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Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg


Dr. Maria Effinger
letter E-Mail


letter E-Mail

Please use your ORCID iD in your scientific activities – especially in contact with publishers and sponsors, at congresses, on presentation slides, on your website, in the footer of your mails and where possible in Internet and research forums.


What is ORCID?

The abbreviation ORCID stands for “Open Researcher and Contributor ID”. It is an internationally valid code, available free of charge, that gives researchers a digital identity. It allows publications to be clearly linked to this identity. The number is platform independent and accompanies an author throughout their entire career. An ORCID ID consists of 16 digits. ORCID was initiated by the Open Researcher Contributor Identification Initiative, a non-profit organisation founded by a world-wide network of research organisations, sponsors, scientific publishing groups and other members of the scientific community.

Heidelberg University Library is a member of the Deutschlandkonsortium ORCID DE.

What are the advantages of using an ORCID iD?

ORCID helps to improve the visibility of your research, provides more networking opportunities and saves you a lot of time and effort.

An ORCID iD is free, created in approximately 30 seconds and lasts longer than an email address. No matter if you change your home institution or your name, the ORCID remains unchanged. An ORCID iD accelerates the publication process because standard information can be automatically transferred by means of the ORCID iD.

Your publications are clearly assigned to you and be found at any time, even if they are not listed in databases such Web of Science or Scopus.

In addition, an ORCID ID ensures that your research results and activities can automatically be correctly assigned. Not only you, but more importantly other scientists can therefore easily gain an overview of your research activities. Your publication list at ORCID is always up-to-date, as long as you report your publications to the University bibliography and you have linked your ORCID record with the university bibliography (see ORCID in the University bibliography heiBIB).

How can I get an ORCID or a profile?

Registration is of course voluntary. You can do it easily and quickly:

  • Go to the homepage: (English interface).
  • There you will find 3-stage instructions under the heading “Distinguish yourself in three steps„.
  • The first step is to register and get your ORCID ID. At the same time, a profile is automatically created. Your name and your ORCID now appear in the profile as basic information. After a few minutes you will receive a confirmation email. Click on the link provided to complete the registration process.
  • In the second step you have the (voluntary) option to complete your profile by adding other information. Privacy settings exist for all items, so you decide what information is public, what is only visible to selected people, and what is only visible to you. In the left-hand column, you can enter any previous name (e.g. maiden name), home country, keywords, links to your website and your email address. You can also generate a QR code that connects to your ORCID record. This QR code can be printed out and used, for example, on poster presentations. In the middle column, under “Biography”, you can enter information about your studies (“Education”), your career (“Employment”), sources of funding for your projects (“Funding”), and a list of your publications (“Works”).

How do my publications get into my ORCID record?

ORCID offers a multitude of data sources to automatically transfer works into the ORCID record. For example, you can search for works via BASE, Scopus or Europe PubMed Central. You can also search for works using an ISSN or DOI. If you want to include a publication, you can decide for each one whether it is only to be viewed privately, by certain institutions or is for general public viewing. This allows you to flexibly manage your profile.
Information about exporting publications from the University bibliography HeiBIB to your ORCID record

ORCID in the University bibliography heiBIB

The individual author profiles of the University bibliography heiBIB, which are available for all scientists of the university, provide direct linking from the heiBIB profile pages to the corresponding ORCID record.

  • How can I request that publications from my ORCID record are included in heiBIB?
    You have the possibility to link your ORCID record with heiBIB. This means that all publications from your ORCID record are recorded in the University bibliography and changes or new entries are automatically reported and added. To use this service, please go to the heiBIB-page and click on the button “Create or Connect your ORCID ID”. A pop-up window will then open. If you have already registered with ORCID you can log-in using the “Sign in” link, and then the “Institutional account” button with your usual library log-in data (UniID).
    Information about registering an account with ORCID
  • How can I display my publications recorded in heiBIB in my ORCID record?
    You have to export the data from your heiBIB profile via the corresponding button inBibTeX format. You can then import the records into your ORCID account using the method explained on the ORCID homepage.

Further information

Author identification using the Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID) – position paper

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