Cairiṭebala Ṭrasṭa, [2023?]. - 156 Seiten : Illustrationenश्री केलिमाल संगीत स्वरलिपि / रसिक अनन्य नृपति श्री स्वामी हरिदास जी महाराज कृत ; स्वरलिपिकार संगीतज्ञ अजीत लाभ ; संयोजिका डॉ. उर्मिला सिंह. -
पटना: विशुद्धि चैरिटेबल ट्रस्ट, [2023?]Signaturen:- nsp 8.12 M 2024/801
Harishankar, B. S.: The other as hostile : Red-Jihadi terror on faiths and national identities / Dr. B S Harishankar. -
New Delhi: Indus Scrolls Press, 2023. - xi, 366 SeitenSignaturen:- 219 pol 2024/1818
History of Darjeeling : a study on society, economy, politics and environment / editors Kartik Chandra Sutradhar, Arun Ghosh, Manojit Das. -
New Delhi: Abhijeet Publications, 2023. - xi, 287 Seiten : Illustrationen, TabellenSignaturen:- 278 his 2024/1155
Illgner, Hannah: Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Emil Mühlmann - überzeugter Anhänger oder "nur" opportunistischer Forscher der NS-Zeit? / Hannah Illgner. -
München: Grin Verlag, 2011. - 23 SeitenSignaturen:- 431 biog 2024/1786 Kp
Indian-English theatre and drama / edited by Neeru Tandon. -
New Delhi: Atlantic Publishers & Distributors (P) Ltd, 2021. - xxi, 193 pagesSignaturen:- nsp 9.32 G 2024/1794
Indian practice of international law : global norms and their domestic enforcement / edited by Siddhartha Misra. -
London ; New York: Routledge, 2024. - xxi, 498 SeitenSignaturen:- 219 jur 2024/1527
Iyengar, B. K. S.: B.K.S. Iyengar yoga : the path to holistic health / B.K.S. Iyengar. -
London: Dorling Kindersley Limited, 2021. - 432 Seiten : IllustrationenSignaturen:- rel 51 C 224/1187
Jan, Changez: Forgotten Kings : the story of the Hindu Sahi Dynasty / Changez Jan. - First published in Pakistan. -
Lahore: Folio Books, 2023. - xxii, 176 Seiten : Diagramme, KartenSignaturen:- 290 his 2024/1461
Janakābhivaṃsa <Ashin>: Kathāsallāpasikkhā : (Pāli text with English translation) / written by "Aggamahāpaṇḍita" Mahāthera Janakābhivaṃsa. - First edition. -
Dhamma Giri, Igatpuri: Vipassana Research Institute, August 2021. - 180 SeitenSignaturen:- nsp 46.9 A 2024/1193
Jhā, Vikāsa Kumāra: The queen of Indian pop : the authorised biography of Usha Uthup / Vikas Kumar Jha ; translated by Srishti Jha. -
Gurugram, Haryana, India: Ebury Press, an imprint of Penguin Random House, 2022. - xvi, 290 Seiten : IllustrationenSignaturen:- 219 mus 2024/1317
Kali, Des Raj: Shanti parav : treatise on peace / Des Raj Kali ; translated from the original Punjabi by Neeti Singh. -
Hyderabad: Orient Blackswan Private Limited, 2020. - xxv, 125 pagesSignaturen:- nsp 16.12 C 2021/3557
Kapila, Shuchi: Postmemory and the partition of India : learning to remember / Shuchi Kapila. -
Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, [2024]. - xi, 149 Seiten : Illustrationen
(Palgrave macmillan memory studies)Signaturen:- 219 his 2024/1376
Kapstein, Matthew T.: Tibetan manuscripts and early printed books
Volume 1. - Elements. -
Ithaca ; London: Cornell University Press, 2024. - xxxi, 329 Seiten : Illustrationen, KartenSignaturen:- nsp 20.21 J 2024/1517 GF::1
Kardama, Jayaprakāśa: Vicāroṃ ke kṣitija : (sūkti evaṃ vicāra) / Jayaprakāśa Kardama. - Prathama saṃskaraṇa. -
Nayī Dillī: Svarāja Prakāśana, 2023. - 119 Seitenविचारों के क्षितिज : (सूक्ति एवं विचार) / जयप्रकाश कर्दम. - प्रथम संस्करण. -
नयी दिल्ली: स्वराज प्रकाशन, 2023Signaturen:- nsp 8.12 H 2024/811
Khan, Zeenat Azra: Between commas and full stops : story of an army wife / by Zeenat Azra Khan. - First edition. -
Karachi: Paramount Books (Pvt.) Ltd., 2023. - 140 Seiten : IllustrationenSignaturen:- 280 biog 2024/1459
Kingdon, Geeta Gandhi: Does the labour market explain lower female schooling in India? / By Geeta Gandhi Kingdon. -
London, 1997. - 47 S.
(The Development Economics Research Programme ; 1)Signaturen:- 219 paed 97/1024 Kp
Kisāna āndolana kā sakṣipta itihāsa : (kisāna sabhā ke saṃsmaraṇa) / Svāmī Sahajānanda Sarasvatī ; sampādaka Rāghava Śaraṇa Śarmā. - Prathama saṃskaraṇa. -
Nayī Dillī: Prakāśana Saṃsthāna, 2023. - 184 Seitenकिसान आन्दोलन का सक्षिप्त इतिहास : (किसान सभा के संस्मरण) / स्वामी सहजानन्द सरस्वती ; सम्पादक राघव शरण शर्मा. - प्रथम संस्करण. -
नयी दिल्ली: प्रकाशन संस्थान, 2023Signaturen:- nsp 8.12 N 2024/603
Krishnan, Radhika: The great outsider : Shanka Guha Niyogi : technology and green politics in India / Radhika Krishnan. -
Shimla: Indian Institute of Advanced Study, 2023. - vi, 113 Seiten : TabellenSignaturen:- 235 arb 2024/1822
Kumar, Nita: Women, gender and history in India / Nita Kumar. -
London ; New York: Routledge, 2024. - viii, 200 Seiten
(Gender history around the globe)Signaturen:- 200 his 2024/1348
Kundakunda: Essence of Niyamasāra : the law of cause and effect. - First edition. -
Chennai: Department of Jainology, University of Madras, April 2022. - xvi, 220 Seiten : IllustrationenSignaturen:- rel 53 B 324/1298
Kurus, Jō. Ṭi.: Asthinapuram / R. N. Joe D'Cruz ; translated from the original Tamil by V Kadambari. -
New Delhi: National Book Trust, 2021 = Saka 1942. - x, 288 Seiten : Illustrationen
(Aadan pradan)Signaturen:- nsp 20.12 C 2022/3502
Kṣīrasāgara, Gokula Gorakha: Sinemā aura philmāntarita Hindī sāhitya : (svarūpa, pravidhi evaṃ samīkṣā) / Ḍô. Gokula Gorakha Kṣīrasāgara. - Tṛtīya saṃskaraṇa. -
Kānapura: Vikāsa Prakāśana, 2023. - 240 Seiten : Illustrationenसिनेमा और फिल्मांतरित हिंदी साहित्य : (स्वरूप, प्रविधि एवं समीक्षा) / डॉ. गोकुल गोरख क्षीरसागर. - तृतीय संस्करण. -
कानपुर: विकास प्रकाशन, 2023Signaturen:- nsp 8.12 Q 2024/805
Leitz, Andreas: The branches of the Rig Veda - different traditions in Vedic period
Volume 3. - . - First edition. -
New Delhi, India: Pathak Publisher and Distributors, 2024. - 663 Seiten : IllustrationenSignaturen:- rel 51 B 23/1030::3
Les douze Upaniṣads majeures / traduction du sanskrit et commentaires de Jean Bouchart d'Orval. -
Paris: Éditions Almora, DL 2024. - 553 SeitenSignaturen:- ind 50 E 24/1511
Maas, Philipp André: Suhṛdayasaṃhitā : a compendium of studies on South Asian culture, philosophy, and religion, dedicated to Dominik Wujastyk / Philipp A. Maas, Anthony Cerulli, Stefan Baums, Kenneth Zysk, Cristina Pecchia, Dagmar Wujastyk, Patricia Sauthoff, Patrick Olivelle, Elisa Freschi, Christopher Minkowski, Johannes Bronkhorst, Alessandro Graheli, Wendy J. Phillips-Rodríguez. -
Heidelberg: Heidelberg Asian Studies Publishing (HASP), 2024
(Studia Indologica Universitatis Halensis ; Band 28) -
Maas, Philipp André: The religious orientation and cultural identity of early classical Ayurveda / Philipp A. Maas, 2024
In: Suhṛdayasaṃhitā. (2024), Seite 69-107 -
Mahatma Gandhi in Tamil : an anthology of writings on Gandhi in Tamil literature : special homage on the sesquicentenary of Mahatma Gandhi / volume editor Suneel Krishnan ; translator Kannan T ; series editors, G. N. Devy, Shyam Pakhare. - First edition. -
Mumbai: Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, 2022. - lxvii, 594 Seiten : Illustrationen
(Bhavan's Gandhi in Indian language series ; volume 2)Signaturen:- nsp 20.12 H 2024/1195
Maitra, Lipika: Jain paintings and material culture of medieval western India : 1100-1650 / Lipika Maitra. - First published. -
London ; New York: Routledge, 2024. - xlii, 345 Seiten : IllustrationenSignaturen:- 223 kun 2023/3678
Malhotra, Rajiv: Snakes on the Ganga : breaking India 2.0 / Rajiv Malhotra and Vijaya Viswanathan. - First impression. -
Noida, India: Ink, OCCAM, 2024. - li, 641 Seiten : IllustrationenSignaturen:- 730 bez 2024/1812
Manian, V. V. S.: Great composers and musicians of India
Volume 1. - . - First edition. -
New Delhi: Aayu Publications, 2023. - viii, 140 Seiten : IllustrationenSignaturen:- 200 mus 2024/871::1
Masood, Salman: Fall out : power, intrigue & political upheaval in Pakistan / Salman Masood. -
Lahore ; Karachi ; Islamabad: Vanguard Books, [2024]. - xviii, 177 Seiten : IllustrationenSignaturen:- 280 pol 2024/1460
McDougal, Elizabeth: The words and world of Ge bcags Nunnery : tantric meditation in context / by Elizabeth McDougal. -
Leiden ; Boston: Brill, 2024. - XIII, 262 Seiten : Illustrationen
(Brill's Tibetan studies library ; volume 56)Signaturen:- rel 52 F 24/1321
Mid-term implementation review of the seventh five year plan (FY 2016-FY2020) / General Economics Division (GED), Bangladesh Planning Commission. -
Dhaka: General Economics Division (GED), Bangladesh Planning Commission, Ministry of Planning, Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh, 2019. - 184 SeitenSignaturen:- 292 wiw 2024/1851
Minkowski, Christopher Zand: The Yogasāra cited in Vimalabodha’s commentary on the Mahābhārata / Christopher Minkowski, 2024
In: Suhṛdayasaṃhitā. (2024), Seite 219-241 -
Mishra, Raghavendra: Freedom movement and the press : forgotten struggle, sacrifices, and change / Dr. Raghavendra Mishra. - First edition. -
Varanasi: Bharati Prakashan, 2023. - 346 Seiten : Illustrationen, TabellenSignaturen:- 216 pol 2024/1190
Mohanty, Prafulla Kumar: Exploring Odisha's past : historical issues and dimensions / Prafulla Kumar Mohanty. - First edition. -
Delhi: Pratibha Prakashan, 2023. - xvi, 276 Seiten : IllustrationenSignaturen:- 265 his 2024/1189
More, Leena: History of Kannur and North Malabar : Kolatiri, Arakkal and Mysore sultans / Leena More. -
New Delhi: Manohar, 2024. - 240 Seiten : IllustrationenSignaturen:- 252 his 2024/1815
Mukherjee, Binode Behari: Scenes from Santiniketan
Volume 1. - . -
Kolkata: Gallery Rasa, 2023. - 112 Seiten : IllustrationenSignaturen:- 231 kun 2023/3451::1
Mukherjee, Binode Behari: Scenes from Santiniketan
Volume 2. - . -
Kolkata: Gallery Rasa, [2023]. - 1 ZeichnungSignaturen:- 231 kun 2023/3451::2
Mukherjee, Sharmistha: Pranab : my father ; a daughter remembers / Sharmistha Mukherjee. -
New Delhi: Rupa Publications India Pvt. Ltd, [2023]. - xi, 379 Seiten : IllustrationenSignaturen:- 219 biog 2024/1814
Mukhopadhyay, Amartya: Tagore's solutions for colonial degeneration : Indic societalism, nation, identities, and communities / Amartya Mukhopadhyay. -
London ; New York: Routledge, 2024. - ix, 233 SeitenSignaturen:- 218 pol 2024/157
Munshi, Kanaiyalal Maneklal: Jaya Somanath : the story of epic heroism and transcendental love of a temple dancer / K.M. Munshi ; translated from original Gujarati by H.M. Patel (I.C.S. (Retd.)). - Second edition. -
Mumbai: Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, 2018. - XIII, 432 Seiten
(Bhavan's book university)Signaturen:- nsp 7.21 C 64/2866
Museum of Christian Art (Panaji): One hundred iconic art objects from the Museum of Christian Art / editor Natasha Fernandes ; consulting editor Chitra Viraraghavan. -
Old Goa: Museum of Christian Art, 2022. - 168 SeitenSignaturen:- 242 rel 2024/1302
Music and peace / edited by Santi Nath Chattopadhyay. -
New Delhi, India: Authorspress, 2022. - 306 Seiten : IllustrationenSignaturen:- 200 mus 2024/739
Myanmar as India's NE understands / [editor], Nongthombam Jiten. -
New Delhi, India: Akansha Publishing House, 2022. - xix, 448 pages : 1 illustration (black and white), 1 map (black and white)Signaturen:- 320 bez 2024/1795
Māhamuda, Kāochāra: Prabādera saṅge kautuka phri
[1]. - . - Prathama prakāśa. -
Ḍhākā: Kathāprakāśa, Phēbruẏāri 2020. - 112 Seiten : IllustrationenSignaturen:- nsp 2.18 C 2024/1783::1
Māhamuda, Kāochāra: Prabādera saṅge kautuka phri
2. - . - Prathama prakāśa. -
Ḍhākā: Kathāprakāśa, Phēbruẏāri 2023. - 120 Seiten : IllustrationenSignaturen:- nsp 2.18 C 2024/1783::2
Mīram̐bāī : āja ke samaya meṃ / Anuja. - Prathama saṃskaraṇa. -
Naī Dillī: Prakāśana Vibhāga, 1943 [2022]. - xiv, 304 Seitenमीरँबाई : आज के समय में / अनुज. - प्रथम संस्करण. -
नई दिल्ली: प्रकाशन विभाग, 1943 [2022]Signaturen:- nsp 8.12 G 2024/795
Natu, Amruta Chintaman: Georg Bühler's contribution to Indology / Amruta Chintaman Natu. -
Piscataway, NJ: Gorgias Press, 2020. - x, 235 Seiten, 10 ungezählte Seiten mit Abbildungen : Illustrationen, Diagramme
(Harvard Oriental series : Opera minora ; 12)Signaturen:- ind 58 B 24/59
Newid, Mehr Ali: Von Buddha bis Hafiz : Aufsätze zu Indologie und Iranistik / von Mehr Ali Newid ; herausgegeben von Peter-Arnold Mumm und Gregor Thurmair. -
Wiesbaden: Reichert Verlag, [2023]. - 334 Seiten : IllustrationenSignaturen:- ind 58 V 24/1778
Nirmala, Jyotiprasāda Miśra: Strī-kavi-kaumudī / Jyoti Prasāda Miśra 'Nirmala' ; sampādana, Ḍô. Gopāla Bābū Śarmā. - Pahalā saṃskaraṇa. -
Dillī: Śāina Buksa Inṭaraneśanala, 2023. - 281 Seitenस्त्री-कवि-कौमुदी / ज्योति प्रसाद मिश्र 'निर्मल' ; सम्पादन, डॉ. गोपाल बाबू शर्मा. - पहला संस्करण. -
दिल्ली: शाइन बुक्स इंटरनेशनल, 2023Signaturen:- nsp 8.12 B 2024/807
Nund-Rishi: Alchemy of light
[1]. - . -
[Jammu and Kashmir, India]: G.N Adfar, 2011. - 480 SeitenSignaturen:- nsp 11.15 B 2024/1129::1
Nund-Rishi: Alchemy of light
2. - . -
[Jammu and Kashmir, India]: G.N Adfar, 2013. - 496 SeitenSignaturen:- nsp 11.15 B 2024/1129::2
Nund-Rishi: Alchemy of light
3. - . -
[Jammu and Kashmir, India]: G.N Adfar, 2022. - 352 SeitenSignaturen:- nsp 11.15 B 2024/1129::3
Nāorema Harimatī Debī: Maṇipurī khūbāka īśai / author Naorem Harimati Devi. -
Porompat, Imphal East: Harimati Dance & Music Centre, 2020. - xii, 84 Seiten : IllustrationenSignaturen:- 256 mus 2024/769
Nārāyṇavēlup Piḷḷai, M.: The life and deeds of Avvaiyyar / vithvaan, M. Narayana Pillai. -
Chennai: Manimekalai Prasuram, 2015. - vi, 148 SeitenSignaturen:- nsp 20.12 G 2022/3796
Oli, K.P. Sharma: Selected speeches of K P Sharma Oli
[1]. - . -
Kathmandu: Central Office, Communist Party of Nepal - UML, August 2016. - 222 Seiten, 8 ungezählte Seiten : IllustrationenSignaturen:- 163 pol 2024/529::1
Olivelle, Patrick: On the meanings of smṛtyantara / Patrick Olivelle, 2024
In: Suhṛdayasaṃhitā. (2024), Seite 181-193 -
Otter, Felix: Die Revitalisierung von Vāstuvidyā im kolonialen und nachkolonialen Indien / Felix Otter. -
Heidelberg: CrossAsia-eBooks, [CrossAsia-eBooks, Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg], [2016]. - 377 SeitenSignaturen:- ind 54 H 24/1834
Pandey, Gyanendra: Pañcatantram : Aparīkṣitakārakam nāma pañcaṃ tantram / Śrī Viṣṇuśarmā praṇītaṃ Pañcatantrāsyāntimatantram ; text with English commentary with annexing supplements and appendices by Prof. (Dr.) Gyanendra Pandey. - Edition fourth.. -
Varanasi: Chowkhamba Krishnadas Academy, 2014. - xi, 162 Seiten
(Krishnadas Sanskrit studies ; 9)Signaturen:- ind 55 D 124/1165
Patel, Kalahans: Garbā-rāsa : a folk music and dance / Kalhans Patel. -
Delhi: B.R. Rhythms, 2023. - 127 Seiten : IllustrationenSignaturen:- 243 mus 2024/1107
Pecchia, Cristina: The doctor, the patient, and their interaction : reading the Carakasaṃhitā / Cristina Pecchia, 2024
In: Suhṛdayasaṃhitā. (2024), Seite 109-125 -
Peiris, Gerald H.: Planning for the future of Kandy / G. H. Peiris. -
Colombo, Sri Lanka: S. Godage & Brothers (Pvt) Ltd, 2019. - xx, 372 pages : illustrations (black and white, and color), maps (black and white, and color)Signaturen:- 295 arc 2024/1796
Phillips-Rodríguez, Wendy J.: Sequencing, assembling, and annotating : a genomic approach to text genealogy / Wendy J. Phillips-Rodríguez, 2024
In: Suhṛdayasaṃhitā. (2024), Seite 295-306 -
Prasad, Meenakshi: Mind and music : demystifying the Thumri maestros / Meenakshi Prasad ; with a foreword by Late Pandit Birju Maharaj. - 2nd reprint edition. -
New Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass Publications, 2024. - 320 Seiten : IllustrationenSignaturen:- 200 mus 2024/420
Prasanna, Ravi Shankar: Indian classical music : a sequential guide to ragas / Pt. Ravi Shankar Prasanna. -
Delhi: B.R. Rhythms, 2023. - xxi, 106 Seiten : IllustrationenSignaturen:- 200 mus 2024/485
Punjab History Conference, 52nd Session, 28-29 February and 1st March, 2020 : proceedings / patron, Dr Arvind ; chief editor, Dr Daljit Singh ; editorial board, Dr Balwinderjit Kaur Bhatti, Dr Karamjit Kaur Malhotra. -
Patiala: Publication Bureau, Punjabi University, 2021. - vii, 451 pages : illustration (black and white)Signaturen:- inf Zs 647::52.2020
Pāla, Amarendra Nātha: Kedāranāthera upan'yāsa samagra
2. Khaṇḍa. - . - Prathama prakāśa. -
Kalakātā: Ānanda Prakāśana, 2021. - 208 SeitenSignaturen:- nsp 2.18 E 2024/1448::2
Pāṇigrāhī, Kāḷindīcaraṇa: Salt of the earth / Kalindi Charan Panigrahi ; translated from the Odia by Leelawati Mohapatra, Paul St-Pierre and K. K. Mohapatra. -
Gurugram: PenguinBooks, an imprint of Penguin Random House, [2022]. - xvi, 160 pagesSignaturen:- nsp 15.9 C 2008/720
Pāṇḍe, Mṛṇāla: Die Schöne und der Papagei : ein satirischer Roman aus Indien / Mrinal Pande ; aus dem Hindi übersetzt von Almuth Degener, Ines Fornell, Max Kramer, Heinz Werner Wessler. -
Heidelberg: Draupadi Verlag, 2023. - 124 SeitenSignaturen:- nsp 8.12 C 2024/1357
Pāṇḍe, Mṛṇāla: Sahelā re / Mr̥ṇāla Pāṇḍe. - Dusarā saṃskaraṇa. -
Naī Dillī: Rādhākr̥ṣṇa Prakāśana, 2020. - 198 Seiten : genealogische Tafelnसहेला रे / मृणाल पाण्डे. - दुसरा संस्करण. -
नई दिल्ली: राधाकृष्ण प्रकाशन, 2020Signaturen:- nsp 8.12 C 2024/567
Qāẓī, Faẓlu Sulaimānu: Law and politics in Pakistan / Fazul Sulieman Kazi. - 3rd edition, fully revised & updated. -
Karachi, Pakistan: Royal Book Company, 2024. - xvii, 548 SeitenSignaturen:- 280 jur 81/3023
Radhakrishnan, Indrani: The lost legacy of the Nilgiris
Volume 1. - . -
Chennai, Tamil Nadu: Notion Press, 2021. - 194 Seiten : IllustrationenSignaturen:- 225 kul 2024/1422::1
Ramasamy, A.: Gandhi's travels in Tamil Nadu / A. Ramasamy ; translated from the original Tamil by P. C. Ramakrishna. -
Hyderabad, Telangana, India: Orient Blackswan Private Limited, 2023. - xi, 673 Seiten : PorträtsSignaturen:- 216 rei 2024/524
Rangel-Ribeiro, Victor: Souza : the man, the artist, his loves and his times : a contemporaneous biography / Victor Rangel-Ribeiro. -
Vasco da Gama, Goa: Goa Publications Private Limited, [2019]. - 164 Seiten : IllustrationenSignaturen:- 219 kun 2024/1804
Ranjah, Zia Ullah: Separation of state powers in Pakistan / Dr. Zia Ullah Ranjah. -
Karachi: Pakistan Law House, [2023]. - XXVI, 310 SeitenSignaturen:- 280 jur 2024/1466
Rashid, Salman: Suleman G. Abro : green land's man / Salman Rashid. -
Lahore: Sang-e-Meel Publications, 2023. - 421 SeitenSignaturen:- 280 biog 2024/1468
Regionalism and national identity : Canada, India; interdisciplinary perspectives / ed. by M. P. Singh .... - 1. publ.. -
Delhi: Pragati Publ., 1994. - XIII, 241 S.Signaturen:- 710 pol 95/1891
Rehman, I.A.: A lifetime of dissent : a memoir / I.A. Rehman. -
Lahore: Folio Books, 2023. - xi, 182 Seiten : IllustrationenSignaturen:- 280 biog 2024/1457
Religion, landscape and material culture in premodern South Asia / edited by Tilottama Mukherjee and Nupur Dasgupta. -
London ; New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2023. - xvi, 280 Seiten : Illustrationen
(Archaeology and religion in south asia)Signaturen:- 200 his 2024/1839
Roche, Sophie: Konfliktforschung in der Ethnologie - eine Einführung : mit Beispielen aus aktuellen Asylverfahren / Sophie Roche. -
Berlin: Reimer, [2024]. - 302 SeitenSignaturen:- eth 2024/1528
Rosner, Gilles: Le désir et l’éveil : l’aventure du néo-tantra / Gilles Rosner. -
Paris: Almora Éditions, 2023. - 301 SeitenSignaturen:- rel 51 K 24/1512
Rump, Kabita: Yoga-sutra des Patanjali / Kabita Rump. -
Berlin ; Münster: LIT, [2023]. - 102 Seiten
(Quellentexte Religionen und Philosophie ; Band 7)Signaturen:- rel 51 C 224/1777
Rākeśa, Mohana: Mohana Rākeśa kī kālajayī kahāniyām̐ / sampādaka Ḍô. Sunītā Kumārī. - Prathama saṃskaraṇa. -
Naī Dillī, Bhārata: Satyam Pabliśiṅga Hāūsa, 2023. - XI, 290 Seitenमोहन राकेश की कालजयी कहानियाँ / सम्पादक डॉ. सुनीता कुमारी. - प्रथम संस्करण. -
नई दिल्ली: सत्यम् पब्लिशिंग हाऊस, 2023Signaturen:- nsp 8.12 C 2024/559
Rānī, Sudhā: Merī priya śreṣṭha kahāniyām̐ / Ḍô. Sudhā Rānī. - Prathama saṃskaraṇa. -
Dillī: Kauśika Pabliśiṅga Hāusa, 2023. - 104 Seitenमेरी प्रिय श्रेष्ठ कहानियाँ / डॉ. सुधा रानी. - प्रथम संस्करण. -
दिल्ली: कौशिक पब्लिशिंग हाउस, 2023Signaturen:- nsp 8.12 C 2024/558
Sahni, Bindu: Siwalik erosion and the Gujjar community of Himachal Pradesh : a study in the light of colonial policies / Bindu Sahni. -
Shimla: Indian Institute of Advanced Study, 2023. - xii, 226 Seiten : Illustrationen, KartenSignaturen:- 245 geo 2024/1824
Sai, Veejay: The many lives of Mangalampalli Balamuralikrishna : an authorized biography / Veejay Sai. -
Haryana, India: Vintage, an imprint of Penguin Random House, 2022. - xiii, 306 Seiten : IllustrationenSignaturen:- 225 mus 2024/408
Sainath, Palagummi: The Last Heroes : foot soldiers of Indian freedom / P. Sainath. -
Gurugram, Haryana, India: Penguin Viking, an imprint to Penguin Random House, 2022. - xxix, 272 Seiten : IllustrationenSignaturen:- 216 biog 2024/1309
Salam, Halide: Historical survey of the textiles of Bangladesh as a basis for a textile design and research centre / by Halide Salam, B.A., M.A.. -
Ann Arbor, Mich: University Microfilms International, 1977. - xi, 270 Seiten : Illustrationen, KartenSignaturen:- 292 kul 2024/1529
Sargana, Turab ul Hassan: Punjab and the war of independence 1857-1858 : from collaboration to resistance / Turab Ul Hassan Sargana. - First edition. -
Karachi: Oxford University Press, [2020]. - xi, 294 SeitenSignaturen:- 215 mil 2024/1522
Sarāvagī, Alakā: Entwurzelt : Roman / Alka Saraogi ; aus dem Hindi übersetzt von Almuth Degener. -
Heidelberg: Draupadi Verlag, 2024. - 253 SeitenSignaturen:- nsp 8.12 C 2021/4200
Sathe, Namrata Rele: The neoliberal self in Bollywood : cinema, popular culture, and identity / Namrata Rele Sathe. -
Bristol, UK ; Chicago, USA: Intellect, 2024. - xiv, 120 Seiten : IllustrationenSignaturen:- 255 kul 2024/1514
Sauthoff, Patricia: Cannabis in traditional Indian alchemy / Patricia Sauthoff, 2024
In: Suhṛdayasaṃhitā. (2024), Seite 165-179 -
Sañjīva: Samudra manthana kā pandrahavām̐ ratana / Sanjīva. - Prathama Setu saṃskaraṇa. -
Noeḍa: Setu Prakaśana Prā. Li., 2023. - 95 Seitenसमुद्र मन्थन का पन्द्रहवाँ रतन / संजीव. - प्रथम सेतु संस्करण. -
नोएड: सेतु प्रकशन प्रा. लि., 2023Signaturen:- nsp 8.12 C 2024/1882 Kp
Saṅgīta sañcintanam : reflections on art and history, celebrating ten glorious years of the Naada Bindu Festival 2021 / edited by Dr. Swapnil Chaphekar, Dr. Ramakrishna Pejathaya, Dr. P. N. Prabhavathy. -
Ernakulam, Kerala, India: Chinmaya International Foundation Adi Sankara Nilayam, Veliyanad, March 2022. - xxvii, 356 Seiten : Tabellen, IllustrationenSignaturen:- 219 mus 2024/429
Schleck, Julia: Conflicting claims to East India Company wealth, 1600-1650 : reading debates over risk and reward / Julia Schleck. -
Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, [2024]. - 236 Seiten
(Entanglements, interactions, and economies in the early modern world ; 1)Signaturen:- 214 wiw 2024/1380
Sen, Amartya: Development thinking at the beginning of the 21st century / by Amartya Sen. -
London, 1997. - 35 S.
(The Development Economics Research Programme ; 2)Signaturen:- wiw 97/2745 Kp
Sen, Amartya: Hunger in the contemporary world / Amartya Sen. -
London: London School of Economics and Political Science, 1997. - 24 S.
(The Development Economics Research Programme ; 8)Signaturen:- wiw 2000/315 Kp
Sen, Amartya: Inequality, unemployment and contemporary Europe / Amartya Sen. -
London: London School of Economics and Political Science, 1997. - 31 S.
(The Development Economics Research Programme ; 7)Signaturen:- 400 arb 2000/314 Kp
Sen, Amartya: What's the point of a development strategy? / by Amartya Sen. -
London: London School of Economics and Political Science, 1997. - 35 S
(Development Economics Research Programme ; 3)Signaturen:- wiw 97/2744 Kp
Shah, Rakesh: Vegetative dyes and tannins of Uttarakhand Himalaya / Dr. Rakesh Shah. -
Dehradun: Uttarakhand Biodiversity Board, [2017]. - xvi, 330 Seiten : IllustrationenSignaturen:- 277 nat 2024/1809
Sharma, Nirmala: Sanskrit Manuscripts from Japan
Volume 1. - . -
New Delhi: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts, 2023. - 267 Seiten : Illustrationen
(Kalāsamālocana Series)Signaturen:- rel 52 E 224/1294::1
Shekhar, Himanshu: Megalithic monuments and living traditions in Jharkhand / Himanshu Shekhar. -
Delhi: Agam Kala Prakashan, 2024. - xx, 220 Seiten : Illustrationen, Diagramme, KartenSignaturen:- 247 pha 2024/1419
Shrestha, Ramesh: A Nepali's American odyssey / Ramesh Shrestha. -
Kathmandu, Nepal: Himal Kitab, 2023. - xi, 108 Seiten : Illustrationen, KartenSignaturen:- 730 rei 2024/1458
Sinha, Awadhesh Coomar: Collaborators, rebels and traitors : dissenters from frontiers react to the Indian Union / Awadhesh C. Sinha. -
New Delhi: Manohar, 2024. - 310 Seiten : Illustrationen, PorträtsSignaturen:- 219 pol 2024/1817
Sirry, Munʾim A.: Youth, education, and Islamic Radicalism : religious intolerance in contemporary indonesia / Mun'im Sirry. -
Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press, [2024]. - xii, 351 Seiten : Illustrationen
(Contending modernities)Signaturen:- 370 rel 2024/1518
Siṃha, Vī. Ke.: "Bhārata meṃ Pheminij̱ma" : ādhunika Bhārata meṃ aurata ke sapane aura saṅgarṣa : (astitva kī pahacāna, asmitā kī dāvedārī aura śrama ke gaurava ke lie aupaniveśika yuga se Śāhīna Bāga saṅgharṣa taka) / Vī. Ke. Siṃha. - Pahalā peparabaika saṃskaraṇa. -
Ṭhāṇe, Mahārāṣṭra: Praleka Prakāśana Prāiveṭa Limiṭeḍa, in association with JVP Publication Pvt. Ltd., Sitambara 2022. - 662 Seiten
(Aurata : samūcī jamīna-samūce āsamāna ke sapane aura saṅgharsha ; II)"भारत में फेमिनिज़्म" : आधुनिक भारत में औरत के सपने और संघर्ष : (अस्तित्व की पहचान, अस्मिता की दावेदारी और श्रम के गौरव के लिए औपनिवेशिक युग से शाहीन बाग संघर्ष तक) / वी. के. सिंह. - पहला पेपरबैक संस्करण. -
ठाणे: प्रलेक प्रकाशन प्राइवेट लिमिटेड, Sitambara 2022Signaturen:- nsp 8.12 X 2024/785
Slaje, Walter: A Stone of Contention : Afterthoughts on the Rigvedic vájra - and Why a Mace is not an Option / Walter Slaje. -
Heidelberg: Heidelberg Asian Studies Publishing, 2024. - 1 Online-Ressource (56 Seiten)
(Electronic journal of Vedic studies ; volume 29, issue 2) -
Smedt, Marc de: Ramakrishna : le grand sage précurseur / Marc de Smedt. -
Paris: Almora Éditions, [2024]. - 210 Seiten : IllustrationenSignaturen:- rel 51 N 24/1513
South Asian International Art Camp <1., 2018, Kathmandu>: 1st South Asian International Art Camp Nepal 2018 / editorial advisor: S.C. Suman, Ramesh Shrestha. -
Kathmandu, Nepal: Nepal Academy of Fine Arts, July, 2018. - 70 Seiten : IllustrationenSignaturen:- 200 kun 2023/2461 Kp
Stevenson, Emily Rose: British Indian picture postcards in Bengaluru : ephemeral entanglements / Emily Stevenson. -
New York ; London: Routledge, 2024. - xii, 164 Seiten : Illustrationen
(Photography, history: history, photography)Signaturen:- 249 kul 2024/165
Strothmann, Christiane: Learning from a Monastic Musician : Masters of Chant and the Function of Ritual Music in the Tibetan Bön Tradition / Christiane Strothmann. - 1. Auflage. -
Baden-Baden: Tectum Verlag, 2024. - 591 Seiten : Notenbeispiele, Illustrationen
(Musik und Religion ; Band 2)Signaturen:- rel 52 F 24/1226
Subrahmanyam, Sanjay: Across the Green Sea : histories from the western Indian Ocean, 1440-1640 / Sanjay Subrahmanyam. - First edition. -
Austin: University of Texas Press, [2024]. - xix, 274 Seiten
(Connected histories of the Middle East and the Global South)Signaturen:- 962 his 2024/1519
Sulehri, Muhammad Anwar: Parliamentary practice and working of legislatures in Pakistan / Muhammad Anwar Sulehri. - First edition. -
[Islamabad]: Muhammad Anwar Sulehri, 2019. - xl, 892 Seiten : IllustrationenSignaturen:- 280 pol 2024/1465
Sumon, Mahmudul H.: Ethnicity and Adivasi identity in Bangladesh / Mahmudul H. Sumon. -
London ; New York, NY: Routledge, 2023. - xii, 117 Seiten : IllustrationenSignaturen:- 292 eth 2024/1838
Tatke, Vasudeva Prabhakar: Manoramá mádhavam
Vol. 1. - . -
Ahmedabad: Aryodava Press, 1893. - 175 SeitenSignaturen:- ind 55 D 124/74 Kp, rara::1
The Mughals and the North-East : encounter and assimilation in medieval India / edited by Sajal Nag. -
London ; New York: Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2024. - 538 Seiten : IllustrationenSignaturen:- 211 bez 2024/1840
The greatest Punjabi stories ever told / selected and edited by Renuka Singh and Balbir Madhopuri. -
New Delhi: Aleph Book Company, 2023. - xiii, 324 Seiten
(Greatest stories ever told)Signaturen:- nsp 16.12 C 2024/677
The rootless root : a commentary on Kapila's Sāṅkhyadarśana / Uttara Nerurkar. - First edition. -
Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass Publishing House, 2023. - xvi, 392 SeitenSignaturen:- rel 51 C 124/1202
Thomas, Susan: Indebted mobilities : Indian youth, migration, and the internationalizing university / Susan Thomas. -
Chicago: The University of Chicago, 2024. - 214 SeitenSignaturen:- 730 paed 2024/1524
Tibetan magic : past and present / edited by Cameron Bailey and Aleksandra Wenta. -
London ; New York ; Oxford ; New Delhi ; Sydney: Bloomsbury Academic, 2024. - vi, 254 Seiten : IllustrationenSignaturen:- rel 52 F 24/1526
Tiruvaḷḷuvar: Tirukkuṟaḷ : a bilingual edition in Tamil and English / attributed to Tiruvaḷḷuvar ; translated by Vishnampet R. Ramachandra Dikshitar. -
Dundee: Evertype, 2024. - xix, 275 SeitenSignaturen:- nsp 20.12 B 2024/1515
Traditional musical instruments, costumes & jewelleries / Department of Arts & Culture. -
Shillong: Directorate of Arts and Culture, Government of Meghalaya, [2022]. - 20 Seiten : IllustrationenSignaturen:- 257 mus 2024/1287 Kp
Tripathy, Ratnakar: Singing languages : regional music industries in the Hindi belt / Ratnakar Tripathy. - First published. -
Shimla: Indian Institute of Advanced Study, 2023. - xi, 147 SeitenSignaturen:- 221 mus 2024/503
Tripāṭhī, Ravīndra: Pahalā satyāgrahī / Ravīndra Tripāṭhī. - Prathama saṃskaraṇa. -
Noeḍa: Setu Prakaśana Prā. Li., 2023. - 104 Seitenपहला सत्याग्रही / रवीन्द्र त्रिपाठी. - प्रथम संस्करण. -
नोएड: सेतु प्रकशन प्रा. लि., 2023Signaturen:- nsp 8.12 D 2024/1879
Trojanow, Ilija: Gebrauchsanweisung für Indien / Ilija Trojanow. - Aktualisierte und erweiterte Neuausgabe. -
München: Piper, 2024. - 186 Seiten : Mit einer farbigen Karte
([Serie Piper] ; 7781)Signaturen:- 219 ldk 2006/4081
Tulasīdāsa: The sea of separation : a translation from the Ramayana of Tulsidas / Tulsidas ; translated by Philip Lutgendorf. -
Cambridge, Massachusetts ; London, England: Harvard University Press, 2024. - xxv, 175 Seiten
(Murty classical library of India ; volume 24)Signaturen:- nsp 1.34 B 2024/1525
Tíwa Matre Khâda Pasêng : a handbook of Tiwa teaching and learning (in Assamese and English) / chief editor, Aleendra Brahma. -
Mysuru: Central Institute of Indian Languages, 2021. - xv, 330 Seiten
(CIIL golden jubilee publication series)Signaturen:- nsp 50.23 A 2023/3133
Tāraṛ, Mustanṣir Husain: Sorrows of Sarasvati : the lost river : a translation of Mustansar Hussain Tarar's Bahao / by Safeer Awan, Saleem Khan. -
Lahore: Sang-e-Meel Publications, 2023. - 386 SeitenSignaturen:- nsp 21.15 C 2024/1467
Udaya Prakāśa: Antima nīmbū / Udaya Prakāśa. - Sajilda prathama saṃskaraṇa. -
Nayī Dillī: Vāṇī Prakāśana, 2023. - 155 Seiten : Illustrationenअन्तिम नीम्बू / उदय प्रकाश. - सजिल्द प्रथम संस्करण. -
नयी दिल्ली: वाणी प्रकाशन, 2023Signaturen:- nsp 8.12 C 2024/1475
Upādhyāya, Narmadāprasāda: Bundelakhaṇḍa ke bhitticitra / Narmadā Prasāda Upādhyāya ; pradhāna saṃpādaka Dharmendra Pāre ; saṃpādaka Aśoka Miśra. -
Bhopāla: Ādivāsī Loka Kalā evaṃ Bolī Vikāsa Akādamī, Madhyapradeśa Saṃskr̥ti Pariṣad, 2021. - 616 Seiten : Illustrationenबुन्देलखण्ड के भित्तिचित्र / नर्मदा प्रसाद उपाध्याय ; प्रधान संपादक धर्मेन्द्र पारे ; संपादक अशोक मिश्र. -
भोपाल: आदिवासी लोक कला एवं बोली विकास अकादमी, 2021Signaturen:- nsp 8.12 Q 2024/1868 GF
Vaiśvīkaraṇa ke pariprekṣya meṃ Hindī bhāṣā aura sāhitya / sampādaka Pro. Ḍô. Nāgarāja Uttamarāva Muḷe ; saha-sampādaka Ḍô. Pāṇḍuraṅga Jñānobā Cilagara. - Prathama saṃskaraṇa. -
Kānapura, U. Pra.: Saṅkalpa Prakāśana, 2022. - 104 Seitenवैश्वीकरण के परिप्रेक्ष्य में हिन्दी भाषा और साहित्य / संपादक प्रो. डॉ. नागराज उत्तमराव मुळे ; सह-संपादक डॉ. पांडुरंग ज्ञानोबा चिलगर. - प्रथम संस्करण. -
कानपुर: संकल्प प्रकाशन, 2022Signaturen:- nsp 38.12 F 2024/809
Visages du dharma / études réunies par Silvia D'Intino & Christèle Barois. -
[Paris]: Éditions de l'École des hautes études en sciences sociales, [2023]. - 379 Seiten : Illustrationen
(Collection Puruṣārtha ; 39)Signaturen:- rel 51 A 24/1378
Wali: Lokapriya śāyara aura unakī śāyarī : Valī Dakanī / saṃpādaka Sureśa Salila. - Pahalā saṃskaraṇa. -
Dillī: Rājapāla, 2023. - 111 Seitenलोकप्रिय शायर और उनकी शायरी : वली दकनी / संपादक सुरेश सलिल. - पहला संस्करण. -
दिल्ली: राजपाल, 2023Signaturen:- nsp 21.15 B 2024/1872 Kp
Wani, Muhammad Ashraf: Islam in Kashmir : fourteenth to sixteenth century / Muhammad Ashraf Wani. - Second edition. -
Srinagar, Kashmir, India: Gulshan Books, 2023. - x, 522 SeitenSignaturen:- 251 rel 2024/1301
Willis, R. J.: The weights of Mughal India / R.J. Willis. -
New Delhi: Manohar, 2024. - 288 Seiten : IllustrationenSignaturen:- 211 wiw 2024/1816
Wujastyk, Dagmar: The forge and the crucible$images of alchemical apparatuses on manuscripts of the Rasendramaṅgala / Dagmar Wujastyk, 2024
In: Suhṛdayasaṃhitā. (2024), Seite 127-163 -
Zoller, Claus Peter: Indo-Aryan and the linguistic history and prehistory of North India
Part 1. - . -
Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 2023. - XXVIII, 506 Seiten : Illustrationen, Karten
(Neuindische Studien ; Band 20,1)Signaturen:- nsp 39.29 E 2023/2624::1
Zoller, Claus Peter: Indo-Aryan and the linguistic history and prehistory of North India
Part 2. - . -
Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 2023. - Seite 510-1086
(Neuindische Studien ; Band 20,2)Signaturen:- nsp 39.29 E 2023/2624::2
Zysk, Kenneth G.: The Knowledge of the Crow (vāyasavidyā) : Gārgīyajyotiṣa, aṅga 19 / Kenneth Zysk, 2024
In: Suhṛdayasaṃhitā. (2024), Seite 19-68 -
Ācārya Caturasena Śāstrī : smr̥ti cinha / saṃpādaka Jyotsanā Guptā. - Prathama Hindī saṃskaraṇa. -
Guṙagāṃva, Hariyāṇā, Bhārata: Hinda Pôkeṭa Buksa, Peṅguina Raiṇḍama Hāusa Impriṇṭa, 2022. - xv, 263 Seiten : Illustrationenआचार्य चतुरसेन शास्त्री : स्मृति चिन्ह / संपादक ज्योत्सना गुप्ता. - प्रथम हिन्दी संस्करण. -
गुड़गांव: हिन्द पॉकेट बुक्स, 2022Signaturen:- nsp 8.12 H 2024/531
Āhameda, Humāẏūna: Racanābalī
1. - . - Prathama prakāśa. -
Ḍhākā: Anyaprakāśa, 13 Nabhembara 2008. - 624 SeitenSignaturen:- nsp 2.18 E 2024/1453::1
Āhameda, Humāẏūna: Racanābalī
2. - . - Prathama prakāśa. -
Ḍhākā: Anyaprakāśa, 13 Nabhembara 2008. - 624 SeitenSignaturen:- nsp 2.18 E 2024/1453::2
Āhameda, Humāẏūna: Racanābalī
3. - . - Prathama prakāśa. -
Ḍhākā: Anyaprakāśa, 2010. - 615 SeitenSignaturen:- nsp 2.18 E 2024/1453::3
Āhameda, Humāẏūna: Racanābalī
4. - . - Prathama prakāśa. -
Ḍhākā: Anyaprakāśa, 13 Nabhembara 2008. - 614 SeitenSignaturen:- nsp 2.18 E 2024/1453::4
Śivamūrti: Agama bahai dariyāva / Śivamūrti. - Pahalā saṃskaraṇa. -
Naī Dillī: Rājakamala Prakāśana, 2023. - 586 Seiten : Illustrationenअगम बहै दरियाव / शिवमूर्ति. - पहला संस्करण. -
नई दिल्ली: राजकमल प्रकाशन, 2023Signaturen:- nsp 8.12 C 2024/1875
Śivamūrti: Keśara kastūrī / Śivamūrti. - Cauthā saṃskaraṇa. -
Naī Dillī: Rājakamala Prakāśana, 2015. - 140 Seitenकेशर कस्तूरी / शिवमूर्ति. - चौथा संस्करण. -
नई दिल्ली: राजकमल प्रकाशन, 2015Signaturen:- nsp 8.12 C 2024/1877
Śivamūrti: Kuccī kā kānūna / Śivamūrti. - Pahalā saṃskaraṇa. -
Naī Dillī: Rājakamala Prakāśana, 2016. - 152 Seitenकुच्ची का कानून / शिवमूर्ति. - पहला संस्करण. -
नई दिल्ली: राजकमल प्रकाशन, 2016Signaturen:- nsp 8.12 C 2024/1878
Śivamūrti: Pratinidhi kahāniyām̐ / Śivamūrti ; sampādaka Vinoda Tivārī. - Rājakamala Peparabaiksa meṃ pahalā saṃskaraṇa. -
Naī Dillī: Rājakamala Prakāśana, 2023. - 208 Seitenप्रतिनिधि कहानियाँ / शिवमूर्ति ; सम्पादक विनोद तिवारी. - राजकमल पेपरबैक्स में पहला संस्करण. -
नई दिल्ली: राजकमल प्रकाशन, 2023Signaturen:- nsp 8.12 C 2024/1881
Śrī Brahmāṇḍa Mahāpurāṇa's Śrīlalitopākhyānam. - First edition. -
Varanasi: Chaukhamba Surbharti Prakashan, 2023. - xviii, 581 Seiten
(Chaukhamba Surbharati studies ; 29)Signaturen:- ind 52 B 124/1200
1. Bhāgaḥ. - . - Prathama saṃskaraṇa. -
Sāranāthaḥ, Vārāṇasī: Kendrīya-Uccatibbatīśikṣāsaṃsthānam, 2566 [2023]. - lxxii, 287 Seiten
(Durlabha bauddha granthamālā ; 40)Signaturen:- rel 52 F 124/1128::1
Śrīvāstava, Garimā: Āuśavitj̱a : eka prema kathā / Garimā Śrīvāstava. - Prathama saṃskaraṇa. -
Nayī Dillī: Vāṇī Prakāśana, 2023. - 224 Seiten : Illustrationenआउशवित्ज़ : एक प्रेम कथा / गरिमा श्रीवास्तव. - प्रथम संस्करण. -
नयी दिल्ली: वाणी प्रकाशन, 2023Signaturen:- nsp 8.12 C 2024/1476
Ṭabāṭabāʾī, Ġulām-Ḥusain Ḫān: Siyaruʾl-mutaʾakhkhirin : the history of latter days : India in the eighteenth century / Ghulam Husain Khan ; with a foreword and translation by Wheeler Thackston. -
Delhi: Primus Books, 2023. - xx, 1001 SeitenSignaturen:- 210 his 82/2503
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