Neuerwerbungen im Juni 2024
Fach: Bibliothek des Anglistischen Seminars
Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergStand: 01.07.2024 09:00 – Anzahl der Neuerwerbungen: 64
1883 : a Yellowstone origin story / Created by Taylor Sheridan; starring Sam Elliott, Tim McGraw, Faith Hill. -
Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar: Paramount Pictures, [2022]. - 4 Blu-Ray-Discs (Ländercode 2, 560 min)Signaturen:- PVD/WES EIG 1
Abdurraqib, Hanif: There's always this year : on basketball and ascension / Hanif Abdurraqib. - First edition. -
New York: Random House, [2024]. - pages cmSignaturen:- U ABD 101
Akbar, Kaveh: Martyr! / Kaveh Akbar. - First edition. -
New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2024. - 331 pagesSignaturen:- U AKB 101
Apted, Michael: Enigma - Das Geheimnis / [Darsteller:] Dougray Scott; Kate Winslet; Jeremy Northam ... Musik: John Berry. Kamera: Seamus McGarvey. Drehbuch: Tom Stoppard. Nach dem Roman von Robert Harris. Regie: Michael Apted. -
[Berlin]: Senator Home Entertainment, 2010. - 1 DVD-Video (Ländercode 2, 114 Min.) : farb.Signaturen:- PVD/LIT ENI 1
Austenistan / edited by Laaleen Sukhera. -
Neu Dehli: Bloomsbury Publishing India Pvt. Ltd, 2018. - 179 SeitenSignaturen:- G OF 382
Auster, Paul: The New York trilogy
3. - The locked room / by Paul Auster. -
Los Angeles, California.: Sun & Moon Press, 1986. - 203 Seiten
(New American fiction series ; 6)Signaturen:- U AUS II 120
Banks, Russell: American spirits / Russell Banks. - First edition. -
New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2024Signaturen:- U BAN 102
Bew, Paul: Ancestral Voices in Irish Politics : Judging Dillon and Parnell / Paul Bew. -
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2023. - 256 SeitenSignaturen:- D BN 2072
Blick, Hugo: The english : die komplette Serie / von Hugo Blick ; [Darsteller:] Emily Blunt, Chaske Spencer, Stephen Rea [und weitere] ; written by Hugo Blick ; [Regie: Hugo Blick]. -
[München]: polyband Medien GmbH, [2022]. - 2 DVD-Videos (317 min + Bonus 14 min) : farbig, Dolby Digital 5.1, DVD-9, Region 2, PALSignaturen:- PVD/WES ENG 1
Boddy, Kasia: Blooming flowers : a seasonal history of plants and people / Kasia Boddy. -
New Haven: Yale University Press, [2020]. - xxiii, 249 pages : illustrations (chiefly color)Signaturen:- D IP 2014
Collins, Suzanne: The ballad of songbirds and snakes / Suzanne Collins. -
London: Scholastic, 2020. - 517 SeitenSignaturen:- U COL II 104
Contemporary Indian English literature : contexts - authors - genres - model analyses / Cecile Sandten/Indrani Karmakar/Oliver von Knebel Doeberitz (eds.). -
Tübingen: Narr Francke Attempto, [2024]. - 325 Seiten
(narr Studienbücher Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaft)Signaturen:- R/IND FC 273
Crosthwaite, Paul: The market logics of contemporary fiction / Paul Crosthwaite (University od Edinburgh). -
Cambridge ; New York ; Melbourne ; New Delhi ; Singapore: Cambridge University Press, 2019. - xi, 306 Seiten
(Cambridge studies in twenty-first-century literature and culture)Signaturen:- F ES 1993
Eberle, Nicole: Bermudian English : a sociohistorical and linguistic profile / Nicole Eberle, University of Basel. -
Amsterdam ; Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company, [2021]. - XII, 231 Seiten : Diagramme, Karten, Illustrationen
(Varieties of English around the world ; volume G64)Signaturen:- S SM 95
Edwards, Gareth: The creator / [starring:] John David Washington, Gemma Chan, Ken Watanabe, Sturgill Simpson and Allison Janney ; music by Hans Zimmer ; director of photography: Greig Fraser ; screenplay by Gareth Edwards and Chris Weitz ; directed by Gareth Edwards. -
[Los Angeles]: 20th Century Studios, [2023]. - 1 Blu-Ray-Disc (circa 133 min) : farbigSignaturen:- PVD/FAN CRE 1
Egan, Jennifer: The candy house : a novel / Jennifer Egan. - First Scribner hardcover edition. -
New York ; London ; Toronto ; Sydney ; New Dehlih: Scribner, April 2022. - 334 SeitenSignaturen:- U EGA 103
Eliot, T. S.: The family reunion : a play / by T. S. Eliot. - Repr.. -
London: Faber and Faber, 1972. - 126 S.
(Faber paper covered editions)Signaturen:- O ELI 67
Forms at work : new formalist approaches in the study of literature, culture, and media / Elizabeth Kovach, Imke Polland, Ansgar Nünning (eds.). -
Trier: WVT, Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, [2021]. - 309 Seiten : Illustrationen
(ELCH ; Band 81)Signaturen:- F BL 2033
Frank, Kerstin: Of genii, giants and ghosts : fantastic elements and subjectivity in eighteenth-century British narratives / Kerstin Frank. -
Trier: WVT Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 2020. - 244 Seiten
(ELCH ; Band 80)Signaturen:- F RU 2014
Freudenberger, Nell: The limits : a novel / Nell Freudenberger. - First Edition. -
New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2024. - pages cmSignaturen:- U FRE IV 101
Ganiel, Gladys: The Oxford handbook of religion in modern Ireland / edited by Gladys Ganiel and Andrew R. Holmes. -
Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press, 2024. - xxxiii, 589 SeitenSignaturen:- D MW 2091
Glenstal History Conference <5., 2021, Murroe>: Brides of Christ : women and monasticism in medieval and early modern Ireland / Martin Browne OSB, Tracy Collins, Bronagh Ann McShane and Colmán Ó Clabaigh OSB, editors. -
Dublin: Four Courts Press, [2023]. - xvi, 215 Seiten : IllustrationenSignaturen:- D MN 2071
Hastings, Jessa: Magnolia Parks / Jessa Hastings. -
[New York]: Dutton, [2023]. - 433 pages
(Magnolia Parks universe ; [book 1])Signaturen:- U HAS III 101
Hodson, Christina: The Flash / directed by Andy Muschietti; starring Ezra Miller, Sasha Calle, Michael Shannon [und weitere] ; screenplay by Christina Hodson. -
[USA]: Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc, [2023]. - 1 DVD-Video (Ländercode 2, 138 min) : farbigSignaturen:- PVD/FAN FLA 1
Introduction to cognitive narratology / Jan Alber and Peter Wenzel (eds.). -
Trier: WVT Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, [2021]. - 257 Seiten : Illustrationen
(WVT Handbücher zum literatur- und kulturwissenschaftlichen Studium ; Band 24)Signaturen:- F EP 2031
Ishiguro, Kazuo: Living / Bill Nighy [und weitere] ; written by Kazuo Ishiguro ; directed by Oliver Hermanus. -
[Santa Monica, Kalifornien]: Lionsgate, [2023]. - 1 DVD-VideoSignaturen:- PVD/DRA LIV 1
Janmohamed, Shelina Zahra: Generation M : young Muslims changing the world / Shelina Janmohamed. -
London ; New York: I.B. Tauris, 2016. - XI, 340 Seiten : IllustrationenSignaturen:- D IR 1931
Kushner, Tony: The intelligent homosexual's guide to capitalism and socialism : with a key to the wcriptures / Tony Kushner. -
s.l.: Theatre Communications Group, 2023. - 295 SeitenSignaturen:- U KUS 61
Lerner, Ben: The lights : poems / Ben Lerner. - First edition. -
New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2023. - 117 SeitenSignaturen:- U LER II 91
Lienen, Anna: Narrating the "Underclass" in Black British fiction : the limits of stereotyping / Anna Lienen. -
Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, [2024]. - 281 SeitenSignaturen:- F BB 2076
Lin, Tao: Taipei : a novel / Tao Lin. -
New York, NY: Vintage Contemporaries, 2013. - 248 S.
(A Vintage Contemporaries original)Signaturen:- U TAO 101
Link, Kelly: The book of love : a novel / Kelly Link. - First edition. -
New York: Random House, [2024]. - 628 pagesSignaturen:- U LIN VII 101
Literature and literary studies in the twenty-first century: cultural concerns - concepts - case studies <Veranstaltung, 2018, Ebsdorfergrund-Rauischholzhausen>: Literature and literary studies in the twenty-first century : cultural concerns - concepts - case studies / Ansgar Nünning, Vera Nünning, Alexander Scherr (eds.). -
Trier: WVT Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, [2021]. - vii, 428 Seiten : Illustrationen
(ELCH ; Band 85)Signaturen:- F OC 2033
Mason, Daniel: North woods / Daniel Mason. -
London: John Murray, 2023. - x, 372 Seiten : Illustrationen, 1 Notenbeispiel, 1 KarteSignaturen:- U MAS VI 101
Maurice / directed by James Ivory ; Hugh Grant, James Wilby, Rupert Graves. -
[England]: BFI, 1987. - 2 DVD-Video (134 min)Signaturen:- PVD/LIT MAU 1
McCarthy, Tom: Remainder / Tom McCarthy; with a preface by McKenzie Wark. - New edition. -
Richmond, Surrey: Alma Books, 2015. - xii, 275 SeitenSignaturen:- O MCC VII 103
Metzler Lexikon Fremdsprachendidaktik : Ansätze – Methoden – Grundbegriffe / herausgegeben von Carola Surkamp. - 2., aktualisierte und erweiterte Auflage. -
Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler Verlag, [2017]. - VI, 399 Seiten : Diagramme, TabellenSignaturen:- V D 221
Milner, Dan: The unstoppable Irish : songs and integration of the New York Irish, 1783/1883 / Dan Milner. -
Notre Dame, Indiana: University of Notre Dame Press, [2019]. - pages cmSignaturen:- E KL 1991
Mittell, Jason: Complex TV : the poetics of contemporary television storytelling / Jason Mittell. -
New York, NY [u.a.]: New York Univ. Press, 2015. - X, 391 S.Signaturen:- C PN 1913
Montell, Amanda: The age of magical overthinking : notes on modern irrationality / Amanda Montell. - 1st ed., Erstausgabe. -
New York: Atria Books, 2024. - 257 SeitenSignaturen:- D NP 2091
Narrating flight and asylum / Mandy Beck, Claudia Gualtieri, Roberto Pedretti, Cecile Sandten (eds.). -
Trier: WVT Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, [2022]. - 186 Seiten : Illustrationen
(CHAT - Chemnitzer Anglistik/Amerikanistik Today ; 11)Signaturen:- F ES 2054
Narrative structure and narrative knowing in medicine and science / edited by Martina King and Tom Kindt. -
Berlin: De Gruyter, [2024]. - VIII, 206 Seiten : Illustrationen
(Narratologia ; volume 90)Signaturen:- F EI 2092
Nicholls, David: You are here / David Nicholls. - Erstausgabe. -
London: Hodder & Stoughton, 2024. - 349 SeitenSignaturen:- O NIC VI 104
Perkin, Joan: Victorian women / Joan Perkin. - 1. publ. in the U.S.A.. -
New York, NY: New York Univ. Press, 1995. - VII, 264 S., [12] Bl. : Ill., graph. Darst., Faks.Signaturen:- D HN 1472
Phraseology in foreign language learning and teaching / ed. by Fanny Meunier; Sylviane Granger. - paperback ed.. -
Amsterdam [u.a.]: Benjamins, 2009. - VIII, 259 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.Signaturen:- S AQ 89
Pundt, Johanna: Speculative India : genre and aesthetics in contemporary Indian anglophone literature and popular culture / Johanna Pundt. -
Trier: WVT Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, [2022]. - 262 Seiten
(Studies in English Literary and Cultural History (ELCH) /Studien zur Englischen Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaft (ELK) ; Band 86)Signaturen:- R/IND FC 265
Reid, Kiley: Such a fun age / Kiley Reid. -
London ; Oxford ; New York ; New Delhi ; Sydney: Bloomsbury, 2020. - 310 SeitenSignaturen:- U REI II 101
Salman, Ayser: The wrong end of the table : a mostly comic memoir of a Muslim Arab American woman just trying to fit in / Ayser Salman ; foreword by Reza Aslan. -
New York, NY: Skyhorse Publishing, [2019]. - xxiv, 255 Seiten : IllustrationenSignaturen:- E BU 1991
Scalzi, John: Starter villain : meet the new boss / John Scalzi. - Erstausgabe. -
New York: Tor Books, 2023. - 264 SeitenSignaturen:- U SCA 102
Sezi, Murat: China Miéville, Terry Pratchett, Kazuo Ishiguro and the ambivalence of knowing : an analytical model for the representation of knowledge in fantasy literature / Murat Sezi. -
Trier: WVT Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, [2022]. - 178 Seiten
(SALS ; Band 45)Signaturen:- F RU 2054
Shakespeare, William: Othello / William Shakespeare; edited by E.A.J. Honigmann ; with a new introduction Ayanna Thompson. - Revised edition. -
London: Bloomsbury Arden Shakespeare, [2016]. - XVII, 429 Seiten : Illustrationen
(The Arden Shakespeare. Third series)Signaturen:- SHA AB 136-43- 3. Ser.
Shaw, Bernard: Pygmalion : 1938 / directed by Anthony Asquith and Leslie Howard; starring Leslie Howard, Wendy Hiller, Wilfrid Lawson; written by George Bernard Shaw, W. P. Lipscomb and Cecil Lewis; music by William Axt; cintematography by Harry Stradling. -
Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelba, 1938. - 1 DVD-Video (Ländercode 2, 96 min)Signaturen:- PVD/LIT PYG 2
Sinykin, Dan: American Literature and the Long Downturn : Neoliberal Apocalypse / Dan Sinykin. -
Oxford: Oxford University Press, [2020]. - viii, 185 SeitenSignaturen:- F ES 2013
Steiner, Daria: Representing the great famine in contemporary historical fiction : narrative and intertextual strategies in Joseph O’Connor’s Irish American trilogy / Daria Steiner. -
Trier: WVT Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, [2021]. - x, 233 Seiten : Illustrationen
(ELCH ; Band 83)Signaturen:- F EH 2032
Tan, Shaun: The arrival / Shaun Tan. - [Nachdr.]. -
London [u.a.]: Hodder Children's Books, 2007. - [66] Bl. : überw. Ill.Signaturen:- R/AUS TAN 71
The Kristeva critical reader / ed. by John Lechte and Mary Zournazi. -
Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2003. - X, 246 S : IllSignaturen:- F EP 1632
The anglophone novel in the twenty-first century : cultural contexts - literary developments - model interpretations / Nadia Butt, Alexander Scherr, Ansgar Nünning (eds.). -
Trier: WVT Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, [2023]. - 299 Seiten
(WVT-Handbücher zum literatur- und kulturwissenschaftlichen Studium ; Band 25)Signaturen:- F OF 2072
The cultural work of fictions : trajectories of literary studies in the 21st century <Veranstaltung, 2019, Gießen>: The cultural work of fictions : trajectories of literary studies in the 21st century / Imke Polland-Schmandt and Ansgar Nünning (eds.). -
Trier: WVT Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, [2021]. - 207 Seiten : Illustrationen
(ELCH ; Band 84)Signaturen:- F OF 2031
Trollope, Anthony: Dr Thorne / Anthony Trollope. - Repr. with a chronology. -
London: Penguin Books, 2004. - XXVII, 566 S.
([The chronicles of Barsetshire] / Anthony Trollope ; 3)
(Penguin Classics)
(Penguin Literature)Signaturen:- N TRO 159
Upstart Crow
chris. - The Christmas specials. -
London: BBC Studios, [2019]. - 1 DVD-Video (78 mins approx.) : Aspect ratio: 16:9; Region: 2&e colour PAL UKSignaturen:- PVD/TV UPS 1-2-
Upstart Crow
compl. - The complete series 1-3. -
London: BBC Studios, [2019]. - 3 DVD-Videos (514 mins approx.) : Aspect ratio: 16:9; Region: 2&e colour PAL UKSignaturen:- PVD/TV UPS 1-1-
Vuletić, Snežana: From colonial disruption to diasporic entanglements : narrating Igbo identities in the novels of Chinua Achebe, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie and Chris Abani / Snežana Vuletić. -
Trier: WVT Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, [2019]. - 215 Seiten
(ELCH ; Band 76)Signaturen:- R/AFR FF 253
White, Mike: The white lotus
The complete 1. season. - . -
London: Warner Bros. Entertainment UK Limited, [2022]. - 2 DVD-Videos (circa 339 Minuten) : farbig, Regionalcode 2, Ton: Dolby Digital 5.1Signaturen:- PVD/TV WHI 2-1-
Zorn, Barbara: Normale Monster, monströse Normalitäten : zur Kategorie der Normalität im englischsprachigen Vampirroman zwischen dem 19. und dem 21. Jahrhundert / Barbara Zorn. -
Trier: WVT Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, [2020]. - 167 Seiten
(Studies in English Literary and Cultural History (ELCH) /Studien zur Englischen Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaft (ELK) ; Band 82)Signaturen:- F RU 2013
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