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Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg


Appenzeller, Immo [Prof.]
(u.a.) Rapid variability in S5 0716+714 across the electromagnetic spectrum. In: Astron.J. 111 (1996) 2187--2211
(u.a.) R 4 in the Small Magellanic Cloud : a spectroscopic binary with a B[e]/LBV-type component. In: Astron.Astrophys. 309 (1996) 505--514
(u.a.) The ORFEUS FUV spectrum of the WN5 star EZ Canis Majoris: Ebda 310 (1996) 239--244
Protostars and pre-main sequence objects. In: Stars and Star Clusters. Ed. by H.H.Voigt (Landolt-Börnstein : Group VI, Astronomy and Astrophysics ; 3 B). Berlin 1996, S. 196--203
Proc. of the 22nd General Assembly, The Hague 1994. Dordrecht 1996. 929 S. (Transact. of the Internat. Astron. Union ; 22b)

Baschek, Bodo [Prof.]
(u.a.) Physics of stellar atmospheres. In: Stars and Star Clusters. Ed. by H.H.Voigt (Landolt-Börnstein : Group VI, Astronomy and Astrophysics ; 3 B). Berlin 1996, S. 41--61

Beckwith, Steven [Prof.]
(u.a.) A near infrared spectral imaging study of T tau. In: Astron.J. 111 (1996) 2403 ff.
(u.a.) Laboratory results on millimeter-wave absorption in silicate grain materials at cryogenic temperatures. In: Astrophys.J. 462 (1996) 1026 ff.
(u.a.) Near infrared imaging spectroscopy of IRAS FSC10214+4724 : evidence for a starburst region around an AGN at z=2.3: Ebda 463, Letters (1996) L 55 ff.

Bender, Iring [Prof.]
(mit A.Actor) Boundaries immersed in a scalar quantum field. In: Fortschr.Phys. 44 (1996) 281--322
(mit A.Actor) The zeta function constructed from the zeros of the Bessel function. In: J.Phys. A 29 (1996) 6555--6580
(mit A.Actor) Hard, semihard and soft boundary conditions. In: Quantum Field Theory under the Influence of External Conditions. Ed. by M.Bordag (Teubner-Texte zur Physik ; 30). Stuttgart 1996, S. 34--50

Bille, Josef [Prof.]
(u.a.) Ablation of neural tissue by short-pulsed lasers. In: Acta Neurochir. 138 (1996) 346--349
(u.a.) Laser-induced optical breakdown on hard and soft tissues and its dependence on the pulse duration : experiment and model. In: IEEE J.Quant.Electron. 32 (1996) 1717--1722
(u.a.) Experimental and theoretical investigations on threshold parameters of laser-induced optical breakdown on tissues. In: Proc. SPIE 2923 (1996) 118--126
(u.a.) Plasma-mediated ablation of brain tissue in liquid media and application in stereotactic laser neurosurgery: Ebda S. 136--143
(u.a.) In vivo measurement of the retinal birefringence with regard on corneal effects using an electro-optical ellipsometer: Ebda 2930 (1996) 92--101
(u.a.) High precision surface ablation of soft tissue using the fifth harmonic of a Nd:YLF-picosecond laser at 211 nm: Ebda S. 102--111

Bühring, Wolfgang [Prof.]
Terminating Saalschützian hypergeometric series at unit argument. In: Math.Japonica 44 (1996) 15--23

Cremer, Christoph [Prof.]
(u.a.) Confocal theta fluorescence microscopy with annular apertures. In: Appl.Optics 35 (1996) 126--130
(u.a.) Optics and experimental resolution of the Heidelberg slit-scan flow fluorometer. In: Biomedical Optoelectronics in Clinical Chemistry and Biotechnology. Ed. by S.Andersson-Engels et al. (Proc. SPIE ; 2629). Bellingham, Wash. 1996, S. 146--156
(u.a.) Comparative genomic hybridization imaging by the one-chip true-color CCD camera kappa CF 15 MC. In: Cytometry 24 (1996) 1--13
(u.a.) ``In situ'' estimates of the spatial resolution for ``practical'' fluorescence microscopy of cell nuclei. In: Fluorescence Microscopy and Fluorescent Probes. Ed. by J.Slavik. New York 1996, S. 169--173
(u.a.) Chromosome aberration analysis in atomic bomb survivors and Thorotrast patients using two- and three-colour chromosome painting of chromosomal subsets. In: Internat.J.Radiat.Biol. 70 (1996) 95--108
(u.a.) Optimization of fast-FISH for a-satellite DNA probes. In: J.Biochem.Biophys.Methods 33 (1996) 43--54
(u.a.) Three-dimensional reconstruction of painted human interphase chromosomes : active and inactive X chromosome territories have similar volumes but differ in shape and surface structure. In: J.Cell Biol. 135 (1996) 1427--1440
(u.a.) Resolution improvement in 3-D microscopy by object tilting. In: Microscopy and Analysis 44, No. 11 (1996) 9--11
(u.a.) 3D-Bildfolgen zur Auflösungsverbesserung in der Fluoreszenzmikroskopie. In: Mustererkennung 1996. Hrsg. von B.Jähne u.a. Berlin 1996, S. 92--105
(u.a.) Modellgestützte Segmentierung von Replikationsdomänen in dreidimensionalen konfokalen Mikroskopiebildern: Ebda S. 408--419
(u.a.) Nuclear architecture and the induction of chromosomal aberrations. In: Mutation Res. 366 (1996) 97--116
(u.a.) Improved resolution in ``practical'' light microscopy by means of a glass fibre 2p-tilting device. In: Optical and Imaging Technique for Biomonitoring. Ed. by H.-J.Foth et al. (Proc. SPIE ; 2628). Bellingham, Wash. 1996, S. 140--146
(u.a.) Confocal theta fluorescence microscopy using two-photon absorption and annular apertures. In: Optik 102 (1996) 131--134
(u.a.) Immunomagnetic isolation of peroxisomes. In: Peroxisomes : Biology and Role in Toxicology and Disease. Ed. by J.K.Reddy et al. (Annals of the New York Acad. of Sciences ; 804). New York 1996, S. 698--700
(u.a.) Slit-Scan Flußfluorometrie zur schnellen Vorsortierung aberranter Chromosomen in der biologischen Dosimetrie. In: Strahlenschutz und Strahlenbiologie. Hrsg. von G.Heinemann und H.Pfob. Köln 1996, S. 155--159
(u.a.) Schnelle simultane FISH-Markierung von Zentromeren für die automatische Bildanalyse: Ebda S. 177--181
(u.a.) Slit-Scan-Durchflußzytometrie von Chromosomenaberrationen : Perspektiven in der biologischen Dosimetrie. In: Zs. für Medizinische Physik 6 (1996) 59--67
(u.a.) Optimization of fast-fluorescence in situ hybridization with repetitive a-satellite probes. In: Zs.Naturforsch. 51 c (1996) 253--261
(u.a.) Painting of human chromosome 8 in fifteen minutes: Ebda S. 435--439

Dosch, Hans Günter [Prof.]
Form-factors of semi-leptonic decays of heavy mesons. In: Nucl.Phys. : Proc. Suppl. B 50 (1996) 50--55
(u.a.) Bound states in the hot electroweak phase. In: Physics Letters B 365 (1996) 213--218
(mit S.Narison) B^{+}B\pi(\gamma) couplings and D^{+} \rightarrow D\pi(\gamma) decays within a 1/M-expansion in full QCD: Ebda B 368 (1996) 163--170
(mit M.Rueter) Nucleon structure and high energy scattering: Ebda B 380 (1996) 177--184
Applications of the model of the stochastic vacuum. In: Selected Topics in Nonperturbative QCD. Ed. by D. Di Giacomo et al. (Proc. of the Internat. School of Physics Enrico Fermi ; 130). Amsterdam 1996, S. 279--317

Dubbers, Dietrich [Prof.]
(u.a.) Supermirror beam bender and concentrator for slow neutrons. In: J. of Neutron Research 5 (1996) 81--88
Ein Spion für Physiker : mit einem neuen Meßsystem aus Heidelberg lassen sich die Voraussagen des Urknallmodells viel genauer überprüfen. In: Ruperto Carola 1996, H. 1, S. 4--10

Elsässer, Hans [Prof.]
(u.a.) Search for emission-line galaxies towards nearby voids : observational data. In: Astron.Astrophys. : Suppl.Ser. 116 (1996) 43--74
(u.a.) Surface photometry of galaxies in low density regions: Ebda 117 (1996) 261--280
On European optical astronomy. In: Proc. of the 2nd Hellenistic Astronomical Conference, 1995. Ed. by M.E.Contadakis et al. Thessaloniki 1996, S. 1--7
Blick ins kalte Universum. In: Ruperto Carola 1996, H. 3, S. 4--10

Enss, Christian [Priv.Doz.]
(u.a.) Measurements and interpretation of the low temperature dielectric relaxation in glasses. In: Czech.J.Phys. 46, Suppl. S 4 (1996) 2231--2232
(u.a.) Decay of spontaneous echoes in glasses: Ebda S. 2247--2248
(mit R.Weis) High-frequency dielectric susceptibility of Li^{+} doped KCl: Ebda 46, Suppl. S 5 (1996) 2557--2558
(u.a.) Relaxation of Li^{+} impurities in KCl through dipole-dipole interaction: Ebda S. 2561--2562
(u.a.) Study of paramagnetic ions in metals for use in cryogenic particle detection: Ebda S. 2889--2890
(u.a.) Coherent echoes in glasses and crystals with point defects: Ebda 46, Suppl. S 6 (1996) 3287--3295
(u.a.) HERON as a dark matter detector. In: Dark Matter, Quantum Measurements and Experimental Gravitation. Ed. by Tran Thanh Van et al. (Proc. of the Moriond Conf. ; 31). Gif-sur-Yvette 1996, S. 131--136
(u.a.) Cross-over to incoherent tunnelling of substitutional defects in alkali halide crystals. In: Europhys.Lett. 33 (1996) 533--538
(u.a.) Scintillation and anisotropic roton generation by charged particles in superfluid helium. In: Nucl.Instr.Meth.Phys.Res. A 370 (1996) 138--140
Interacting tunnelling systems in ionic crystals. In: Physica B 219/220 (1996) 239--242
(u.a.) Acoustic properties of crystals at very low temperatures : comparison with glasses: Ebda S. 305--307
(u.a.) Low-frequency dielectric susceptibility of Li^{+}-doped KCl. In: Phys.Rev. B 53 (1996) 12094--12107
(u.a.) STM-study of triangular defect structures induced on WSe_{2}. In: Zs.Phys. B 99 (1996) 561--566

Glässel, Peter [Prof.]
(u.a.) Performance of the CERES electron spectrometer in the CERN SPS lead beam. In: Nucl.Instr.Meth.Phys.Res. A 371 (1996) 16--21
(u.a.) Cherenkov ring fitting techniques for the CERES RICH detectors: Ebda S. 243--247
(u.a.) A doublet of 3" cylindrical silicon drift detectors in the CERES/NA45 experiment: Ebda A 377 (1996) 362--366
(u.a.) First results from CERES/NA45 on low-mass electron pair production in PB-au collisions. In: Nucl.Phys. A 610 (1996) 317c--330c
(u.a.) Search for direct photons from S-Au collisions at 200 GeV/u. In: Zs.Phys. C 71 (1996) 571--577
(u.a.) A study of electron-muon pair production in 450 GeV/c p-Be collisions: Ebda C 72 (1996) 429--436

Hausmann, Michael [Priv.Doz.]
(u.a.) Optics and experimental resolution of the Heidelberg slit-scan flow fluorometer. In: Biomedical Optoelectronics in Clinical Chemistry and Biotechnology. Ed. by S.Andersson-Engels et al. (Proc. SPIE ; 2629). Bellingham, Wash. 1996, S. 146--156
(u.a.) Comparative genomic hybridization imaging by the one-chip true-color CCD camera kappa CF 15 MC. In: Cytometry 24 (1996) 1--13
(u.a.) ``In situ'' estimates of the spatial resolution for ``practical'' fluorescence microscopy of cell nuclei. In: Fluorescence Microscopy and Fluorescent Probes. Ed. by J.Slavik. New York 1996, S. 169--173
(u.a.) Optimization of fast-FISH for a-satellite DNA probes. In: J.Biochem.Biophys.Methods 33 (1996) 43--54
(u.a.) Resolution improvement in 3-D microscopy by object tilting. In: Microscopy and Analysis 44, No. 11 (1996) 9--11
(u.a.) Improved resolution in ``practical'' light microscopy by means of a glass fibre 2p-tilting device. In: Optical and Imaging Technique for Biomonitoring. Ed. by H.-J.Foth et al. (Proc. SPIE ; 2628). Bellingham, Wash. 1996, S. 140--146
(u.a.) Slit-Scan Flußfluorometrie zur schnellen Vorsortierung aberranter Chromosomen in der biologischen Dosimetrie. In: Strahlenschutz und Strahlenbiologie. Hrsg. von G.Heinemann und H.Pfob. Köln 1996, S. 155--159
(u.a.) Schnelle simultane FISH-Markierung von Zentromeren für die automatische Bildanalyse: Ebda S. 177--181
(u.a.) Slit-Scan-Durchflußzytometrie von Chromosomenaberrationen : Perspektiven in der biologischen Dosimetrie. In: Zs. für Medizinische Physik 6 (1996) 59--67
(u.a.) Optimization of fast-fluorescence in situ hybridization with repetitive a-satellite probes. In: Zs.Naturforsch. 51 c (1996) 253--261
(u.a.) Painting of human chromosome 8 in fifteen minutes: Ebda S. 435--439

Hausser, Karl Hermann [Prof.]
(mit H.Brunner) Electron-nuclear hyperfine interactions. In: Encyclopedia of Magnetic Resonance. Ed. by D.M.Grant et al. Vol. 3. Chichester 1996, S. 1864--1869

Heermann, Dieter W. [Prof.]
Computer Simulation Methods in Theoretical Physics. 2nd print. Berlin 1996. IX,145 S.

Hinsch, Hermann [Akad.Direktor]
Elektronik : ein Werkzeug für Naturwissenschaftler. Berlin 1996. XII,300 S.

Hofmann, Werner [Prof.]
(u.a.) Measurement of the semileptonic branching fractions of the D^{0} meson. In: Physics Letters B 374 (1996) 249--255
(u.a.) Two measurements of B^{0}\bar{B}^{0} mixing using kaon tagging: Ebda S. 256--264
(u.a.) Two-photon production of o pairs: Ebda S. 265--270
(u.a.) Measurement of the decay D^{*}_{-}s2(2573) \rightarrow D^{0}K^{+}. In: Zs.Phys. C 69 (1996) 405--408

Hübner, Klaus [Prof.]
Institut für Angewandte Physik der Universität Heidelberg. In: IPP Annual Report 1995. Ed.: Max-Planck-Inst. für Plasmaphysik. Garching 1996, S. 146
(u.a.) Measurement of neutron emission profiles and neutron spectra by means of nuclear emulsions. In: Nucl.Instr.Meth.Phys.Res. A 368 (1996) 425--430

Hüfner, Jörg [Prof.]
(u.a.) Pion polarizabilities in hot medium. In: Chinese J.Phys. 34 (1996) 901--908
(u.a.) Empirical regularities in the \kappa-dependence of J/\Psi suppression in hadron-nucleus collisions. In: J.Phys. G 22 (1996) 1335--1342
(u.a.) Soft deconfinement : critical phenomena at the Mott transition in a field theory for quarks and mesons. In: Nucl.Phys. A 606 (1996) 260--282
(u.a.) Elastic scattering and transport coefficients for a quark plasma in SU_{f}(3) at finite temperatures: Ebda A 608 (1996) 356--388
(u.a.) Hadronization in the SU(3) Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model. In: Phys.Rev. C 53 (1996) 1--20
(mit B.Kopeliovich) Relative J/\Psi to \Psi' suppression in proton-nucleus and nucleus-nucleus collisions. In: Phys.Rev.Lett. 76 (1996) 192--195
(u.a.) Glauber multiple scattering theory for the photoproduction of vector mesons off nuclei and the role of the coherence length. In: Physics Letters B 383 (1996) 362--366

Hunklinger, Siegfried [Prof.]
(u.a.) Development of a surface acoustic wave immunosensor. In: Analyt.Chem. 68 (1996) 2000--2004
(u.a.) Decay of spontaneous echoes in glasses. In: Czech.J.Phys. 46, Suppl. S 4 (1996) 2247--2248
(u.a.) Measurements and interpretation of the low temperature dielectric relaxation in glasses: Ebda S. 2231--2232
(u.a.) Coherent echoes in glasses and crystals with point defects: Ebda 46, Suppl. S 6 (1996) 3287--3295
(u.a.) Multistrip couplers for surface acoustic wave sensor application. In: IEEE Transact.Ultrason.Ferroelectr.Frequ.Control 43 (1996) 527--530
(u.a.) Acoustic properties of crystals at very low temperatures : comparison with glasses. In: Physica B 219/220 (1996) 305--307
(u.a.) Low-frequency dielectric susceptibility of Li^{+}-doped KCl. In: Phys.Rev. B 53 (1996) 12094--12107
(u.a.) A new sensor principle based on the reflection of surface acoustic waves. In: Sensors and Actuators A 54 (1996) 618--621
(u.a.) STM-study of triangular defect structures induced on WSe_{2}. In: Zs.Phys. B 99 (1996) 561--566

Jähne, Bernd [Prof.]
(u.a.) The role of active vision in exploring growth, transport, and exchange processes. In: Aktives Sehen in technischen und biologischen Systemen. Hrsg. von B.Mertsching. Sankt Augustin 1996, S. 194--202
(mit H.Haußecker) A tensor approach for local structure analysis in multi-dimensional images. In: 3D Image Analysis and Synthesis '96. Ed. by B.Girod et al. Sankt Augustin 1996, S. 171--178
(u.a.) Segmentierung von Partikelbildern in der Strömungsvisualisierung. In: Mustererkennung 1996. Hrsg. von B.Jähne u.a. Berlin 1996, S. 118--129
(u.a.) Mustererkennung 1996. Berlin 1996. XVII,686 S. (Informatik aktuell)

Jungmann, Klaus-Peter [Priv.Doz.]
(u.a.) Measurement and compensation of frequency chirping in pulsed dye laser amplifiers. In: Appl.Phys. B 63 (1996) 467--472
(u.a.) Perspectives on high precision spectroscopy of muonic atoms. In: Comm.Atom.Molec.Phys. 33 (1996) 17--27
(u.a.) A high precision magnetometer based on pulsed NMR. In: Nucl.Instr.Meth.Phys.Res. A 374 (1996) 118--126
(u.a.) Efficient position sensitive detection of 3-30 keV positrons and electrons: Ebda A 376 (1996) 139--145
(u.a.) A sensitive search for muonium-antimuonium oscillation. In: Phys.Rev.Lett. 77 (1996) 1950--1953
Precision spectroscopy of muonium. In: Proc. of the 5th Symp. on Frequency Standards and Metrology. Ed. by J.C.Bergquist. Singapore 1996, S. 361--365
(mit V.Yakhontov) Light-shift calculations in the ns-states of hydrogenic systems. In: Zs.Phys. D 38 (1996) 141--152

Klevansky, Sandra [Priv.Doz.]
(u.a.) Pion polarizabilities in hot medium. In: Chinese J.Phys. 34 (1996) 901--908
(u.a.) Soft deconfinement : critical phenomena at the Mott transition in a field theory for quarks and mesons. In: Nucl.Phys. A 606 (1996) 260--282
(u.a.) Elastic scattering and transport coefficients for a quark plasma in SU_{f}(3) at finite temperatures: Ebda A 608 (1996) 356--388
(u.a.) Hadronization in the SU(3) Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model. In: Phys.Rev. C 53 (1996) 1--20

Kluge, Eike Erik [Prof.]
(u.a.) Performance of the TGT liquid argon calorimeter and trigger system. In: Nucl.Instr.Meth.Phys.Res. A 378 (1996) 479--494
(u.a.) Measurement of the \Lambda_{b} polarization in Z decays. In: Physics Letters B 365 (1996) 437--447
(u.a.) A precise measurement of the average b hadron lifetime: Ebda B 369 (1996) 151--162
(u.a.) Search for supersymmetric particles in e^{+}e^{-} collisions at centre-of-mass energies of 130 and 136 GeV: Ebda B 373 (1996) 246--260
(u.a.) Measurement of \Lambda polarization from Z decays: Ebda B 374 (1996) 319--330
(u.a.) Study of the B^{0}_{s}\bar{B}^{0]_{s} oscillation frequency using D^{-}_{s} l^{+} combinations in Z decays: Ebda B 377 (1996) 205--221
(u.a.) Measurement of hadron and lepton-pair production from e^{+}e^{-} annihilation at centre-of-mass energies of 130 and 136 GeV: Ebda B 378 (1996) 373--384
(u.a.) Measurement of the mass of the \Lambda_{b} baryon: Ebda B 380 (1996) 442--452
(u.a.) A study of single and multi-photon production in e^{+}e^{-} collisions at centre-of-mass energies of 130 and 136 GeV: Ebda B 384 (1996) 333--342
(u.a.) Quark and gluon jet properties in symmetric three-jet events: Ebda S. 353--364
(u.a.) Search for CP violation in the decay Z \rightarrow b\bar{b}g: Ebda S. 365--376
(u.a.) Measurement of the b forward-backward asymmetry and mixing using high-p_{\Tau} leptons: Ebda S. 414--426
(u.a.) Mass limit for the standard model Higgs boson with the full LEP I ALEPH data sample: Ebda S. 427--438
(u.a.) Search for heavy lepton pair production in e^{+}e^{-} collisions at centre-of-mass energies of 130 and 136 GeV: Ebda S. 439--448
(u.a.) Strange b baryon production and lifetime in Z decays: Ebda S. 449--460
(u.a.) Search for charginos and neutralinos with R-parity violation at \sqrt{s} = 130 and 136 GeV: Ebda S. 461--470
(u.a.) Observation of charmless hadronic B decays: Ebda S. 471--480
(u.a.) Search for excited leptons at 130--140 GeV: Ebda B 385 (1996) 445--453
(u.a.) Four-fermion production in e^{+}e^{-} collisions at centre-of-mass energies of 130 and 136 GeV: Ebda B 388 (1996) 419--430
(u.a.) Charm counting in b decays: Ebda S. 648--658
(u.a.) First measurement of the quark-to-photon fragmentation function. In: Zs.Phys. C 69 (1996) 365--377
(u.a.) Inclusive production of neutral vector mesons in hadronic Z decays: Ebda S. 379--392
(u.a.) Production of excited beauty states in Z decays: Ebda S. 393--404
(u.a.) Measurement of D^{+}_{s} meson production in Z decays and of the \bar{B}^{0}_{s} lifetime: Ebda S. 585--595
(u.a.) Measurement of the t lepton lifetime: Ebda C 70 (1996) 549--559
(u.a.) Tau leptonic branching ratios: Ebda S. 561--577
(u.a.) Tau hadronic branching ratios: Ebda S. 579--608
(u.a.) Improved measurement of the B^{0} and B^{+} meson lifetimes: Ebda C 71 (1996) 31--44
(u.a.) Four-jet final state production in e^{+}e^{-} collisions at centre-of-mass energies of 130 and 136 GeV: Ebda S. 179--197
(u.a.) Determination of \sin^{2} \Theta^{e}_{f-}W using jet charge measurements in hadronic Z decays: Ebda S. 357--378
(u.a.) Mass limit for the lightest neutralino: Ebda C 72 (1996) 549--559

Kluge, Heinz-Jürgen [Prof.]
(u.a.) Exotic particles in small and large ion traps. In: Acta Physica Polonica B 27 (1996) 323--342
(mit G.Bollen) Penning trap mass spectrometer. In: Handbook of Nuclear Properties. Ed. by D.N.Poenaru and W.Greiner (Oxford Studies in Nuclear Physics ; 17). Oxford 1996, S. 66--79
(u.a.) ISOLTRAP : a tandem penning trap system for accurate on-line mass determination of short-lived isotopes. In: Nucl.Instr.Meth.Phys.Res. A 368 (1996) 675--697
(mit H.Orth und A.Wolf) Atomic Physics with Stored Highly Charged Ions : Proc. of the 1st Euroconference on Atomic Physics with Stored Highly Charged Ions, Heidelberg 1995. Amsterdam 1996. 372 S. (Hyperfine Interactions ; Vol. 99, No. 1--13)

Kripfganz, Jochen [Akad.Rat]
(u.a.) Bound states in the hot electroweak phase. In: Physics Letters B 365 (1996) 213--218

Kühn, Reimer [Priv.Doz.]
(u.a.) Averaging and finite-size analysis for disorder : the Hopfield model. In: Physica A 232 (1996) 61--73
Equilibrium ensemble approach to disordered systems. I: General theory, exact results. In: Zs.Phys. B 100 (1996) 231--242

Lehmann, Annemarie [Prof.]
(u.a.) He-scattering studies of the BaF_{2}(111)-surface. In: Surface Science 369 (1996) 289--299

Mauersberger, Konrad [Prof.]
Zur Erforschung des Ozonmoleküls. In: Heidelberger Jb. 40 (1996) 81--92

Meier, Karlheinz [Prof.]
(u.a.) A camera with adaptive photoreceptors in analog CMOS technology. In: Advanced Focal Plane Arrays and Electronic Cameras. Ed. by T.Bernard (Proc. SPIE ; 2950). Bellingham, Wash. 1996, S. 121--130
(u.a.) A camera with adaptive photoreceptors for a tactile vision aid. In: Intelligent Robots and Computer Vision. Vol. 15. Ed. by D.P.Cassaent (Proc. SPIE ; 2904). Bellingham, Wash. 1996, S. 528--537
(u.a.) Entwicklung einer Kamera mit adaptiven Photorezeptoren in analoger CMOS Technologie. In: Mustererkennung 1996. Hrsg. von B.Jähne u.a. Berlin 1996, S. 301--312
(u.a.) Elastic photoproduction of Rho0 mesons at HERA. In: Nucl.Phys. B 463 (1996) 3--29
(u.a.) Elastic electroproduction of rho and J/psi mesons at large Q2 at HERA: Ebda B 468 (1996) 3--33
(u.a.) A measurement and QCD analysis of the proton structure function F2(x,Q2) at HERA: Ebda B 470 (1996) 3--38
(u.a.) Elastic and inelastic photoproduction of J/psi mesons at HERA: Ebda B 472 (1996) 3--31
(u.a.) Photoproduction of D^{*} mesons in electron-proton collisions at HERA: Ebda S. 32--51
(u.a.) Strangeness production in deep inelastic positron-proton scattering at HERA: Ebda B 480 (1996) 3--34
(u.a.) A search for leptoquarks at HERA. In: Physics Letters B 369 (1996) 173--185
(u.a.) Measurement of the Q2 dependence of the charged and neutral current cross sections in ep scattering at HERA: Ebda B 379 (1996) 319--329
(u.a.) A search for selectrons and squarks at HERA: Ebda B 380 (1996) 461--470
(u.a.) Jets and energy flow in phton-proton collisions at HERA. In: Zs.Phys. C 70 (1996) 17--30
(u.a.) Energy flow in the hadronic final state of diffractive and non-diffractive deep-inelastic scattering at HERA: Ebda S. 609--620
(u.a.) A search for squarks of Rp-violating SUSY at HERA: Ebda C 71 (1996) 211--226
(u.a.) Charged particle multiplicities in deep-inelastic scattering at HERA: Ebda C 72 (1996) 573--592
(u.a.) Inclusive D0 and D+/- production in deep-inelastic ep scattering at HERA: Ebda S. 593--605

Meyer-Ortmanns, Hildegard [Priv.Doz.]
How far are physical mesons from critical mesons? In: Color Confinement and Hadrons. Ed. by H.Toki et al. Singapore 1996, S. 137--150
(mit B.-J.Schaefer) How sharp is the chiral crossover phenomenon for realistic meson masses. In: Phys.Rev. D 53 (1996) 6586--6601
Phase transitions in quantum chromodynamics. In: Rev.Mod.Phys. 68 (1996) 473--598

Münnich, Karl Otto [em.Prof.]
(u.a.) FCKW-Datierung nitratbelasteten Grundwassers. In: Grundwasser 1 (1996) 148--155
(u.a.) Groundwater age dating with chlorofluorocarbons. In: Water Resources Res. 32 (1996) 2989--3001

Nachtmann, Otto [Prof.]
The QCD vacuum structure and its manifestations. In: Confinement Physics. Ed. by S.D.Bass and P.A.Guichon. Gif-sur-Yvette 1996, S. 27--70
(mit M.Diehl) Optimal observables for measuring three-gauge-boson couplings in e^{+}e^{-} \rightarrow W^{+}W^-}e^{+}e^{-}. In: e{+}e^{-} Collisions at TeV Energies : the Physics Potential. Ed. by P.M.Zerwas. Part D. Hamburg 1996, S. 301--303
(u.a.) Top-quark production in hadron-hadron collisions and anomalous top-quark-gluon couplings. In: Phys.Rev. D 53 (1996) 4875--4885
(u.a.) Chiral-invariant CP-violating effective interactions in Z decays to three jets. In: Physics Letters B 387 (1996) 155--161

Pirner, Hans Jürgen [Prof.]
(u.a.) Chiral perturbation theory in the Schwinger Model. In: Phys.Rev. D 53 (1996) 7231--7238
(mit T.Gousset) The ratio of gluon distributions in Sn and C. In: Physics Letters B 375 (1996) 349
The structure of the constituent quark. In: Progr.Nucl.Phys. 36 (1996) 19--28
(u.a.) How to determine the pion cloud of the constituent quark? In: Zs.Phys. A 353 (1996) 397--409

Platt, Ulrich [Prof.]
(mit J.Stutz) Numerical analysis and estimation of the statistical error of differential optical absorption spectroscopy measurements with least-squares methods. In: Appl.Optics 35 (1996) 6041--6063
Arktische Ozonforschung mit Flugzeug- und Satellitensensoren. In: DLR-Mitt. 96-03 (1996) 55--57
(u.a.) Measurement of the latitudinal distribution of NO_{2} column density and layer height in Oct./Nov. 1993. In: Geophys.Res.Lett. 23 (1996) 805--808
(u.a.) Ground-based measurements of OClO and HCl in austral spring 1993 at arrival heights, Antarctica: Ebda S. 1545--1548
(u.a.) Intercomparison of instruments for tropospheric measurements using differential optical absorption spectroscopy. In: J.Atmos.Chem. 23 (1996) 51--80
(u.a.) Long-term observation of nitrate readicals at the TOR-Station, Kap Arkona/Rügen. In: J.Geophys.Res. 101 (1996) 891--910

Povh, Bogdan [Prof.]
(u.a.) Detailed studies of a high-density polarized hydrogen gas target for storage rings. In: Nucl.Instr.Meth.Phys.Res. A 368 (1996) 293--306
(u.a.) The transition radiation detector in the hyperon beam experiment WA89 at CERN: Ebda A 378 (1996) 451--457
(mit B.Kopeliovich) Scaling variable for nuclear shadowing in deep-inelastic scattering. In: Physics Letters B 367 (1996) 329--334
(u.a.) How to determine the pion cloud of the constituent quark? In: Zs.Phys. A 353 (1996) 397--409
(u.a.) Deep-inelastic electroproduction of neutrons in the proton fragmentation region: Ebda C 73 (1996) 125--131

Putlitz, Gisbert zu [Prof.]
(u.a.) Measurement and compensation of frequency chirping in pulsed dye laser amplifiers. In: Appl.Phys. B 63 (1996) 467--472
(u.a.) Perspectives on high precision spectroscopy of muonic atoms. In: Comm.Atom.Molec.Phys. 33 (1996) 17--27
Muonium. In: Hyperfine Interactions 103 (1996) 157--167
(mit T.Schmitt) Naturwissenschaftliche und technologische Forschung. In: Indien. Hrsg. von D.Rothermund. München 1995 [ersch. 1996], S. 368--386
Industrial foundations and society. In: Interdisc.Sci.Rev. 21 (1996) 275--276
(mit D.Schade) The interdisciplinary discourse : the sponsorship concept of the Gottlieb Daimler and Karl Benz Foundation: Ebda S. 277--283
(u.a.) Laser spectroscopy of impurity atoms in superfluid helium. In: Laser Spectroscopy 1995. Ed. by M.Inguscio et al. Singapore 1996, S. 386--387
Myonium, ein künstliches Wasserstoffisotop. In: Leopoldina : R. 3 41 (1996) 223--238
(u.a.) Ions in superfluid helium : measurement of the roton limited mobility. In: Low Temp.Phys. 22 (1996) 143--147
(u.a.) A high precision magnetometer based on pulsed NMR. In: Nucl.Instr.Meth.Phys.Res. A 374 (1996) 118--126
(u.a.) Efficient position sensitive detection of 3-30 keV positrons and electrons: Ebda A 376 (1996) 139--145
(u.a.) A sensitive search for muonium-antimuonium oscillation. In: Phys.Rev.Lett. 77 (1996) 1950--1953
(u.a.) Atoms and ions in superfluid helium. In: Zs.Phys. B 101 (1996) 253--262
(u.a.) Ions and atoms in superfluid helium (^{4}He). III: Mobility measurement of alkali earth ions: Ebda S. 613--617

Putzer, Alois [Prof.]
(u.a.) Performance of the TGT liquid argon calorimeter and trigger system. In: Nucl.Instr.Meth.Phys.Res. A 378 (1996) 479--494
(u.a.) Measurement of the \Lambda_{b} polarization in Z decays. In: Physics Letters B 365 (1996) 437--447
(u.a.) A precise measurement of the average b hadron lifetime: Ebda B 369 (1996) 151--162
(u.a.) Search for supersymmetric particles in e^{+}e^{-} collisions at centre-of-mass energies of 130 and 136 GeV: Ebda B 373 (1996) 246--260
(u.a.) Measurement of \Lambda polarization from Z decays: Ebda B 374 (1996) 319--330
(u.a.) Study of the B^{0}_{s}\bar{B}^{0}_{s} oscillation frequency using D^{-}_{s} l^{+} combinations in Z decays: Ebda B 377 (1996) 205--221
(u.a.) Measurement of hadron and lepton-pair production from e^{+}e^{-} annihilation at centre-of-mass energies of 130 and 136 GeV: Ebda B 378 (1996) 373--384
(u.a.) Measurement of the mass of the &\Lambda_{b} baryon: Ebda B 380 (1996) 442--452
(u.a.) A study of single and multi-photon production in e^{+}e^{-} collisions at centre-of-mass energies of 130 and 136 GeV: Ebda B 384 (1996) 333--342
(u.a.) Quark and gluon jet properties in symmetric three-jet events: Ebda S. 353--364
(u.a.) Search for CP violation in the decay Z \rightarrow b\bar{b}g: Ebda S. 365--376
(u.a.) Measurement of the b forward-backward asymmetry and mixing using high-p_{\Tau} leptons: Ebda S. 414--426
(u.a.) Mass limit for the standard model Higgs boson with the full LEP I ALEPH data sample: Ebda S. 427--438
(u.a.) Search for heavy lepton pair production in e^{+}e^{-} collisions at centre-of-mass energies of 130 and 136 GeV: Ebda S. 439--448
(u.a.) Strange b baryon production and lifetime in Z decays: Ebda S. 449--460
(u.a.) Search for charginos and neutralinos with R-parity violation at \sqrt{s} = 130 and 136 GeV: Ebda S. 461--470
(u.a.) Observation of charmless hadronic B decays: Ebda S. 471--480
(u.a.) Search for excited leptons at 130--140 GeV: Ebda B 385 (1996) 445--453
(u.a.) Four-fermion production in e^{+}e^{-} collisions at centre-of-mass energies of 130 and 136 GeV: Ebda B 388 (1996) 419--430
(u.a.) Charm counting in b decays: Ebda S. 648--658
(u.a.) First measurement of the quark-to-photon fragmentation function. In: Zs.Phys. C 69 (1996) 365--377
(u.a.) Inclusive production of neutral vector mesons in hadronic Z decays: Ebda S. 379--392
(u.a.) Production of excited beauty states in Z decays: Ebda S. 393--404
(u.a.) Measurement of D^{+}_{s} meson production in Z decays and of the \bar{B}^{0}_{s} lifetime: Ebda S. 585--595
(u.a.) Measurement of the \tau lepton lifetime: Ebda C 70 (1996) 549--559
(u.a.) Tau leptonic branching ratios: Ebda S. 561--577
(u.a.) Tau hadronic branching ratios: Ebda S. 579--608
(u.a.) Improved measurement of the B^{0} and B^{+} meson lifetimes: Ebda C 71 (1996) 31--44
(u.a.) Four-jet final state production in e^{+}e^{-} collisions at centre-of-mass energies of 130 and 136 GeV: Ebda S. 179--197
(u.a.) Determination of \sin^{2} \Theta^{e}_{f-}w using jet charge measurements in hadronic Z decays: Ebda S. 357--378
(u.a.) Mass limit for the lightest neutralino: Ebda C 72 (1996) 549--559

Rieseberg, Hans [Akad.Direktor]
(u.a.) The recent performance of the Omega RICH detector in experiment WA89 at CERN. In: Nucl.Instr.Meth.Phys.Res. A 371 (1996) 27--32

Schmelcher, Peter [Priv.Doz.]
(mit L.S.Cederbaum) Two interacting charged particles in strong static fields : a variety of two-body phenomena. In: Atoms and Molecules in Intense Fields. Ed. by N.H.March et al. (Structure and Bonding ; 86). Berlin 1996, S. 27--62
(mit U.Kappes) Adiabatic potential-energy surfaces for higher excited states of the H^{+}_{2} ion in a strong magnetic field. In: Phys.Rev. A 54 (1996) 1313--1317
(mit W.Becken) Highly excited charged two-body systems in a magnetic field : a perturbation theoretical approach to the classical dynamics: Ebda S. 4868--4881
(mit U.Kappes) On the topology of the adiabatic potential energy surfaces of the H^{+}_{2}-ion in a strong magnetic field. In: Physics Letters A 210 (1996) 409--415
(mit F.K.Diakonos) On the construction of one-dimensional iterative maps from the invariant density : the dynamical route to the beta distribution: Ebda A 211 (1996) 199--203

Schmidt, Michael G. [Prof.]
(u.a.) Inverse mass expansions from worldline path integrals. In: New Computing Techniques in Physics Research. Vol. 4. Singapore 1996, S. 199--207
(mit C.Schubert) Relativistic QFTH-couplings on the worldline. In: Internat. Seminar Path Integrals : Theory and Applications. Ed. by V.S.Yarunin et al. (Internat. Conf. on Path Integrals from meV to MeV ; 5). Dubna 1996
(mit C.Schubert) Multiloop Feynman integrals in the worldline approach: Ebda 1996
(u.a.) Bound states in the hot electroweak phase. In: Physics Letters B 365 (1996) 213--218
(u.a.) Axial couplings on the worldline: Ebda B 366 (1996) 212--219

Schmidt-Rohr, Ulrich [Prof.]
Erinnerungen an die Vorgeschichte und die Gründerjahre des Max-Planck-Instituts für Kernphysik. [Heidelberg 1996.] 191 S.

Scholz, Michael T. [Prof.]
(u.a.) Phase and cycle dependence of the photospheric structure and observable properties of Mira variables. In: Astron.Astrophys. 307 (1996) 481--499
(u.a.) First diffraction-limited speckle masking observations of the Mira variable R Cas with the 6 m SAO telescope: Ebda 316 (1996) L 21--L 24
(u.a.) Physics of stellar atmospheres. In: Stars and Star Clusters. Ed. by H.H.Voigt (Landolt-Börnstein : Group VI, Astronomy and Astrophysics ; 3 B). Berlin 1996, S. 41--61
(u.a.) Diffraction-limited speckle masking observations of the Mira variable R Cas with the 6-m SAO telescope. In: Stellar Surface Structure. Ed. by K.G.Strassmeier (IAU-Symp. ; 176). Wien 1996, S. 45--47

Schurath, Ulrich [Prof.]
(u.a.) Laboratory determination of physico-chemical rate parameters pertinent to mass transfer into cloud and fog droplets. In: Heterogeneous and Liquid Phase Processes. Ed. by P.Warneck (Transport and Chemical Transformation of Pollutants in the Troposphere ; 2). Berlin 1996, S. 182--189
(u.a.) Solubilities and diffusion of solutes in cold sulfuric acid films. In: Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Chemical Processes in the Troposphere. Ed. by P.Mirabel (Air Pollution Research Report ; 16766). Brussels 1996, S. 30--35
(mit C.Wunderlich) Uptake of H_{2}O_{2} by using the liquid jet technique: Ebda S. 36--41
(mit T.Carstens) Diffusion coefficients of unstable or reactive gases: Ebda S. 188--193
(u.a.) Solubilities and reactions of trace gases in cold sulfuric acid aerosols. In: J. Aerosol Sci. 27 (1996) S 655--S 656
Aerosols in atmospheric chemistry. In: Proc. of EUROTRAC Symp. '96. Ed. by P.M.Borrell et al. Southampton 1996, S. 55--60
(u.a.) Experimental and modelling investigations of surface reactions on soot aerosol particles: Ebda S. 169--172
(u.a.) Dynamic effects in bi-modal aerosols containing volatile and non-volatile compounds: Ebda S. 289--292
(u.a.) Temperature dependence of mass accomodation of NH_{3} on water and uptake of H_{2}O_{2} using liquid jet technique: Ebda S. 345--348
(u.a.) Determination of solubilities of NO_{2}/N_{2}O_{4} in sulfuric acid at low temperature: Ebda S. 349--353

Schwalm, Dirk [Prof.]
(u.a.) Experiments with merged electron and ion beams in the ion storage rings. In: Dissociative Recombination. Vol. 3. Ed. by D.Zajfman et al. Singapore 1996, S. 47--59
(u.a.) Dissociative recombination at the TSR storage ring : branching ratios with 2D imaging and new processes: Ebda S. 114--124
(u.a.) Laser-cooled and trapped atoms as a precision target for heavy ion beams. In: Hyperfine Interactions 99 (1996) 127--133
(u.a.) Test of special relativity in an ion storage ring: Ebda S. 135--143
(u.a.) Recombination of electrons with highly charged heavy ions at very low energies: Ebda S. 295--300
(u.a.) Laser-induced recombination studies with the adiabatically expanded electron beam of the Heidelberg TSR: Ebda S. 309--316
(u.a.) Electron cooling and recombination experiments with an adiabatically expanded electron beam. In: Nucl.Instr.Meth.Phys.Res. A 369 (1996) 11--22
(u.a.) Fast scintillators as radiation resistant heavy-ion detectors: Ebda S. 277--283
(u.a.) Transverse laser cooling of a radio-frequency bunched ion beam in the storage ring TSR: Ebda A 383 (1996) 634--636
(u.a.) Dissociative recombination of cold OH^{+} : evidence for indirect recombination through excited core Rydberg states. In: Phys.Rev. A 53 (1996) R 644--R 647
(u.a.) High-resolution measurement of the dielectronic recombination of fluorinelike selenium ions: Ebda S. 1413--1423
(u.a.) Dissociative recombination of CH^{+} : cross section and final states: Ebda A 54 (1996) 4032--4050
(u.a.) Product-state distributions in the dissociative recombination of {}^{3}HeD^{+} and {}^{4}HeH^{+}: Ebda S. R 4617--R 4620
(u.a.) Efficient, indirect transverse laser cooling of a fast stored ion beam. In: Phys.Rev.Lett. 77 (1996) 623--626
(u.a.) Two-phonon \gamma-vibrational states in {}^{166}Er. In: Physics Letters B 388 (1996) 475--480
(u.a.) Search for e^{+}e^{-} pairs with narrow sum-energy distributions in heavy-ion collisions: Ebda B 389 (1996) 4--12
(u.a.) Fragment mass dependence of the high-energy-\gamma-ray spectrum in fission. In: Zs.Phys. A 355 (1996) 401--405
(u.a.) High-energy gamma-rays accompanying the spontaneous fission of {}^{252}Cf: Ebda A 356 (1996) 299--308
(mit H.Kluge und H.Orth) Atomic Physics with Stored Highly Charged Ions : Proc. of the 1st Euroconference on Atomic Physics with Stored Highly Charged Ions, Heidelberg 1995. Amsterdam 1996. 372 S. (Hyperfine Interactions ; Vol. 99, No. 1--13)

Siebert, Hans-Wolfgang [Prof.]
(u.a.) The recent performance of the Omega RICH detector in experiment WA89 at CERN. In: Nucl.Instr.Meth.Phys.Res. A 371 (1996) 27--32
Hyperons and charm baryons at CERN. In: Nucl.Phys. : Proc. Suppl. B 50 (1996) 162--167

Sonntag, Christian [Prof.]
(u.a.) FCKW-Datierung nitratbelasteten Grundwassers. In: Grundwasser 1 (1996) 148--155
(u.a.) Groundwater age dating with chlorofluorocarbons. In: Water Resources Res. 32 (1996) 2989--3001

Specht, Hans-Joachim [Prof.]
(mit K.D.Gross) From exotic nuclei and phase transitions in hadronic matter to cancer therapy : heavy ion research at GSI Darmstadt. In: Bull.Soc.Franç.Phys. 107 (1996) 27
(u.a.) Performance of the CERES electron spectrometer in the CERN SPS lead beam. In: Nucl.Instr.Meth.Phys.Res. A 371 (1996) 16--21
(u.a.) Cherenkov ring fitting techniques for the CERES RICH detectors: Ebda S. 243--247
(u.a.) A doublet of 3" cylindrical silicon drift detectors in the CERES/NA45 experiment: Ebda A 377 (1996) 362--366
(u.a.) First results from CERES/NA45 on low-mass electron pair production in PB-au collisions. In: Nucl.Phys. A 610 (1996) 317c--330c
(u.a.) Search for direct photons from S-Au collisions at 200 GeV/u. In: Zs.Phys. C 71 (1996) 571--577
(u.a.) A study of electron-muon pair production in 450 GeV/c p-Be collisions: Ebda C 72 (1996) 429--436

Stachel, Johanna [Prof.]
(mit P.Braun-Munzinger) Probing the phase boundary between hadronic matter and the quark-gluon plasma in relativistic heavy ion collisions. In: Nucl.Phys. A 606 (1996) 320 ff.
(u.a.) Flow studies at 10.8 GeV/nucleon: Ebda A 610 (1996) 63c ff.
(u.a.) Hadron yields and spectra in Au+Au collisions at the AGS: Ebda S. 153c ff.
(u.a.) Two-particle correlations in Au+Au collisions at AGS energy: Ebda S. 227c ff.
(u.a.) First results from CERES/NA45 on low-mass electron pair production in PB-au collisions: Ebda S. 317c--330c
Tests of thermalization: Ebda S. 509c ff.
(u.a.) Thermal and hadrochemical equilibration in nucleus-nucleus collisions at the SPS. In: Physics Letters B 365 (1996) 1 ff.

Tittel, Klaus [Prof.]
(u.a.) Performance of the TGT liquid argon calorimeter and trigger system. In: Nucl.Instr.Meth.Phys.Res. A 378 (1996) 479--494
(u.a.) Measurement of the \Lambda_{b} polarization in Z decays. In: Physics Letters B 365 (1996) 437--447
(u.a.) A precise measurement of the average b hadron lifetime: Ebda B 369 (1996) 151--162
(u.a.) Search for supersymmetric particles in e^{+}e^{-} collisions at centre-of-mass energies of 130 and 136 GeV: Ebda B 373 (1996) 246--260
(u.a.) Measurement of &\Lambda polarization from Z decays: Ebda B 374 (1996) 319--330
(u.a.) Study of the B^{0}_{s}\bar{B}^{0}_{s} oscillation frequency using D^{-}_{s} l^{+} combinations in Z decays: Ebda B 377 (1996) 205--221
(u.a.) Measurement of hadron and lepton-pair production from e^{+}e^{-} annihilation at centre-of-mass energies of 130 and 136 GeV: Ebda B 378 (1996) 373--384
(u.a.) Measurement of the mass of the &\Lambda_{b} baryon: Ebda B 380 (1996) 442--452
(u.a.) A study of single and multi-photon production in e^{+}e^{-} collisions at centre-of-mass energies of 130 and 136 GeV: Ebda B 384 (1996) 333--342
(u.a.) Quark and gluon jet properties in symmetric three-jet events: Ebda S. 353--364
(u.a.) Search for CP violation in the decay Z \rightarrow b\bar{b}g: Ebda S. 365--376
(u.a.) Measurement of the b forward-backward asymmetry and mixing using high-p_{\Tau} leptons: Ebda S. 414--426
(u.a.) Mass limit for the standard model Higgs boson with the full LEP I ALEPH data sample: Ebda S. 427--438
(u.a.) Search for heavy lepton pair production in e^{+}e^{-} collisions at centre-of-mass energies of 130 and 136 GeV: Ebda S. 439--448
(u.a.) Strange b baryon production and lifetime in Z decays: Ebda S. 449--460
(u.a.) Search for charginos and neutralinos with R-parity violation at \sqrt{s} = 130 and 136 GeV: Ebda S. 461--470
(u.a.) Observation of charmless hadronic B decays: Ebda S. 471--480
(u.a.) Search for excited leptons at 130--140 GeV: Ebda B 385 (1996) 445--453
(u.a.) Four-fermion production in e^{+}e^{-} collisions at centre-of-mass energies of 130 and 136 GeV: Ebda B 388 (1996) 419--430
(u.a.) Charm counting in b decays: Ebda S. 648--658
(u.a.) First measurement of the quark-to-photon fragmentation function. In: Zs.Phys. C 69 (1996) 365--377
(u.a.) Inclusive production of neutral vector mesons in hadronic Z decays: Ebda S. 379--392
(u.a.) Production of excited beauty states in Z decays: Ebda S. 393--404
(u.a.) Measurement of D^{+}_{s} meson production in Z decays and of the \bar{B}^{0}_{s} lifetime: Ebda S. 585--595
(u.a.) Measurement of the \tau lepton lifetime: Ebda C 70 (1996) 549--559
(u.a.) Tau leptonic branching ratios: Ebda S. 561--577
(u.a.) Tau hadronic branching ratios: Ebda S. 579--608
(u.a.) Improved measurement of the B^{0} and B^{+} meson lifetimes: Ebda C 71 (1996) 31--44
(u.a.) Four-jet final state production in e^{+}e^{-} collisions at centre-of-mass energies of 130 and 136 GeV: Ebda S. 179--197
(u.a.) Determination of \sin^{2} \Theta^{e}_{f-}w using jet charge measurements in hadronic Z decays: Ebda S. 357--378
(u.a.) Mass limit for the lightest neutralino: Ebda C 72 (1996) 549--559

Traxel, Kurt [Akad.Rat]
(u.a.) Structural and chemical modifications of microsamples induced during PIXE analysis. In: Nucl.Instr.Meth.Phys.Res. B 109/110 (1996) 192--196
(u.a.) Localization of calcium during somatic embryogenesis of carrot (Daucus carota L.). In: Protoplasma 190 (1996) 107--118

Ulmschneider, Peter [Prof.]
(u.a.) On the interaction of longitudinal and transversal waves in thin magnetic flux tubes. In: Astron.Astrophys. 312 (1996) 691--697
(u.a.) Acoustic wave energy fluxes for late-type stars: Ebda 315 (1996) 212--221
Chromospheric and coronal heating mechanisms. In: Cool Stars, Stellar Systems, and the Sun. Ed. by R.Pallavicini and A.K.Dupree (Astronomical Soc. of the Pacific Conf. Series ; 109). San Francisco 1996, S. 71--78
(u.a.) Modeling of temporal variations in the solar chromosphere: Ebda S. 105--106
(u.a.) New acoustic wave energy computations for late-type stars: Ebda S. 169--170
(mit U.Narain) Chromospheric and coronal heating mechanisms II. In: Space Sci.Rev. 75 (1996) 453--509
(u.a.) Physics of stellar atmospheres. In: Stars and Star Clusters. Ed. by H.H.Voigt (Landolt-Börnstein : Group VI, Astronomy and Astrophysics ; 3 B). Berlin 1996, S. 41--61

Völk, Heinrich J. [Prof.]
(u.a.) A quantitative model of the FIR/radio correlation for normal late-type galaxies. In: Astron.Astrophys. 306 (1996) 677--690
(mit E.A.Dorfi) Supernova remnant dynamics and particle acceleration in elliptical galaxies: Ebda 307 (1996) 715--725
(u.a.) Magnetohydrodynamic wind driven by cosmic rays in a rotating galaxy: Ebda 311 (1996) 113--126
(u.a.) Detection of VHE gamma-rays from Mkn421 with the HEGRA-Cherenkov telescopes: Ebda S. L 13--L 16
(u.a.) The FIR/radio correlation in starburst galaxies: Ebda 314 (1996) 745--753
(u.a.) Far infrared mapping of the galaxies M 51 and M 101 with ISOPHOT: Ebda 315 (1996) L 79--L 81
(u.a.) Analysis of the ISOPHOT FIR maps of M 51 and M 101: Ebda S. L 82--L 84
(u.a.) Detection of gamma rays above 1 TeV from the Crab Nebula by the second HEGRA imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescope at La Palma. In: Astroparticle Physics 4 (1996) 199--215
(u.a.) Stereoscopic imaging of air showers with the first two HEGRA Cherenkov telescopes: Ebda 5 (1996) 119--131
(mit M.A.Malkov) Renormalized two-fluid hydrodynamics of cosmic ray modified shocks. In: Astrophys.J. 473 (1996) 347--355 [auch in: Proc. of the 24th ICRC, Rome Vol. 3, 1996, S. 269--272]
(u.a.) The nonthermal energy content and gamma ray emission of starburst galaxies and clusters of galaxies. In: Space Sci.Rev. 75 (1996) 279--297
(mit F.Aharonian) TeV Gamma-Ray Astrophysics : Proc. of the Heidelberg Internat. Workshop 1994. Dordrecht 1996. 450 S.

Walter, Hans-Georg [Prof.]
(mit O.J.Sovers) Precession and nutation from the analysis of positions of extragalactic radio sources. In: Astron.Astrophys. 308 (1996) 1001--1008
Effects of precession uncertainties on planetary ephemerides. In: Dynamics, Ephemerides and Astrometry of the Solar System. Ed. by S.Ferraz-Mello et al. (Internat. Astron. Union Symposia ; 172). Dordrecht 1996, S. 475--476

Wegner, Franz J. [Prof.]
(mit R.Pietig) Phase transition in lattice surface systems with gonihedric action. In: Nucl.Phys. B 466 (1996) 513--526
(mit P.Lenz) Flow equations for electron-phonon interactions: Ebda B 482 (1996) 693--712

Wehrse, Rainer [Prof.]
(u.a.) Physics of stellar atmospheres. In: Stars and Star Clusters. Ed. by H.H.Voigt (Landolt-Börnstein : Group VI, Astronomy and Astrophysics ; 3 B). Berlin 1996, S. 41--61

Weidenmüller, Hans Arwed [Prof.]
(mit U.Gerland) Weak localization in chaotic billiards : the effect of imperfect coupling to the leads. In: Europhys.Lett. 35 (1996) 701--706
(u.a.) Chaotic scattering with resonance enhancement. In: Nucl.Phys. A 606 (1996) 86--94
(mit G.Hackenbroich) Conductance through a quantum dot in an Aharanov-Bohm ring. In: Phys.Rev. B 53 (1996) 16379--16389
(mit G.Hackenbroich) Transmission through a quantum dot in an Aharanov-Bohm ring. In: Phys.Rev.Lett. 76 (1996) 110--113
(u.a.) The chiral phase transition in a random matrix model with molecular correlations. In: Physics Letters B 367 (1996) 28--34
Precompound reactions : statistical theory, applications, connection with mesoscopic physics. In: Proc. of the Nishioka Memorial Symposium, Kobe. Ed. by M.Ohta et al. Kobe/Japan 1996, S. 36--51
Random matrix theory. In: Proc. of the 4th Wigner Symposium, Mexico 1995. Ed. by N.Atakishiyev et al. Singapore 1996, S. 274--289
(u.a.) Lecture Notes in Physics. Vol. 464--477 und m39--m42. Berlin 1996

Wetterich, Christof [Prof.]
(mit B.Bergerhoff) Nonperturbative effects in the electroweak phase transition. In: '95 Electroweak Interactions and Unified Theories. Ed. by J. Tran Thanh Van. Gif-sur-Yvette 1995 [ersch. 1996], S. 413--419
(u.a.) Phase transition of N-component superconductors. In: Internat.J.Mod.Phys. A 11 (1996) 4273--4306
(u.a.) Solving nonperturbative flow equations. In: Mod.Phys.Lett. A 10 (1996) 2367--2379
Systematic resummed perturbation theory: Ebda A 11 (1996) 2573--2583
(mit B.Bergerhoff) Nonperturbative condensates in the electroweak phase transition. In: 3rd Paris Cosmology Symposium. Ed. by H.J. de Vega and N.Sanchez. Singapore 1996, S. 277--296
(u.a.) Phase diagram of superconductors. In: Phys.Rev. B 53 (1996) 5734--5757
(u.a.) High temperature phase transition in two-scalar theories: Ebda D 53 (1996) 4552--4569
(mit D.Jungnickel) Effective action for the chiral quark-mesons model: Ebda S. 5142--5175
(u.a.) Critical equation of state from the average action. In: Phys.Rev.Lett. 77 (1996) 873--876
(mit F.Freire) The Ward identity from the background field dependence of the effective action. In: Physics Letters B 380 (1996) 337--340
Integrating out gluons in flow equations. In: Zs.Phys. C 72 (1996) 139--162

Wolf, Andreas [Priv.Doz.]
(u.a.) `Stable to unstable' transition in the (Cs,O) activation layer on GaAs(100) surfaces with negative electron affinity in extremely high vacuum. In: Appl.Surf.Sci. 99 (1996) 361--365
(u.a.) Experiments with merged electron and ion beams in the ion storage rings. In: Dissociative Recombination. Vol. 3. Ed. by D.Zajfman et al. Singapore 1996, S. 47--59
(u.a.) Dissociative recombination at the TSR storage ring : branching ratios with 2D imaging and new processes: Ebda S. 114--124
(u.a.) Measurements of long atomic lifetimes at an ion storage ring. In: Hyperfine Interactions 99 (1996) 155--165
(u.a.) Recombination of electrons with highly charged heavy ions at very low energies: Ebda S. 295--300
(u.a.) Laser-induced recombination studies with the adiabatically expanded electron beam of the Heidelberg TSR: Ebda S. 309--316
(u.a.) Electron cooling and recombination experiments with an adiabatically expanded electron beam. In: Nucl.Instr.Meth.Phys.Res. A 369 (1996) 11--22
(u.a.) Fast scintillators as radiation resistant heavy-ion detectors: Ebda S. 277--283
(u.a.) Dissociative recombination of cold OH^{+} : evidence for indirect recombination through excited core Rydberg states. In: Phys.Rev. A 53 (1996) R 644--R 647
(u.a.) High-resolution measurement of the dielectronic recombination of fluorinelike selenium ions: Ebda S. 1413--1423
(u.a.) Dissociative recombination of CH^{+} : cross section and final states: Ebda A 54 (1996) 4032--4050
(u.a.) Product-state distributions in the dissociative recombination of {}^{3}HeD{+} and {}^{4}HeH^{+}: Ebda S. R 4617--R 4620
(u.a.) Efficient, indirect transverse laser cooling of a fast stored ion beam. In: Phys.Rev.Lett. 77 (1996) 623--626
(mit H.Kluge und H.Orth) Atomic Physics with Stored Highly Charged Ions : Proc. of the 1st Euroconference on Atomic Physics with Stored Highly Charged Ions, Heidelberg 1995. Amsterdam 1996. 372 S. (Hyperfine Interactions ; Vol. 99, No. 1--13)

Zeh, Heinz-Dieter [em.Prof.]
(u.a.) Decoherence and the Appearance of a Classical World in Quantum Theory. Berlin 1996. XI,366 S. 
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