Deutsches Kunstblatt – digitized
The Deutsches Kunstblatt is the most important German-language journal of the 19th century in the field of art history and art criticism. Nearly all famous representatives of the opening years of historiography of art have published in this journal. Readers will not only find reviews of the important German art exhibitions but also the theoretical discussions between classic and romantic idealism and modernistic realism. The digital version of the 9 volumes makes available a significant source material on the art of the 19th century.
Literaturblatt des Deutschen Kunstblattes
The digital version of "Deutsches Kunstblatt" has been kindly made available by Institut für Kunstgeschichte of the LMU München (Chair Prof. Dr. Hubertus Kohle). Web presentation made by Heidelberg University Library.
Further Reading
- Meyer, Bruno: Friedrich Eggers †, in: Kunstchronik. Beiblatt zur Zeitschrift für bildende Kunst. 8.1872-1873, Sp. 1-7 und 24-26