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Triplex: 3.OG
Lesesaal - 3. OG Triplex
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Further Information


The large staircase in the old building takes you from the foyer to the upper floor. There is access to the reading room in the west wing.

Information about the individual floors

Virtual tour


When you enter the reading room, you are on MG4. Access to the 4th floor triplex is via the Readming Room (entrance level, MG4).

Virtual tour

Here you will find the subject areas of linguistics and literature, art, philosophy, biographers and dictionaries, as well as jobs and Carrels.


Wenn Sie den Lesesaal betreten, befinden Sie sich im 4. MG.
Der Zugang zum 3. OG Triplex erfolgt über den Reading Room (Eingangsebene, 4. MG).

Virtual tour

Lined up systematically, the subjects law, political science, economics, educational sciences, psychology and sociology and the volumes of the hardbound law journals (last twenty years) are located here as well as working places and carrels.


Wenn Sie den Lesesaal betreten, befinden Sie sich im 4. MG.
Der Zugang zum 2. OG Triplex erfolgt über den Reading Room (Eingangsebene, 4. MG).