Information for members of Heidelberg University on publishing in journals published by Elsevier
The University of Heidelberg has joined the nationwide contract with Elsevuer, which was negotiated by the DEAL consortium. As a member of the University of Heidelberg you have access to the majority of the electronic journals offered by Elsevier.
In addition, you can publish your scientific articles within the framework of the Open Access contract.
Your articles will be published under an open licence, preferably CC-BY.
Within the framework of the DEAL contract with Elsevier, all publications are subject to costs which are invoiced differently depending on the method of publication. There are the following two ways of publication:
- Hybrid Open Access
Hybrid Open Access is the model for journals in which both Open Access and Closed Access can be chosen.
If the Corresponding Author belongs to the University of Heidelberg or another institution that has joined the DEAL agreement with Elsevier, the costs are covered by the university's contract; for the time being, authors will not incur any additional publication costs.
A retroactive processing of articles accepted for publication before October 27th 2023 is unfortunately not possible via the DEAL contract. - Gold Open Access
Gold Open Access means that the journal publishes only Open Access articles.
As Corresponding Author, members of Heidelberg University will receive a 20 percent discount on the list prices of publication fees (= Article Processing Charges, APCs) of the Elsevier Fully Gold Open Access journals and a 15% discount on the list prices of the Fully Gold Cell Press and The Lancet journals for articles which have been accepted for publication from October 27th 2023 onwards.
The publication costs for Gold Open Access journals are handled centrally by the University Library and the authors are subsequently invoiced via the University Library (amount including German tax). There is no central financing of the costs.
A retroactive processing of articles accepted for publication before October 27th 2023 is unfortunately not possible via the DEAL contract.
The term of the agreement with Elsevier is initially 5 years and ends on December 31, 2028.