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Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg


Alberti, Gerd [Prof.]
(u.a.) Cellular hepatopancreatic reactions in Porcellio scaber (Isopoda) as biomarkers for the evaluation of heavy metal toxicity in soils. In: Applied Soil Ecology 3 (1996) 1--15
(u.a.) The stress-70 protein family in diplopods : induction and characterization. In: J.Comp.Physiol. B 165 (1996) 622--627
(mit M.Suhm) The fine structure of the spermatheca of Pardosa lugubris (Walckenaer, 1802). In: Rev.Suisse Zool. 103 (1996) 635--642
(u.a.) Glands in the male palpal organ and the origin of the mating plug in Amaurobius species (Araneae:Amaurobiidae). In: Zool.Anz. 234 (1996) 191--199
(u.a.) Dekomposition : qualitative und quantitative Aspekte und deren Beeinflussung durch geogene und anthropogene Belastungsfaktoren. Landsberg 1996. V,490 S.

Almers, Wolfhard [Prof.]
(u.a.) Millisecond studies of calcium-dependent exocytosis in pituitary melanotrophs : comparison of the photolabile calcium chelators nitrophenyl-EGTA and DM-nitrophen. In: Cell Calcium 19 (1996) 185--192
(mit A.W.Henkel) Fast steps in exocytosis and endocytosis studied by capacitance measurements in endocrine cells. In: Current Opinion in Neurobiology 6 (1996) 350--357
(u.a.) Ca^{2+} triggers massive exocytosis in Chinese hamster ovary cells. In: EMBO J. 15 (1996) 3787--3791
(u.a.) The last seconds in the life of a secretory vesicle. In: Protein Kinesis (Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology ; 60). Cold Spring Harbor 1995 [ersch. 1996], S. 389--396

Bautz, Ekkehard K.F. [Prof.]
(u.a.) Localization of yeast RNA polymerase I core subunits by immuno-electron microscopy. In: EMBO J. 15 (1996) 4643--4653
(u.a.) Mapping of epitopes recognized by PM/Scl autoantibodies with gene-fragement phage display libraries. In: J.Immunol.Meth. 198 (1996) 187--198

Bautz, Friedlinde [Prof.]
(u.a.) Mapping of epitopes recognized by PM/Scl autoantibodies with gene-fragement phage display libraries. In: J.Immunol.Meth. 198 (1996) 187--198

Behnke, Heinz-Dietmar [Prof.]
(u.a.) Form-Pfs plastids, stem anatomy and systematic affinities of Stylobasium Desf. (Stylobasiaceae) : a contribution to the knowledge of sieve-element plastids in the Rutales and Sapindales. In: Botanica Acta 109 (1996) 346--359
Endoplasmic reticulum derived decorated tubules in the sieve elements of Nymphaea. In: Protoplasma 193 (1996) 216--221
(u.a.) Progress in Botany. Vol. 57. Berlin 1996. XVI,435 S.
(u.a.) Progress in Botany. Vol. 58. Berlin 1997 [bereits 1996 ersch.]. XIV,602 S.

Beiderbeck, Rolf [Prof.]
(mit B.Krekeler) Aseptic dual culture of the aphid Chaitophorus salijaponicus with different tissues of Salix hosts. In: Zs.Naturforsch. 51 c (1996) 729--734

Beyreuther, Konrad [Prof.]
(u.a.) Plaque formation in brain transplants exposed to human \beta-amyloid precursor protein 695. In: Acta Neuropathologica 92 (1996) 130--137
(u.a.) Alzheimer Krankheit : molekulare Pathogenese und deren Implikationen für die Therapieforschung. In: Akademie-J. 1996, H. 2, S. 28--39
(u.a.) Neurite outgrowth regulating functions of the amyloid precursor of Alzheimer's disease. In: Alzheimer's Disease Rev. 1 (1996) 21--29
(u.a.) Missense mutations of the S182/PS1 gene in German early-onset Alzheimer's disease patients. In: Ann.Neurol. 40 (1996) 265--266
(u.a.) The amyloid precursor protein of Alzheimer's disease is found on the surface of static but not actively motile portions of neurites. In: Brain Res. 735 (1996) 217--231
(u.a.) Neuronal sorting and processing of amyloid precursor protein : implications to Alzheimer's disease. In: Cold Spring Harbor Quant.Symp. 61 (1996) 575--585
(u.a.) Low apolipoprotein E4 allelic frequency in Alzheimer's disease and functional psychiatric disorders. In: Dementia 7 (1996) 118--119
(u.a.) Apolipoprotein E genotype does not promote the clinical progression of manifest Alzheimer's disease: Ebda S. 120
(u.a.) Die Rolle des Amyloids bei der Alzheimer Krankheit. In: Demenz. Hrsg. von C.Wächtler u.a. Singen 1996, S. 25--36
(u.a.) The \beta-amyloid domain is essential for axonal sorting of amyloid precursor protein. In: EMBO J. 15 (1996) 5218--5229
(u.a.) Rapid cellular uptake of Alzheimer amyloid &bA4 peptide by cultured human neuroblastoma cells. In: FEBS Letters 394 (1996) 174--178
(u.a.) Alzheimer's disease &bA4 protein release and amyloid precursor protein sorting are regulated by alternative splicing. In: J.Biol.Chem. 271 (1996) 13208--13214
(u.a.) Analysis of heterogeneous &bA4 peptides in human cerebrospinal fluid and blood by a newly-developed sensitive Western blot assay: Ebda S. 22908--22914
(u.a.) Secreted glypican binds to the amyloid precursor protein of Alzheimer's disease and inhibits APP-induced neurite outgrowth: Ebda S. 31215--31221
(u.a.) Amyloidogenic processing of the human amyloid precursor protein in primary cultures of rat hippocampal neurons. In: J.Neurosci. 16 (1996) 899--908
Molekularbiologie der Alzheimer Demenz. In: Lehrbuch der Gerontopsychiatrie. Hrsg. von H.Förstl (Klinische Psychologie und Psychopathologie ; 63). Stuttgart 1997 [bereits 1996 ersch.], S. 31--43
(u.a.) Genes contributing to Alzheimer's disease. In: Molecular Psychiatry 1 (1996) 27--40
(mit R.Sandbrink) Unraveling the molecular pathway of Alzheimer's disease : research about presenilins gathers momentum: Ebda S. 438--444
(mit C.L.Masters) Tangle disentanglement. In: Nature 383 (1996) 476--477
(u.a.) Alzheimer's disease : genesis of amyloid. In: The Nature and Origin of Amyloid Fibrils. Ed. by G.R.Bock et al. (Ciba Foundation Symposium ; 199). Chichester 1996, S. 119--131
(u.a.) Regulation of APP expression, biogenesis and metabolism by extracellular matrix and cytokines. In: The Neurobiology of Alzheimer's Disease. Ed. by R.J.Wurtman et al. (Annals of the New York Acad. of Sciences ; 777). New York 1996, S. 74--76
(u.a.) APP gene family : alternative splicing generates functionally related isoforms: Ebda S. 281--287
(u.a.) The role of heparan sulfate proteoglycans in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease: Ebda S. 316--321
(u.a.) Alzheimer's disease. In: New Research in Psychiatry. Ed. by H.Häfner and E.M.Wolpert. Seattle 1996, S. 167--174
(u.a.) The amyloid precursor protein of Alzheimer's disease in the reduction of copper(II) to copper(I). In: Science 271 (1996) 1406--1409
(u.a.) Alzheimer's Disease : Aetiological Mechanisms and Therapeutic Possibilities. Berlin 1996. XIII,213 S. (Ernst Schering Research Foundation Workshop ; 17)

Bopp, Martin [em.Prof.]
(mit I.Capesius) New aspects of bryophyte taxonomy provided by a molecular approach. In: Bot.Acta 109 (1996) 368--372
The origin of developmental physiology of plants in Germany. In: Internat.J.Developm.Biol. 40 (1996) 89--92

Braunbeck, Thomas [Hochschuldoz.]
Zelltests in der Ökotoxikologie : Cytotoxizitätstests mit Zellkulturen aus Fischen als Alternative und Ergänzung zu konventionellen Fischtests. Karlsruhe 1996. XI,204 S. (Veröff. Projekt ,,Angew. Ökologie`` ; 11)
(mit Y.Oulmi) Toxicity of 4-chloroaniline in early life-stages of zebrafish (Brachydanio rerio). I: Cytopathology of liver and kidney after microinjection. In: Arch.Environ.Contam.Toxicol. 30 (1996) 390--402
(u.a.) Cytological alterations in the liver of rainbow trout (Onchorhynchus mykiss) after prolonged exposure to water-borne endosulfan. In: Dis.Aquat.Org. 25 (1996) 39--52
(u.a.) Sublethal effects of prolonged exposure to disulfoton in rainbow trout : cytological alterations in the liver by a potent acetylcholine esterase inhibitor. In: Ecotox.Environm.Safety 34 (1996) 43--55
(u.a.) Cytological and biochemical responses of fibrocytic R1 cells and isolated hepatocytes from rainbow trout to subacute disulfoton exposure. In: Exp.Toxicol.Pathol. 48 (1996) 47--64
Toxikologische und ökotoxikologische Untersuchungen an Kompartimenten in Fließgewässern mit Hilfe von Zellkulturen aus Fischen. In: 4. Statuskolloquium des Projektes ,,Angewandte Ökologie``. Hrsg.: Landesamt. für Umweltschutz Baden-Württemberg (Veröff. Projekt ,,Angew. Ökologie`` ; 16). Karlsruhe 1996, S. 469--488

Bujard, Hermann [Prof.]
(u.a.) A cycle of binding and release of the DnaK, DnaJ and GrpE chaperones regulates activity of the Escherichia coli heat shock transcription factor \sigma^{32}. In: EMBO J. 15 (1996) 607--617
(u.a.) Doxycycline-mediated quantitative and tissue-specific control of gene expression in transgenic mice. In: Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.USA 93 (1996) 10933--10938

Bukau, Bernd [Priv.Doz.]
(u.a.) Chaperone function on Crete. In: Cell Stress and Chaperones 1 (1996) 5--12
(u.a.) A cycle of binding and release of the DnaK, DnaJ and GrpE chaperones regulates activity of the Escherichia coli heat shock transcription factor \sigma^{32}. In: EMBO J. 15 (1996) 607--617
(mit T.Hesterkamp) Identification of the prolyl isomerase domain of Escherichia coli trigger factor. In: FEBS Letters 385 (1995) 67--71
(mit T.Hesterkamp) The Escherichia coli trigger factor: Ebda 389 (1996) 32--34
(u.a.) Regulatory region C of the E. coli heat shock transcription factor, sigma32, constitutes a DnaK binding site and is conserved among eubacteria. In: J.Molec.Biol. 256 (1996) 829--837
(u.a.) Substrate shuttling between the DnaK and GroEL systems indicates a chaperone network promoting protein folding: Ebda 261 (1996) 328--333
(u.a.) The second step of ATP binding to DnaK induces peptide release: Ebda 263 (1996) 657--670
(u.a.) Escherichia coli trigger factor is a prolyl isomerase that associates with nascent polypeptide chains. In: Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.USA 93 (1996) 4437--4441
(u.a.) Growing up in a dangerous environment : a cytosolic folding and targeting system for nascent polypeptides. In: Trends in Cell Biology 6 (1996) 480--486

Capesius, Ingrid [Prof.]
(mit M.Bopp) New aspects of bryophyte taxonomy provided by a molecular approach. In: Bot.Acta 109 (1996) 368--372

Clayton, Christine Elizabeth [Prof.]
(mit S.Biebinger) A plasmid shuttle vector bearing an rRNA promoter is extrachromosomally maintained in Crithidia fasciculata. In: Exp.Parasitol. 83 (1996) 252--258
(u.a.) Import of a DHFR-hybrid protein into glycosomes in vivo is not inhibited by the folate-analogue aminopterin. In: J.Cell Biol. 132 (1996) 311--324
(mit T.Häusler) Post-transcriptional control of hsp70 mRNA in Trypanosoma brucei. In: Molec.Biochem.Parasitol. 76 (1996) 57--72
(mit H.-R.Hotz) Post-transcriptional control of PARP gene expression: Ebda 77 (1996) 1--6
(u.a.) The PARP promoter of Trypanosoma brucei is developmentally regulated in a chromosomal context. In: Nucl.Acids Res. 24 (1996) 1202--1211
(mit P.Michels) Metabolic compartmentation in trypanosomes. In: Parasitology Today 12 (1996) 465--471

Dobberstein, Bernhard [Prof.]
(u.a.) Regulation by the ribosome of the GTPase of the signal-recognition particle during protein targeting. In: Nature 381 (1996) 248--251
(mit B.Martoglio) Protein insertion into the membrane of the endoplasmic reticulum : the architecture of the translocation site. In: Protein Kinesis (Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology ; 60). Cold Spring Harbor 1995 [ersch. 1996], S. 41--45
(mit G.Schatz) Common principles of protein translocation across membranes. In: Science 271 (1996) 1519--1526
(mit B.Martoglio) Snapshots of membrane-translocating proteins. In: Trends in Cell Biology 6 (1996) 142--147

Dröge, Wulf [Prof.]
(u.a.) HIV type 1 glycoprotein 120 amplifies tumor necrosis factor-induced NF-kappa B activation in Jurkat cells. In: AIDS Res.Hum.Retrovir. 12 (1996) 1209--1216
(u.a.) Elevated hepatic \gamma-glutamylcysteine synthetase activity and abnormal sulfate levels in liver and muscle tissue may explain cysteine and glutathione levels in SIV-infected rhesus macaques: Ebda S. 1639--1641
(u.a.) Abnormal glutathione and sulfate levels after interleukin 6 treatment and in tumor-induced cachexia. In: Faseb J. 10 (1996) 1219--1226
(u.a.) S-adenosylhomocysteine as a physiological modulator of Apo-1-mediated apoptosis. In: Internat.Immunology 8 (1996) 1139--1147
(u.a.) Thioredoxin as a potent costimulus of cytokine expression. In: J.Immunol. 156 (1996) 765--771
(u.a.) Elevated venous glutamate levels in (pre)catabolic conditions result at least partly from a decreased glutamate transport activity. In: J.Molec.Med. 74 (1996) 337--343
(u.a.) Low plasma glutamine in combination with high glutamate levels indicate risk for loss of body cell mass in healthy individuals : the effect of N-acetyl-cysteine: Ebda S. 393--400
Modulation of the immune response by cysteine and cysteine derivatives. In: Riv.Ital.Nutriz.Enterale 14 (1996) 1--4

Egger, Kurt E. [Prof.]
Evolution, Menschenbild und Umweltkrise : ein Versuch zur humanökologischen Hypothesenbildung. In: Humanökologie. Hrsg. von H.Wehrt. Berlin 1996, S. 155--189

Erbar, Claudia [Priv.Doz.]
(mit P.Leins) Distribution of the character states ``early'' and ``late sympetaly'' within the ``Sympetalae Tetracyclicae'' and presumably related groups. In: Bot.Acta 109 (1996) 427--440
(mit P.Leins) An analysis of the early floral development in Pittosporum tobira (Thunb.) Aiton and some remarks on the systematic position of the family Pittosporaceae. In: Feddes Repertorium 106 (1996) 463--473
(mit P.Leins) The formation of corolla tubes in Rubiaceae and presumably related families. In: Opera Botanica Belgica 7 (1996) 103--112
(mit P.Leins) Early floral developmental studies in Annonaceae. In: Reproductive Morphology in Annonaceae. Ed. by W.Morawetz and H.Winkler (Biosystematics and Ecology Series ; 10). Wien 1996, S. 1--27

Faissner, Andreas [Priv.Doz.]
(u.a.) Neuron-glia interactions in homeostasis and degeneration. In: Comprehensive Human Physiology. Ed. by R.Greger and U.Windhorst. Berlin 1996, S. 533--543
(u.a.) Establishment of neural cell populations and interneuronal connections: Ebda S. 603--622
(u.a.) Regulation of oligodendrocyte precursor migration by extracellular matrix : evidence for substrate-specific inhibition of migration by tenascin-C. In: Developm.Neurosci. 18 (1996) 266--273
(u.a.) The proteoglycan DSD-1-PG occurs in perineuronal nets around parvalbumin-immunoreactive interneurons of the rat cerebral cortex. In: Internat.J.Developm.Neurosci. 14 (1996) 249--256
(u.a.) Glial cell interactions with tenascin-C : adhesion and repulsion to different tenascin-C domains is cell type-related: Ebda S. 315--330
(u.a.) Tenascin-C contains distinct adhesive, anti-adhesive, and neurite outgrowth promoting sites for neurons. In: J.Cell Biol. 132 (1996) 681--699
(u.a.) Tau binds to the distal axon early in development of polarity in a microtubule- and microfilament-dependent manner. In: J.Neurosci. 16 (1996) 5583--5592
(u.a.) Tenascin-C inhibits oligodendrocyte presursor cell migration by both adhesion-dependent and adhesion-independent mechanisms. In: Molecular and Cellular Sciences 7 (1996) 322--335
(u.a.) Tenascin-C in neural development and plasticity. In: Seminars in Neuroscience 8 (1996) 347--356
The tenascin gene family in development and plasticity of neural tissues. In: Tenascin and Counteradhesive Molecules of the Extracellular Matrix. Ed. by K.L.Crossin (Cell Adhesion and Communication ; 3). Amsterdam 1996, S. 47--87

Franke, Werner W. [Prof.]
(u.a.) Cytoplasmic annulate lamellae in cultured cells : composition, distribution, and mitotic behavior. In: Cell Tissue Res. 284 (1996) 177--191
(u.a.) Immunological identification and characterization of the desmosomal cadherin Dsg2 in coupled and uncoupled epithelial cells and in human tissues. In: Differentiation 60 (1996) 99--108
(u.a.) Specific immunohistochemical detection of cardiac/fetal a-actin in human cardiomyocytes and regenerating skeletal muscle cells: Ebda S. 245--250
(u.a.) Patterns of desmocollin synthesis in human epithelia : immunolocalization of desmocollins 1 and 3 in special epithelia and in cultured cells. In: Eur.J.Cell Biol. 71 (1996) 1--13
(u.a.) Synthesis of the mammalian synaptic vesicle protein synaptophysin in insect cells : a model for vesicle biogenesis. In: Exp.Cell Res. 224 (1996) 88--95
(u.a.) The binding of plakoglobin to desmosomal cadherins : patterns of binding sites and topogenic potential. In: J.Cell Biol. 133 (1996) 359--369
(u.a.) Symplekin, a novel type of tight junction plaque protein: Ebda 134 (1996) 1003--1018
(u.a.) Targeted mutation of plakoglobin in mice reveals essential functions of desmosomes in the embryonic heart: Ebda 135 (1996) 215--225
(u.a.) Plakophilins 2a and 2b : constitutive proteins of dual location in the karyoplasm and the desmosomal plaque: Ebda S. 1009--1025
(u.a.) Structure and assembly properties of the intermediate filament protein vimentin : the role of its head, rod and tail domains. In: J.Molec.Biol. 264 (1996) 933--953
(u.a.) Characterization of disulfide crosslink formation of human vimentin at the dimer, tetramer and intermediate filament levels. In: J.Struct.Biol. 117 (1996) 55--69

Fuchs, Eckart [Prof.]
(u.a.) The downstream box : an efficient and independent translation initiation signal in Escherichia coli. In: EMBO J. 15 (1996) 665--674

Gehring, Ulrich [Prof.]
(u.a.) Molecular chaperoning of steroid hormone receptors. In: Stress-Inducible Cellular Responses. Ed. by U.Feige et al. Basel 1996, S. 79--95

Gerdes, Hans-Hermann [Priv.Doz.]
(u.a.) Biogenesis of neurosecretory vesicles. In: Cold Spring Harbor Symp.Quant.Biol. 60 (1996) 315--327
(u.a.) Cell type dependent transcription modulation of the secretogranin II gene by cAMP. In: Eur.J.Biochem. 236 (1996) 171--179
(mit C.Kaether) Green fluorescent protein : applications in cell biology. In: FEBS Letters 389 (1996) 44--47
(u.a.) Dispersion of chromogranin/secretogranin secretory protein family loci in mammalian genomes. In: Genomics 33 (1996) 135--139

Gissmann, Lutz [Prof.]
(u.a.) Human papillomavirus type 16 E and major histocompatibility complex class I and II expression in human keratinocytes in culture. In: Arch.Virol. 141 (1996) 449--458
(u.a.) Expression of CD80 enhances immunogenicity of cervical carcinoma cells in vitro. In: Cell.Immunol. 169 (1996) 246--251
(u.a.) The association of human papillomavirus type 16 E6 and E7 antibodies with stage of cervical cancer. In: Gynecol.Oncol. 61 (1996) 73--78
(u.a.) Antibodies to human papillomavirus type 11 virus-like particles in sera of patients with genital warts and in control groups. In: J.Gen.Virol. 77 (1996) 1799--1803
(u.a.) The E7 protein of the human papillomavirus type 16 expressed by recombinant vaccinia virus can be used for the detection of antibodies in sera from cervical cancer patients. In: J.Virol.Meth. 62 (1996) 81--85
(u.a.) Influence of human papillomavirus type 16 gene expression on in vitro differentiation of the human teratocarcinoma cell line 2102Ep. In: Molec.Carcinogen. 16 (1996) 109--114
(u.a.) Carboxy terminus of bovine papillomavirus type 1 L1 protein is not required for capsid formation. In: Virology 223 (1996) 238--244
(u.a.) The E6 variant proteins, E6I-E6IV of human papillomavirus 16 : expression in cell free systems and bacteria and study of their interaction with p53. In: Virus Res. 42 (1996) 81--96

Grummt, Ingrid [Prof.]
(u.a.) Modular organisaion of an origin of replication in the mouse ribosomal gene cluster. In: Chromosoma 104 (1996) 511--518
(mit D.Eberhard) Species specificity of ribosomal gene transcription : a factor associated with human RNA polymerase I prevents transcription of mouse rDNA. In: DNA and Cell Biology 15 (1996) 167--173
(mit P.Seither) Cloning and structural analysis of the gene encoding the second largest subunit of mouse RNA polymerase I. In: Genomics 37 (1996) 135--139
(u.a.) TFIIS binds to RNA polymerase I and stimulates transcript elongation and hydrolytic cleavage of nascent tRNA. In: Molec.Gen.Genet. 252 (1996) 412--419
(u.a.) The aminoterminal domain of the transcription termination factor TTF-1 causes protein oligomerization and inhibition of DNA binding. In: Nucleic Acids Res. 24 (1996) 3677--3684
(mit A.Schnapp) Purification, assay and properties of RNA polymerase I and class I-specific transcription factors in mouse. In: RNA Polymerase and Associated Factors. Part A. Ed. by S.Adhya (Methods in Enzymology ; 273). San Diego, Calif. 1996, S. 233--248

Hagemann, Wolfgang [em.Prof.]
Wuchsform und individuelle Bekämpfung des Japanknöterichs durch Herbizidinjektionen. In: Gebietsfremde Pflanzenarten. Hrsg. von R.Böcker u.a. Landsberg 1995 [ersch. 1996], S. 179--194 [Kurzfassung in: Neophyten, Neozoen : Gefahr für die heimische Natur? (Beitr. der Akad. für Natur- und Umweltschutz Baden-Württemberg ; 22). Stuttgart 1996, S. 66--72]
(mit S.Gleissberg) Organogenetic capacity of leaves : the significance of marginal blastozones in angiosperms. In: Plant Syst.Evol. 199 (1996) 121--152

Herrmann, Richard [Prof.]
(u.a.) The P200 protein of Mycoplasma pneumoniae shows common features with the cytadherence-associated proteins HMW1 and HMW3. In: Gene 171 (1996) 79--82
(u.a.) Sequence analysis of 56 kb from the genome of the bacterium Mycoplasma pneumoniae comprising the dnaA region, the atp operon and a cluster of ribosomal protein genes. In: Nucl.Acids Res. 24 (1996) 628--639
(u.a.) Complete sequence analysis of the genome of the bacterium Mycoplasma pneumoniae: Ebda S. 4420--4449

Holmes, Kenneth Charles [Prof.]
Muscle proteins : their actions and interactions. In: Current Opinion in Structural Biology 6 (1996) 781--789

Huttner, Wieland B. [Prof.]
(u.a.) Biogenesis of neurosecretory vesicles. In: Cold Spring Harbor Symp.Quant.Biol. 60 (1996) 315--327
(u.a.) Loss of occludin and functional tight junctions, but not ZO-1, during neural tube closure : remodeling of the neuroepithelium prior to neurogenesis. In: Developm.Biol. 180 (1996) 664--679
(mit C.Vannier) Expression in tyrosine-sulfated secretory proteins in Xenopus laevis oocytes : differential export of constitutive and regulated proteins. In: Eur.J.Biochem. 239 (1996) 111--116
(mit F.A.Barr) A role for ADP-ribosylation factor 1, but not COP I, in secretory vesicle biogenesis from the trans-Golgi network. In: FEBS Letters 384 (1996) 65--70
(u.a.) Dispersion of chromogranin/secretogranin secretory protein family loci in mammalian genomes. In: Genomics 33 (1996) 135--139
(u.a.) Overall lack of regulated secretion in a PC12 variant cell clone. In: J.Biol.Chem. 271 (1996) 27116--27124
(mit S.Natori) Chromogranin B (secretogranin I) promotes sorting to the regulated secretory pathway of processing intermediates derived from a peptide hormone precursor. In: Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.USA 93 (1996) 4431--4436
(u.a.) Biogenesis of constitutive secretory vesicles, secretory granules, and synaptic vesicles : facts and concepts. In: Protein Targeting. Ed. by S.M.Hurtley (Frontiers in Molecular Biology ; 16). Oxford 1996, S. 152--175

Lehmann, Volker [Priv.Doz.]
(u.a.) HIV type 1 glycoprotein 120 amplifies tumor necrosis factor-induced NF-kappa B activation in Jurkat cells. In: AIDS Res.Hum.Retrovir. 12 (1996) 1209--1216
(u.a.) Induction of NO synthesis in macrophages by Newcastle disease virus is associated with activation of nuclear factor-kappa B. In: Internat.Immunology 8 (1996) 491--498
(u.a.) S-adenosylhomocysteine as a physiological modulator of Apo-1-mediated apoptosis: Ebda S. 1139--1147

Leins, Peter [Prof.]
(mit C.Erbar) Distribution of the character states ``early'' and ``late sympetaly'' within the ``Sympetalae Tetracyclicae'' and presumably related groups. In: Bot.Acta 109 (1996) 427--440
(mit W.Emig) Ausbreitungsbiologische Untersuchungen in der Gattung Campanula L. II: Die Bedeutung der Kapselmorphologie und der Samenausgestaltung für das Ausbreitungsverhalten. In: Botan.Jb.Syst. 118 (1996) 505--528
(mit C.Erbar) An analysis of the early floral development in Pittosporum tobira (Thunb.) Aiton and some remarks on the systematic position of the family Pittosporaceae. In: Feddes Repertorium 106 (1996) 463--473
(mit C.Erbar) The formation of corolla tubes in Rubiaceae and presumably related families. In: Opera Botanica Belgica 7 (1996) 103--112
(mit C.Erbar) Early floral developmental studies in Annonaceae. In: Reproductive Morphology in Annonaceae. Ed. by W.Morawetz and H.Winkler (Biosystematics and Ecology Series ; 10). Wien 1996, S. 1--27
Bibliotheca Botanica. Bd. 146--148. Stuttgart 1996

Leitz, Thomas [Hochschuldoz.]
(u.a.) Signals and signal-transduction in the control of development in Hydra and Hydractinia. In: Internat.J.Devel.Biol. 40 (1996) 323--330
(u.a.) LWamides from Cnidaria constitute a novel family of neuropeptides with morphogenetic activity. In: Roux's Arch.Dev.Biol. 205 (1996) 232--242

Marks, Friedrich [Prof.]
(u.a.) Relationship between TGFa-induced DNA synthesis and prostaglandin synthesis in human HaCaT keratinocytes. In: Biochim.Biophys.Acta 1310 (1996) 137--144
(u.a.) Immunological demonstration of protein kinase C\mu in murine tissues and various cell lines : differential recognition of phosphorylated forms and lack of down-regulation upon 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate treatment of cells. In: Eur.J.Biochem. 242 (1996) 428--432
(u.a.) Taiwanese-German workshop on tumour prevention. In: Eur. J. of Cancer Prevention 5 (1996) 83--88
(u.a.) Expression of growth arrest-specific genes in murine keratinocytes : Gas2 is specifically regulated. In: Exp.Cell Res. 224 (1996) 200--203
(mit P.Angel) Signal transduction into nucleus. In: J.Cancer Res.Clin.Oncol. 122 (1996) 638--642
The brain of the cell. In: Protein Phosphorylation. Ed. by F.Marks. Weinheim 1996, S. 1--35
(mit M.Gschwendt) Proteinkinase C: Ebda S. 81--116
Protein Phosphorylation. Weinheim 1996. XXIII,381 S.

Monyer, Hannelore [Priv.Doz.]
(u.a.) Expression of AMPA-glutamate receptor B subunit in rat hippocampal GABAergic neurons. In: Eur. J. of Neuroscience 8 (1996) 1580--1590
(u.a.) GABA_{A} receptor activation attenuates excitotoxicity but exacerbates oxygen-glucose deprivation. In: J.Cerebr.Blood Flow Metab. 16 (1996) 1211--1218
(u.a.) Analysis of molecular determinants in native AMPA receptors. In: Neurochem.Internat. 28 (1996) 141--144

Müller, Werner A. [Prof.]
From the Aristotelian soul to genetic and epigenetic information : the evolution of the modern concepts in developmental biology at the turn of the century. In: Internat.J.Devel.Biol. 40 (1996) 21--26
(u.a.) Signals and signal-transduction in the control of development in Hydra and Hydractinia: Ebda S. 323--330
Competition-based head versus foot decision in chimeric hydras: Ebda S. 1119--1131
Head formation at the basal end and mirror-image pattern duplication in Hydra vulgaris: Ebda S. 1133--1139
Pattern in formation in the immortal Hydra. In: Trends in Genetics 12 (1996) 91--96

Nassal, Michael [Priv.Doz.]
(mit A.Rieger) Specific hepatitis B virus minus-strand DNA synthesis requires only the 5' encapsidation signal and the 3'-proximal direct repeat DR1. In: J.Virol. 70 (1996) 585--589
(mit A.Rieger) A bulged region of the hepatitis B virus RNA encapsidation signal contains the replication origin for discontinuous first-strand DNA synthesis: Ebda S. 2764--2773
(mit H.Schaller) Hepatitis B virus replication : an update. In: J. of Viral Hepatitis 3 (1996) 217--226
Hepatitis B virus morphogenesis. In: Morphogenesis and Maturation of Retroviruses. Ed. by H.-G.Kräusslich (Current Topics in Microbiology and Immunology ; 214). Berlin 1996, S. 297--337
(mit J.Beck) A sensitive procedure for mapping the boundaries of RNA elements binding in vitro translated proteins defines a minimal hepatitis B virus encapsidation signal. In: Nucl.Acids Res. 24 (1996) 4364--4366

Petersen, Gabriele [Akad.Rätin]
(u.a.) Localization of yeast RNA polymerase I core subunits by immuno-electron microscopy. In: EMBO J. 15 (1996) 4643--4653

Preussmann, Rudolf [em.Prof.]
(u.a.) Detection of methylating activity due to nitrosamide in some nitrosated Nigerian foodstuffs. In: Food Chem.Toxicol. 34 (1996) 147--151

Rauh, Werner [em.Prof.]
(mit K. von Bismarck) Bromelienstudien : über präkolumbische Darstellungen von Bromelien in Peru. Mainz 1996. 46 S. (Tropische und subtropische Pflanzenwelt ; 94)
Observations complémentaires sur Xerosicyos pubescens (Cucurbitaceae) de Madagascar. In: Bull.Mus.Natl.Hist.Nat.Paris 4^{e} sér. 18, sect. B [Adansonia] (1996) 161--166
Euphorbia pachysantha Baillon, a remarkable and little-known arborescent Euphorbia from Madagascar. In: Cact.Succ.J. 68 (1996) 35--39
Uncarina roeoesliana Rauh spec. nov., eine neue Art aus Südwestmadagaskar. In: Kakteen und andere Sukkulenten 47 (1996) 13--18
(mit M.Teissier) Euphorbia suzannae-marnieriae Rauh & Petignat. In: Succulentes 1996, No. 4, 10--14
(mit M.Teissier) Ceropegia hermanni Rauh & Teissier : une espéce nouvelle du sud-ouest de Madagascar: Ebda S. 22--25
Tropische und subtropische Pflanzenwelt. Bd. 94. Mainz 1996

Rausch, Thomas [Prof.]
(u.a.) Evidence for symplastic phloem unloading with concomitant high level of acid cell-wall invertase in Agrobacterium tumefaciens-induced plant tumors. In: Botanica Acta 109 (1996) 397--404
(u.a.) Down-regulation of plant V-type H^{+}-ATPase genes after light-induced inhibition of growth. In: FEBS Letters 384 (1996) 285--288
(u.a.) Sucrose protects cell wall invertase but not vacuolar invertase against proteinaceous inhibitors: Ebda 385 (1996) 171--175
(u.a.) The 32 kDa tonoplast polypeptide D_{1} associated with the V-type H^{+}-ATPase of Mesembryanthemum crystallinum L. in the CAM state : a proteolytically processed subunit B? Ebda 389 (1996) 314--318
(u.a.) Regulation of cell wall invertase by a proteinaceous inhibitor. In: J.Exp.Bot. 47 (1996) 1193--1198
(u.a.) Salt stress responses of higher plants : the role of proton pumps and Na^{+}/H^{+} antiporters. In: J.Plant Physiol. 148 (1996) 425--433
(mit R.Löw) Nonradioactive detection of nucleic acids with biotinylated probes. In: A Laboratory Guide to Biotin-Labeling in Protein and Nucleic Acid Analysis. Ed. by T.Meier and F.Fahrenholz (Bio-Methods ; 7). Basel 1996, S. 201--213
(u.a.) Salt stress induces an increased expression of V-type H^{+}-ATPase in sugar beet leaves. In: Plant Molec.Biol. 32 (1996) 543--547
(u.a.) Early salt stress effects on the differential expression of vacuolar H^{+}-ATPase genes in roots and leaves of Mesembryanthemum crystallinum. In: Plant Physiol. 110 (1996) 259--265

Rommelaere, Jean [Prof.]
(u.a.) Recombinant autonomous parvoviruses : new tools for the gene therapy of cancer? In: Chemistry Today 14 (1996) 32--38
(u.a.) Continuous production of minute virus of mice (MVMp) by an untransformed variant of Fisher rat fibroblast. In: J.Gen.Virol. 77 (1996) 447--452
(u.a.) Sensitivity to the parvovirus MVMp as probe for azatyrosine-mediated phenotypic reversion of spontaneously transformed cells: Ebda S. 913--917
(u.a.) ras oncogene-dependent activation of the P4 promoter of minute virus of mice through a proximal P4 element interacting with the Ets family of transcription factors. In: J.Virol. 70 (1996) 1331--1339
(u.a.) Transactivation of a cellular promoter by the NS1 protein of the parvovirus minute virus of mice through a putative hormone-responsive element: Ebda S. 2369--2377
(u.a.) Nonstructural proteins NS2 of minute virus of mice associate in vivo with 14-3-3 protein family members: Ebda S. 7527--7534

Schairer, Hans Ulrich [Prof.]
(u.a.) Characterization of a cry gene from Bacillus popilliae subsp. melolonthae H1. In: Bull. OILB 19, Nr. 2 (1996) 46
(u.a.) Stigmatella aurantiaca fruiting body formation is dependent on the fbfA gene encoding a polypeptide homologous to chitin synthases. In: J.Bacteriol. 178 (1996) 6706--6713

Schaller, Heinz [Prof.]
(u.a.) A spliced hepadnavirus RNA that is essential for virus replication. In: EMBO J. 15 (1996) 2565--2574
(mit M.Nassal) Hepatitis B virus replication : an update. In: J. of Viral Hepatitis 3 (1996) 217--226

Schneider, Peter [Prof.]
Aus dem Leben einheimischer Spinnen. II: Radnetzspinnen : Netz und Fanghandlung. Farbfilm 16 mm, Magnetton. Heidelberg 1996 (HWF ; 14,2)
(mit B.Hoese) Elastische Eigenschaften des Fangfadens bei Radnetzspinnen (Araneidae). In: Mitt.Dt.Zool.Ges. 89 (1996) 225

Schnepf, Eberhard [Prof.]
(u.a.) Pseudostaurastrum limneticum, a eustigmatophycean alga with astigmatic zoospores : morphogenesis, fine structure, pigment composition and taxonomy. In: Arch.Protistenk. 146 (1995/96) 237--249
(mit M.Schweikert) Pseudaphelidium drebesii, gen. et spec. nov. (incerta sedis), a parasite of the marine centric diatom Thalassiosira punctigera: Ebda 147 (1996) 11--17
(u.a.) Hemistasia phaeocysticola (Scherffel) comb. nov., redescription of a free-living, marine, phagotrophic kinetoplastid flagellate: Ebda S. 125--136
(u.a.) Freeze-fracture studies in brown algae : putative cellulose-synthesizing complexes on the plasma membrane. In: Eur.J.Phycol. 31 (1996) 41--48
(u.a.) Five new species of the nanoflagellate Pirsonia in the German Bight, North Sea, feeding on planktic diatoms. In: Helgol.Meeresunters. 50 (1996) 205--222
(u.a.) Cryothecomonas aestivalis sp. nov., a colourless nanoflagellate feeding on the marine centric diatom Guinardia delicatula (Cleve) Hasle: Ebda S. 497--515
(mit M.Elbrächter) Gymnodinium chlorophorum, a new, green, bloom-forming dinoflagellate (Gymnodiniales, Dinophyceae) with a vestigial prasinophyte endosymbiont. In: Phycologia 35 (1996) 381--393
(u.a.) Characterization of the Geosiphon pyriforme symbiosome by affinity techniques : confocal laser scanning microscopy and electron microscopy. In: Protoplasma 190 (1996) 53--67

Schnetter, Wolfgang [Akad.Oberrat]
(u.a.) Bacillus popilliae : a difficult pathogen. In: Bull. OILB [Integrated Control of Soil Pests] 19, Nr. 2 (1996) 40--45
(u.a.) Characterization of a cry gene from Bacillus popilliae subsp. melolonthae H1: Ebda 19, Nr. 2 (1996) 46
(u.a.) Control of the cockchafer Melolontha melolontha in the Kraichgau with NeemAzal-T/S: Ebda S. 95--99

Schütz, Günther [Prof.]
(u.a.) Clustered arrangement of winged helix genes fkh-6 and MFH-1 : possible implications for mesoderm development. In: Development 122 (1996) 1751--1758
(u.a.) Targeting of the CREB gene leads to up-regulation of a novel CREB mRNA isoform. In: EMBO J. 15 (1996) 1098--1106
(u.a.) A locus control region at -12 kb of the tyrosinase gene: Ebda S. 6026--6034
(u.a.) Analysis of glucocorticoid and mineralocorticoid signalling by gene targeting. In: Endocrine Res. 22 (1996) 641--652
(u.a.) Hippocampal cell responses in animals with targeted glucocorticoid receptor gene disruption. In: J.Neurosci. 16 (1996) 6766--6774
(u.a.) Expression of the winged helix genes fkh-4 and fkh-5 defines domains in the central nervous system. In: Mechan.Devel. 55 (1996) 221--230
(u.a.) The mouse homolog of the region specific homeotic gene spalt of Drosophila is expressed in the developing nervous system and in mesoderm-derived structures: Ebda 56 (1996) 117--128
(mit H.M.Reichardt) Feedback control of glucocorticoid production is established during fetal development. In: Molecular Medicine 2 (1996) 735--744
(u.a.) YAC transgenesis in farm animals : rescue of albinism in rabbits. In: Molec.Reprod.Devel. 44 (1996) 56--62
(u.a.) Severe impairment of spermatogenesis in mice lacking the CREM gene. In: Nature 380 (1996) 162--165
(u.a.) Regulation of Cre recombinase activity by the synthetic steroid RU 486. In: Nucleic Acids Res. 24 (1996) 1404--1411
(u.a.) Analysis of genetically altered mice without glucocorticoid receptor. In: Organ-Selective Actions of Steroid Hormones. Ed. by D.T.Baird et al. (Ernst Schering Research Foundation Workshop Series ; 16). Berlin 1995 (ersch. 1996), S. 51--63
(u.a.) Reduction of morphine abstinence in mice with a mutation in the CREB gene. In: Science 273 (1996) 657--659
(u.a.) Molecular genetic analysis of glucocorticoid and mineralocorticoid signaling in development and physiological processes. In: Steroids 61 (1996) 236--239

Seeburg, Peter H. [Prof.]
(u.a.) Structural requirements for RNA editing in glutamate receptor pre-nRNAs by recombinant double-stranded RNA adenosine deaminase. In: J.Biol.Chem. 271 (1996) 12221-12226
(u.a.) RED2, a brain-specific member of the RNA-specific adenosine deaminase family: Ebda S. 31795--31798
The role of RNA editing in controlling glutamate receptor channel properties. In: J.Neurochem. 66 (1996) 1--5
(u.a.) Modulation of GABA_{A} receptor [{}^{35}S]TBPS binding by antagonists : relationship to patterns of subunit expression: Ebda S. 2179--2187
(u.a.) Differential contribution of the NR1- and NR2A-subunits to the selectivity filter of recombinant NMDA receptor channels. In: J.Physiol. 491 (1996) 779--797
(mit G.Köhr) Subtype-specific regulation of recombinant NMDA receptor-channels by protein tyrosine kinases of the src family: Ebda 492 (1996) 445--452
(u.a.) A mammalian RNA editing enzyme. In: Nature 379 (1996) 460--464
(u.a.) Structure of the NMDA receptor channel M2 segment inferred from the accessibility of substituted cysteines. In: Neuron 17 (1996) 343--352
(u.a.) Rapid construction in yeast of complex targeting vectors for gene manipulation in the mouse. In: Nucl.Acids Res. 24 (1996) 4594--4596
(u.a.) Q/R site editing in kainate receptor GluR5 and GluR6 pre-mRNAs requires distant intronic sequences. In: Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.USA 93 (1996) 1875--1880

Sekeris, Constantin E. [Prof.]
(u.a.) Detection of human-specific anti-La(SSB) antibodies in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. In: J. of Autoimmunity 8 (1995, ersch. 1996) 959--969
(u.a.) Mitochondrial genes as sites of primary action of steroid hormones. In: Steroids 61 (1996) 226--232

Senghas, Karlheinz [Akad. Dir.]
(u.a.) Bulbophyllum woelfliae, eine neue, großblütige Art von den Philippinen. In: J. für den Orchideenfreund 3 (1996) 37--40
Subtribus Aeridinae : eine erstmals mögliche Übersicht der asiatischen Vandeen: Ebda S. 108--114
Eine bemerkenswerte Vernissage für ein ungewöhnliches Orchideenbuch: Ebda S. 161--163
Die Sandwichkultur, eine zeitgemäße und preiswürdige Kulturmethode für Orchideen: Ebda S. 170--178
Über das Bestimmen unbekannter Orchideen. In: Mitt. der Schweiz. Orchideen-Ges. 1996, Nr. 3
Orchideenkartei. In: Orchidee 47 (1996) 5 Beil.
(mit W.Stephan) Orchideen auf Briefmarken 1994. T. 3: Ebda S. 163--165
Dass. T. 4: Ebda S. 265--267
(mit R.Steinhardt) Acacallis Hoehnei, eine überraschende Wiederentdeckung: Ebda S. 184--189
Die Sandwichmethode, eine zeitgemäße Kulturform für Orchideen. In: Orchideenkurier [Wien] 1996, H. 6, S. 5--6
Cydonorchis, um novo gênero nas Lycastinae. In: Orquidario 10 (1996) 52--54
A surpreendente redescoberta de Acacallis Hoehnei: Ebda S. 103--109
Subtribus 73: Notyliinae, 74: Capanemiinae, 75: Trichopiliinae. In: Schlechter, R.: Die Orchideen. 3. Aufl. Bd. 1C. Berlin 1996, S. 1977--2056
(mit L.A.Garay) Sarmenticola, eine neue Orchideengattung (Orchidaceae, Oncidieae, Notyliinae). In: Willdenowia 25 (1996) 655--658
Schmeil, O. und J.Fitschen: Flora von Deutschland und angrenzender Länder. 90. Aufl. Wiesbaden 1996. X,806 S.
Schlechter, R.: Die Orchideen. 3. Aufl. Bd. IC, Lfg. 32. Berlin 1996

Simons, Kai Lennart [Prof.]
(u.a.) Different biosynthetic transport routes to the plasma membrane in BHK and CHO cells. In: J.Cell Biol. 133 (1996) 247--256
(u.a.) Rab8 promotes polarized membrane transport through reorganization of actin and microtubules in fibroblasts: Ebda 135 (1996) 153--167
(u.a.) Roles for Rac1 and Cdc42 in planar polarization and hair outgrowth in the wing for Drosophila: Ebda S. 1277--1289
(mit K.Fiedler) Characterization of VIP36, an animal lectin homologous to leguminous lectins. In: J.Cell Sci. 109 (1996) 271--276
(u.a.) Analysis of the role of p200-containing vesicles in post-Golgi traffic. In: Molecular Biology of the Cell 7 (1996) 961--974
(u.a.) Dissecting the molecular mechanisms of polarized membrane traffic : reconstitution of three transport steps in epithelial cells using streptolysin-O permeabilization. In: Protein Kinesis (Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology ; 60). Cold Spring Harbor 1995 [ersch. 1996], S. 753--762

Stitt, Mark [Prof.]
(u.a.) The role of active vision in exploring growth, transport, and exchange processes. In: Aktives Sehen in technischen und biologischen Systemen. Hrsg. von B.Mertsching. Sankt Augustin 1996, S. 194--202
Metabolic regulation of photosynthesis. In: Biophysical Techniques in Photosynthesis. Ed. by J.Amesz et al. (Advances in Photosynthesis ; 3). Dordrecht 1996, S. -
Plasmodesmata play an essential role in sucrose export leaves : a step towards an integration of metabolic chemistry and cell biology. In: Plant Cell 8 (1996) 565--571
(u.a.) Phloem-specific expression of pyrophosphatase inhibits long distance transport of carbohydrates and amino acids in tobacco plants. In: Plant Cell Environm. 19 (1996) 43--55
(u.a.) The onset of sugar accumulation in cold sweetening potato tubers is accompanied by a change in the kinetic properties of sucrose phosphate synthase and the appearance of a new form of amylase: Ebda S. 1223--1238
(mit E.-D.Schulze) Mechanisms and controls of carbon flux : carbon fixation and allocation. In:  (NATO Workshop). Ed. by .  1996, S. -

Storch, Volker [Prof.]
Kükenthals Leitfaden für das zoologische Praktikum. 22., neubearb. Aufl. Stuttgart 1996. XIV,482 S.
Priapulida : Überlebenskünstler aus dem frühen Paläozoikum. In: Biologie in unserer Zeit 26 (1996) 356--362
(u.a.) Influence of dietary vitamin C dosage on turbot (Scophthalmus maximus) and European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) nursery stages. In: Comp.Biochem.Physiol. 114 A (1996) 123--133
(u.a.) Localization of iron stores and iron binding sites in blood cells of five different priapulid species by energy-filtering electron microscopy. In: J. Trace Microprobe Techn. 14 (1996) 775--797
(u.a.) Icy heritage : ecological evolution of the postglacial Baltic Sea reflected in the allozymes of a living fossil, the priapulid Halicryptus spinulosus. In: Marine Biology 125 (1996) 671--685
(u.a.) Allozymes characterize sibling species of bipolar Priapulida (Priapulus, Priapulopsis). In: Polar Biology 16 (1996) 521--526
(u.a.) Dekomposition : qualitative und quantitative Aspekte und deren Beeinflussung durch geogene und anthropogene Belastungsfaktoren. Landsberg 1996. V,490 S.

Trotter, Jacqueline [Priv.Doz.]
(u.a.) Neuron-glia interactions in homeostasis and degeneration. In: Comprehensive Human Physiology. Ed. by R.Greger and U.Windhorst. Berlin 1996, S. 533--543
(u.a.) Establishment of neural cell populations and interneuronal connections: Ebda S. 603--622

Weiher, Hans [Wiss.Mitarb.]
(u.a.) Low level expression of glycine receptor b subunit transgene is sufficient for phenotype correction in spastic mice. In: EMBO J. 15 (1996) 1275--1282
(u.a.) Inner ear defect similar to Alport syndrome in the glomerulosclerosis mouse model Mpv17. In: Eur.Arch.Otorhinolaryngol. 253 (1996) 470--474
(u.a.) The human ubiquitin C promoter directs high ubiquitous expression of transgenes in mice. In: Nucl.Acids Res. 24 (1996) 1787--1788

Zwilling, Robert [Prof.]
La sfida delle biotechnologie : dubbi e speranze. In: Atti del Convegno "Le Agrobiotecnologie". Ed.: G.Baraldi. Bologna 1996, S. 17--23
(u.a.) X-ray absorption spectroscopy study of zinc coordination in tetanus neurotoxin, astacin, alkaline protease and thermolysin. In: Eur.J.Biochem. 235 (1996) 606--612
Structure of astacin with a transition-state analogue inhibitor. In: Nature Structural Biology 3 (1996) 671--675 
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