Open Access Publishing Fund
Publishing fund to continue in 2025: The University Library will also offer a DFG-supported publishing fund in 2025. Please submit your funding applications via our electronic application form. Kindly review the funding conditions provided below, as well as the information on discount agreements with individual publishers.
Please note: If you wish to access the application form from off-campus, you will first be asked to authenticate yourself using your Uni-ID."
Funded Publications
Procedure for cost coverage
Please submit your application for cost support via our electronic application form.
Once you have received the invoice from the publisher for the article, you can submit an application for covering the publication fees. Along with the application, you will submit the unpaid invoice to us. We will make the payment to the publisher and subsequently invoice you internally for the amount exceeding the cost support. Please ensure that the publisher's invoice includes the following information:
- Invoice recipient: 'submitting/corresponding author' at their institutional address at Heidelberg University
- Issuer of the invoice (= i.e. the publisher)
- Description of the invoice (= i.e. the article)
- Journal title
- Date of invoice
- Invoice or order number
- Invoices from foreign countries (other EU countries and third countries): net invoice stating the VAT ID of Heidelberg University as well as the VAT ID of the publisher. The university's VAT ID is DE 811225433.
Sind die oben genannten Voraussetzungen für die Kostenunterstützung erfüllt, überweisen wir den Rechnungsbetrag an den Verlag, sofern der Fonds noch nicht ausgeschöpft ist. Eingehende Anträge inklusive Rechnung werden in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bis zur Ausschöpfung der zur Verfügung stehenden Mittel bearbeitet. Die erforderliche Eigenbeteiligung an den Kosten stellen wir Ihnen anschließend intern in Rechnung.
If the above requirements for cost support are met, we will transfer the invoice amount to the publisher, provided that the fund has not been depleted. Incoming applications, including invoices, will be processed in the order of receipt until available funds are exhausted. The required co-payment for the costs will be invoiced to you internally afterward.
Once the article has been published by the publisher, we would be grateful for a brief email in which you provide us with the link to the paper. Publications supported by the fund will be listed in heiBIB, the Heidelberg University Bibliography.
Since the financial resources of the fund are limited, unfortunately, no guarantee for cost support from the fund can be made. The availability of funds will be determined when the complete application documents have been submitted or, in the case of the publishers BMJ, Frontiers, Springer, Wiley, at the time of publication of the article. If necessary, you can inquire about the remaining funds via our contact address.
Internal Settlement of Remaining Costs
The costs exceeding the aforementioned funding amount (gross costs including 19% tax) will be invoiced to you or your institution internally. By submitting the electronic application form, you agree to this procedure. Any necessary internal arrangements for financing within your institution must be made by you.
For internal invoicing, we require an invoice address. In most cases, this will be your university service address. Invoices to other addresses in Germany are not possible, except in justified individual cases where exceptions may be considered. Invoices to international addresses are generally not possible. Invoice splitting across multiple institutions is also not allowed.
For publisher invoices that list a foreign currency, we will use the exchange rate applicable at the time the invoice is processed by our financial department.
Please note that a 19% VAT applies to all invoices. This also applies to international invoices that list only the net amount. In such cases, the university is obligated to pay the corresponding tax domestically. As a result, the total invoice amount will be increased by the tax portion.
Discounts on Open Access Publications
Regardless of cost support from the publication fund, authors of the University can receive discounts on open access publications from various publishers, regardless of whether they are supported by the Publishing Fund. Further information can be found on our overview page on open access discounts.
Fund for Open Access Monographs
Since January 2022, it has been possible for the University Library (UB) to support Open Access monographs in addition to articles. These must result from a project funded by the DFG. For more information, please follow the link on the right.