
Online Catalogue HEIDI

In our online catalogue HEIDI (Heidelberg electronic library information system) you can search for literature in the University Library and other Heidelberg libraries under formal or thematic aspects. 

In addition to literature search, HEIDI also offers a management function for your library account, such as an overview of loans, requests from the closed stacks, reserving borrowed items, viewing fees, extending loan periods, changing your password or changing your e-mail address. It also provides access to the interlibrary loan service.

By choosing the branch library in HEIDI, you determine where the media you have ordered or reserved should be made available. It also affects the sorting of hits and the display of availability. The titles that are easiest for you to access are displayed first.

For more information, visit our help page.


Older literature is not fully listed in HEIDI. It can be searched in DigiKat (Digitized Alphabetical Catalogue).