Neuerwerbungen im Januar 2025
Fach: Biologie
Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergStand: 01.02.2025 09:00 – Anzahl der Neuerwerbungen: 52
Agardy, Dennis: Immune cell dynamics in irradiated gliomas / presented by M.Sc. Dennis Alexander Agardy ; referees: Prof. Dr. Michael Platten [und ein weiterer Gutachter]. -
Heidelberg, 2024. - 1 Online-Ressource (117 Seiten) : Illustrationen, Diagramme -
Akelei DISC3D / Ersteller/in: Stutz, Marc-Simon. -
[Darmstadt]: Small World Vision GmbH, 2022-09-19. - 1 Online-Ressource -
Ali, Sheikh Adnan: Role of intermittent fasting in prevention against development of non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) / presented by M.Sc. Sheikh Adnan Ali ; referees: Prof. Dr. Mathias Heikenwälder [und ein weiterer Gutachter]. -
Heidelberg, 2023. - 1 Online-Ressource (110 Seiten) : Illustrationen, Diagramme -
Amanullah Khan: Crop nutrition : enhancing healthy soils, food security, environmental sustainability and advancing SDGs / Amanullah. -
Berlin ; Boston: De Gruyter, [2025]. - XLI, 690 Seiten : Illustrationen
(De Gruyter STEM)Signaturen:- UBN/ZC 17000 A484
Barzaghi, Guido: The contribution of transcription factors to chromatin accessibility at single molecule resolution / presented by: M.Sc. Guido Barzaghi ; referees: Prof. Dr. Henrik Kaessmann, Dr. Wolfgang Huber. -
Heidelberg, [2024?]. - XXII, 124 Seiten : Illustrationen, DiagrammeSignaturen:- 2025 U 17
Basu, Soham: The roles of basement membrane during larva-polyp morphogenesis of the starlet sea anemone Nematostella vectensis / presented by M. Sc. Soham Basu ; referees: apl. Prof. Dr. Suat Özbek, Prof. Dr. Detlev Arendt. -
Heidelberg, [2024?]. - xx, 93 Seiten : Illustrationen, DiagrammeSignaturen:- 2025 U 19
Blauflügelige Ödlandschrecke DISC3D / Ersteller/in: von Hagen, Sarah. -
[Darmstadt]: Small World Vision GmbH, 2022-09-19. - 1 Online-Ressource -
Capraz, Tümay: Dimensionality reduction methods for high-dimensional biological data analysis / presented by M.Sc. Klemens Tümay Capraz ; referees: Prof. Dr. Benedikt Brors, Dr. Athanasios Typas. -
Heidelberg, [2024?]. - xvii, 132 Seiten : Illustrationen, DiagrammeSignaturen:- 2025 U 12
Cecere, Nives: Bovine Meat and Milk Factor (BMMF) protein expression coincides with peritumor alveolar macrophages in lung cancer tissues / presented by M.Sc. Nives Cecere ; referees: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Ralf Bartenschlager [und ein weiterer Gutachter]. -
Heidelberg, 2024. - 1 Online-Ressource (150 Seiten) : Illustrationen, Diagramme -
Chih, Yu-Chan: Development of MHC-dependent immunotherapy for gliomas / presented by M.Sc. Yu-Chan Chih ; referees: Prof. Dr. Michael Platten [und ein weiterer Gutachter]. -
Heidelberg, 20 Dez. 2024. - 1 Online-Ressource (148 Seiten) : Illustrationen, Diagramme -
Cook, Alexander Stratford: Towards photoacoustic neuroimaging in mice : a chemigenetic approach for acoustogenic calcium sensors / presented by Alexander Stratford Cook, MSci ; Gutachter: Dr. Richard Wombacher, Dr. Robert Prevedel. -
Heidelberg, 2024. - 1 Online-Ressource (xvi, 249 Seiten) : Illustrationen, Diagramme -
De Leo, Valentino: Cancer-testis antigen specific chimeric antigen receptor T cells for cancer immunotherapy / presented by M.Sc. (Technical Biology) Valentino De Leo ; examiners: Prof. Dr. Hans-Reimer Rodewald [und eine weitere Person]. -
Heidelberg, 2019. - 1 Online-Ressource (161 Seiten) : Illustrationen, Diagramme -
Deshpande, Anushka: Deciphering the role of SH3BGR and LetM1 in cardiac (patho)-physiology / presented by Anushka Deshpande, M.Sc. ; referees: Prof. Dr. Marc Freichel, PD Dr. Ashraf Rangrez. -
Heidelberg, 2023. - 136 Blätter : Illustrationen, DiagrammeSignaturen:- 2025 U 18
Dinkelacker, Maria: Chromosomal clustering of tissue restricted antigens / presented by Diplom-Biologist Maria Agnes Dinkelacker ; referees: Prof. Dr. Benedikt Brors, Prof. Dr. Ludger Klein. -
Heidelberg, [2019?]. - xviii, 286 Seiten : Illustrationen, DiagrammeSignaturen:- 2025 U 1
Dončević, Daria: Mechanistic dissection of cellular perturbations with interpretable deep learning models / presented by M.Sc. Daria Ivona Dončević ; referees: Prof. Dr. Carl Herrmann, Prof. Dr. Emanuel Schwarz. -
Heidelberg, [2024?]. - xxv, 151 Seiten : Illustrationen, DiagrammeSignaturen:- 2025 U 27
Focaccia, Enrico: Exploring the effects of different FXR agonists on progression of non-alcoholic steatohepatitis and its transition to hepatocellular carcinoma / presented by M.Sc. Enrico Focaccia ; referees: Prof. Dr. Peter Angel [und ein weiterer Gutachter]. -
Heidelberg: Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg, 25 Jan. 2024. - 1 Online-Ressource (131 Seiten) -
George, Nikhil: Dysregulation of alternative polyadenylation in autism spectrum disorders and its potential use in ASD diagnosis / prestented by M.Sc. Nikhil Oommen George ; referees: Prof. Dr. Ana Martin-Villalba, Prof. Dr. Henrik Kaessmann. -
Heidelberg, [2022?]. - 110 Blätter : Illustrationen, DiagrammeSignaturen:- 2025 U 5
Histologische Schnittserie Kaulquappe der Erdkröte / Ersteller/in: Lukas, Paul. -
Jena: Phyletisches Museum Jena, 2022-09-15. - 1 Online-Ressource -
Hoffmann, Sandro: A long story short : improving the B cell response to Plasmodium falciparum circumsporozoite protein by reducing the number of repeating NANP-motifs / presented by M.Sc. Sandro Hoffmann ; referees: Prof. Dr. F. Nina Papavasiliou [und ein weitere Gutachterin]. -
Heidelberg, 2024. - 1 Online-Ressource (159 Seiten) : Illustrationen, Diagramme -
Häfele, Lisa: Profiling pathogenicity of Bovine Meat and Milk Factors in cancer by genome and transcriptome analysis / presented by M.Sc. Lisa Häfele ; referees: Prof. Dr. Benedikt Brors, Prof. Dr. Stefan Wiemann. -
Heidelberg, [2024?]. - XIV, 150 Seiten : Illustrationen, DiagrammeSignaturen:- 2025 U 10
Immuno-oncology and immunotherapy : part C / edited by Norma Bloy (Weill Cornell Medicine, New York, NY, United States), Maud Charpentier (Weill Cornell Medicine, New York, NY, United States), Lorenzo Galluzzi (Fox Chase Cancer Center, Philadelphia, PA, United States). - First edition. -
London ; San Diego, CA ; Cambridge, MA: Academic Press, 2025. - 1 Online-Ressource (xvii, 352 Seiten) : Illustrationen
(Methods in cell biology ; volume 191) -
Joshi, Tanya: Structural and functional studies on the 8-demethyl-8-amino-riboflavin-5'- phosphate phosphatase RosC from the roseoflavin producer Streptomyces davaonensis / presented by M.Sc.Tanya Joshi ; referees: Professor Dr. Matthias Mayer [und ein weiterer Gutachter]. -
Heidelberg, 2024. - 1 Online-Ressource (IV, 119 Seiten) : Illustrationen, Diagramme -
Kanngießer, Sibylle: Regulation of the ubiquitin ligase Ubr1 by the intrinsically disordered protein Roq1 / presented by M.Sc. Sibylle Kanngießer ; referees: Prof. Dr. Sebastian Schuck [und ein weiterer Gutachter]. -
Heidelberg, 20 Dez. 2024. - 1 Online-Ressource (106 Seiten) : Illustrationen, Diagramme -
Kartoffelkaefer DISC3D / Ersteller/in: Heethoff, Michael. -
[Darmstadt]: Small World Vision GmbH, 2022-09-19. - 1 Online-Ressource -
Klee Blüte DISC3D / Ersteller/in: von Hagen, Sarah. -
[Darmstadt]: Small World Vision GmbH, 2022-09-19. - 1 Online-Ressource -
Kraus, Franziska V.: Novel understanding of CD8+ T-cell regulation in rheumatoid arthritis : deciphering the close interplay between inflammation, epigenetics, and metabolism / presented by M.Sc. Franziska Viktoria Kraus ; referees: Prof. Dr. Viktor Umanksy [und ein weiterer Gutachter]. -
Heidelberg, 20 Feb. 2024. - 1 Online-Ressource (138 Seiten) -
Laudert, Doris: Mythos Baum : was Bäume uns Menschen bedeuten ; Geschichte - Brauchtum - 30 Baumporträts / Doris Laudert. -
München ; Wien ; Zürich: BLV, 1998. - 224 S : zahlr. IllSignaturen:- 98 A 11470
Lomada, Santosh K.: Investigations on inhibitors of nucleoside diphosphate kinases as putative novel therapeutics for the treatment of heart failure / presented by Santosh Kumar Lomada, M.Sc. Biochemistry ; referees: Prof. Dr. Thomas Wieland [und ein weiterer Gutachter]. -
Heidelberg, 2021. - 1 Online-Ressource (xiv, 84 Seiten) : Illustrationen, Diagramme -
Mammutbaumzapfen (nicht DISC3D) / Ersteller/in: Schmelzle, Sebastian. -
[Darmstadt]: Small World Vision GmbH, 2022-09-19. - 1 Online-Ressource -
Marienkäfer DISC3D / Ersteller/in: Schmelzle, Sebastian. -
[Darmstadt]: Small World Vision GmbH, 2022-09-19. - 1 Online-Ressource -
Melchior, Florian: Translation, validation, and comparison of genetic knowledge scales in Greek and German / Florian Melchior, Konrad Beyreuther and Birgit Teichmann, 15 May 2024. - 18 S. : Illustrationen
In: Frontiers in genetics, ISSN 1664-8021. 15(2024) vom: Mai, Artikel-ID 1350308, Seite 1-18 -
Müller, Burkhard: Das Glück der Tiere : Einspruch gegen die Evolutionstheorie / Burkhard Müller. -
Berlin: Fest, 2000. - 289 S : IllSignaturen:- 2001 A 2127
Müller, Janina: GLYATL1, a novel player in endocrine therapy resistance in breast cancer / presented by M.Sc. Janina Müller ; referees: Prof. Dr. Stefan Wiemann [und ein weiterer Gutachter]. -
Heidelberg, 2024. - 1 Online-Ressource (181 Seiten) : Illustrationen, Diagramme -
Onistschenko, Jasmin: Stem cell homeostasis in medaka neuromasts : Keratin 15 as a regulator of proliferation / presented by M.Sc. Jasmin Onistschenko ; referees: Prof. Dr. Lázaro Centanin, Prof. Dr. Steffen Lemke. -
Heidelberg, [2024?]. - XII, 103 Seiten : Illustrationen, DiagrammeSignaturen:- 2025 U 11
Pajonk, Oliver: ESCRT function at stress-induced ER-Golgi contact sites in Saccharomyces cerevisiae / presented by M. Sc. Oliver Pajonk ; referees: PD Dr. Axel Mogk ; Prof. Dr. Sebastian Schuck. -
Heidelberg, 2024. - 1 Online-Ressource (IV, 75 Seiten) : Illustrationen, Diagramme -
Pavlović, Bojana: Investigating the role of Rab GTPases in Wnt secretion in Drosophila melanogaster / presented by Bojana Pavlović, M.Sc. ; referees: Prof. Dr. Michael Boutros [und ein weiterer Gutachter]. -
Heidelberg, 23 Okt. 2023. - 1 Online-Ressource (163 Seiten) -
Pejkovska, Anastasija: Epigenetic deregulation by BCOR oncogenetic fusions in sarcomas / presented by M.Sc. Anastasija Pejkovska ; referees: Prof. Dr. Frank Lyko, Prof. Dr. Christoph Plass. -
Heidelberg, [2024?]. - 130 Seiten : Illustrationen, DiagrammeSignaturen:- 2025 U 4
Peters, Niklas: Regulation of the ubiquitin ligase Ubr1 during protein quality control / presented by M. Sc. Niklas Peters ; referees: Prof. Dr. Matthias Mayer [und ein weiterer Gutachter]. -
Heidelberg: Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg, 05 Dez. 2024. - 1 Online-Ressource (153 Seiten) : Diagramme -
Pöschko, Philipp: Plant hormone-based chemical inducers of proximity for live cell and in vivo applications enabling precise control of protein localization / presented by Philipp Pöschko, M.Sc. ; referees: PD Dr. Richar Wombacher, Prof. Dr. Andres Jäschke. -
Heidelberg, [2024?]. - XIV, 192 Seiten : Illustrationen, DiagrammeSignaturen:- 2025 U 25
Schwerd-Kleine, Paul Albert Wolfgang: Dissecting the cellular and molecular landscape of inflammatory breast cancer through single-cell and spatial transcriptomics / presented by Paul Albert Wolfgang Schwerd-Kleine ; referees: Prof. Dr. Andreas Trumpp [und ein weiterer Gutachter]. -
Heidelberg: Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg, 05 Dez. 2024. - 1 Online-Ressource (192 Seiten) -
Seufert, Isabelle: Decoding principles of transcription regulation : a single-cell chromatin accessibility approach / presented by Isabelle Seufert, M.Sc. ; referees: Prof. Dr. Karsten Rippe, Prof. Dr. Oliver Stegle. -
Heidelberg, 2024. - 1 Online-Ressource (XXX, 226 Seiten) : Illustrationen, Diagramme -
Snake meshes / Ersteller/in: Mahlow, Kristin. -
Berlin: Museum für Naturkunde Berlin, 2022-09-14. - 1 Online-Ressource -
Sollier, Etienne: Enhancer hijacking in acute myeloid leukemia with a complex karyotype / presented by Etienne Sollier, M.Sc. ; referees, Christoph Plass [und ein weiterer Gutachter]. -
Heidelberg: Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg, 05 Dez. 2024. - 1 Online-Ressource (120 Seiten) -
Szostak, Walter: Teleologie des Lebendigen : zu K. Poppers und H. Jonas' Philosophie des Geistes / Walter Szostak. -
Frankfurt am Main ; Berlin ; Bern ; New York ; Paris ; Wien: Lang, 1997. - 236 S.Signaturen:- 97 C 3735
The mycota
Volume 6. - Human and animal relationships / Axel A. Brakhage, Olaf Kniemeyer, Peter F. Zipfel, editors. - Third edition. -
Berlin ; Heidelberg: Springer, [2024]. - xviii, 275 Seiten : Illustrationen, DiagrammeSignaturen:- UBN/WL 4352 E78(3)-6
Time-resolved methods in structural biology / edited by Peter Moody, Hanna Kwon. - First edition. -
Cambridge, MA ; San Diego, CA ; London: Academic Press, 2024. - 1 Online-Ressource (xvi, 296 Seiten) : Illustrationen
(Methods in enzymology ; volume 709) -
Tolou Dabbaghian, Bahardokht: Use of pharmaceutical and transgenic interventions in dissection of neuropathic pain mechanisms in spinal cord injury / presented by M.Sc. Bahardokht Tolou Dabbaghian ; referees: Dr. Radhika Puttagunta [und 3 weitere Gutachter]. -
Heidelberg: Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg, 14 Mai 2024. - 1 Online-Ressource (122 Seiten) : Illustrationen, Diagramme -
Trost, Nils: Evolution of chromatin and transcriptome dynamics during primate gonadogenesis / presented by M.Sc. Nils Jonathan Trost ; referees: Prof. Dr. Henrik Kaessmann, Prof. Dr. med. Sascha Dietrich. -
Heidelberg, 2024. - 1 Online-Ressource (xiv, 111 Seiten) : Illustrationen, Diagramme -
Yuan, Zhao: Analysis of somatic copy number alterations in liquid biopsies from cancer patients / presented by M.Sc. Zhao Yuan ; Referees: Prof. Dr. Benedikt Brors [und ein weiterer]. -
Heidelberg, 05 Dez. 2024. - 1 Online-Ressource (132 Seiten) -
Zaby, Andreas M.: Internationalization of high-technology firms : cases from biotechnology and multimedia / Andreas M. Zaby. -
Wiesbaden: Gabler, 1999. - XXII, 322 S : graph. Darst
(mir-Edition)Signaturen:- 99 A 10790
Zhang, Youcheng: Factor-based approaches for molecular signature discovery in psychotic disorders / presented by Youcheng Zhang, M.Sc. ; referees: Prof. Dr. Carl Herrmann, PD Dr. Maïwen Caudron-Herger. -
Heidelberg, [2024?]. - 152 Seiten : Illustrationen, DiagrammeSignaturen:- 2025 U 6
Zheng, Anjun: Structural and bio-functional analysis revealed the mechanism of γ-tubulin ring complex formation in C. albicans / presented by M.Sc. Anjun Zheng ; referees: Prof. Dr. Elmar Schiebel, Dr. Stefan Pfeffer. -
Heidelberg, [2024?]. - 148 Seiten : Illustrationen, DiagrammeSignaturen:- 2025 U 83
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