Fakultät für Physik und Astronomie
- Appenzeller, Immo [Prof.]
- A
(u.a.) Optical identification of ROSAT X-ray sources at the Guillermo Haro Obervatory. In: Rev. Mexicana Astron.Astrof. 26 (1993) 98--99
- A Die Suche nach der unbekannten Materie. In: Vom Urknall zum komplexen Universum. Hrsg. von G.Börner u.a. (Veröff. der Carl-Friedr.-v.-Siemens-Stiftung ; 6 -- Serie Piper ; 1850). München 1993, S. 109--153
- A Die Suche nach der unbekannten Materie. In: Vom Urknall zum komplexen Universum. Hrsg. von G.Börner u.a. (Veröff. der Carl-Friedr.-v.-Siemens-Stiftung ; 6 -- Serie Piper ; 1850). München 1993, S. 109--153
- Baschek, Bodo [Prof.]
- A
(u.a.) Line formation in accretion disks. In: Cataclysmic Variables and Related Physics. Ed. by O.Regev and G.Shaviv (Annals of the Israel Physical Soc. ; 10). Bristol 1993, S. 176--179
- A (u.a.) New abundance analyses of B-type giants in the Magellanic Clouds. In: New Aspects of Magellanic Cloud Research. Ed. by B.Baschek et al. Berlin 1993, S. 337--339
- A (mit R.Wehrse) Billiardenmal heller als die Sonne. In: Ruperto Carola 1993, Nr. 1, S. 10--15
- H (u.a.) New Aspects of Magellanic Cloud Research. Berlin 1993. XIII,404 S. [darin S. 1--4: Introduction ]
- A (u.a.) New abundance analyses of B-type giants in the Magellanic Clouds. In: New Aspects of Magellanic Cloud Research. Ed. by B.Baschek et al. Berlin 1993, S. 337--339
- Bender, Iring [Prof.]
- A
(u.a.) Lattice fermions at non-zero temperature and chemical potential. In: Zs.Phys. 58 C (1993) 333--337
- Bernreuther, Werner [Prof.]
- A
(u.a.) The CP-violating electric and weak dipole moments of the tau lepton from treshold to 500 GeV. In: Phys.Rev. 48 D (1993) 78--88
- A (mit A.Brandenburg) Signatures of Higgs sector CP violation in top quark pair production at proton-proton supercolliders. In: Physics Letters 314 B (1993) 104 ff.
- A (mit A.Brandenburg) Signatures of Higgs sector CP violation in top quark pair production at proton-proton supercolliders. In: Physics Letters 314 B (1993) 104 ff.
- Bille, Josef [Prof.]
- A
(u.a.) Quantitative Beschreibung der 3-dimensionalen Struktur des Zytoskeletts. In: Mustererkennung 1993. Hrsg. von S.J.Pöppl u.a. Berlin 1993, S. 222--227
- A (mit M.H.Niemz) Laser in der Augenheilkunde. In: Physik in unserer Zeit 24 (1993) 109--116
- A (u.a.) Stereotaktische Laser-Neurochirurgie: Ebda S. 280--286
- A (mit M.H.Niemz) Laser in der Augenheilkunde. In: Physik in unserer Zeit 24 (1993) 109--116
- Bock, Peter [Prof.]
- A
(u.a.) A study of K_{s}^{0} K_{s}^{0} Bose-Einstein correlations in hadronic Z^{0} decays. In: Physics Letters B 298 (1993) 456--468
- A (u.a.) Search for anomalous production of high mass photon pairs in e^{+}e^{-} collisions at LEP: Ebda B 301 (1993) 391--407
- A (u.a.) A study of electric charge distributions of quark and gluon jets in hadronic Z^{0} decays: Ebda B 302 (1993) 523--532
- A (u.a.) A measurement of K^{*+}(892) production in hadronic Z^{0} decays: Ebda B 305 (1993) 407--414
- A (u.a.) Evidence for chain-like production of strange baryon pairs in jets: Ebda S. 415--427
- A (u.a.) Measurement of the mass of the Z^{0} boson and the energy calibration of LEP: Ebda B 307 (1993) 187--193
- A (u.a.) Measurement of the B^{0} and B{+} lifetimes: Ebda S. 247--261
- A (u.a.) Measurement of the B_{s}^{0} lifetime: Ebda B 312 (1993) 501--510
- A (u.a.) Search for massive, unstable photinos that violate R parity: Ebda B 313 (1993) 333--340
- A (u.a.) A measurement of average lifetime of b-flavoured baryons: Ebda B 316 (1993) 435--447
- A (u.a.) QCD coherence studies using two particle azimuthal correlations. In: Zs.Phys. C 58 (1993) 207--217
- A (u.a.) Precision measurements of the neutral current from hadron and lepton production at LEP: Ebda S. 219--237
- A (u.a.) A study of difference between quark and gluon jets using vertex tagging of quark jets: Ebda S. 387--403
- A (u.a.) Studies of strong and electroweak interactions using final state photon emission in hadronic Z^{0} decays: Ebda S. 405--418
- A (u.a.) Measurement of \Gamma(Z^{0} \rightarrow b\bar{b})/\Gamma(Z^{0} \rightarrow hadrons) using leptons: Ebda S. 523--539
- A (u.a.) A determination of \alpha_{s}(M_{z}) at LEP using resummed QCD calculations: Ebda C 59 (1993) 1--19
- A (u.a.) Measurement of the \tau lifetime: Ebda S. 183--194
- A (u.a.) The forward-backward asymmetry of e^{+}e^{-} \rightarrow b\bar{b} and e^{+}e^{-} \rightarrow c\bar{c} using leptons in hadronic Z^{0} decays: Ebda C 60 (1993) 19--35
- A (u.a.) Measurement of B^{0}-\bar{B}^{0} mixing, \Gamma(Z^{0} \rightarrow b\bar{b})/\Gamma(Z^{0} \rightarrow hadrons) and semileptonic branching ratios for b-flavoured hadrons in hadronic Z^{0} decays: Ebda S. 199--216
- A (u.a.) Measurement of the average b hadron lifetime in Z^{0} decays: Ebda S. 217--228
- A (u.a.) A test of the flavour independence of the strong interaction for five flavours: Ebda S. 397--420
- A (u.a.) A measurement of \Gamma(Z^{0} \rightarrow b\bar{b})/\Gamma(Z^{0} \rightarrow hadrons) using an impact parameter technique: Ebda S. 579--592
- A (u.a.) A study of muon pair production and evidence for \tau pair production in photon-photon collisions at LEP: Ebda S. 593--600
- A (u.a.) A measurement of the forward-backward asymmetry of e^{+}e^{-} \rightarrow c\bar{c} and e^{+}e^{-} \rightarrow b\bar{b} at centre of mass energies on and near the Z^{0} peak using D^{*+-} mesons: Ebda S. 601--612
- A (u.a.) Search for anomalous production of high mass photon pairs in e^{+}e^{-} collisions at LEP: Ebda B 301 (1993) 391--407
- Bühring, Wolfgang [Prof.]
- A
The characteristic exponent of second-order linear differential equations with two irregular singular points. In: Proc.Am.Math.Soc. 118 (1993) 801--812
- Cremer, Christoph [Prof.]
- A
(u.a.) Time-optimized analysis of slit-scan chromosome profiles on a general-purpose personal computer. In: Computer Applications in the Biosciences 9 (1993) 381--385
- A (u.a.) Aberrations in confocal fluorescence microscopy induced by mismatches in refractive index. In: J.Miscrosc. 169 (1993) 391--405
- A (u.a.) Differences of size and shape of active and inactive X-chromosome domains in human amniotic fluid cell nuclei. In: Microsc.Res.Techn. 25 (1993) 68--77
- A (u.a.) Identification and cytogenetic analysis of an abnormal pig chromosome for flow cytometry and sorting. In: Zs.Naturforsch. 48 c (1993) 645--653
- A (u.a.) Analyse von Strahlenschäden in menschlichen Metaphasechromosomen nach Fluoreszenz in situ Hybridisierung. In: Zytogenetische Methoden im Rahmen des Populationsmonitorings. Hrsg. von D.Arndt und G.Obe (bga-Schriften ; 93,3). München 1993, S. 27--32
- A (u.a.) Aberrations in confocal fluorescence microscopy induced by mismatches in refractive index. In: J.Miscrosc. 169 (1993) 391--405
- Duschl, Wolfgang [Priv.Doz.]
- A
Warum leuchten die Sterne? In: Abschied vom 20. Jahrhundert. Hrsg. von K.Kaever (Beck`sche Reihe ; 1000). München 1993, S. 252 ff.
- A (u.a.) Molecular clouds as tracers of the dynamics in the central region of the Galaxy. In: Astron.Astrophys. 269 (1993) 169--174
- A (u.a.) A rotating black hole in the Galactic center: Ebda 270 (1993) 102--106
- A (u.a.) Molecular clouds close to the Galactic center: Ebda 275 (1993) 153--157
- A (mit A.Bruch) Clues to the structure of the boundary layer in cataclysmic variables from observations of the flickering: Ebda S. 219--226
- A (u.a.) Accretion disks around T Tauri stars. IV: The star-disk boundary layer: Ebda S. 236--238
- A (u.a.) Our Galactic center : a laboratory for the feeding of AGNs? Ebda 280 (1993) 468--475
- A Physics and chemistry of protoplanetary accretion disks. In: The Chemistry of Life`s Origins. Ed. by J.M.Greenberg et al. Dordrecht 1993, S. 55--73
- A Akkretion und das Galaktische Zentrum. In: Sterne 69 (1993) 220--230
- A (u.a.) Molecular clouds as tracers of the dynamics in the central region of the Galaxy. In: Astron.Astrophys. 269 (1993) 169--174
- Ellwanger, Ulrich [Priv.Doz.]
- A
(mit L.Vergara) Flow equations for the Higgs top system. In: Nucl.Phys. B 398 (1993) 52--68
- A (mit M.Lindner) Constraints on new physics from the Higgs and top masses. In: Physics Letters B 301 (1993) 365--371
- A Radiative corrections to the neutral Higgs spectrum in supersymmetry with a gauge singlet: Ebda B 303 (1993) 271--276
- A (u.a.) Particle spectrum in supersymmetric models with a gauge singlet: Ebda B 315 (1993) 331--337
- A Collective fields and flow equations. In: Zs.Phys. C 58 (1993) 619--628
- A (mit M.Lindner) Constraints on new physics from the Higgs and top masses. In: Physics Letters B 301 (1993) 365--371
- Elsässer, Hans [Prof.]
- A
(mit U.Klaas) A sample of optically faint infrared luminous galaxies. In: Astron.Astrophys. 280 (1993) 76--84
- A (mit H.J.Staude) Young bipolar nebulae. In: Astron.Astrophys.Rev. 5 (1993) 165--238
- A (mit U.Klaas) Identification and morphology of faint extragalactic IRAS-sources. In: Astron.Astrophys.Suppl.Ser. 99 (1993) 71--103
- A Interstellare Materie und Sternentstehung. In: Facetten der Astronomie. Hrsg. von H.Völk. Leipzig 1993, S. 50--60 [auch in: Astronomie und Raumfahrt 30 (1993) 4--7]
- A (u.a.) The Tautenburg ``Feldspinne''. In: Fiber Optics in Astronomy. Ed. by P.M.Gray (ASP Conference Series ; 37). San Francisco 1993, S. 166--169
- A Von der Frühgeschichte des Universums. In: Heidelberger Jb. 37 (1993) 31--44
- A Das Wachstum von Sternen und Galaxien. In: Nova Acta Leopoldina 69 (1993) 107--125
- A (mit H.J.Staude) Young bipolar nebulae. In: Astron.Astrophys.Rev. 5 (1993) 165--238
- Fechtig, Hugo [Prof.]
- A
(u.a.) CODAG-dust agglomeration experiment in micro-gravity. In: Adv.Space Res. 13, No. 7 (1993) 73--76
- A (u.a.) Discovery of jovian dust streams and interstellar grains by the Ulysses spacecraft. In: Nature 362 (1993) 428--430
- A (u.a.) Discovery of jovian dust streams and interstellar grains by the Ulysses spacecraft. In: Nature 362 (1993) 428--430
- Glässel, Peter [Prof.]
- A
(u.a.) Performance of the multianode cylindrical silicon drift detector in the CERES NA45 experiment : first results. In: Nucl.Instr.Meth.Phys.Res. A 326 (1993) 273--278
- A (u.a.) Transverse energy measurements in proton-nucleus interactions at high energy. In: Zs.Phys. C 58 (1993) 239--249
- A (u.a.) Soft photon production in 450 GeV/cp-Be collisions: Ebda C 59 (1993) 547--553
- A (u.a.) Transverse energy measurements in proton-nucleus interactions at high energy. In: Zs.Phys. C 58 (1993) 239--249
- Gromes, Dieter [Prof.]
- A
Construction of Bethe salpeter wave functions and applications in QCD. In: Zs.Phys. C 57 (1993) 631--638
- Hepp, Volker [Prof.]
- A
(u.a.) Measurement of the b \rightarrow \tau^{-}\bar{\nu}_{\tau}X branching ratio. In: Physics Letters 298 B (1993) 479--491
- A (u.a.) Search for particles with unexpected mass and charge in Z decays: Ebda 303 B (1993) 198--208
- A (u.a.) Measurement of the bar{B}^{0} and B^{-} meson lifetimes: Ebda 307 B (1993) 194--208
- A (u.a.) Measurement of the strong coupling constant using \tau decays: Ebda S. 209--220
- A (u.a.) Search for high mass photon pairs in e^{+}e^{-} \rightarrow f\bar{f}\gamma\gamma (f = e, \mu, \tau, \nu, q) at LEP: Ebda 308 B (1993) 425--434
- A (u.a.) First measurement of the B_{S} meson mass: Ebda 311 B (1993) 425--436
- A (u.a.) Search for the standard model Higgs boson: Ebda 313 B (1993) 299--311
- A (u.a.) Search for a non-minimal Higgs boson produced in the reaction e^{+}e^{-} \rightarrow hZ^{*}: Ebda S. 312--325
- A (u.a.) Observation of the time dependence of B_{d}^{0}--\bar{B}_{d}^{0} mixing: Ebda S. 498--508
- A (u.a.) An experimental study of \gamma\gamma \rightarrow hadrons at LEP: Ebda S. 509--519
- A (u.a.) A direct measurement of the invisible width of the Z from single photon counting: Ebda S. 520--534
- A (u.a.) A precise measurement of \Gamma_{Z \rightarrow bb}/\Gamma_{Z \rightarrow hadrons}: Ebda S. 535--548
- A (u.a.) Measurement of the ratio \Gamma_{bb}/\Gamma_{had} using event shape variables: Ebda S. 549--563
- A (u.a.) Measurement of the b hadron lifetime with the dipole method: Ebda 314 B (1993) 459--470
- A (u.a.) Measurement of prompt photon production in hadronic Z decays. In: Zs.Phys. 57 C (1993) 17--35
- A (u.a.) Search for contact interactions in the reactions e^{+}e^{-} \rightarrow l^{+}l^{-} and e^{+}e^{-} \rightarrow \gamma\gamma: Ebda 59 C (1993) 215--229
- A (u.a.) Measurement of the tau polarisation at the Z resonance: Ebda S. 369--386
- A (u.a.) Update of electroweak parameters from Z decays: Ebda 60 C (1993) 71--81
- A (u.a.) Search for particles with unexpected mass and charge in Z decays: Ebda 303 B (1993) 198--208
- Hoffmann, Karl Heinz [Prof.]
- A
(u.a.) Linear-response theory for slowly relaxing systems. In: Europhys.Lett. 22 (1993) 565--570
- A (mit M.Christoph) Scaling behaviour of optimal simulated annealing schedules. In: J.Phys. A 26 (1993) 3267--3277
- A (mit M.Christoph) Scaling behaviour of optimal simulated annealing schedules. In: J.Phys. A 26 (1993) 3267--3277
- Hofmann, Werner [Prof.]
- A
An experiment to study CP violation in the B system using an internal target at the HERA proton ring. In: Nucl.Instr.Meth.Phys.Res. A 333 (1993) 153--166
- A (u.a.) Observation of \Psi_{c}^{0} semileptonic decay. In: Physics Letters B 303 (1993) 368--376
- A (u.a.) A partial wave analysis of the decay D^{0} \rightarrow K_{S}^{0}\pi^{+}\pi^{-}: Ebda B 308 (1993) 435--443
- A (u.a.) A determination of two Michel parameters in purely leptonic tau decays: Ebda B 316 (1993) 608--614
- A (u.a.) Observation of a new charmed baryon: Ebda B 317 (1993) 227--232
- A (u.a.) A model-independent determination of the inclusive semileptonic decay fraction of B mesons: Ebda B 318 (1993) 397--404
- A (u.a.) Investigation of the decays \bar{B}^{0} \rightarrow D^{*+} \rightarrow l^{-} \bar{\nu} and \bar{B} \rightarrow D^{**} l^{-}\bar{\nu}. In: Zs.Phys. C 57 (1993) 533--540
- A (u.a.) Inclusive production of \eta' (958) and f_{0} (975) mesons in the \Y energy region: Ebda C 58 (1993) 199--206
- A (u.a.) Observation of \Psi_{c}^{0} semileptonic decay. In: Physics Letters B 303 (1993) 368--376
- Hüfner, Jörg [Prof.]
- A
(u.a.) Colour screening, quark propagation in nuclear matter and the broadening of the momentum distribution of Drell-Yan pairs. In: Physics Letters 312 B (1993) 235--239
- Hunklinger, Siegfried [Prof.]
- A
(u.a.) Distribution of barrier heights in a-SiO_{2} and a-Se. In: J.Non-Cryst.Solids 164/166 (1993) 1183--1186
- A (u.a.) Brillouin scattering of vitreous silica under high pressure. In: Phonon Scattering in Condensed Matter VII. Ed. by M.Meissner and R.O.Pohl (Springer Series on Solid-State Sciences ; 112). Berlin 1993, S. 271--272
- A (u.a.) Surface acoustic waves : a new tool for thin film research and sensor technology: Ebda S. 448--450
- A (u.a.) Brillouin scattering of vitreous silica under high pressure. In: Phonon Scattering in Condensed Matter VII. Ed. by M.Meissner and R.O.Pohl (Springer Series on Solid-State Sciences ; 112). Berlin 1993, S. 271--272
- Kinzelbach, Wolfgang [Prof.]
- A
(u.a.) Modelling subsurface flow and transport. In: Modelling Change in Environmental Systems. Ed. by A.J.Jakeman et al. Chichester 1993, S. 133--161
- A (u.a.) Use of models in the design and monitoring of in situ remediation measures. In: Technologies for Environmental Cleanup : Soil and Groundwater. Ed. by Avogadro and R.C.Ragaini. Dordrecht 1993, S. 435--454
- A (u.a.) Use of models in the design and monitoring of in situ remediation measures. In: Technologies for Environmental Cleanup : Soil and Groundwater. Ed. by Avogadro and R.C.Ragaini. Dordrecht 1993, S. 435--454
- Kluge, Eike Erik [Prof.]
- A
(u.a.) Measurement of the b \rightarrow \tau^{-}\bar{\nu}_{\tau}X branching ratio. In: Physics Letters 298 B (1993) 479--491
- A (u.a.) Search for particles with unexpected mass and charge in Z decays: Ebda 303 B (1993) 198--208
- A (u.a.) Measurement of the \bar{B}^{0} and B^{-} meson lifetimes: Ebda 307 B (1993) 194--208
- A (u.a.) Measurement of the strong coupling constant using \tau decays: Ebda S. 209--220
- A (u.a.) Search for high mass photon pairs in e^{+}e^{-} \rightarrow f\bar{f}\gamma\gamma (f = e, \mu, \tau, \nu, q) at LEP: Ebda 308 B (1993) 425--434
- A (u.a.) First measurement of the B_{S} meson mass: Ebda 311 B (1993) 425--436
- A (u.a.) Search for the standard model Higgs boson: Ebda 313 B (1993) 299--311
- A (u.a.) Search for a non-minimal Higgs boson produced in the reaction e^{+}e^{-} \rightarrow hZ^{*}: Ebda S. 312--325
- A (u.a.) Observation of the time dependence of B_{d}^{0}-\bar{B}_{d}^{0} mixing: Ebda S. 498--508
- A (u.a.) An experimental study of \gamma\gamma \rightarrow hadrons at LEP: Ebda S. 509--519
- A (u.a.) A direct measurement of the invisible width of the Z from single photon counting: Ebda S. 520--534
- A (u.a.) A precise measurement of \Gamma_{Z \rightarrow bb}/\Gamma_{Z \rightarrow hadrons}: Ebda S. 535--548
- A (u.a.) Measurement of the ratio \Gamma_{bb}/\Gamma_{had} using event shape variables: Ebda S. 549--563
- A (u.a.) Measurement of the b hadron lifetime with the dipole method: Ebda 314 B (1993) 459--470
- A (u.a.) Measurement of prompt photon production in hadronic Z decays. In: Zs.Phys. 57 C (1993) 17--35
- A (u.a.) Evidence for f_{2}(1720) production in the reaction pomeron-pomeron \rightarrow \pi^{+}\pi^{-}\pi^{+}\pi^{-}: Ebda 58 C (1993) 251--256
- A (u.a.) Search for contact interactions in the reactions e^{+}e^{-} \rightarrow l^{+}l^{-} and e^{+}e^{-} \rightarrow \gamma\gamma: Ebda 59 C (1993) 215--229
- A (u.a.) Measurement of the tau polarisation at the Z resonance: Ebda S. 369--386
- A (u.a.) Update of electroweak parameters from Z decays: Ebda 60 C (1993) 71--81
- A (u.a.) Search for particles with unexpected mass and charge in Z decays: Ebda 303 B (1993) 198--208
- Lassen, Lars [Prof.]
- A
(u.a.) Light-particle emission versus evaporation residue formation in collisions of {}^{40}Ar on {}^{nat}Ca at 30 MeV/u. In: Zs.Phys. A 347 (1993) 117--122
- Lindner, Manfred [Priv.Doz.]
- A
Top condensates as Higgs substitute. In: Internat. J. of Modern Physics : A 8 (1993) 2167--2239
- A (mit A.Blumhofer) Custodial SU(2) violation and the origin of fermion masses. In: Nucl.Phys. B 407 (1993) 173--190
- A (mit U.Ellwanger) Constraints on new physics from the Higgs and top masses. In: Physics Letters B 301 (1993) 365--371
- A (mit A.Blumhofer) Custodial SU(2) violation and the origin of fermion masses. In: Nucl.Phys. B 407 (1993) 173--190
- Meier, Karlheinz [Prof.]
- A
(u.a.) A search for leptoquarks, leptogluons and excited leptons in H1 at HERA. In: Nucl.Phys. 396 B (1993) 3--26
- A (u.a.) A search for new intermediate vector bosons and excited quarks decaying into two jets at the CERN proton antiproton collider: Ebda 400 B (1993) 3--24
- A (u.a.) Measurement of the proton structure function F2 in the low x region at HERA: Ebda 407 B (1993) 515--538
- A (u.a.) Measurement of the hadronic final state in deep inelastic scattering at HERA. In: Physics Letters 298 B (1993) 469--478
- A (u.a.) Measurement of the gluon structure function from direct photon data at the CERN proton antiproton collider: Ebda 299 B (1993) 174--182
- A (u.a.) Total photoproduction cross-section measurements at HERA energies: Ebda S. 374--384
- A (u.a.) Observation of deep inelastic scattering at low x: Ebda S. 385--393
- A (u.a.) Measurement of inclusive jet cross section at HERA: Ebda 314 B (1993) 436--444
- A Pipelines und Partonen. In: Ruperto Carola 1993, Nr. 3, S. 24--31
- A (u.a.) A search for new intermediate vector bosons and excited quarks decaying into two jets at the CERN proton antiproton collider: Ebda 400 B (1993) 3--24
- Münnich, Karl Otto [em.Prof.]
- A
Beiträge der Umweltphysik zur Umweltforschung. In: Ökologie und Umwelt. Hrsg. von R.Zwilling und W.Fritsche. Heidelberg 1993, S. 71--88
- Nachtmann, Otto [Prof.]
- A
(u.a.) The CP-violating electric and weak dipole moments of the tau lepton from treshold to 500 GeV. In: Phys.Rev. 48 D (1993) 78--88
- A (u.a.) Spin effects and factorization in the Drell-Yan process. In: Zs.Phys. C 60 (1993) 697 ff.
- A (u.a.) Spin effects and factorization in the Drell-Yan process. In: Zs.Phys. C 60 (1993) 697 ff.
- Pelte, Dietrich [Prof.]
- A
(u.a.) A highly-segmented \delta E-time-of-flight wall as forward detector of the 4\pi-system for charged particles at the SIS/FSR accelerator. In: Nucl.Instr.Meth.Phys.Res. A 324 (1993) 156--175
- A (u.a.) Entropy induction in the Au+Au reaction between 150 and 800 AMeV. In: Phys.Rev. C 48 (1993) 1232--1248
- A (u.a.) Velocity correlations of intermediate mass fragments produced in central collisions of Au+Au at 150 AMeV. In: Phys.Rev.Lett. 69 (1993) 156--158
- A (u.a.) Entropy induction in the Au+Au reaction between 150 and 800 AMeV. In: Phys.Rev. C 48 (1993) 1232--1248
- Pirner, Hans Jürgen [Prof.]
- A
(u.a.) Shadowing and antishadowing of the photon structure function of the hydrogen molecule. In: Phys.Rev. C 48 (1993) 877--889
- A (mit M.Kaluza) Hyperfine splitting in the light-cone Tamm-Dancoff equation of QED and QCD: Ebda D 47 (1993) 1620--1628
- A (u.a.) How does nuclear Fermi motion modify the gluon structure function and J/\psi-leptoproduction? In: Physics Letters B 307 (1993) 177--181
- A (u.a.) Chiral thermodynamics in the 1/N-expansion: Ebda B 311 (1993) 213--218
- A (u.a.) Scattering length expansion of the coupled channels \bar{p}p \rightarrow \bar{\Lambda}\Lambda and \bar{\Lambda}\Lambda \rightarrow \bar{\Lambda}\Lambda near the \Lambda production threshold. In: Zs.Phys. A 344 (1993) 317--323
- A (mit M.Kaluza) Hyperfine splitting in the light-cone Tamm-Dancoff equation of QED and QCD: Ebda D 47 (1993) 1620--1628
- Platt, Ulrich [Prof.]
- A
Anthropogene und natürliche Spurengase in der Atmosphäre. In: Ökologie und Umwelt. Hrsg. von R.Zwilling und W.Fritsche. Heidelberg 1993, S. 89--102
- A Droht ein zweites Ozonloch? In: Ruperto Carola 1993, Nr. 2, S. 10--16
- A Droht ein zweites Ozonloch? In: Ruperto Carola 1993, Nr. 2, S. 10--16
- Povh, Bogdan [Prof.]
- A
(u.a.) Subtreshold antiproton production in heavy ion collisions. In: Physica Scripta 48 (1993) 184--187
- A (u.a.) New method to polarize protons in a storage ring and implications to polarize antiprotons. In: Phys.Rev.Lett. 71 (1993) 1379--1382
- A (u.a.) Quark and gluon distributions and \alpha_{s} from nucleon structure functions at low \chi. In: Physics Letters B 309 (1993) 222--230
- H (u.a.) Teilchen und Kerne : eine Einführung in die physikalischen Konzepte. Berlin 1993. 316 S.
- A (u.a.) New method to polarize protons in a storage ring and implications to polarize antiprotons. In: Phys.Rev.Lett. 71 (1993) 1379--1382
- Putzer, Alois [Prof.]
- A
(u.a.) Measurement of the b \rightarrow \tau^{-}\bar{\nu}_{\tau}X branching ratio. In: Physics Letters 298 B (1993) 479--491
- A (u.a.) Search for particles with unexpected mass and charge in Z decays: Ebda 303 B (1993) 198--208
- A (u.a.) Measurement of the \bar{B}^{0} and B^{-} meson lifetimes: Ebda 307 B (1993) 194--208
- A (u.a.) Measurement of the strong coupling constant using \tau decays: Ebda S. 209--220
- A (u.a.) Search for high mass photon pairs in e^{+}e^{-} \rightarrow f\bar{f}\gamma\gamma (f = e, \mu, \tau, \nu, q) at LEP: Ebda 308 B (1993) 425--434
- A (u.a.) First measurement of the B_{S} meson mass: Ebda 311 B (1993) 425--436
- A (u.a.) Search for the standard model Higgs boson: Ebda 313 B (1993) 299--311
- A (u.a.) Search for a non-minimal Higgs boson produced in the reaction e^{+}e^{-} \rightarrow hZ^{*}: Ebda S. 312--325
- A (u.a.) Observation of the time dependence of B_{d}^{0}-\bar{B}_{d}^{0} mixing: Ebda S. 498--508
- A (u.a.) An experimental study of \gamma\gamma \rightarrow hadrons at LEP: Ebda S. 509--519
- A (u.a.) A direct measurement of the invisible width of the Z from single photon counting: Ebda S. 520--534
- A (u.a.) A precise measurement of \Gamma_{Z \rightarrow bb}/\Gamma_{Z \rightarrow hadrons}: Ebda S. 535--548
- A (u.a.) Measurement of the ratio \Gamma_{bb}/\Gamma_{had} using event shape variables: Ebda S. 549--563
- A (u.a.) Measurement of the b hadron lifetime with the dipole method: Ebda 314 B (1993) 459--470
- A (u.a.) Measurement of prompt photon production in hadronic Z decays. In: Zs.Phys. 57 C (1993) 17--35
- A (u.a.) Evidence for f_{2}(1720) production in the reaction pomeron-pomeron \rightarrow \pi^{+}\pi^{-}\pi^{+}\pi{-}: Ebda 58 C (1993) 251--256
- A (u.a.) Search for contact interactions in the reactions \e^{+}e^{-} \rightarrow l^{+}l^{-} and e^{+}e^{-} \rightarrow \gamma\gamma: Ebda 59 C (1993) 215--229
- A (u.a.) Measurement of the tau polarisation at the Z resonance: Ebda S. 369--386
- A (u.a.) Update of electroweak parameters from Z decays: Ebda 60 C (1993) 71--81
- A (u.a.) Search for particles with unexpected mass and charge in Z decays: Ebda 303 B (1993) 198--208
- Rothe, Heinz J. [Prof.]
- A
(u.a.) Lattice fermions at non-zero temperature and chemical potential. In: Zs.Phys. 58 C (1993) 333--337
- Rothe, Klaus D. [Prof.]
- A
Proper-time regularization and topological mass ambiguity in three-dimensional QCD. In: Phys.Rev. D 48 (1993) 1871--1874
- Schmidt, Michael G. [Prof.]
- A
(mit C.Schubert) On the calculation of effective actions by string methods. In: Physics Letters 318 B (1993) 438--446
- Scholz, Michael T. [Prof.]
- A
Properties of Mira photospheres. In: New Perspectives on Stellar Pulsation and Pulsating Variable Stars. Ed. by J.M.Nemec and J.M.Matthews. Cambridge 1993, S. 201--203
- Schwalm, Dirk [Prof.]
- A
(u.a.) Electron-ion recombination in merged beams. In: 13th Internat. Conference on Atomic Physics, Munich. Ed. by H.Walther et al. (Atomic Physics ; 13 -- AIP Conference Proceedings ; 275). New York 1993, S. 228--244
- A (u.a.) High resolution measurement of dielectronic recombination of fluorine-like Se^{25+}. In: 6th Internat. Conference on the Physics of Highly Charged Ions, Manhattan. Ed. by P.Richard et al. (AIP Conference Proceedings ; 274). New York 1993, S. 237--240
- A (u.a.) Coulomb excitation studies to high spin in ^{248}Cm. In: J.Phys. G 19 (1993) 849--860
- A (u.a.) Upgrading of the Heidelberg accelerator facility with a new high current injector. In: Nucl.Instr.Meth.Phys.Res. A 328 (1993) 160--163
- A (u.a.) Development of seven-gap resonators for the Heidelberg high current injector: Ebda S. 270--274
- A (u.a.) Molecular physics in a storage ring : dissociative recombination and excitation of cold HD^{+}: Ebda B 79 (1993) 273--275
- A (u.a.) Dielectronic recombination from the ground state of heliumlike carbon ions. In: Phys.Rev. A 47 (1993) 4859--4864
- A (u.a.) Laser cooling of stored high-velocity ions by means of the spontaneous force: Ebda A 48 (1993) 2127--2144
- A (u.a.) Coulomb excitation of the K^{p} = 8^{-} isomer in {}^{178}Hf: Ebda C 48 (1993) 2517--2519
- A (u.a.) Dissociative recombination of cold HD^{+} at the Test Storage Ring. In: Phys.Rev.Lett. 70 (1993) 426--429
- A (u.a.) Observation of a harmonic two-phonon vibration in a deformed nucleus. In: Physics Letters B 317 (1993) 19--24
- A (u.a.) High resolution measurement of dielectronic recombination of fluorine-like Se^{25+}. In: 6th Internat. Conference on the Physics of Highly Charged Ions, Manhattan. Ed. by P.Richard et al. (AIP Conference Proceedings ; 274). New York 1993, S. 237--240
- Specht, Hans-Joachim [Prof.]
- A
(u.a.) Performance of the multianode cylindrical silicon drift detector in the CERES NA45 experiment : first results. In: Nucl.Instr.Meth.Phys.Res. A 326 (1993) 273--278
- A (u.a.) Transverse energy measurements in proton-nucleus interactions at high energy. In: Zs.Phys. C 58 (1993) 239--249
- A (u.a.) Soft photon production in 450 GeV/cp-Be collisions: Ebda C 59 (1993) 547--553
- A (u.a.) Transverse energy measurements in proton-nucleus interactions at high energy. In: Zs.Phys. C 58 (1993) 239--249
- Stech, Berthold [em.Prof.]
- A
(mit W.F.Palmer) Inclusive nonleptonic decays of B and D mesons. In: Phys.Rev. D 48 (1993) 4174--4182
- Tittel, Klaus [Prof.]
- A
(u.a.) Measurement of the b \rightarrow \tau^{-}\bar{\nu}_{\tau}X branching ratio. In: Physics Letters 298 B (1993) 479--491
- A (u.a.) Search for particles with unexpected mass and charge in Z decays: Ebda 303 B (1993) 198--208
- A (u.a.) Measurement of the \bar{B}^{0} and B^{-} meson lifetimes: Ebda 307 B (1993) 194--208
- A (u.a.) Measurement of the strong coupling constant using \tau decays: Ebda S. 209--220
- A (u.a.) Search for high mass photon pairs in e^{+}e^{-} \rightarrow f\bar{f}\gamma\gamma (f = e, \mu, \tau, \nu, q) at LEP: Ebda 308 B (1993) 425--434
- A (u.a.) First measurement of the B_{S} meson mass: Ebda 311 B (1993) 425--436
- A (u.a.) Search for the standard model Higgs boson: Ebda 313 B (1993) 299--311
- A (u.a.) Search for a non-minimal Higgs boson produced in the reaction e^{+}e^{-} \rightarrow hZ^{*}: Ebda S. 312--325
- A (u.a.) Observation of the time dependence of B_{d}^{0}-\bar{B}_{d}^{0} mixing: Ebda S. 498--508
- A (u.a.) An experimental study of \gamma\gamma \rightarrow hadrons at LEP: Ebda S. 509--519
- A (u.a.) A direct measurement of the invisible width of the Z from single photon counting: Ebda S. 520--534
- A (u.a.) A precise measurement of \Gamma_{Z \rightarrow bb}/\Gamma_{Z \rightarrow hadrons}: Ebda S. 535--548
- A (u.a.) Measurement of the ratio \Gamma_{bb}/\Gamma_{had} using event shape variables: Ebda S. 549--563
- A (u.a.) Measurement of the b hadron lifetime with the dipole method: Ebda 314 B (1993) 459--470
- A (u.a.) Measurement of prompt photon production in hadronic Z decays. In: Zs.Phys. 57 C (1993) 17--35
- A (u.a.) Search for contact interactions in the reactions e^{+}e^{-} \rightarrow l^{+}l^{-} and e^{+}e^{-} \rightarrow \gamma\gamma: Ebda 59 C (1993) 215--229
- A (u.a.) Measurement of the tau polarisation at the Z resonance: Ebda S. 369--386
- A (u.a.) Update of electroweak parameters from Z decays: Ebda 60 C (1993) 71--81
- A (u.a.) Search for particles with unexpected mass and charge in Z decays: Ebda 303 B (1993) 198--208
- Tscharnuter, Werner [Prof.]
- A
(u.a.) Accretion disks around T Tauri stars. IV: The star-disk boundary layer. In: Astron.Astrophys. 275 (1993) 236--238
- A (mit T.Schmutzler) Effective radiative cooling in optically thin plasmas: Ebda 280 (1993) 318--330
- A (mit A.P.Boss) Formation of the protosolar nebula. In: Protostars and Planets III. Ed. by E.M.Levy et al. Tucson 1993, S. 903--938
- A (mit T.Schmutzler) Effective radiative cooling in optically thin plasmas: Ebda 280 (1993) 318--330
- Ulmschneider, Peter [Prof.]
- A
Chromospheric heating. In: Physics of the Solar and Stellar Coronae. V.S.Vaiana Memorial Symp. Ed. by J.F.Linsky and S.Serio (Astrophysics and Space Science Library : Proc. ; 184). Dordrecht 1993, S. 533--540
- Völk, Heinrich J. [Prof.]
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(u.a.) Galactic winds. II: Role of the disk-halo interface in cosmic ray driven galactic winds. In: Astron.Astrophys. 269 (1993) 54--66
- A (u.a.) Dynamical galactic halos : effect of magnetic field and galactic rotation. In: The Cosmic Dynamo. Ed. by F.Krause et al. (Proc. IAU Symposia ; 157). Dordrecht 1993, S. 415--419
- A (u.a.) Very high energy gamma-rays from AGN : cascading on the cosmic background radiation fields and the formation of pair halos. In: Proc. 23rd IRCR 1 (1993) 451--454
- A (u.a.) The &g-ray visibility of supernova remnants: Ebda S. 455--458
- A (u.a.) The closure problem II: Ebda 2 (1993) 259--262
- A (u.a.) Wind driven by cosmic rays in a rotating galaxy. I: Wind structure: Ebda S. 287--289
- A (mit U.Lisenfeld) Dust heating in spiral galaxies and the interstellar medium. In: Star Formation, Galaxies and the Interstellar Medium. Ed. by J.Franco et al. Cambridge 1993, S. 75--77
- A Extended TeV gamma-ray sources. In: Towards a Major Atmospheric Cherenkov Detector II. Ed. by R.Lamb. Calgary 1993, S. 32--35
- H Facetten der Astronomie. Leipzig 1993. XI,154 S. [darin S. 140--149: Die Zukunft der Astronomie]
- A (u.a.) Dynamical galactic halos : effect of magnetic field and galactic rotation. In: The Cosmic Dynamo. Ed. by F.Krause et al. (Proc. IAU Symposia ; 157). Dordrecht 1993, S. 415--419
- Walter, Hans-Georg [Prof.]
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(u.a.) Analysis of Hipparcos measurements : positions, proper motions, parallaxes. In: Developments in Astrometry and Their Impact on Astrophysics and Geodynamics. Ed. by I.I.Müller and B.Kolaczek. Dordrecht 1993, S. 11--18
- A (u.a.) Accuracy assessment of Hipparcos optical and VLA radio positions of stars: Ebda S. 377--380
- A Hipparcos am Ziel. In: Luft- und Raumfahrt 1993, H. 6, S. 27--29
- A (u.a.) Accuracy assessment of Hipparcos optical and VLA radio positions of stars: Ebda S. 377--380
- Wegner, Franz J. [Prof.]
- A
(mit H.Mall) Anomalous dimensions of high gradient operators in the orthogonal matrix model. In: Nucl.Phys. B 393 (1993) 495--506
- A (u.a.) Conformal symmetry and the spectrum of anomalous dimensions in the N-vector model in 4--e dimensions: Ebda B 402 (1993) 669--692
- A (u.a.) Anderson localization in the lowest Landau level for a two-subband model: Ebda B 408 (1993) 415--426
- A (u.a.) Conformal symmetry and the spectrum of anomalous dimensions in the N-vector model in 4--e dimensions: Ebda B 402 (1993) 669--692
- Wehrse, Rainer [Prof.]
- A
(u.a.) Line formation in accretion disks. In: Cataclysmic Variables and Related Physics. Ed. by O.Regev and G.Shaviv (Annals of the Israel Physical Soc. ; 10). Bristol 1993, S. 176--179
- A (mit B.Baschek) Billiardenmal heller als die Sonne. In: Ruperto Carola 1993, Nr. 1, S. 10--15
- A (mit B.Baschek) Billiardenmal heller als die Sonne. In: Ruperto Carola 1993, Nr. 1, S. 10--15
- Weidenmüller, Hans Arwed [Prof.]
- A
(u.a.) Interacting electrons in mesoscopic rings. In: Europhysics Letters 22 (1993) 193--198
- A (mit H.M.Sommermann) Semiclassical approximation for the average level density of a system of identical particles: Ebda 23 (1993) 79--84
- A Persistent currents in mesoscopic rings. In: Physica A 200 (1993) 104--110
- A Semiclassical periodic orbit theory for identical particles. In: Phys.Rev. A 48 (1993) 1819--1823
- A (u.a.) Quantum signatures of classical chaos : sensitivity of wave functions to perturbations. In: Phys.Rev.Lett. 71 (1993) 529--532
- H Lecture Notes in Physics. Bd. 411--424. Berlin 1993
- A (mit H.M.Sommermann) Semiclassical approximation for the average level density of a system of identical particles: Ebda 23 (1993) 79--84
- Weiss, Georg [Priv.Doz.]
- A
(u.a.) Brillouin scattering of vitreous silica under high pressure. In: Phonon Scattering in Condensed Matter VII. Ed. by M.Meissner and R.O.Pohl (Springer Series on Solid-State Sciences ; 112). Berlin 1993, S. 271--272
- A (mit J.Classen) Vibrating reed experiments on glasses : new problems: Ebda S. 275--276
- A (mit J.Classen) Vibrating reed experiments on glasses : new problems: Ebda S. 275--276
- Wetterich, Christof [Prof.]
- A
(mit M.Reuter) Average action for the Higgs model with abelian gauge symmetry. In: Nucl.Phys. 391 B (1993) 147--175
- A Geometry from general statistics: Ebda 397 B (1993) 299--338
- A (mit N.Tetradis) The high temperature phase transition for &F^{4} theories: Ebda 398 B (1993) 659--696
- A (u.a.) The large-N limit and the high-temperature phase transition for the &F^{4} theory: Ebda 401 B (1993) 567--590
- A (mit M.Reuter) Running gauge coupling in three dimensions and the electroweak phase transition: Ebda 408 B (1993) 91--130
- A Exact evolution equation for the effective potential. In: Physics Letters 301 B (1993) 90--94
- A The average action of scalar fields near phase transitions. In: Zs.Phys. C 57 (1993) 451--469
- A (mit S.Bornholdt) Average action for models with fermions: Ebda C 58 (1993) 585--593
- A Improvement of the average action: Ebda C 60 (1993) 461--469
- A High energy behaviour of total cross sections in weak interactions: Ebda C 61 (1993) 125--137
- A Geometry from general statistics: Ebda 397 B (1993) 299--338
- Wetzel, Werner [Priv.Doz.]
- A
(u.a.) Lattice fermions at non-zero temperature and chemical potential. In: Zs.Phys. 58 C (1993) 333--337
- Wielen, Roland [Prof.]
- H
(u.a.) Apparent Places of Fundamental Stars 1994. Karlsruhe 1993. XLIV,510 S.
- H (u.a.) Apparent Places of Fundamental Stars 1995. Karlsruhe 1993. XLIV,510 S.
- H (u.a.) Literature 1992, Part 1. Berlin 1993. X,1447 S. (Astronomy and Astrophysics Abstracts ; 55 A und B)
- H (u.a.) Literature 1992, Part 2. Berlin 1993. X,1602 S. (Astronomy and Astrophysics Abstracts ; 56 A und B)
- H (u.a.) PPM Star Catalogue. Vol. 3 and 4. Heidelberg 1993
- H (u.a.) Apparent Places of Fundamental Stars 1995. Karlsruhe 1993. XLIV,510 S.
- Wolf, Andreas [Priv.Doz.]
- A
Laser-stimulated formation and stabilization of antihydrogen atoms. In: Hyperfine Interactions 76 (1993) 189--201
- A (u.a.) Electron-ion recombination in merged beams. In: 13th Internat. Conference on Atomic Physics, Munich. Ed. by H.Walther et al. (Atomic Physics ; 13 -- AIP Conference Proceedings ; 275). New York 1993, S. 228--244
- A (u.a.) High resolution measurement of dielectronic recombination of fluorine-like Se^{25+}. In: 6th Internat. Conference on the Physics of Highly Charged Ions, Manhattan. Ed. by P.Richard et al. (AIP Conference Proceedings ; 274). New York 1993, S. 237--240
- A (u.a.) Dielectronic recombination from the ground state of heliumlike carbon ions. In: Phys.Rev. A 47 (1993) 4859--4864
- A (u.a.) Laser cooling of stored high-velocity ions by means of the spontaneous force: Ebda A 48 (1993) 2127--2144
- A (u.a.) Dissociative recombination of cold HD^{+} at the Test Storage Ring. In: Phys.Rev.Lett. 70 (1993) 426--429
- A (u.a.) Electron-ion recombination in merged beams. In: 13th Internat. Conference on Atomic Physics, Munich. Ed. by H.Walther et al. (Atomic Physics ; 13 -- AIP Conference Proceedings ; 275). New York 1993, S. 228--244
- Zeh, Heinz-Dieter [em.Prof.]
- A
Measurements in a quantum universe. In: Classical and Quantum Systems. Ed. by H.D.Doebner et al. Singapore 1993, S. 205--208
- A There are no quantum jumps, nor are there particles! In: Physics Letters A 172 (1993) 189--192