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Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg

Booking course

"Richtig Zitieren im Studium (Einführungskurs für internationale Studierende)"


Would you like to take part in one of the library's next courses?
Here you have the possibility to make a reservation. We will inform you as soon as the new dates are fixed.

With * marked fields are required.
Course: Richtig Zitieren im Studium (Einführungskurs für internationale Studierende)
Name: *
Email address: *
Phone No:
(e.g. preferably in the morning)
Notes on data protection:
The personal data provided (contact details) will be processed by Heidelberg University Library for the purpose of sending out information e-mails on new dates of the selected training events and for making reservations for them.
The fields marked with * are mandatory and are required for contacting and processing the prebooking and will be deleted after the event has been held. The legal basis for this is Art. 6 para. 1 lit a DSGVO. Please refer to our data protection declaration (point VIII) for the rights to which you are entitled due to the processing of your personal data. Please address any request for information or correction or any revocation of your consent to the processing of data provided voluntarily to the training team.
I have taken note of the information on data protection and agree to the processing of my contact data for the above-mentioned purposes.
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