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Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg


Appenzeller, Immo [Prof.]
(u.a.) Medium-resolution far-ultraviolet spectroscopy of PKS 2155--304. In: Astrophys.J. 439 (1994) L 33--L 37
The FORS instrument for the ESO VLT. In: Calibrating and Understanding HST and ESO Instruments. Ed. by P.Benvenuti (ESO Conference and Workshop Proc. ; 53). Garching 1995, S. 149--158
Highlights of Astronomy. Vol. 10. Dordrecht 1995. 706 S.

Baschek, Bodo [Prof.]
(u.a.) Radiative transfer in moving spherical atmospheres. I: Analytical perturbation solution for the gray case. In: Astron.Astrophys. 301 (1995) 511--521
Summary and outlook, future needs for atomic data. In: Astrophysical Applications of Powerful New Databases. Ed. by A.J.Adelman and W.L.Wiese (ASP Conference Series ; 78). San Francisco 1995, S. 527--537

Bender, Iring [Prof.]
(mit A.A.Actor) Casimir effect for soft boundaries. In: Phys.Rev. D 52 (1995) 3581--3590

Bille, Josef [Prof.]
(u.a.) Plasma-mediated ablation using picosecond UV and IR laser pulses and spectroscopical investigations of the plasma spark. In: Proc. SPIE 2323 (1995) 218--226
(u.a.) Comparison of tissue ablation by ultrashort laser pulses in the nano-, pico- and femtosecond range: Ebda S. 227--233
(mit H.Henninghausen) Computer simulation of curvature change caused by intrastromal ablations using a pico-second laser system: Ebda 2330 (1995) 5--13

Brix, Peter [em.Prof.]
Erinnerung an Wolfgang Gentner. In: ,,Die Wellen schlagen hoch...`` Zur 75. Wiederkehr des Geburtstages von Heinz Bethge. Red.: M.Kaasch und J.Kaasch. Halle 1995, S. 17--21

Bühring, Wolfgang [Prof.]
Transformation formulas for terminating Saalschützian hypergeometric series of unit argument. In: J. of Applied Mathematics and Stochastic Analysis 8 (1995) 189--194

Cremer, Christoph [Prof.]
(u.a.) Two-photon excitation 4Pi confocal microscope : enhanced axial resolution microscope for biological research. In: Appl.Phys.Lett. 66 (1995) 1698--1700
(u.a.) Volume ratios of painted chromosome territories 5, 7 and X in female human cell nuclei studied with confocal laser microscopy and the Cavalieri estimator. In: Bioimaging 3 (1995) 1--11
(u.a.) Moderne Chromosomentests zur schnellen Detektion von Aberrationen in der biologischen Dosimetrie. In: Dt.Ärztebl. 92 (1995) A 1922--A 1928
(u.a.) Continuous focusing of biological particles by continuous immuno magnetic sorter : technique and applications. In: Electrophoresis 16 (1995) 789--792
(u.a.) Application of confocal laser microscopy and three-dimensional Voronoi diagrams for volume and surface estimates of interphase chromosomes. In: J.Microsc. 177 (1995) 150--161
(u.a.) Slit-scan flow fluorometry and sorting of chromosomes : a fast preanalysis system for microscopy. In: Microsc.Anal. 1995, July, S. 27--29
(u.a.) Continuous sorting of magnetizable particles by means of specific deviation. In: Rev.Sci.Instrum. 66 (1995) 3289--3295
(u.a.) Erkennung strahleninduzierter Chromosomenaberrationen mittels Fluoreszenz-Hybridisierung und Bildanalyse. In: Zs. für Medizinische Physik 5 (1995) 9--18
(u.a.) Three-dimensional imaging approaches and Monte Carlo simulations : developments of tools to study the morphology and distribution of chromosome territories and subchromosomal targets in human cell nuclei. In: Zool.Studies 34, Suppl. 1 (1995) 7--11
(u.a.) Theory and applications of confocal theta microscopy: Ebda S. 67--69
(u.a.) A versatile 2\pi tilting device for conventional light- and confocal laser scanning microscopy: Ebda S. 178--179

Dosch, Hans Günter [Prof.]
(mit E.Ferreira) Non-perturbative QCD and size dependence in high energy scattering. In: Current Topics in Nuclear Physics and Quantum Field Theory. Ed. by D.Dillenburg et al. Porto Allegre 1994 [ersch. 1995], S. 112--121
Goethe und die exacten Naturwissenschaften aus der Sicht Ernst Cassirers. In: Ernst Cassirer : Kulturkritik im 20. Jahrhundert. Hrsg. von E.Rudolph und B.-O.Küppers. Hamburg 1995, S. 153--165
Beiträge von Helmholtz zur Mathematischen Physik. In: Heidelberger Jb. 39 (1995) 123--130
Physics as a cultural science. In: Natural Sciences and Human Thought. Ed. by R.Zwilling. Berlin 1995, S. 45--53
(mit E.Ferreira) Non-perturbative QCD treatment of high energy hadron-hadron scattering. In: Nucl.Phys. 39 B, Proc. Suppl. (1995) 55--58
(u.a.) Nonperturbative effects in gluodynamics at T \ge T_{c}. In: Physics Letters B 349 (1995) 335--342
Non-perturbative QCD treatment of high energy hadron-hadron scattering. In: Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum. Ed. by N.Brambilla and G.M.Prosperi. Singapore 1995, S. 97--101
Physics as a cultural science. In: Symmetry and Simplicity in Physics. Ed. by W.M.Alberico and S.Sciuto. Singapore 1995, S. 53--69
(mit M.Rueter) Flux tubes in a model of the stochastic vacuum. In: Zs.Phys. C 66 (1995) 245--252

Dubbers, Dietrich [Prof.]
(u.a.) {}^{3}He spin echo : new atomic beam technique for probing phenomena in the neV range. In: Phys.Rev.Lett. 75 (1995) 1919--1922

Elsässer, Hans [Prof.]
Der Kometensturz auf Jupiter. In: Akademie Journal 1995, H. 1, S. 17--19
(u.a.) A redshift survey for faint galaxies towards voids of galaxies. In: Astron.Astrophys. : Suppl. 109 (1995) 537--549
La Via Láctea. In: Cosmología astrofisica. Ed.: J.A.Gonzalo et al. Madrid 1995, S. 204--221
Der Makrokosmos : seine Grenzen in Raum und Zeit. In: Grenzen erkennen -- Grenzen setzen? Hrsg.: Ruprecht-Karls-Univ. Heidelberg (Studium Generale ; SS 1994). Heidelberg 1995, S. 69--83
Zur Schließung der Sternwarte Sonneberg. In: Sterne Weltr. 34 (1995) 276--277
Warum Astronomie? Ebda S. 612--619 [auch in: ,,MPG-Spiegel`` 1995, H. 1, S. 25--32]
Die Internationale Astronomische Union : ihre Geschichte, Kämpfe und Probleme: Ebda S. 790--791

Gail, Hans-Peter [Priv.Doz.]
(u.a.) Ionization and temperature of nova shells. II: The influence of realistic photospheric radiation fields. In: Astron.Astrophys. 294 (1995) 195--205
(u.a.) Dust evaporation in protostellar cores. In: Astrophys.J. 447 (1995) 848--862
(u.a.) On the generation of flux-tube waves in stellar convection zones. II: Improved treatment of longitudinal tube wave generation: Ebda 448 (1995) 865--877

Glässel, Peter [Prof.]
(u.a.) The pad readout of the CERES RICH detectors. In: Nucl.Instr.Meth.Phys.Res. A 355 (1995) 329--341
(u.a.) New results from NA45/CERES. In: Nucl.Phys. A 590 (1995) 103c--116c
(u.a.) Enhanced production of low-mass electron pairs in 200 GeV/u S-Au collisions at the CERN SPS. In: Phys.Rev.Lett. 75 (1995) 1272--1275
(u.a.) Low-mass electron-pair production in p-Be, p-Au and S-Au collisions at CERN SPS energies. In: Proc. of the 27th Internat. Conf. on High Energy Physics. Ed. by P.J.Bussey and I.G.Knowles. Bristol 1995, S. 529--531
(u.a.) Low-mass lepton-pair production in p-Be collisions at 450 GeV/c. In: Zs.Phys. C 68 (1995) 47--64

Hübner, Klaus [Prof.]
(u.a.) New, simplified technique for calculating particle source rates due to neutral beam injection into tokamaks. In: Comput.Phys.Commun. 88 (1995) 161--172
(u.a.) Simulation and analysis of neutral particle spectra for W7-AS. In: Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics. Ed. by B.E.Keen et al. Contributed Papers, Part 3 (Europhysics Conference Abstracts ; 19 C). Abingdon/GB 1995, S. 137--140
(u.a.) Refined numerical modelling of fusion product measurements: Ebda S. 201--204
(u.a.) Simulation and analysis of time-dependent neutron energy spectra. In: Plasma Phys.Control.Fusion 37 (1995) 1187--1196

Hüfner, Jörg [Prof.]
(u.a.) Transport properties of a quark plasma and critical scattering at the chiral phase transition. In: Phys.Rev. D 51 (1995) 3728--3738
(u.a.) \pi-\pi scattering lengths at finite temperature. In: Physics Letters B 348 (1995) 1--6
(u.a.) Critical scattering at the chiral phase transition and low-p_{T} enhancement of mesons in ultra-relativistic heavy-ion collisions: Ebda B 349 (1995) 18--22

Hunklinger, Siegfried [Prof.]
(u.a.) Brillouin scattering of vitreous silica under high pressure. In: Annalen der Physik 4 (1995) 91--98
(u.a.) Surface acoustic waves study of the structural properties of Langmuir-Blodgett-films. In: J.Physique III France 5 (1995) 333--338
(u.a.) Measurements of the piezoelectricity of films with STM. In: J.Vac.Sci.Technol. B 13 (1995) 1316--1319
(u.a.) Acoustic properties of oxide glasses at low temperatures. In: Phys.Rev. B 52 (1995) 7179--7194
(u.a.) Isotope effect of pairs of coupled tunneling systems. In: Phys.Rev.Lett. 75 (1995) 2220--2223
(mit G.Weiß) Ultraschallexperimente an Gläsern. In: Spektroskopie amorpher und kristalliner Festkörper. Hrsg. von D.Haarer und H.W.Spiess. Darmstadt 1995, S. 435--450

Jähne, Bernd [Prof.]
Digital Image Processing. 3rd ed. Berlin 1995. XIII,383 S.
Impact of quantitative visualization and image processing on the study of small-scale air-sea interaction. In: Air-Water Gas Transfer. Ed. by B.Jähne and E.C.Monahan. Hanau 1995, S. 3--12
(u.a.) Measurements of enhanced turbulence in short wind-induced water waves: Ebda S. 125--134
(mit J.Klinke) Measurements of short ocean waves during the MBL ARI West Coast Experiment: Ebda S. 165--173
(mit P.Geißler) Measurements of bubble size distributions with an optical technique based on depth from focus: Ebda S. 351--362
(u.a.) Heat as a proxy tracer for gas exchange measurements in the field: Ebda S. 405--413
(u.a.) Delft Hydraulic's large wind-wave flume: Ebda S. 499--502
(u.a.) The circular wind/wave facilities at the University of Heidelberg: Ebda S. 505--516
(u.a.) Variation of air-water gas transfer with wind stress and surface viscoelasticity: Ebda S. 529--541
(u.a.) Dual-tracer measurements of concentration profiles in the aqueous mass boundary layer: Ebda S. 637--648
(mit H.Haußecker) In situ measurements of the air-sea gas transfer rate during the MBL/CoOP West Coast Experiment: Ebda S. 775--784
(u.a.) Description of the science plan for the April 1995 CoOP Experiment `Gas Transfer in Coastal Waters', performed from the research vessel New Horizon: Ebda S. 801--810
Zuverlässig, schnell und genau? Bedeutung von Algorithmen in der Bildverarbeitung für die Praxis. In: Bildverarbeitung '95 : Forschen, Entwickeln, Anwenden. Hrsg. von R.-J.Ahlers. Esslingen 1995, S. 3--14
(u.a.) In-situ microscopy for on-line characterization of cell-populations in bioreactors, including concentration measurements by depth from focus. In: Biotechnol.Bioengin. 47 (1995) 106--116
(u.a.) Oberflächenkontourvermessung mikroskopischer Objekte durch Projektion statistischer Rauschmuster. In: Mustererkennung 1995. Hrsg. von G.Sagerer u.a. Berlin 1995, S. 319--326
(mit E.C.Monahan) Air-Water Gas Transfer : Selected Papers from the 3rd Internat. Symp. on Air-Water Gas Transfer, Heidelberg 1995. Hanau 1995. XIV,900 S.
(u.a.) Technische Bildverarbeitung -- maschinelles Sehen. Berlin 1995. X,262 S.

Jungmann, Klaus-Peter [Priv.Doz.]
(u.a.) Measurement of the muonium hyperfine structure in vacuo : a test of fundamental electromagnetic interactions. In: Appl.Phys. B 60 (1995) S 159--S 164
Light exotic atoms : some recent developments. In: Atomic Physics. Vol. 14. Ed. by D.J.Wineland et al. (AIP Conf. Proceedings ; 323). New York 1995, S. 102--113
(u.a.) Spectroscopy of the 1S-2S energy splitting in muonium. In: IEEE Trans.Instr.Meas. 44 (1995) 505--509
(u.a.) Testing lepton number conservation by searching for muonium-antimuonium oscillations. In: Nuclear and Particle Physics with Meson Beams in the 1GeV/c Region. Ed. by S.Sugimoto and O.Hashimoto. Tokyo 1995, S. 137--142
(u.a.) Observation of resonance line narrowing for old muonium. In: Phys.Rev. A 52 (1995) 1948--1953
Präzisionsmessungen am Myoniumatom. In: Phys.Bl. 51 (1995) 1167--1172
(u.a.) A measurement of the muonium 1S-2S transition frequency. In: Resonance Ionization Spectroscopy 1994. Ed. by H.J.Kluge et al. New York 1995, S. 197--200

Kinzelbach, Wolfgang [Prof.]
(mit R.Rausch) Grundwassermodellierung. Berlin 1995. V,283 S.
(u.a.) An all solid state flow cytometer for the detection of fluorescence labelled microspheres. In: Analyt.Chem. 67 (1995) 2666--2671
(u.a.) Joint interpretation of two tracer tests with reversed flow fields. In: Radioactive Waste Management and Environmental Remediation. Ed. by S.Slate et al. New York 1995, S. 1337--1341

Klevansky, Sandra [Priv.Doz.]
(u.a.) Transport properties of a quark plasma and critical scattering at the chiral phase transition. In: Phys.Rev. D 51 (1995) 3728--3738
(mit H.-J.Hippe) The NJL model compared with chiral perturbation theory : the pion radius in SU(2) revisited: Ebda C 52 (1995) 2171--2184
(u.a.) \pi-\pi scattering lengths at finite temperature. In: Physics Letters B 348 (1995) 1--6

Kluge, Eike Erik [Prof.]
(u.a.) Study of a novel electromagnetic liquid argon calorimeter : the TGT. In: Nucl.Instr.Meth.Phys.Res. A 357 (1995) 333--343

Kluge, Heinz-Jürgen [Prof.]
(u.a.) Spurenbestimmung der Radionuklide Strontium-90 und Strontium-89 in Umweltproben. In: Angew.Chem. 107 (1995) 202--204 [in engl. Fassung in: Ebda Internat.Ed.Engl. 34 (1995) 181--183]
(u.a.) Erste Messung der Ionisationsenergie der Elemente Americium und Curium: Ebda S. 891--893 [in engl. Fassung: Ebda Internat.Ed.Engl. 34 (1995) 814--815]
(u.a.) SMILETRAP : a wide range high precision mass spectrometer. In: IEEE Trans.Instrum.Measurem. 44 (1995) 553--557
(u.a.) Mass measurements of short-lived isotopes in traps and storage rings. In: 14th Internat. Conference on Atomic Physics, Boulder 1994 (AIP Conference Series ; 323). New York 1995, S. 176--190
(u.a.) High-accuracy mass determination of stable and unstable isotopes. In: 13th Internat. Mass Spectrometry Conference, Budapest 1994. Ed. by J.Willy. New York 1995, S. 421--433
(u.a.) Quadrupole excitation of stored ion motion at the true cyclotron frequency. In: Internat.J.Mass Spectr.Ion Proc. 142 (1995) 95--116
Highly-charged ions in storage rings and ion traps. In: Nucl.Instr.Meth.Phys.Res. B 98 (1995) 500--507
(u.a.) Beta decay of the new isotope {}^{101}Sn. In: Physica Scripta T 56 (1995) 262
(u.a.) The SMILETRAP facility: Ebda T 59 (1995) 196--202
(u.a.) Trapped metal cluster ions: Ebda S. 236--243
(u.a.) Penning trap mass spectrometer for the study of cluster ions. In: Rev.Sci.Instrum. 66 (1995) 4902--4910
(u.a.) Resonance Ionization Spectroscopy 1994. New York 1995 (AIP Conference Series ; 329) [darin zahlreiche eigene Beiträge]

Kripfganz, Jochen [Akad.Rat]
(u.a.) Critical bubbles and fluctuations at the electroweak phase transition. In: Nucl.Phys. B 433 (1995) 467--497

Kühn, Reimer [Priv.Doz.]
(mit S.D.Frischat) Finite-size scaling analysis of generalized mean-field theories. In: J.Phys. A 28 (1995) 2771--2783

Lehmann, Annemarie [Prof.]
(u.a.) He-diffraction study of defect correlated water adsorption on the CaF_{2}(111) surface. In: Chem.Phys.Lett. 235 (1995) 65--68
(u.a.) Dissipative scattering and rotational excitation of D_{2} molecules from Ag(110). In: J.Molec.Struct. 348 (1995) 385--388
(u.a.) Gitterschwingungen in dünnen metallischen Filmen. In: Metallische dünne Filme. Hrsg.: FU Berlin. Berlin 1995, S. 53--60
(u.a.) He-scattering studies of CaF_{2}(111) surface properties and phonons. In: Surface Sci. 331-333 (1995) 1430--1434

Levin, Ingeborg [Priv.Doz.]
(u.a.) Atmospheric {}^{14}CO_{2} variations in the equatorial region. In: Radiocarbon 37, No. 3 (1995) 509--515
(u.a.) Long-term observation of atmospheric CO_{2} and carbon isotopes at continental sites in Germany. In: Tellus 47 B (1995) 23--34

Meier, Karlheinz [Prof.]
(u.a.) Observation of hard processes in rapidity gap events in \gamma-p interactions at HERA. In: Nucl.Phys. B 435 (1995) 3--22
(u.a.) A measurement of the proton structure function F2: Ebda B 439 (1995) 471--502
(u.a.) A study of the fragmentation of quarks in e-p collisions at HERA: Ebda B 445 (1995) 3--24
(u.a.) Inclusive parton cross sections in photoproduction and the photon structure: Ebda S. 195--218
(u.a.) A direct determination of the gluon density in the proton at low x: Ebda B 449 (1995) 3--21
(u.a.) The gluon density of the proton at low x from a QCD analysis of F2. In: Physics Letters B 345 (1995) 494--505
(u.a.) Determination of the strong coupling constant from jet rates in deep inelastic scattering: Ebda B 346 (1995) 415--425
(u.a.) First measurement of the deep inelastic structure of proton diffraction: Ebda B 348 (1995) 681--696
(u.a.) Leptoquarks and compositeness scales from a contact interaction analysis of deep inelastic scattering at HERA: Ebda B 353 (1995) 578--588
(u.a.) Transverse energy and forward jet production in the low x regime at HERA: Ebda B 356 (1995) 118--128
(u.a.) Comparison of deep inelastic scattering with photoproduction interactions at HERA: Ebda B 358 (1995) 412--422
(u.a.) Bunch-crossing identification for the ATLAS first level calorimeter trigger. In: Proc. of the 1st Workshop on Electronics for LHC Experiments. Ed. by G.Barreira. Lisbon 1995, S. 293--296
(u.a.) Experimental study of hard photon radiation processes at HERA. In: Zs.Phys. C 66 (1995) 529--542
(u.a.) Measurement of the e+ and e- induced charged current cross sections at HERA: Ebda C 67 (1995) 565--575

Meyer-Ortmanns, Hildegard [Priv.Doz.]
How far are physical mesons from critical mesons? In: Proc. of the Internat. RCNP-Workshop on Clolor-Confinement and Hadrons. Ed. by H.Toki et al. Singapore 1995, S. 137--150

Nachtmann, Otto [Prof.]
(u.a.) Polarization rotation effects due to parity violation in atoms. In: Ann.Phys. 240 (1995) 107--202
(mit P.Haberl) Effects of nonperturbative QCD on hadron-hadron collisions and on electromagnetic formfactors. In: Dynamical Properties of Hadrons in Nuclear Matter. Ed. by H.Feldmeier et al. Darmstadt 1995, S. 51--60
Nonperturbative QCD effects in high energy collisions. In: Proc. of the 18th John Hopkins Workshop on Current Problems in Particle Theory. Ed. by R.Casalbuoni et al. Singapore 1995, S. 143--172
(u.a.) Soft photons in hadron-hadron collisions. In: Zs.Phys. C 67 (1995) 143--158
(u.a.) CP violation and the width Z \rightarrow b\bar{b}: Ebda C 68 (1995) 73--80

Pelte, Dietrich [Prof.]
(u.a.) Sideward flow in Au+Au collisions at 400 AMeV. In: Nucl.Phys. A 587 (1995) 802--814
(u.a.) Entropy in central Au+Au reactions between 100 and 400 AMeV. In: Phys.Rev. C 52 (1995) 346--355
(u.a.) Analysis of sequential fission observed in collisions of {}^{100}Mo + {}^{100}Mo and {}^{120}Sn + {}^{120}Sn around 20 AMeV. In: Zs.Phys. A 351 (1995) 167--186
(u.a.) On the transverse momentum distributions of strange hadrons produced in relativistic heavy ion collisions: Ebda A 352 (1995) 355--357

Pirner, Hans Jürgen [Prof.]
(u.a.) Effective light front quantization of scalar field theories and two-dimensional electrodynamics. In: Phys.Rev. D 51 (1995) 2933--2342
(mit D.N.Voskresensky) Where to look for pion condensation in heavy ion collisions. In: Physics Letters B 343 (1995) 25--30
(u.a.) Nonperturbative effects in gluodynamics at T #p T_{c}: Ebda B 349 (1995) 335--342
(mit B.J.Schäfer) QCD-phase transition in hot hadronic matter. In: Proc. on Medium Energy Physics. Beijing 1994 [ersch. 1995], S. 331--342

Platt, Ulrich [Prof.]
(u.a.) Halogen oxides : radicals, sources and reservoirs in the laboratory and in the atmosphere. In: Atmosph.Environm. 29 (1995) 2675--2884
(mit K.Pittelkau) Troposphärisches Ozonloch in der Arktis. In: Chemie in der Schule 42 (1995) 70--73
(mit G. Le Bras) A possible mechanism for combined chlorine and bromine catalyzed destruction of tropospheric ozone in the Arctic. In: Geophys.Res.Lett. 22 (1995) 599--602
(u.a.) The latitudinal distribution (50^{o}N-50^{o}S) of NO_{2} and O_{3} in October/November 1990: Ebda S. 1217--1220
(u.a.) On the influence of tropospheric clouds on Zenith-scattered-light measurements of stratospheric species: Ebda S. 2725--2728
(u.a.) Intercomparison of UV/visible spectrometers for measurements of stratospheric NO_{2} for the network for the detection of stratospheric change. In: J.Geophys.Res. 100 (1995) 16765--16791

Povh, Bogdan [Prof.]
(mit B.Kopeliovich) Hadronic facet of the photon and shadowing at small x. In: Colloque sur les Interactions Profondement Inelastiques. Ed. par J.F.Laporte et Y.Sirois. Paris 1995, S. 497--500
A new detector for hadronic physics at HERA: Ebda S. 519--520
The pion cloud of the constituent quark. In: The Heart of the Matter. Ed. by J.-F.Mathiot and J.Tran Thanh Van. Gif-sur-Yvette 1995, S. 483--486
(u.a.) Scintillating tile hodoscope with WLS fiber readout. In: Nucl.Instr.Meth.Phys.Res. A 355 (1995) 351--358
(u.a.) Silicon microstrip detectors with SVX chip readout: Ebda A 357 (1995) 274--282
(u.a.) A reevaluation of the nuclear structure function ratios for D, He, Li, C and Ca. In: Nucl.Phys. B 441 (1995) 3--11
(u.a.) The structure function ratios F^{L}_{-}2/F^{D}_{2} and F^{C}_{2}/F^{D}_{2} at small x: Ebda S. 12--30
(u.a.) Measurement of the \Omega^{0}_{c} lifetime. In: Physics Letters B 358 (1995) 151--161
(u.a.) Measurement of the proton and the deuteron structure functions F^{p}_{2} and F^{d}_{2}: Ebda B 364 (1995) 107--115
(u.a.) Teilchen und Kerne : eine Einf. in die physikal. Konzepte. 3. Aufl. Berlin 1995. XIV,360 S.
(u.a.) Particles and Nuclei : an Introduction to the Physical Concepts. Berlin 1995. X,340 S.

Putlitz, Gisbert zu [Prof.]
(u.a.) Measurement of the muonium hyperfine structure in vacuo : a test of fundamental electromagnetic interactions. In: Appl.Phys. B 60 (1995) S 159--S 164
(u.a.) Spectroscopy of the 1S-2S energy splitting in muonium. In: IEEE Trans.Instr.Meas. 44 (1995) 505--509
(u.a.) Testing lepton number conservation by searching for muonium-antimuonium oscillations. In: Nuclear and Particle Physics with Meson Beams in the 1GeV/c Region. Ed. by S.Sugimoto and O.Hashimoto. Tokyo 1995, S. 137--142
(u.a.) Observation of resonance line narrowing for old muonium. In: Phys.Rev. A 52 (1995) 1948--1953
(u.a.) A measurement of the muonium 1S-2S transition frequency. In: Resonance Ionization Spectroscopy 1994. Ed. by H.J.Kluge et al. New York 1995, S. 197--200

Putzer, Alois [Prof.]
(u.a.) Study of a novel electromagnetic liquid argon calorimeter : the TGT. In: Nucl.Instr.Meth.Phys.Res. A 357 (1995) 333--343
(u.a.) Performance of the ALEPH detector at LEP: Ebda A 360 (1995) 481--506
(u.a.) Measurement of the b \rightarrow \tau^{-}{\bar{\nu}_{\tau}X branching ratio and an upper limit on B^{-} \rightarrow \tau^{-}\bar{\nu}_{\tau}. In: Physics Letters B 343 (1995) 444--452
A study of D^{*+}\pi^{-} production in semileptonic B decay: Ebda B 345 (1995) 103--114
(u.a.) Search for CP violation in the decay Z \rightarrow \tau^{+}\tau^{-}: Ebda B 346 (1995) 371--378
(u.a.) Michel parameters and \tau neutrino helicity from decay correlations in Z \rightarrow \tau^{+}\tau^{-}: Ebda S. 379--388
(u.a.) Study of the subject structure of quark and gluon jets: Ebda S. 389--398
(u.a.) Search for supersymmetric particles with R-parity violation in Z decays: Ebda B 349 (1995) 238--252
(u.a.) An upper limit for the \tau neutrino mass from \tau \rightarrow 5\pi(\pi^{0})\nu_{\tau} decays: Ebda S. 585--596
(u.a.) The forward-backward asymmetry for charm quarks at the Z pole: Ebda B 352 (1995) 479--486
(u.a.) Test of the flavour independence of \alpha_{s}: Ebda B 355 (1995) 381--393
(u.a.) Measurement of the D^{*\pm} cross section in two photon collisions at LEP: Ebda S. 595--605
(u.a.) Limit on B^{0}_{s} oscillation using a jet charge method: Ebda B 356 (1995) 409--422
(u.a.) Measurement of \alpha_{s} from scaling violations in fragmentation functions in e^{+}e^{-} annihilation: Ebda B 357 (1995) 487--499
(u.a.) Measurements of the b baryon lifetime: Ebda S. 685--698
(u.a.) Measurement of the effective b quark fragmentation function at the Z resonance: Ebda S. 699--714
(u.a.) A measurement of \|V_{cb}\| from \bar{B}^{0} \rightarrow D^{*+}l^{-}\bar{\nu}_{l}: Ebda B 359 (1995) 236--248
(u.a.) Measurement of the B^{0}_{s} lifetime and production rate with D^{-}_{s}l^{+} combinations in Z decays: Ebda B 361 (1995) 221--233
(u.a.) Study of the four-fermion final state at the Z resonance. In: Zs.Phys. C 66 (1995) 3--18
(u.a.) Inclusive \pi^{\pm}, K^{\pm} and (p,\bar{p}) differential cross-sections at the Z resonance: Ebda S. 355--365
(u.a.) Measurements of the charged particle multiplicity distribution in restricted rapidity intervals: Ebda C 69 (1995) 15--25
(u.a.) Improved tau polarisation measurement: Ebda S. 183--193

Rieseberg, Hans [Akad.Direktor]
(u.a.) Measurement of the polarization of \Lambda^{0}, \bar{\Lambda}^{0}, \Sigma^{+} and \Xi^{-} produced in a \Sigma^{-} beam of 330 GeV/c. In: Zs.Phys. A 350 (1995) 379--386

Rothe, Heinz J. [Prof.]
(mit R.Banerjee) Batalin-Fradkin-Tyutin embedding of a self-dual model and the Maxwell-Chern-Simons theory. In: Nucl.Phys. B 447 (1995) 183--191
(u.a.) Equivalence of the Maxwell-Chern-Simons theory and a self-dual model. In: Phys.Rev. D 52 (1995) 3750--3752
(mit K.D.Rothe) A novel look at the Michael lattice sum rules. In: Physics Letters B 355 (1995) 260--265
Lattice energy sum rules and the trace anomaly: Ebda B 364 (1995) 227--230

Rothe, Klaus D. [Prof.]
(mit D.C.Cabra) Fermionic coset realization of the critical Ising model. In: Phys.Rev. D 51 (1995) 2509--2512
(u.a.) Equivalence of the Maxwell-Chern-Simons theory and a self-dual model: Ebda D 52 (1995) 3750--3752
(mit H.J.Rothe) A novel look at the Michael lattice sum rules. In: Physics Letters B 355 (1995) 260--265
(mit E.Abdalla) BRST cohomology and vacuum structure of two-dimensional chromodynamics: Ebda B 363 (1995) 85--92

Schmidt, Michael G. [Prof.]
(u.a.) An improved heat kernel expansion from world-line path integrals. In: Heat Kernel Techniques and Quantum Gravity. Ed. by S.A.Fulling. College Station, TX 1995, S. 87--99
(u.a.) Critical bubbles and fluctuations at the electroweak phase transition. In: Nucl.Phys. B 433 (1995) 467--497
(mit C.Schubert) Multiloop calculations in QED by superparticle path integrals: Ebda B 39 B (Proc. Suppl.) (1995) 306--308
(u.a.) Yukawa couplings for the spinning particle and the world-line formalism. In: Physics Letters B 351 (1995) 200--205
The high-temperature two-loop effective potential of the electroweak theory in a general 4 Hooft-background gauge: Ebda S. 266--272
World-line path integral approach to Feynman graphs. In: Proc. of the 28th Internat. Symp. Ahrenshoop, 1994. Ed.: D.Lüst und G.Weigt. Zeuthen 1995, S. 240--253

Scholz, Michael T. [Prof.]
(u.a.) New diameter measurements for 10 Mira variables : implications for effective temperatures, atmospheric structure and pulsation modes. In: Mon.Not.R.Astron.Soc. 276 (1995) 640--650

Schwalm, Dirk [Prof.]
(u.a.) \gamma-spectroscopy involving the superdeformed shape isomers in {}^{236}U,{}^{240}Pu. In: Low Energy Nuclear Dynamics. Ed. by Y.Oganessian et al. Singapore 1995, S. 200--208
(u.a.) Resonant electron impact ionization and recombination of Li-like Cl^{14+} and Si^{11+} at the Heidelberg Test Storage Ring. In: Nucl.Instr.Meth.Phys.Res. B 98 (1995) 142--145
(u.a.) Laser induced two-step recombination for the study of Rydberg states in highly charged ions: Ebda S. 146--149
(u.a.) Electron impact ionization and dielectronic recombination of sodium-like iron ions: Ebda S. 154--157
(u.a.) Experiments on e^{+}e^{-}-line emission in HI collisions. In: Nucl.Phys. A 583 (1995) 237--246
(u.a.) Electron-impact of Fe^{15+} ions : an ion storage ring cross section measurement. In: Phys.Rev.Lett. 74 (1995) 4173--4176
(u.a.) Laser-stimulated recombination spectroscopy for the study of long-range interactions in highly charged Rydberg ions: Ebda 75 (1995) 802--805
(u.a.) Measurement of branching ratios for the dissociative recombination of cold HD^{+} using fragment imaging: Ebda S. 814--817
Coulomb excitation at `safe' and `unsafe' energies. In: Probing the Nuclear Paradigm with Heavy Ion Reactions. Ed. by R.A.Broglia et al. (The Science and Culture Series Physics ; 8). Singapore 1995, S. 1--28
(u.a.) Lifetime of the two-photon vibrational state in ^{232}Th. In: Zs.Phys. A 351 (1995) 143--147

Siebert, Hans-Wolfgang [Prof.]
(u.a.) Measurement of the \Omega^{0}_{c} lifetime. In: Physics Letters B 358 (1995) 151--161
(u.a.) Measurement of the polarization of \Lambda^{0}, \bar{\Lambda}^{0}, \Sigma^{+} and \Xi^{-} produced in a \Sigma^{-} beam of 330 GeV/c. In: Zs.Phys. A 350 (1995) 379--386

Specht, Hans-Joachim [Prof.]
(u.a.) The pad readout of the CERES RICH detectors. In: Nucl.Instr.Meth.Phys.Res. A 355 (1995) 329--341
(u.a.) Search for direct thermal photons in the NA45/CERES experiment. In: Nucl.Phys. A 566 (1995) 347c--350c
(u.a.) New results from NA45/CERES: Ebda A 590 (1995) 103c--116c
(u.a.) Enhanced production of low-mass electron pairs in 200 GeV/u S-Au collisions at the CERN SPS. In: Phys.Rev.Lett. 75 (1995) 1272--1275
(u.a.) Measurement of electromagnetically produced e^{+}e^{-}-pairs in distant S-Pt collisions. In: Physics Letters B 332 (1995) 471--476
Heavy ion physics in a world wide perspective. In: Proc. of the 5th EPS Internat. Conf. on Large Facilities in Physics. Singapore 1995, S. 135--158
(u.a.) Low-mass electron-pair production in p-Be, p-Au and S-Au collisions at CERN SPS energies. In: Proc. of the 27th Internat. Conf. on High Energy Physics. Ed. by P.J.Bussey and I.G.Knowles. Bristol 1995, S. 529--531
(u.a.) Präziser Beschuß mit schweren Ionen : gemeinsam schaffen Medizin und Physik neue Möglichkeiten der Tumortherapie. In: Ruperto Carola 1995, H. 3, S. 18--26
(u.a.) Low-mass lepton-pair production in p-Be collisions at 450 GeV/c. In: Zs.Phys. C 68 (1995) 47--64

Tittel, Klaus [Prof.]
(u.a.) Study of a novel electromagnetic liquid argon calorimeter : the TGT. In: Nucl.Instr.Meth.Phys.Res. A 357 (1995) 333--343

Traxel, Kurt [Akad.Rat]
(u.a.) The new Heidelberg proton microprobe : the success of a minimal concept. In: Nucl.Instr.Meth.Phys.Res. B 104 (1995) 19--25
(u.a.) High resolution PIXE analyses of interplanetary dust particles with the new Heidelberg proton microprobe. In: Planet.Space Sci. 43 (1995) 411--428
(mit K.-U.Braun-Dullaeus) Copper, zinc, gallium and germanium distributions in taenite lamellae of iron meteorites and their importance for cooling rate estimations: Ebda S. 429--434

Ulmschneider, Peter [Prof.]
(mit G.Hünerth) Line radiation cooling with partial redistribution in atmospheres with shocks. In: Astron.Astrophys. 293 (1995) 166--171
(mit G.Sutmann) Acoustic wave propagation in the solar atmosphere. I: Linear response to adiabatic wave excitation: Ebda 294 (1995) 232--240
(mit G.Sutmann) Dass. II: Nonlinear response to adiabatic wave excitation: Ebda S. 241--251
(u.a.) On the generation of nonlinear magnetic tube waves in the solar atmosphere: Ebda 297 (1995) 579--587
(u.a.) Propagation of nonlinear longitudinal-transverse waves along magnetic flux tubes in the solar atmosphere. II: The treatment of shocks: Ebda 300 (1995) 302--308
(u.a.) On the generation of flux-tube waves in stellar convection zones. II: Improved treatment of longitudinal tube wave generation. In: Astrophys.J. 448 (1995) 865--877

Völk, Heinrich J. [Prof.]
(u.a.) High energy electrons and positrons in cosmic rays as an indicator of the existence of a nearby cosmic tevatron. In: Astron.Astrophys. 294 (1995) L 41--L 44
(u.a.) Existence and interpretation of smooth cosmic-ray dominated shock structures in supernova remnants: Ebda 299 (1995) 222--224
(mit M.A.Malkov) Theory of ion injection at shocks: Ebda 300 (1995) 605--626
(u.a.) Electrons and positrons in the galactic cosmic rays. In: Phys.Rev. D 52 (1995) 3265--3275
(u.a.) Macroscopic electric fields driven by LH-turbulence and acceleration of thermal electrons in the foot of quasi-perpendicular shock. In: Plasma Physics 54 (1995) 77--104

Walter, Hans-Georg [Prof.]
(u.a.) Construction of the intermediate Hipparcos astrometric catalogue. In: Astron.Astrophys. 304 (1995) 34--43
(u.a.) Parallaxes and the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram from the preliminary Hipparcos solution H30: Ebda S. 69--81
(u.a.) Konstruktion des stellaren Referenzsystems aus extraterrestrischen Beobachtungen. In: Festschrift Erwin Groten gewidmet anläßlich seines 60. Geburtstages. Neubiberg 1995, S. 127--139

Wegner, Franz J. [Prof.]
(u.a.) Crossover from orthogonal to unitary symmetry for ballistic electron transport in chaotic microstructure. In: Ann.Phys. [N.Y.] 243 (1995) 1--64
(u.a.) Geometrical string and dual spin systems. In: Nucl.Phys. B 443 (1995) 565--580

Wehrse, Rainer [Prof.]
(u.a.) Radiative transfer in moving spherical atmospheres. I: Analytical perturbation solution for the gray case. In: Astron.Astrophys. 301 (1995) 511--521
(u.a.) Analytical solution of the non-discretized radiative transfer equation for a slab of finite optical depth. In: J.Quant.Spectrosc.Radiat.Transfer 53 (1995) 59--74

Weidenmüller, Hans Arwed [Prof.]
(u.a.) Crossover from orthogonal to unitary symmetry for ballistic electron transport in chaotic microstructure. In: Ann.Phys. [N.Y.] 243 (1995) 1--64
(u.a.) Gaussian orthogonal ensemble statistics in a superconducting microwave stadium billiard with chaotic dynamics : Porter-Thomas distribution and algebraic decay of time correlations. In: Phys.Rev.Lett. 74 (1995) 62--65
(mit G.Hackenbroich) Universality of random-matrix results for non-Gaussian ensembles: Ebda S. 4118--4121
Persistent currents and the Coulomb interaction. In: Quantum Dynamics of Submicron Structures. Ed. by H.A.Cerdeira et al. (NATO ASI Series : E ; 291). Dordrecht 1995, S. 183--188
(mit Z.Pluhar) Approximation for shell-model level densities : ergodicity. In: Zs.Phys. A 352 (1995) 257--263
(u.a.) Lecture Notes in Physics. Bd. 441--463 und m 27--m 38. Berlin 1995

Wetterich, Christof [Prof.]
A asymptotically vanishing time-dependent cosmological ``constant''. In: Astron.Astrophys. 301 (1995) 321--328
High temperature field theory beyond perturbation theory. In: Electroweak Physics and the Early Universe. Ed. by J.Romao and F.Freire (NATO ASI Series ; 338). New York 1994 [ersch. 1995], S. 229--247
(u.a.) Solving non-perturbative flow equations. In: Mod.Phys.Lett. A 10 (1995) 2367--2379
(mit M.Gräter) Kosterlitz-Thouless phase transition in the two dimensional linear \sigma-model. In: Phys.Rev. 75 (1995) 378--381
(mit B.Bergerhoff) The strongly interacting electroweak phase transition. In: Physics Letters B 340 (1995) 171--188
(u.a.) Coleman-Weinberg phase transition in two-scalar models: Ebda B 348 (1995) 89--99
Ein winziges Ungleichgewicht im frühen Universum. In: Ruperto Carola 1995, H. 1, S. 4--8
(mit T.Papenbrock) Two loop results from improved one loop computations. In: Zs.Phys. C 65 (1995) 519--535

Wielen, Roland [Prof.]
A method for determining the individual accuracy of astrometric catalogues. In: Astron.Astrophys. 302 (1995) 613--622
(u.a.) Zero-point and external errors of Hipparcos parallaxes: Ebda 304 (1995) 52--60
(u.a.) The gas flow in shearing galactic density waves. In: Astron.Ges.Abstr.Ser. 11 (1995) 194
(u.a.) Proper motion study of the Galactic rotation curve: Ebda S. 196
(u.a.) Disks and dark halos of dust spirals: Ebda S. 224
(u.a.) Disks and dark halos of dwarf spirals. In: Dark Matter. Ed. by S.S.Holt and C.L.Bennett (AIP Conf. Proc. ; 336). New York 1995, S. 129--132
Statistical aspects of astrometry and their implications for high-precision measurements. In: Future Possibilities for astrometry in Space. Ed. by M.A.Perryman and F. van Leeuwen (ESA-SP ; 379). Noordwijk 1995, S. 65--68
(u.a.) Disks and dark halos of dwarf spirals. In: Stellar Populations. Ed. by P.C. van der Kruit and G.F.Gilmore (Proc. IAU Symp. ; 164). Dordrecht 1995, S. 414
(u.a.) The vertical age distribution of stellar disk populations in edge-on galaxies: Ebda S. 423
(u.a.) Literature 1994, Part 1. Berlin 1995. X,1726 S. (Astronomy and Astrophysics Abstracts ; 61)
(u.a.) Literature 1994, Part 2. Berlin 1995. X,1500 S. (Astronomy and Astrophysics Abstracts ; 62)

Wolf, Andreas [Priv.Doz.]
(u.a.) Resonant electron impact ionization and recombination of Li-like Cl^{14+} and Si^{11+} at the Heidelberg Test Storage Ring. In: Nucl.Instr.Meth.Phys.Res. B 98 (1995) 142--145
(u.a.) Laser induced two-step recombination for the study of Rydberg states in highly charged ions: Ebda S. 146--149
(u.a.) Electron impact ionization and dielectronic recombination of sodium-like iron ions: Ebda S. 154--157
(u.a.) Electron-impact of Fe^{15+} ions : an ion storage ring cross section measurement. In: Phys.Rev.Lett. 74 (1995) 4173--4176
(u.a.) Laser-stimulated recombination spectroscopy for the study of long-range interactions in highly charged Rydberg ions: Ebda 75 (1995) 802--805
(u.a.) Measurement of branching ratios for the dissociative recombination of cold HD^{+} using fragment imaging: Ebda S. 814--817
(u.a.) Laser induced recombination to excited states of hydrogen-like ions. In: Zs.Phys. D 34 (1995) 185--194

Zeh, Heinz-Dieter [em.Prof.]
(mit C.Kiefer) Arrow of time in a recollapsing quantum universe. In: Phys.Rev. D 51 (1995) 4145--4153
(u.a.) Symmetries, superselection rules, and decoherence. In: Physics Letters A 199 (1995) 291--298 
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