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Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg
Schulungsveranstaltungen der UB Heidelberg

Professional literature search in medicine and life sciences


Please enter your email-address when signing up for one of our courses. You will get an email with a hyperlink to the online meeting room one day before the session. It is recommended to use a Notebook or a desktop computer (with a microphone) instead of mobile devices.

You have to give a talk or prepare your thesis or doctorate and can't find any literature? Or far too much literature, but not the right one? Here you can find help!

In this course you will get an overview of different research tools (like HEIDI or DBIS) and you will get to know some central literature databases (like Pubmed).

General rules for searching in databases will be discussed as well as the development of promising search strategies.

This course is the English-language version of the German-language course called Einstieg in die wissenschaftliche Informationsrecherche (Schwerpunkt naturwiss. Fächer und Medizin). Please register below.

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