„Hier freut sich der Tod, dem Leben zu helfen – Anatomie in Heidelberg gestern und heute”
Exhibition organised by Heidelberg University Library and by the Institute for Anatomy and Cell Biology of Heidelberg University
Exhibition at Heidelberg University Library from 24 April 2013 until 16 February 2014
open daily 10.00 - 18.00
closed on public holidays and 27 June 2013
The exhibition in Heidelberg will display several novel aspects of anatomy pedagogy during the last 200 years. In addition to highlighting interesting instructional methods utilized currently, visitors will have the opportunity to view historical models, prosections and other anatomical learning tools that were used throughout the storied history of the University of Heidelberg – an internationally recognized research and teaching center for the discipline of Anatomy for over two centuries.
Of particular interest will be old communications and colorful histories on display detailing the professional lives of former staff members and their important contributions as well and their individual academic histories. The exhibition will examine the methods of manufacture of various museum objects and how they were displayed at the opening of the collection in 1805 and continuing today. Old manuscripts authored by classic anatomists, such as Vesalius, Tiedemann and Arnold will be of keen interest to historical book aficionados.
The exhibition provides a unique added value: All the books that are displayed have been digitized and are available for computerized viewing on the Internet Platform of the University library. This exhibition promises to fascinate and the attendee will gain a unique perspective concerning what it is like to work in an Anatomy Department both past and present.
Exhibition Catalogue (in German)
“Hier freut sich der Tod, dem Leben zu helfen. Anatomie in Heidelberg gestern und heute”
edited by Maria Effinger and Joachim Kirsch with the collaboration of Sara Doll, Wolfgang U. Eckart, Margit Krenn, Maike Rotzoll and Karin Zimmermann,
Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter, 2013
(Schriften der Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg, Band 13),
ISBN 978-3-82536-135-8
€ 16.00
eBook in heiBOOKS available (Open Access)

Heidelberg University Library
Dr. Maria Effinger
Head of Department Manuscripts and Early Printed Books
Tel. +49 6221 / 54-3561
Dr. Karin Zimmermann
Tel.+49 6221 / 54-2592
Institute for Anatomy and Cell Biology
Prof. Dr. Joachim Kirsch
Tel. +49 6221 / 54-8657
Dr.sc.hum. Sara Doll
Tel. +49 6221 / 56-38078