Neuerwerbungen im August 2024
Fach: Mathematik
Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergStand: 01.09.2024 09:00 – Anzahl der Neuerwerbungen: 61
Abramson, Charles I.: Mathematical modeling of the learning curve : a laboratory manual and source book / Charles I. Abramson, Igor Igorevich Stepanov and Riley J. Wincheski. -
Berlin: De Gruyter, [2024]. - XIV, 237 Seiten : Illustrationen
(De Gruyter Graduate)Signaturen:- UBN/SK 990 A158
Adouani, Ines: Regression and Fitting on Manifold-valued Data / by Ines Adouani, Chafik Samir. - 1st ed. 2024.. -
Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland, 2024.. - 1 Online-Ressource(VII, 181 p. 47 illus., 45 illus. in color.) -
Advances in Partial Differential Equations and Control : The 2023 Conference in Seville, Spain / edited by Kaïs Ammari, Anna Doubova, Stéphane Gerbi, Manuel González-Burgos. - 1st ed. 2024.. -
Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland, 2024.. - 1 Online-Ressource(IX, 250 p. 32 illus., 28 illus. in color.)
(Trends in Mathematics) -
Ahmad, Bashir: Nonlinear Systems of Fractional Differential Equations / by Bashir Ahmad, Sotiris K. Ntouyas. - 1st ed. 2024.. -
Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland, 2024.. - 1 Online-Ressource(XIV, 592 p.) -
Analysis without Borders : Dedicated to Ilya Spitkovsky on Occasion of his 70th Anniversary / edited by Sergei Rogosin. - 1st ed. 2024.. -
Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland, 2024.. - 1 Online-Ressource(XX, 243 p. 25 illus., 21 illus. in color.)
(Operator Theory: Advances and Applications ; 297) -
Antoniadis, Anestis: Statistical Learning Tools for Electricity Load Forecasting / by Anestis Antoniadis, Jairo Cugliari, Matteo Fasiolo, Yannig Goude, Jean-Michel Poggi. - 1st ed. 2024.. -
Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2024.. - 1 Online-Ressource(IX, 231 p. 128 illus., 48 illus. in color.)
(Statistics for Industry, Technology, and Engineering) -
Applied and Computational Mathematics : ICoMPAC 2023, Sukolilo, Indonesia, September 30 / edited by Dieky Adzkiya, Kistosil Fahim. - 1st ed. 2024.. -
Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore, 2024.. - 1 Online-Ressource(X, 432 p. 170 illus., 137 illus. in color.)
(Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics ; 455) -
Arnold, Taylor: Humanities Data in R : Exploring Networks, Geospatial Data, Images, and Text / by Taylor Arnold, Lauren Tilton. - 2nd ed. 2024.. -
Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2024.. - 1 Online-Ressource(XIV, 284 p. 80 illus., 50 illus. in color.)
(Quantitative Methods in the Humanities and Social Sciences) -
Borceux, Francis: Galois Theories of Fields and Rings / by Francis Borceux. - 1st ed. 2024.. -
Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland, 2024.. - 1 Online-Ressource(XII, 181 p.)
(Coimbra Mathematical Texts ; 2) -
Brazke, Denis: Asymptotic expansion of a non-local isoperimetric energy and application to mechanochemical models related to pattern formation in biological membranes / vorgelegt von Denis Brazke ; supervisor: Prof. Dr. Hans Knüpfer. -
Heidelberg, 14 Aug. 2024. - 1 Online-Ressource (x, 120 Seiten) : Illustrationen, Diagramme -
Bubboloni, Daniela: Normal 2-Coverings of the Finite Simple Groups and their Generalizations / by Daniela Bubboloni, Pablo Spiga, Thomas Stefan Weigel. - 1st ed. 2024.. -
Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland, 2024.. - 1 Online-Ressource(X, 180 p.)
(Lecture Notes in Mathematics ; 2352) -
Chen, Huayi: Positivity in Arakelov Geometry over Adelic Curves : Hilbert-Samuel Formula and Equidistribution Theorem / by Huayi Chen, Atsushi Moriwaki. - 1st ed. 2024.. -
Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland, 2024.. - 1 Online-Ressource(VII, 247 p. 7 illus.)
(Progress in Mathematics ; 355) -
Coffman, Adam: The Indiana College Mathematics Competition (2001–2023) : Celebrating the Teamwork Spirit and the Peter Edson Trophy / by Adam Coffman, Justin Gash, Rick Gillman, John Rickert. - 1st ed. 2024.. -
Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland, 2024.. - 1 Online-Ressource(XXI, 223 p. 20 illus., 14 illus. in color.)
(Problem Books in Mathematics) -
Computational Statistics and Data Intelligence : APCAMS 2023, Chongqing, China, June 24–26 / edited by Wenfeng Wang, Wanyang Dai, Hari M. Srivastava. - 1st ed. 2024.. -
Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore, 2024.. - 1 Online-Ressource(XII, 177 p. 49 illus., 40 illus. in color.)
(Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics ; 463) -
Davis, Fred D.: The Technology Acceptance Model : 30 years of TAM / Fred D. Davis, Andrina Granić. -
Cham: Springer, 2024. - 1 Online-Ressource (xi, 117 Seiten) : Illustrationen
(SpringerBriefs in human-computer interaction) -
Disruptive Technologies and Optimization Towards Industry 4.0 Logistics / edited by Athanasia Karakitsiou, Athanasios Migdalas, Panos M. Pardalos. - 1st ed. 2024.. -
Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2024.. - 1 Online-Ressource(XII, 289 p. 61 illus., 38 illus. in color.)
(Springer Optimization and Its Applications ; 214) -
Emerson, Heath: An Introduction to C*-Algebras and Noncommutative Geometry / by Heath Emerson. - 1st ed. 2024.. -
Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2024.. - 1 Online-Ressource(XIII, 539 p. 27 illus.)
(Birkhäuser Advanced Texts Basler Lehrbücher) -
Engelberg, Shlomo: A mathematical introduction to control theory / Shlomo Engelberg, Jerusalem College of Technology, Israel. - Third edition. -
New Jersey ; London ; Singapore: World Scientific, [2024]. - xxvi, 456 Seiten : Diagramme
(Series in electrical and computer engineering ; vol. 8)Signaturen:- UBN/SK 880 E57(3)
Engelbrecht, Jüri: A Journey into the Nonlinear World / by Jüri Engelbrecht. - 1st ed. 2024.. -
Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland, 2024.. - 1 Online-Ressource(XII, 109 p. 9 illus., 4 illus. in color.) -
Extended Abstracts 2022 : Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on the Anthropological Theory of the Didactic (CITAD7) / edited by Ignasi Florensa, Noemí Ruiz-Munzón, Kristina Markulin, Berta Barquero, Marianna Bosch, Yves Chevallard. - 1st ed. 2024.. -
Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland, 2024.. - 1 Online-Ressource(XI, 668 p. 205 illus., 129 illus. in color.)
(Research Perspectives CRM Barcelona ; 16) -
García García, Antonio: The Use of Frames in Sampling Theory / by Antonio García García. - 1st ed. 2024.. -
Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland, 2024.. - 1 Online-Ressource(XVI, 302 p. 14 illus., 12 illus. in color.)
(RSME Springer Series ; 14) -
Garikipati, Krishna: Data-driven Modelling and Scientific Machine Learning in Continuum Physics / by Krishna Garikipati. - 1st ed. 2024.. -
Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2024.. - 1 Online-Ressource(XIV, 230 p. 75 illus., 70 illus. in color.)
(Interdisciplinary Applied Mathematics ; 60) -
Hien, Marco: Abstract Algebra : Suitable for Self-Study or Online Lectures / by Marco Hien. - 1st ed. 2024.. -
Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2024.. - 1 Online-Ressource(IX, 307 p. 140 illus., 2 illus. in color.)
(Mathematics Study Resources ; 7) -
Hilgert, Joachim: Mathematical Structures : From Linear Algebra over Rings to Geometry with Sheaves / by Joachim Hilgert. - 1st ed. 2024.. -
Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2024.. - 1 Online-Ressource(X, 333 p. 85 illus.)
(Mathematics Study Resources ; 13) -
Holzschuh, Tim: On the generalised real section conjecture / vorgelegt von Tim Holzschuh, M.Sc. Mathematik ; Betreuer: Prof. Dr. Alexander Schmidt. -
Heidelberg, 01 Aug. 2024. - 1 Online-Ressource (71 Seiten) -
Korhonen, Mikko: Maximal Solvable Subgroups of Finite Classical Groups / by Mikko Korhonen. - 1st ed. 2024.. -
Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland, 2024.. - 1 Online-Ressource(VIII, 298 p.)
(Lecture Notes in Mathematics ; 2346) -
Liebmann, Heinrich: Notwendigkeit und Freiheit in der Mathematik : akademische Antrittsvorlesung, gehalten in Leipzig am 26. Februar 1905 / Heinrich Liebmann. - Digitale Ausgabe. -
Heidelberg: Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg, 2024. - 1 Online-Ressource (17 Seiten)
(Heidelberger Texte zur Mathematikgeschichte - Einzelpersonen) -
Liu, Xuefeng: Guaranteed Computational Methods for Self-Adjoint Differential Eigenvalue Problems / by Xuefeng Liu. - 1st ed. 2024.. -
Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore, 2024.. - 1 Online-Ressource(IX, 131 p. 19 illus., 2 illus. in color.)
(SpringerBriefs in Mathematics) -
Loehr, Nicholas A.: Advanced linear algebra / Nicholas A. Loehr. - Second edition. -
Boca Raton ; London ; New York: CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, 2024. - 1 Online-Ressource (xxii, 634 Seiten) : Illustrationen
(Textbooks in mathematics) -
Ma, Wentao: Adaptive filtering under minimum mean p-power error criterion / Wentao Ma and Badong Chen. - First edition. -
Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, 2024. - pages cmSignaturen:- UBN/ZN 6025 M111
Maehara, Hiroshi: Circles, Spheres and Spherical Geometry / by Hiroshi Maehara, Horst Martini. - 1st ed. 2024.. -
Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland, 2024.. - 1 Online-Ressource(XIV, 336 p. 85 illus., 1 illus. in color.)
(Birkhäuser Advanced Texts Basler Lehrbücher) -
Mantaci, Roberto: Basics of Programming and Algorithms, Principles and Applications / by Roberto Mantaci, Jean-Baptiste Yunès. - 1st ed. 2024.. -
Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland, 2024.. - 1 Online-Ressource(XVII, 362 p. 90 illus.)
(Compact Textbooks in Mathematics) -
Mathematical Book Histories : Printing, Provenance, and Practices of Reading / edited by Philip Beeley, Ciarán Mac an Bhaird. - 1st ed. 2024.. -
Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2024.. - 1 Online-Ressource(XXIV, 589 p. 89 illus., 80 illus. in color.)
(Trends in the History of Science) -
Mathematical and Statistical Methods for Actuarial Sciences and Finance : MAF2024 / edited by Marco Corazza, Frédéric Gannon, Florence Legros, Claudio Pizzi, Vincent Touzé. - 1st ed. 2024.. -
Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland, 2024.. - 1 Online-Ressource(XI, 304 p. 54 illus., 34 illus. in color.) -
Mikosch, Thomas: Extreme Value Theory for Time Series : Models with Power-Law Tails / by Thomas Mikosch, Olivier Wintenberger. - 1st ed. 2024.. -
Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland, 2024.. - 1 Online-Ressource(XVI, 766 p. 83 illus., 81 illus. in color.)
(Springer Series in Operations Research and Financial Engineering) -
Mureşan, Marian: Differential equations : solving ordinary and partial differential equations with Mathematica® / Marian Mureşan. -
Berlin ; Boston: De Gruyter, [2024]. - XVI, 466 Seiten : Illustrationen, Diagramme
(De Gruyter graduate)Signaturen:- UBN/SK 500 M975
Mănescu-Avram, Corneliu: Selection Tests in Number Theory for Mathematical Olympiads / by Corneliu Mănescu-Avram. - 1st ed. 2024.. -
Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland, 2024.. - 1 Online-Ressource(XIII, 292 p.)
(Problem Books in Mathematics) -
Nonlinear Dispersive Waves : Based on the 2023 Workshop at University College Cork, Ireland / edited by David Henry. - 1st ed. 2024.. -
Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland, 2024.. - 1 Online-Ressource(XII, 282 p. 59 illus., 40 illus. in color.)
(Advances in Mathematical Fluid Mechanics) -
Oprandi, Adriano: Mathematische Epidemiologie: 25 Modelle zur Vorhersage von Pandemien / Adriano Oprandi. -
Berlin ; Boston: De Gruyter Oldenbourg, [2024]. - VIII, 150 Seiten : Illustrationen, Diagramme
(De Gruyter Studium)Signaturen:- UBN/SK 990 O61
Pert, Geoffrey J.: Modelling and simulation in plasma physics for physicists and mathematicians / Geoffrey J. Pert, University of York, Heslington, York, United Kingdom. -
Hoboken, NJ ; Chichester: Wiley, 2024. - 1 Online-Ressource (xvii, 263 Seiten) : Illustrationen -
Pringsheim, Alfred: Über Wert und angeblichen Unwert der Mathematik : Festrede, gehalten in der öffentlichen Sitzung der kgl. bayer. Akademie der Wissenschaften zu München am 14. März 1904 / Alfred Pringsheim. -
Stuttgart ; Leipzig ; Wiesbader: Teubner, 1904. - Seite 357-382 : Illustrationen
(Heidelberger Texte zur Mathematikgeschichte - Einzelpersonen) -
Probability and Stochastic Processes : A Volume in Honour of Rajeeva L. Karandikar / edited by Siva Athreya, Abhay G. Bhatt, B. V. Rao. - 1st ed. 2024.. -
Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore, 2024.. - 1 Online-Ressource(XI, 200 p. 25 illus., 14 illus. in color.)
(Indian Statistical Institute Series) -
Problems in Mathematical Biophysics : A Volume in Memory of Alberto Gandolfi / edited by Alberto d'Onofrio, Antonio Fasano, Federico Papa, Carmela Sinisgalli. - 1st ed. 2024.. -
Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland, 2024.. - 1 Online-Ressource(XXVIII, 276 p. 70 illus., 57 illus. in color.)
(SEMA SIMAI Springer Series ; 38) -
Recent Trends and Future Challenges in Learning from Data / edited by Cristina Davino, Francesco Palumbo, Adalbert F. X. Wilhelm, Hans A. Kestler. - 1st ed. 2024.. -
Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland, 2024.. - 1 Online-Ressource(X, 153 p. 40 illus., 35 illus. in color.)
(Studies in Classification, Data Analysis, and Knowledge Organization) -
Regenerative Ecosystems in the Anthropocene : A Transdisciplinary Ecosystemic Framework for Regenerativeness / edited by Amar K. J. R. Nayak. - 1st ed. 2024.. -
Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland, 2024.. - 1 Online-Ressource(XXXVII, 480 p. 67 illus., 51 illus. in color.)
(The Anthropocene: Politik—Economics—Society—Science ; 38) -
Resnick, Sidney: The Art of Finding Hidden Risks : Hidden Regular Variation in the 21st Century / by Sidney Resnick. - 1st ed. 2024.. -
Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland, 2024.. - 1 Online-Ressource(XIII, 262 p. 105 illus., 73 illus. in color.) -
Ruffa, Anthony A.: Innovative Integrals and Their Applications II / by Anthony A. Ruffa, Bourama Toni. - 1st ed. 2024.. -
Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland, 2024.. - 1 Online-Ressource(XIII, 305 p.)
(STEAM-H: Science, Technology, Engineering, Agriculture, Mathematics & Health) -
Saneii, Seyed Hassan: Practical Biostatistics for Medical and Health Sciences / by Seyed Hassan Saneii, Hassan Doosti. - 1st ed. 2024.. -
Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore, 2024.. - 1 Online-Ressource(X, 384 p. 99 illus., 65 illus. in color.) -
Sauter, Marta: Numerical methods for bilevel optimal control of constrained biomechanical multibody systems with applications in diagnosis of cerebral palsy / vorgelegt von Dipl.-Chem., B.Sc. (Math.) Marta Sauter ; Betreuer: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Hans Georg Bock [und ein weiterer Betreuer]. -
Heidelberg, [2024?]. - XIV, 197 Seiten : Illustrationen, DiagrammeSignaturen:- 2024 U 691
Schäffler, Stefan: Mathematics of Information : Theory and Applications of Shannon-Wiener Information / by Stefan Schäffler. - 1st ed. 2024.. -
Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2024.. - 1 Online-Ressource(XVII, 150 p. 27 illus.)
(Mathematics Study Resources ; 9) -
Social Network Analysis in Action : Basic Methods and Applications / edited by Song Yang. - 1st ed. 2024.. -
Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2024.. - 1 Online-Ressource(VII, 110 p. 30 illus. in color.)
(Lecture Notes in Social Networks) -
Suzuki, Takashi: Methods of geometry in the theory of partial differential equations : principle of the cancellation of singularities / Takashi Suzuki (Osaka University, Japan). -
New Jersey ; London ; Singapore ; Beijing ; Shangai ; Hong Kong ; Taipei ; Chennai: Tokyo, [2024]. - x, 403 SeitenSignaturen:- UBN/SK 540 S968
Sánchez-García, Eduardo: Sustainable Management Through Knowledge and Innovation : How to Develop a Strong Strategy in the Wine Industry / by Eduardo Sánchez-García, Javier Martínez-Falcó, Luis A. Millán-Tudela, Bartolomé Marco-Lajara. - 1st ed. 2024.. -
Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland, 2024.. - 1 Online-Ressource(VII, 35 p. 4 illus.)
(SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology) -
Tbilisi Analysis and PDE Seminar : Extended Abstracts of the 2020-2023 Seminar Talks / edited by Roland Duduchava, Eugene Shargorodsky, George Tephnadze. - 1st ed. 2024.. -
Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland, 2024.. - 1 Online-Ressource(VIII, 218 p. 11 illus., 5 illus. in color.)
(Research Perspectives Ghent Analysis and PDE Center ; 7) -
Tohǎneanu, Ştefan Ovidiu I.: Commutative algebra methods for coding theory / Ştefan Ovidiu I. Tohǎneanu. -
Berlin: De Gruyter, [2024]. - IX, 264 Seiten : Illustrationen
(De Gruyter Studies in Mathematics ; volume 97)Signaturen:- UBN/SK 230 T645
Topological Methods for Delay and Ordinary Differential Equations : With Applications to Continuum Mechanics / edited by Pablo Amster, Pierluigi Benevieri. - 1st ed. 2024.. -
Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2024.. - 1 Online-Ressource(XVI, 211 p. 34 illus., 20 illus. in color.)
(Advances in Continuum Mechanics ; 51) -
Toro, Eleuterio F.: Computational Algorithms for Shallow Water Equations / by Eleuterio F. Toro. - 2nd ed. 2024.. -
Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland, 2024.. - 1 Online-Ressource(XV, 408 p. 161 illus., 22 illus. in color.) -
Triangulated Categories in Representation Theory and Beyond : The Abel Symposium 2022 / edited by Petter Andreas Bergh, Steffen Oppermann, Øyvind Solberg. - 1st ed. 2024.. -
Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland, 2024.. - 1 Online-Ressource(IX, 270 p. 30 illus., 8 illus. in color.)
(Abel Symposia ; 17) -
Wassertheil-Smoller, Sylvia: Biostatistics and Epidemiology : A Primer for Health and Biomedical Professionals / by Sylvia Wassertheil-Smoller, Jordan Smoller. - 5th ed. 2024.. -
Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2024.. - 1 Online-Ressource(XIX, 232 p. 77 illus., 16 illus. in color.) -
Women in Numbers Europe IV : Research Directions in Number Theory / edited by Ramla Abdellatif, Valentijn Karemaker, Lejla Smajlovic. - 1st ed. 2024.. -
Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2024.. - 1 Online-Ressource(XIV, 369 p. 18 illus., 8 illus. in color.)
(Association for Women in Mathematics Series ; 32) -
Zuazua, Enrique: Exact Controllability and Stabilization of the Wave Equation / by Enrique Zuazua. - 1st ed. 2024.. -
Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland, 2024.. - 1 Online-Ressource(XVIII, 133 p. 3 illus.)
(La Matematica per il 3+2 ; 162)
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