Neuerwerbungen im Februar 2024
Fach: Biologie
Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergStand: 11.04.2024 17:01 – Anzahl der Neuerwerbungen: 46
Ayuso Jimeno, Irene Pilar: Role of dorsal periaqueductal grey in instinctive defensive behavior / presented by M. Sc. Irene Pilar Ayuso Jimeno ; referees: Prof. Dr. Hannah Monyer, Dr. Santiago Rompani. -
Heidelberg, [2023?]. - xiv, 174 Seiten : Illustrationen, DiagrammeSignaturen:- 2024 U 73
Becker, Jonas: Pulling the right viral levers : engineering, screening and application of next-generation combinatorial AAV vectors / presented by M. Sc. Jonas Becker ; referees: Prof. Dr. Marc Freichel, Prof. Dr. Dirk Grimm. -
Heidelberg, 2023. - XI, 187 Seiten : Illustrationen, DiagrammeSignaturen:- 2024 U 78
Bergheim, Bruno Gideon: Molecular atlas and developmental dynamics of the Nematostella vectensis mesoglea / presented by M. Sc. Bruno Gideon Bergheim ; referees: apl. Prof. Dr. Suat Özbek, Prof. Dr. Thomas Holstein. -
Heidelberg, 22 Feb. 2024. - 1 Online-Ressource (xviii, 156 Seiten) : Illustrationen, Diagramme -
Brusatte, Steve: Eine neue Geschichte der Säugetiere : Mammut, Schnabeltier, Homo sapiens - wie sie die Welt eroberten : mit 134 Schwarz-Weiß-Abbildungen / Steve Brusatte ; aus dem amerikanischen Englisch von Katja Hald. -
München: Piper, [2023]. - 527 Seiten : IllustrationenSignaturen:- UBN/WH 9480 B912
Bujupi, Fatmire: Redox regulation of Annexin A1 : structural and functional requirement of disulfide bonds / presented by Fatmire Bujupi, M.Sc. ; referees: Prof. Dr. Felix Wieland, Prof. Dr. Peter H. Krammer. -
Heidelberg, 27th September 2018. - IX, 147 Seiten : Illustrationen, DiagrammeSignaturen:- 2024 U 93
Campos Campos, Marta: The consequences of the loss of glyoxalase 1 on cellular metabolism / vorgelegt von Marta Campos Campos ; Doktormutter: Prof. Dr. med. univ. Julia Szendrödi, PhD [und ein weiterer Betreuer]. -
Heidelberg, 2023. - 1 Online-Ressource (80 Seiten) : Illustrationen, Diagramme -
Cellular senescence and aging / edited by Giulia Petroni, Oliver Kepp, Lorenzo Galluzzi. - First edition. -
London ; San Diego, CA ; Cambridge, MA: Academic Press, 2024. - Online-Ressource (xxiv, 226 Seiten) : Illustrationen
(Methods in cell biology ; volume 181) -
Danzer, Gerhard: Der Mensch zwischen Gesundheit und Krankheit : tiefenpsychologische Theorien menschlicher Funktionen / Gerhard Danzer; Josef Rattner. -
Darmstadt: Wiss. Buchges., 1999. - 272 S. : Ill.Signaturen:- 99 A 6883
Demir, Aykut: Elucidating the role of isocitrate dehydrogenase 3 in acute myeloid leukemia / presented by M. Sc. Aykut Demir ; referees: Prof. Dr. Andreas Trumpp, Dr. Simon Raffel. -
Heidelberg, December 2023. - 136 Seiten : Illustrationen, DiagrammeSignaturen:- 2024 U 121
Eid, Mohammad: Establishing the heme peroxidase APEX2 as a genetically encoded probe for the study of intracellular hydrogen peroxide / vorgelegt von M. Sc. Mohammad Eid ; referees: Prof. Dr. Tobias Dick, Prof. Dr. Ingrid Hoffmann. -
Heidelberg, [2023?]. - 145 Seiten : Illustrationen, DiagrammeSignaturen:- 2024 U 118
Ernst, Kati: Establishment and evalution of single-cell RNA-sequencing methods to investigate tumor heterogeneity in newly grenerated pediatric glioma models / presented by Kati Johanna Ernst née Lappalainen, M.Sc. ; referees: Prof. Dr. Henrik Kaessmann, Prof. Dr. Stefan Pfister. -
Heidelberg, [2023?]. - x, 114 Seiten : Illustrationen, DiagrammeSignaturen:- 2024 U 122
Fatscher, Hans Peter: In-vivo- und In-vitro-Untersuchungen an der isolierten Translationsinitiationsregion des Genes 0,3 des Bakteriophagen T7 / Hans Peter Fatscher, 1987. - 128 Bl. : graph. Darst.Signaturen:
- 88 MN 147
Formichetti, Sara: The role of a nuclear glycosylation in the early mammalian embryo / presented by M.Sc. Sara Formichetti ; referees: Prof. Dr. Ingrid Lohmann, Dr. Jamie Hackett. -
Heidelberg, [2023?]. - 198 Seiten : Illustrationen, DiagrammeSignaturen:- 2024 U 72
Frank, Simon: Long acting injectable formulations of biologicals : examination of an innovative polymer family for the controlled release of peptides and proteins / presented by Simon Frank (M.Sc.) ; referees: Prof. Dr. Gert Fricker, Prof. Dr. Walter Mier. -
Heidelberg, [2020?]. - XIII, 126, xv Seiten : Illustrationen, DiagrammeSignaturen:- 2024 U 63
Ganjian, Noujan: Identification of a plasticity driver of combined hepatocellular-cholangiocarcinoma using functional interspecies comparison / presented by Noujan Ganjian, M.Sc. Infection Biology ; referees: PD Dr. rer. nat. Karin Müller-Decker [und ein weiterer Gutachter]. -
Heidelberg, 16 Feb. 2024. - 1 Online-Ressource (132 Seiten) : Illustrationen, Diagramme -
Grein, Steve: Stress induced lncRNA Lockd inhibits proliferation and angiogenesis of myocardial endothelial cells and promotes maladaptive cardiac remodelling during pressure overload / presented by Steve Grein (M.Sc.) ; referees: Prof. Dr. Jörg Heineke, Prof. Dr. Thomas Wieland. -
Heidelberg, [2023?]. - 221 Seiten : Illustrationen, DiagrammeSignaturen:- 2024 U 81
Heber, Nora: The impact of cycling hypoxia on the phenotype of HPV-positive cervical cancer cells / presented by M.Sc. Nora Heike Heber ; referees: Prof. Dr. Ralf Bartenschlager [und ein weiterer Gutachter]. -
Heidelberg, 2023. - 1 Online-Ressource (156 Seiten) : Illustrationen, Diagramme -
Heinzelmann, Elisa: The role of MYT1L in brain tumor formation, progression and plasticity / presented by Elisa Heinzelmann, M.Sc. ; referees: Prof. Dr. Henrik Kaessmann, Prof. Dr. Peter Angel. -
Heidelberg, [2023?]. - 131 Seiten : Illustrationen, DiagrammeSignaturen:- 2024 U 71
Hervas Sotomayor, Francisca: Tracing the origins and evolution of the vertebrate brain : a comparative cellular study in anamniotes / presented by M.Sc. Francisca Hervas Sotomayor ; referees: Prof. Dr. Henrik Kaessmann [und ein weiterer Gutachter]. -
Heidelberg, 08 Feb. 2024. - 1 Online-Ressource (101 Seiten) : Illustrationen, Diagramme -
Jakab, Moritz: Vascular control of metastatic tumor cell fates / presented by M.Sc.(Molecular Biotechnology) Moritz Jakab ; referees: Prof. Dr. Ana Martin-Villalba [und ein weiterer Gutachter]. -
Heidelberg, 2024. - 1 Online-Ressource (x, 92 Seiten) : Illustrationen, Diagramme -
Jamaladdin, Nora: The role of key pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic parameters in drug response prediction of pediatric tumors in the precision oncology study INFORM / presented by M.Sc. Nora Jamaladdin ; referees: Prof. Dr. Thomas Höfer, Prof. Dr. med. Till Milde. -
Heidelberg: Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg, [2023?]. - XXII, 154 Seiten : Illustrationen, DiagrammeSignaturen:- 2024 U 99
Kahloon, Masroor Ahmad: The role of Exon Junction Complex (EJC) and SOLE in oskar mRNA transport / presented by (M.Sc.) Masroor Ahmad Kahloon ; referees: Prof. Dr. Dr. Georg Stoecklin, Dr. Alecander Aulehla. -
Heidelberg: Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg, [2023?]. - viii, 116 Seiten : Illustrationen, DiagrammeSignaturen:- 2024 U 117
Kaya, Oguzhan: Wnt signaling modulates normal and malignant stem cell activation in the adult brain / presented by Oguzhan Kaya ; referees Prof. Dr. Ana Martín-Villalba, Prof. Dr. Michael Boutros. -
Heidelberg, 2023. - 1 Online-Ressource (172 Seiten) : Illustrationen, Diagramme -
Kikul, Frauke: The influence of membrane lipids on glycosylation processes : activity of Dpm1 in different lipid environments / presented by Frauke Kikul, M.Sc. ; referees: Prof. Dr. Britta Brügger, Prof. Dr. Sabine Strahl. -
Heidelberg, [2023?]. - xviii, 144 Seiten : Illustrationen, DiagrammeSignaturen:- 2024 U 83
Klampfleuthner, Felicia: Die Relevanz der AKT-Aktivierung für die In-vitro-Chondrogenese humaner mesenchymaler Stromazellen / vorgelegt von Felicia Anna Maria Klampfleuthner ; Doktormutter: Frau Priv.-Doz. Dr. rer. nat. Solvig Diederichs. -
Heidelberg, 2023. - 1 Online-Ressource (134 Seiten) : Illustrationen, Diagramme -
Koch, Jonas: Mechanistic modeling and scale-up investigation of a preparative two-column purification step for a biopharmaceutical polypeptide / vorgelegt von Jonas Martin Maria Koch ; Referent: Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Mathias Hafner. -
Heidelberg, 2023. - 1 Online-Ressource (163 Seiten) : Diagramme -
Koch, Robin: Time-resolved analysis of cell colony growth in vitro after irradiation / presented by M.Sc. Robin-André Koch ; referees: Prof. Dr. Ursula Kummer, Dr. Markus Alber. -
Heidelberg, [2023?]. - xi, 99 Seiten : Illustrationen, DiagrammeSignaturen:- 2024 U 80
Kremer, Lukas P. M.: Investigating the molecular basis of adult neurogenesis : single-cell multi-omics unveils DNA methylation as a key regulator of astrocyte stemness / presented by M.Sc. Lukas Peter Maria Kremer ; referees: Prof. Dr. Ana Martin-Villalba, Jun.-Prof. Dr. Simon Anders. -
Heidelberg, [2023?]. - xviii, 138 Seiten : Illustrationen, DiagrammeSignaturen:- 2024 U 111
Kruse, Sabrina: !nvestigating mechanisms of deregulated EVI1 expression AML and solid tumors without 3q26/EVI1 rearrangements / presented by M.Sc. Sabrina Kruse ; referees: Prof. Dr. Benedikt Brors, Ph.D. Ana Oliveira. -
Heidelberg, [2023?]. - XVI, 146 Seiten : Illustrationen, DiagrammeSignaturen:- 2024 U 123
Krämer, Stephen: Uncovering the mechanisms and information content of CpG-resolved DNA methylation programming during hematopoietic differentiation / presented by Stephen Jörg Krämer, M.Sc. ; referees: Prof. Dr. Roland Eils, Prof. Dr. Christoph Plass. -
Heidelberg, May 2023. - xxii, 208 Seiten : Illustrationen, DiagrammeSignaturen:- 2024 U 84
Lecomte, Léa: Structural studies of DNA-bound condensin / presented by M.Sc. Léa Lecomte ; referees: Prof. Dr. Frauke Melchior [und eine weitere Gutachterin]. -
Heidelberg, 04 Sep. 2023. - 1 Online-Ressource (176 Seiten) : Illustrationen, Diagramme -
Madi, Alaa: Development and homeostasis of memory CD8+ T cells and implications for cancer immunotherapy / presented by M.Sc. Alaa Abdelghani Mohamed Madi [und ein weiterer Gutachter]. -
Heidelberg, 08 Feb. 2023. - 1 Online-Ressource (xv, 221 Seiten) : Illustrationen, Diagramme -
Mieg, Alessa: Aging- and obesity-associated metabolic reprogramming suppresses CD8+ T cell responses / presented by M.Sc. Alessa Mieg ; referees: Prof. Dr. Britta Brügger [und ein weiterer Gutachter]. -
Heidelberg, 2022. - 1 Online-Ressource (149 Seiten) : Illustrationen, Diagramme -
Müller, Iris: Inhibiting glucocorticoid receptor signalling in tumour-associated macrophages for anti-tumour immune response / presented by Iris Christiane Müller ; referees: Prof. Dr. Viktor Umansky, Prof. Dr. Astrid Schmieder. -
Heidelberg, [2023?]. - viii, 96 Seiten : Illustrationen, DiagrammeSignaturen:- 2024 U 89
Preuss, Stephanie: Systemic vascular reprogramming regulates cancer cachexia progression / presented by M.Sc. (Innovative Medicine) Stephanie Franziska Preuß ; referees: Prof. Dr. Peter Angel, Prof. Dr. Hellmut G. Augustin. -
Heidelberg, 2023. - xi, 92 Seiten : Illustrationen, DiagrammeSignaturen:- 2024 U 97
Puranachot, Pitithat: Next-generation sequencing analysis of cell-free DNA identifies actionable alterations and genomic features in pediatric cancers / presented by: Pitithat Puranachot, Master of Science ; referees: Prof. Dr. Benedikt Brors, Prof. Dr. Stefan Fröhling. -
Heidelberg, [2021?]. - 148 Seiten : Illustrationen, DiagrammeSignaturen:- 2024 U 62
Ravichandran-Schmidt, Pirathitha: Computational modeling of time perception and its dopaminergic modulation / presented by Pirathitha Ravichandran-Schmidt, née Ravichandran ; referees: Prof. Dr. Ursula Kummer [und ein weiterer Gutachter]. -
Heidelberg, 2023. - 1 Online-Ressource (xviii, 160 Seiten) : Illustrationen, Diagramme -
Rheinberger, Mona: Characterization of the HIV-1 integration site landscape and chromatin determinants of integration in microglia cellular models and CD4+ T cells / presented by M.Sc. Mona Rheinberger ; referees: Prof. Dr. Oliver T. Fackler [und eine weitere Gutachterin]. -
Heidelberg, 2023. - 1 Online-Ressource (222 Seiten) : Illustrationen, Diagramme -
Rote Liste und Gesamtartenliste der sich im Süßwasser reproduzierenden Fische und Neunaugen (Pisces et Cyclostomata) Deutschlands / Redaktion (Rote-Liste-Zentrum): Tino Borghammer [und 6 weitere]. -
Bonn ; Bad Godesberg: Bundesamt für den Naturschutz, 2023. - 63, IV Seiten : Illustrationen, Diagramme
(Rote Liste und Gesamtartenliste ; 6)
(Naturschutz und biologische Vielfalt ; 170,6)Signaturen:- UBN/AR 13540 T431-6
Rouzine, Igor M.: Mathematical modeling of evolution
Volume 1. - One-locus and multi-locus theory and recombination. -
Berlin ; Boston: De Gruyter, [2021]. - X, 169 Seiten : Diagramme
(De Gruyter Series in Mathematics and Life Sciences ; volume 8/1)Signaturen:- UBN/WH 2500 R872-1
Rucli, Sofia: Functional study of O-GIcNAc modification of chromatin associated proteins / presented by M.Sc, Sofia Rucli ; referees: Prof. Dr. Robert Russell, Dr. James Hackett. -
Heidelberg, [2023?]. - 139 Seiten : Illustrationen, DiagrammeSignaturen:- 2024 U 74
Ruperti, Fabian: The evolution of cellular functional modules and the origin of coordinated behavior in Metazoa / presented by M. Sc. Fabian M. Ruperti ; referees: Prof. Dr. Irmgard Sinning, Dr. Mikhail M. Savitski. -
Heidelberg, [2023?]. - xxxvi, 238 Seiten : Illustrationen, DiagrammeSignaturen:- 2024 U 110
Schnell, Anna-Clara: Virus Venetian masked ball : does the hepatitis delta virus use different helper viruses? / presented by M.Sc. Anna-Clara Schnell ; referees: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Ralf Bartenschlager [und ein weiterer Gutachter]. -
Heidelberg, 2023. - 1 Online-Ressource (xx, 160 Seiten) : Illustrationen, Diagramme -
Sokolova, Natalia: From progenitors to stem cells : emergence and characterization of adult retinal stem cells in medaka / presented by M.Sc.Natalia Sokolova ; referees: Prof. Dr. Jochen Wittbrodt [und ein weiterer Gutachter]. -
Heidelberg, 2023. - 1 Online-Ressource (xvi, 136 Seiten) : Illustrationen, Diagramme -
Stitz, Michael: TOR acts as a metabolic gatekeeper for auxin-dependent lateral root initiation in Arabidopsis thaliana / Michael Stitz, David Kuster, Maximilian Reinert, Mikhail Schepetilnikov, Béatrice Berthet, Jazmin Reyes-Hernández, Denis Janocha, Anthony Artins, Marc Boix, Rossana Henriques, Anne Pfeiffer, Jan Lohmann, Emmanuel Gaquerel, Alexis Maizel, 2023. - 19 S.
In: The EMBO journal, ISSN 1460-2075. 42(2023), 10, Artikel-ID 111273, Seite 1-19 -
Untersuchungen zur Erhaltung und Bewirtschaftung von Krokodilen in der Republik Côte d'Ivoire (Westafrika) : vorgel. von Wolf-Ekkehard Waitkuwait, 1988. - 3 Mikrofiches : 24xSignaturen:
- 89 MN 14
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