Information center and reading room Neuenheim

The Information Center Neuenheim is the first point of contact for questions about searching medical and scientific literature. The Reading Room Neuenheim offers the possibility of scientific work with an extensive reference collection at workplaces and in group study rooms. Both the information center and the reading room are freely accessible to everyone via the ground floor at Neuenheimer Feld 368.

Opening hours

monday - friday - 8.30 am - 10.00 pm
saturday and sunday - 9.00 am - 10.00 pm

Auskunftsgespraech Infozentrum Neuenheim


  • during the service hours of the library staff (Monday - Friday - 8.30 am - 4.00 pm)
    • Library reference service
    • interlibrary loan assistance
    • Thesis submission
    • Heidelberg Electronic Document Delivery (HEDD)
    • Introductions and training courses
  • during all opening hours
    • Borrowing of anatomic teaching models within the reading room
    • Return of borrowed UB media outside the opening hours of the lending services

Use and equipment

Opaque bags must be stowed in the lockers in the entrance area. With the exception of water in transparent bottles, it is not permitted to take drinks or food into the library. Silence is mandatory in the reading room. The workplaces can be freely occupied. As the number of readers often exceeds the space available, it is not possible to make a reservation.

  • Multimedia workstations
  • Research PCs with access to the online catalogue, specialist databases, e-books and e-journals
  • W-LAN (for members of Heidelberg University with a valid user ID)
  • Printer, photocopier
  • Overhead book scanner for free scans (with your own flash drive)
  • 4 group study rooms (online reservation system)
  • 110 workplaces on the ground floor and 170 workplaces on the first floor
  • Virtual dissecting table Anatomage
  • Collection of anatomical teaching media: SOMSO models, plastinates, X-ray images
  • Equipment loan (iPads, laptops, power meter)
  • Lost and found
  • CampusCard machine


  • Access to electronic journals (e-journals) via the PC pool
  • Scientific and medical journals: Display of the issues of the current year and the last 10 years in bound form (on the ground floor; cannot be borrowed externally)
  • Regional and national daily and weekly newspapers (on the ground floor; cannot be borrowed externally)
  • for reference only collection of basic scientific and medical literature (on the first floor; organised according to the Regensburg Union Classification RVK; cannot be borrowed externally)
  • Collection of geographical maps on the first floor

Book orders

  • Parts of our collections cannot be borrowed, e.g. titles published before 1880 and other protected materials. However, these titles can be ordered and used within the reading room. Please note that ordered books are kept for inspection in the Reading Room for five days only. If not claimed within this time frame they will be brought back to the strong room. After first use the books remain in the Reading Room for four weeks. They can be renewed for another four weeks. Inter library loan books will be kept in the Reading Room for the complete loan period of four weeks whether claimed or not.
  • Books before 1700 and other valuable works can only be viewed in the special collections department.
  • Please note: For conservation reasons photocopying is not always permitted. If you need photocopies of protected material you can order reproductions.
  • Reading Room collections cannot be borrowed. We offer, however, overnight, weekend and bank holiday loans.
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