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Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg


Becke, Margot [em.Prof.]
(mit M.Eucken) Arnold Eucken : Chemiker, Physiker, Hochschullehrer. Berlin 1995. 105 S. (Sitzungsber. der Heidelberger Akad. der Wissenschaften : nat.-math. Klasse ; Jg. 1995, Abh. 1)

Berkessel, Albrecht [Prof.]
(mit R.K.Thauer) Zum Katalysemechanismus einer metallfreien Hydrogenase aus methanogenen Archaea : enzymatische Umsetzung von H_{2} ohne Metall und ihre Analogie zur Chemie der Alkane in supersaurer Lösung. In: Angew.Chem. 107 (1995) 2418--2421 [in engl. Fassung: Ebda Internat.Ed.Engl. 34 (1995) 2247--2250]
(u.a.) Synthesis, X-ray crystal structure and magnetic characterization of the first ``Ni_{3}S_{4}N_{3}'' nickel thiolate cluster. In: Chem.Ber. 128 (1995) 125--129
(u.a.) Air oxidation of a manganese(III) thioether chelate affords the first manganese(III) dihydrosalen complex with a pendant sulfoxide ligand. In: J.Chem.Soc.Chem.Commun. 1995, S. 535--536
(mit A.H.Vetter) Nickel complex catalyzed reduction of imines. In: Synthesis 27 (1995) 419--422

Buck, Manfred [Wiss.Mitarb.]
(u.a.) Second order nonlinear susceptibilities of surfaces : a systematic study of the wavelength and coverage dependence of thiol adsorption on polycrystalline gold. In: Appl.Phys. A 60 (1995) 1--12
(u.a.) Optical second harmonic generation of supported metal clusters : size and shape effects: Ebda S. 607--612
(u.a.) Diamond nucleation by seeding from the gas phase. In: Appl.Phys.Lett. 67 (1995) 3898--3900
(u.a.) Monitoring the early stages of thin film growth by second harmonic generation from supported metal particles. In: Beam-Solid Interactions for Materials Synthesis. Ed. by D.E.Luzzi et al. (MRS Proceedings ; 354). New York 1995, S. 477--481
(mit T.Schaich) Optical second harmonic generation on the diamond C(111) surface. In: Diamond and Related Materials 4 (1995) 544--547

Cederbaum, Lorenz Srulek [Prof.]
(mit H.-G.Weikert) On the satellite structure accompanying the ionization of benzene. In: Chem.Phys.Lett. 237 (1995) 1--6
(u.a.) Dynamic effects in the C1s excitation spectra of ethene isotopomers: Ebda 246 (1995) 347--352
(u.a.) On the calculation of shake-off satellite contributions to molecular Auger spectra: Ebda 251 (1995) 26--32
(mit S.Tarantelli) Time-dependent nuclear dynamics of decaying states. In: Frontiers of Chemical Dynamics. Ed. by E.Yurtsever (NATO ASI Series : C ; 470). Dordrecht 1995, S. 291--330
Symmetry breaking and localization in resonant photon emission. In: J.Chem.Phys. 103 (1995) 562--567
(mit H.D.Schulte) Potential energy surfaces and dynamics in core-ionized and core-excited states: Ebda S. 698--715
(u.a.) A new class of free stable doubly negative systems : first investigations on the Si_{m}O^{2}_{-}n series: Ebda S. 1057--1063
(u.a.) On the size-dependence of the static self-energy in propagator calculations: Ebda S. 3578--3588
(u.a.) Advances in the theoretical simulation of Auger spectra of polyatomic molecules. In: J.Electr.Spectrosc. 74 (1995) 1--14
(u.a.) Ab initio calculation of very many triply ionized states of molecular systems: Ebda 75 (1995) 109--115
(u.a.) Calculating triply ionized states of molecules by Green's functions : carbon monoxide: Ebda S. 307--312
(u.a.) Analytical explanation for numerical simulation results on CDW. In: J.Phys.Soc.Jpn. 64 (1995) 356--359
(u.a.) Rotation-vibration Hamiltonian for neutral diatomic molecules in magnetic fields : dynamical screening of nuclei. In: J.Phys. B 28 (1995) 2903--2913
(u.a.) Phonons in one-dimensional Peierls systems with internal degrees of freedom. In: Phys.Rev. B 51 (1995) 5790--5799
(u.a.) Coexistence of short- and large-scale phase variations in a charge-density wave weakly coupled to impurities: Ebda B 52 (1995) 11845--11852
(mit P.Schmelcher) Classical self-ionization of fast atomic ions in magnetic fields. In: Phys.Rev.Lett. 74 (1995) 662--665
(u.a.) Gas-phase multiply charged anions. In: Science 270 (1995) 1160--1166
(u.a.) Analytical results in CDW systems beyond the strong pinning limit. In: Solid State Communic. 93 (1995) 817--821

Comba, Peter [Prof.]
(mit .W.Hambley) Molecular Modeling of Inorganic Compounds. Weinheim 1995. X,197 S.
(u.a.) MOMEC, a Molecular Modeling Package for Inorganic Compounds. Dortmund 1995. 197 S.
(u.a.) Double helical dinuclear dicopper(I) complexes of macrocyclic bis-dithiadiimine ligands. In: Angew.Chem. 107 (1995) 2047--2050
(u.a.) The directionality of d-orbitals and molecular mechanics calculations of octahederal transition metal compounds. In: Helv.Chem.Acta 78 (1995) 2042--2047
(u.a.) Interpretation of electronic and EPR spectra of copper(II)amine complexes : a test of the MM-AOM method. In: Inorg.Chem. 34 (1995) 3903--3911
(mit P.Hilfenhaus) One step template synthesis and solution structures of bis(macrocyclic) octaamine dicopper(II) complexes. In: J.Chem.Soc.Dalton Trans. 1995, S. 3269--3274

Dreier, Thomas [Priv.Doz.]
(u.a.) Polarization-spectroscopic measurement and spectral simulation of OH(A^{2}\Sigma-\xi^{2}\pi) and NH(A^{3}\pi-\xi^{3}\Sigma) transitions in atmospheric pressure flames. In: Appl.Phys. B 61 (1995) 421--427
(u.a.) Thermal grating effects in infrared degenerate four-wave mixing for trace gas detection. In: Chem.Phys.Lett. 233 (1995) 525--532
(u.a.) Measurement of orientational relaxation times of OH in a flame using picosecond time-resolved polarization spectroscopy: Ebda 240 (1995) 315--323
(u.a.) Polarization spectroscopic measurement of the NH (A^{3}\Pi - X^{3}\Sigma) transition in an ammonia/oxygen flame. In: J.Molec.Struct. 349 (1995) 285--288

Driess, Matthias [Priv.Doz.]
(u.a.) Neuartige Alkalimetallphosphanid-Aggregate. In: Angew.Chem. 107 (1995) 354--356
(u.a.) Diphosphanyl- und Diarsanyl-substituierte Carben-Homologe : German-, Stannan- und Plumbandiyle mit bemerkenswerten elektronischen Eigenschaften: Ebda S. 1746--1749
(u.a.) First structural characterization of silicon-arsenic and silicon-phosphorus multiple bonds in silylated silylidene-arsanes and -phosphanes. In: J.Chem.Soc.Chem.Comm. 1995, S. 253--254

Ege, Günter [Prof.i.R.]
(mit M.Proß) 4-Arylmethyl-1H-pyrazol-3-amine, deren Salze und Verfahren zu ihrer Herstellung. München 1995. 13 S. (Dt. Patentamt : Offenlegungsschrift ; DE 43 33 659 A1)
(mit M.Proß) Verfahren zur Herstellung von 3-Aryl-2-(dialkoxymethyl)-propannitrilen und ihre Umsetzung zu 5-Arylmethyl-2,4-diamino-pyrimidinen, insbesondere zu Trimethoprim. München 1995. 10 S. (Dt. Patentamt : Offenlegungsschrift ; DE 43 33 688 A1)
(mit M.Proß) Arylmethylsubstituierte Pyrazolo-azine, insbesondere 3-Arylmethylpyrazolo[1,5-a]pyrimidine und Verfahren zur Herstellung von 8-Arylmethyl-pyrazolo[5,1-c][1,2,4]triazinen. München 1995. 11 S. (Dt. Patentamt : Offenlegungsschrift ; DE 43 33 705 A1)

Gleiter, Rolf Helmut [Prof.]
(u.a.) Neuartige ,,\pi-Boot``-Käfigverbindungen als potentielle Cryptanden. In: Angew.Chem. 107 (1995) 867--869
(mit O.Borzyk) Synthese stabförmiger Distellene: Ebda S. 1094--1095
(mit B.Treptow) Photochemical synthesis of cage compounds : propellaprismanes and their precursors. In: CRC Handbook of Organic Photochemistry. Ed. by W.A.Horspool and P.-S.Song. Boca Raton 1995, S. 64--83
(u.a.) Electronic structure of planar-tricoordinated phosphorus in titanium-boron complexes. In: Chem.Ber. 128 (1995) 775--778
(u.a.) Heteroatomic influences on the \pi-facial selectivity of Diels-Alder cycloadditions to dispiro[]tetradeca-11,13-dienes. In: J.Am.Chem.Soc. 117 (1995) 5992--6001
(u.a.) Determination of the stabilization energy of planar-tetracoordinate carbon in dynamic dinuclear (\mu-hydrocarbyl)bis(zirconocene) cation complexes and detection of an organometallic memory effect in their formation: Ebda S. 10503--10512
(u.a.) Propella[3_{4}]prismane and its congeners : a MO-theoretical study. In: J.Computat.Chem. 16 (1995) 31--36
(u.a.) Electronic and geometrical structure of bicyclo[8.1.0]undec-1(10)-en-5-yn-11-one and related compounds. In: J.Org.Chem. 60 (1995) 4692--4696
(u.a.) On the stability of the tetramers of carbon monoxide, hydrogen isocyanide, and vinylidene : a molecular orbital theoretical rationalization: Ebda S. 5878--5883
(u.a.) Photochemistry of vicinal triketones. In: J.Photochem.Photobiol. A 87 (1995) 7--12
(u.a.) 2,7,9-trimethylenetricyclo[^{3,8}]nonane and 2,9-dimethylenetricyclo[^{e3,8}]non-4-ene : synthesis and properties. In: Liebigs Ann. 1995, S. 357--364
(u.a.) Synthesis of 5,5,10,10-tetramethyl-1-oxacyclotridecane-6,7,8,9-tetrone : on the mechanism of the Rubottom reaction: Ebda S. 1655--1661
(mit R.Merger) Cyclic alkynes : preparation and properties. In: Modern Acetylene Chemistry. Ed. by P.J.Stang and F.Diederich. Weinheim 1995, S. 285--319
(u.a.) Molecular orbital study on acetylene insertion into a Zr-R \sigma bond (R = H, CH_{3}) in cationic zirconocene complexes. In: Organometallics 14 (1995) 964--974
(u.a.) Stepwise approach to metal-capped 4-fold-bridged cyclobutadienophanes: Ebda S. 975--986
(u.a.) Pentadienyl as a stronger binding but more reactive ligand than cyclopentadienyl : syntheses, reactions, and molecular orbital studies of half-open titanocenes: Ebda S. 5030--5040
(mit U.Hänsler) Gespannte Bindungen mit Spannung erforscht. In: Ruperto Carola 1995, H. 1, S. 37--41
(mit M.Merger) Cyclic 2-ynones from cyclic alkynes via ring enlargement. In: Synthesis 27 (1995) 969--972
(u.a.) Conjugated crown thioethers and strained cyclic alkynes by nucleophilic S_{N}'-reaction. In: Tetrahedron Letters 36 (1995) 1835--1838
(u.a.) Synthesis of one-sided sterically congested cyclic diynes: Ebda S. 4603--4606
(u.a.) Silabridged cyclobutadiene-superphanes: Ebda S. 4607--4610
(u.a.) Structure and complexation of [5.5]biscyclopropenyliumphane-bistetrafluoroborate: Ebda S. 6425--6428

Grunze, Michael [Prof.]
(u.a.) Second order nonlinear susceptibilities of surfaces : a systematic study of the wavelength and coverage dependence of thiol adsorption on polycrystalline gold. In: Appl.Phys. A 60 (1995) 1--12
(u.a.) The presence of two different sulfur species in self-assembled films of n-alkanethiols on Au and Ag surfaces. In: Chem.Phys.Lett. 283 (1995) 308--312
(u.a.) Theoretical and experimental study of mass sensitivity of PSAW-APMs on ZX-LiNbO_{3}. In: IEEE Trans. on UFFC 42 (1995) 517--524
(u.a.) Photoelectron- and NEXAFS-microscopy of radiation induced changes in Cd-arachidate films. In: J.Electr.Spectrosc.Rel.Phenomena 73 (1995) 239--247
(u.a.) Nanostructuring of alkanethiols with ultrasharp field emitters. In: J.Vac.Sci.Technol. B 13 (1995) 2846--2849
(u.a.) A NEXAFS and XPS study on the film properties of self-assembled monolayers of organosilanes on oxidized Si(100). In: Langmuir 11 (1995) 512--518
(u.a.) Substrate effects on the structure of Langmuir-Blodgett-monolayers of Cd arachidate using X-ray absorption spectroscopy: Ebda S. 696--698
(u.a.) Growth of self-assembled n-alkyltrichlorosilane films on Si(100) investigated by atomic force microscopy: Ebda S. 2143--2150
(u.a.) Proteinnachweis mit akustischen Sensoren. In: Physikal.Bl. 51 (1995) 509--511
(mit C.W.Hutchings) Apparatus for chemical vapor deposition of polyimide films. In: Rev.Scient.Instrum. 66 (1995) 3943--3947
(u.a.) Growth of pyromellitic dianhydride on an amino-terminated surface. In: Surf.Sci. 334 (1995) 235--247
(u.a.) Evidence for absorption-induced distortions of planar molecules from polarized X-ray absorption spectroscopy: Ebda 341 (1995) L 1055--L 1060

Hellwinkel, Dieter [Prof.]
(mit K.Göke) Heterocyclensynthesen mit MF/Al_{2}O_{3}-Basensystemen : 2-Arylbenzofurane und 2,3-Diarylisochinolin-1(2H)-one. In: Synthesis 27 (1995) 1135--1141

Helmchen, Günter [Prof.]
(mit H.Rieck) Palladium-Komplex-katalysierte asymmetrische allylische Substitution mit Nitromethan : Enantioselektivität im Extrembereich von über 99 Enantiomerenüberschuß. In: Angew.Chem. 107 (1995) 2881--2883
(u.a.) New chiral \beta-phosphinocarboxylic acids and their application in palladium-catalysed asymmetric allylic alkylations. In: J.Chem.Soc.Chem.Commun. 1995, S. 1845--1846
(mit T.Stork) A new chiral solvating agent for carboxylic acids based on directed hydrogen bonding. In: Recl.Trav.Chim.Pays-Bas 115 (1995) 253--254
Vocabulary and nomenclature of organic stereochemistry. In: Stereoselective Synthesis. Ed. by G.Helmchen et al. (Houben-Weyl: Methoden der organischen Chemie ; E 21e). Stuttgart 1995, S. 1--74
(u.a.) A short synthesis of (-)-chokol A. In: Tetrahedron 51 (1995) 13031--13038
(u.a.) Diastereoselective oxidative coupling of enolates of chiral carboxylic acid derivatives. In: Tetrahedron Letters 36 (1995) 4409--4412
(u.a.) EPC synthesis of 5-substituted 2-oxo-cyclopentanecarboxylates via conjugate addition of cuprates to asymmetrically shielded 2-oxo-cyclopentanecarboxylates: Ebda S. 7229--7232
(u.a.) Stereoselective Synthesis [6 Bde]. Stuttgart 1995 (Houben-Weyl: Methoden der organischen Chemie ; E 21a--f)

Hess, Peter [Prof.]
(u.a.) Pulsed-laser excitation of acoustic modes in open high-Q photoacoustic resonators for trace gas monitoring : results for C_{2}H_{4}. In: Appl.Optics 34 (1995) 3257--3266
(u.a.) Mechanical and elastic properties of amorphous hydrogenated silicon films studied by broadband surface acoustic wave spectroscopy. In: Appl.Physics A 61 (1995) 269--276
(u.a.) Effect of melting on the excitation of surface acoustic wave pulses by UV nanosecond laser pulses in silicon: Ebda S. 285--298
(mit V.Gusev) Theory of photothermal depth profiling via Rayleigh-type surface acoustic wave detection: Ebda S. 299--310
(u.a.) VUV laser (157 nm) chemical vapor deposition of high quality amorphous hydrogenated silicon : gas phase chemistry and modelling. In: Appl.Surf.Sci. 86 (1995) 521--529
(u.a.) Laser diagnostics of C_{60} and C_{70} films by broadband surface acoustic wave spectroscopy: Ebda S. 591--596
(u.a.) Kinetics and energetics of hydrogen bond dissociation in isolated acetic acid-d_{1} and -d_{4} and trifluoroactic acid dimers. In: Chem.Phys.Lett. 239 (1995) 313--319
(mit H.Karstens) Deposition of amorphous hydrogenated silicon films by VUV laser CVD : influence of substrate temperature. In: Mat.Res.Soc.Symp.Proc. 377 (1995) 93--98
(mit R.Kuschnereit) Study of mechanical and elastic properties of diamond films by surface acoustic wave spectroscopy: Ebda 383 (1995) 121--125
(u.a.) Time-resolved cuspidal structure in the wave front of surface acoustic pulses on (111) gallium arsenide. In: Phys.Rev.Lett. 75 (1995) 3332--3335

Hofmann, Peter [Prof.]
(u.a.) Bis(di-t-butylphosphino)methane complexes of rhodium : homogeneous alkyne hydrosilylation by catalyst-dependent alkyne insertion into Rh-Si or Rh-H bonds. In: J.Organomet.Chem. 490 (1995) 51--70

Huttner, Gottfried [Prof.]
(u.a.) Neuartige Alkalimetallphosphanid-Aggregate. In: Angew.Chem. 107 (1995) 354--356
(u.a.) Synthese und Komplexchemie funktionalisierter Tripod-Liganden RC(CH_{2}PPh_{2})_{3}. In: Chem.Ber. 128 (1995) 63--70
(u.a.) Zwei Extreme in der Zinnchemie : ein nichtbindender Sn-Sn-Abstand von 285 pm und eine {}^{119}Sn-NMR-Verschiebung \delta = 3301 in metallorganischen Derivaten von Sn(0): Ebda S. 187--191
(u.a.) Darstellung und Struktur von Allyl(tripod)cobalt(I) und der Vergleich zum analogen Cobalt(II)-Komplex: Ebda S. 193--195
(u.a.) Fe(NCMe)_{-}^{2}3-Komplexe von chiralen Tripodliganden mit drei verschiedenen Donorgruppen : Dynamik und Struktur: Ebda S. 293--301
(u.a.) Synthesis of a new optically active triphosphine with a neopentane backbone. In: Zs.Naturforsch. 50 b (1995) 729--734
(u.a.) Der kürzeste Weg zu C_{1}-symmetrischen, chiralen tripod-Liganden mit Neopentan-Grundgerüst: Ebda S. 1045--1049
(u.a.) Funktionalisierte tripod-Liganden mit Neopentan-Grundgerüst : Umsetzung von HOCH_{2}C(CH_{2}PR_{2})_{3} mit Elektrophilen: Ebda S. 1287--1306
(u.a.) Darstellung und Struktur von tripod-Cobalt-Aminocarboxylato-Komplexen: Ebda S. 1638--1652

Irngartinger, Hermann [Prof.]
(u.a.) Electronic and geometrical structure of bicyclo[8.1.0]undec-1(10)-en-5-yn-11-one and related compounds. In: J.Org.Chem. 60 (1995) 4692--4696
(u.a.) Kleine Ringe. 88: Reaktionen von Tetra-tert-butyltetrahedran : Oxidation zum Radikal-Kation als einleitender Schritt. In: Liebigs Ann. 1995, S. 161--167
(u.a.) Syntheses and conformations of persubstituted inverse calixarenes: Ebda S. 1401--1408
(u.a.) Cyclopentadiene, methylcyclopentadiene and 1,2,3,4-tetraphenylcyclopentadiene used as sulfene scavengers : [4+2] cycloaddition reactions and sulfonylations: Ebda S. 2137--2149
(u.a.) [4+2] cycloadditions of 1,2,3,4,5-pentamethylcyclopentadiene and 1,3-diphenylbenzo[c]furan with sulfenes: Ebda S. 2151--2163
(u.a.) Synthesis of one-sided sterically congested cyclic diynes. In: Tetrahedron Letters 36 (1995) 4603--4606
(u.a.) Synthesis and characterization of tetraferrocenylethene: Ebda S. 5163--5166
(u.a.) Structure and complexation of [5.5]biscyclopropenyliumphane-bistetrafluoroborate: Ebda S. 6425--6428

Keller, Heimo J. [Prof.]
(u.a.) Investigation of Fermi surfaces and effective masses of the organic superconductors (BEDO-TTF)_{2}ReO_{4}(H_{2}O) and ... In: Acta Physica Polonica A 87 (1995) 749 ff.
(u.a.) Magnetic field dependent effective mass in the organic superconductor \kappa-(BEDT-TTF)_{2}I_{3}: Ebda S. 767 ff.
(mit T.Ludwig) Resonance Raman investigations of low energetic modes in the organic superconductors \alpha_{t}-(BEDT-TTF)_{2}I_{3} and \beta-(BEDT-TTF)_{2}IAuI: Ebda S. 801 ff.
(u.a.) Fabrication and characterization of thin films of the organic superconductor \alpha_{t}-(BEDT-TTF)_{2}I_{3}: Ebda S. 823 ff.
(u.a.) Oscillation phenomena on the magnetoresistance of the organic superconductor \kappa-(BEDT-TTF)_{2}I_{3}. In: Phys.Stat.Sol. 189 (1995) 509 ff.
(u.a.) Thin films of the organic superconductor \alpha_{t}-(BEDT-TTF)_{2}I_{3}. In: Synthetic Metals 70 (1995) 791 ff.
(u.a.) Magnetic field dependence of the cyclotron effective mass in the organic superconductor \kappa-(BEDT-TTF)_{2}I_{3}: Ebda S. 841 ff.
(u.a.) Investigations of Fermi surfaces and cyclotron effective masses of organic superconductors by Shubnikov-de Haas .:. Ebda S. 857 ff.
(u.a.) Electronic properties of the organic superconductor (BEDO-TTF)_{2}ReO_{4}(H_{2}O): Ebda S. 865 ff.

Keppler, Bernhard K. [Priv.Doz.]
(u.a.) Erstmalige Isolierung des Enols einer Carbonsäure durch Komplexierung an eine (Ethan-1,2-diamin)platin(II)-Einheit. In: Angew.Chem. 107 (1995) 1220--1221 [in engl. Fassung in: Ebda Internat.Ed.Engl. 34 (1995) 1103--1104]
(u.a.) Preparation and characterization of biologically active bismuth(III) tropolonato complexes. In: Chem.Ber. 128 (1995) 335--342
(mit M.Hartmann) Inorganic anticancer agents : their chemistry and antitumor properties. In: Comments Inorg.Chem. 16 (1995) 339--372
(u.a.) Compared effects of ruthenium red and cis[Ru(NH_{3})_{4}Cl_{2}]Cl on the isolated ischaemic-reperfused rat heart. In: Fundamental and Clinical Pharmacology 9 (1995) 545--553
(mit E.A.Vogel) Antitumor properties of metal complexes. In: Handbook of Metal-Ligand Interactions in Biological Fluids. Vol. 2. Ed. by G.Berthon. New York 1995, S. 1200--1229
(u.a.) Five-coordinate platinum olefin complexes : synthesis, {}^{1}H-NMR investigations, and crystal structure of a platinum \eta^{2}-ethylene crown ether complex. In: Inorg.Chem. 34 (1995) 2788--2790
(u.a.) Spontaneous aquation reactions of a promising tumor inhibitor trans-imidazolium-tetrachlorobis(imidazole)ruthenium(III), trans-HIm[RuCl_{4}(im)_{2}]. In: Inorg.Chim.Acta 233 (1995) 59--63
(mit M.Galanski) Synthesis and characterization of new ethylenediamine platinum(IV) complexes containing lipophilic carboxylate ligands. In: Metal-Based Drugs 2 (1995) 57--63
(u.a.) Synthesis, characterization and molecular structures of some bismuth(III) complexes with thiosemicarbazones and dithiocarbazonic acid methylester derivatives with activity against Helicobacter pylori: Ebda S. 271--292

Knappe, Joachim [Prof.]
(mit A.F.Wagner) Glycyl free radical in pyruvate formate-lyase : synthesis, structure characteristics, and involvement in catalysis. In: Redox Active Amino Acids in Biology. Ed. by J.P.Klinman (Methods in Enzymology ; 258). San Diego 1995, S. 343--362

Köppel, Horst [Akad.Rat]
(u.a.) Dynamic effects in the C1s excitation spectra of ethene isotopomers. In: Chem.Phys.Lett. 246 (1995) 347--352
(u.a.) On the electronic structure of orthorhombic A_{1}C_{60}. In: Electronic Properties of Novel Materials. Ed. by H.Kuzmany. Singapore 1995, S. 410--413
(u.a.) Photoelectron spectroscopy of C_{4}H_{4}^{-} : ab initio calculations and dynamics of the 1,2-hydrogen shift in vinylvinylidene. In: J.Chem.Phys. 103 (1995) 1250--1262
(mit J.Schön) Geometric phase effects and wave packet dynamics on intersecting potential energy surfaces: Ebda S. 9292--9301
(u.a.) Analytical explanation for numerical simulation results on CDW. In: J.Phys.Soc.Jpn. 64 (1995) 356--359
(u.a.) Phonons in one-dimensional Peierls systems with internal degrees of freedom. In: Phys.Rev. B 51 (1995) 5790--5799
(u.a.) Coexistence of short- and large-scale phase variations in a charge-density wave weakly coupled to impurities: Ebda B 52 (1995) 11845--11852
(u.a.) Analytical results in CDW systems beyond the strong pinning limit. In: Solid State Communic. 93 (1995) 817--821
(u.a.) Synthese und Strukturen von 9,10-Dihydro-9,10-diboraanthracen-Derivaten. In: Zs.Naturforsch. 50 b (1995) 1476--1484

Krätschmer, Wolfgang [Prof.]
(mit H.Schuster) Von Fuller bis zu Fullerenen. Wiesbaden 1995. VIII,290 S.
Fullerenes and fullerites : new forms of carbon. In: Nanostructured Materials 6 (1995) 65--72
Interdisciplinary aspects of fullerene research. In: Physics and Chemistry of Fullerenes and Derivatives. Ed. by H.Kuzmany et al. Singapore 1995, S. 3--11
Fullerene balls, tubes, and onions. In: Progress in Fullerene Research. Ed. by H.Kuzmany et al. Singapore 1995, S. 1--9
(u.a.) Phase transitions in fullerene C_{60}: Ebda S. 188--192
Fullerenes and fullerites : new forms of carbon. In: Synth.Metals 70 (1995) 1309--1312
(u.a.) Synthesis of C_{120}O : a new dimeric [60] fullerene derivative. In: Tetrahedron Letters 36 (1995) 4971--4974

Lang, Heinrich [Priv.Doz.]
(u.a.) Neuartige (\eta^{2}-Alkin)kupfer(I)-carboxylat-Komplexe. In: Chem.Ber. 128 (1995) 519--523
(u.a.) Monomere (Acetylacetonato)kupfer(I)-Komplexe von Alkinen und 1,4-Diinen: Ebda S. 525--529
(u.a.) \eta^{2}-alkyne copper(I) and silver(I) compounds : from polymeric [M^{I}R]_{n} to monomeric [M^{I}R] units (M = Cu,Ag). In: Coord.Chem.Rev. 143 (1995) 113--168
(u.a.) Monomeric bis(\eta^{2}-alkyne) complexes of (\eta{^}-mesityl)copper(I) and (\eta^{1}-mesityl)silver(I) obtained from a bis(alkynyl)titanocene : X-ray structure of [(\eta^{5}-C_{5}H_{4}SiMe_{3})_{2}Ti(C \equiv CSiMe_{3})_{2}]Cu(\eta^{1}-Mes) (Mes = C_{6}H_{2}Me3}-2,4,6). In: J.Chem.Soc.Chem.Comm. 1995, S. 925--926
(u.a.) Pyrolyse von Übergangsmetallkomplexen : Darstellung von Metallcarbiden (MC,M_{2}C) aus metallorganischen Verbindungen. In: J.Organomet.Chem. 489 (1995) C 17--C 21
(u.a.) Synthese und Reaktionsverhalten Chloro-funktionalisierter Alkinyl-Phosphane : stufenweise Darstellung von \sigma^{3},\lambda^{4}-Phosphandiyl-Komplexen mit einer Phosphor-Cobalt- bzw. Phosphor Molybdän-Doppelbindung: Ebda S. 77--81
(u.a.) Untersuchungen von Polymerisations- und Metathesereaktionen. XXII: Darstellung und katalytische Reaktionen von substituierten Titanocendichloriden: Ebda 490 (1995) C 32--C 36
(u.a.) Thermolyseverhalten alkinylsubstituierter Cyclopentadienyl-Dicarbonyl-Eisen-Verbindungen: Ebda 492 (1995) 81--85
(u.a.) Synthese, Koordinationsverhalten und Thermolyse alkinylfunktionalisierter Übergangsmetall-Komplexe : Kristallstruktur von {Mo_{2}(\eta^{5}-C_{5}H_{5})_{2}(CO)_{4}[(\mu_{4}-\eta{2:2:2:2}Me_{3}SiC \equiv C-C \equiv CSiMe_{3})Co_{2}(CO)_{6}]}: Ebda 494 (1995) 65--73
(u.a.) Lewis-Basen Addukte monomerer Bis(\eta^{2}-alkin)Ag^{I}X-Verbindungen (X = BF_{4} oder OSO_{2}CF_{3}): Ebda 495 (1995) 135--140
(u.a.) Reaktionsverhalten Alkinyl-substituierter Phosphinite und Phosphane am Beispiel von Kupfer(I)- und Silber(I)-Trifluormethansulfonaten: Ebda 503 (1995) 69--74
Monomere Alkin-stabilisierte Kupfer(I)-Halogenid- und Kupfer(I)-Pseudohalogenid-Verbindungen : Kristallstruktur von {(\eta^{5}-C_{5}H_{4}SiMe_{3})_{2}Ti(C \equiv CPh)}CuCl: Ebda 505 (1995) 85--94
Intramolecular addition of monomeric arylcopper entities across an alkyne grouping in a complex of type {(\eta^{5}-C_{5}H_{4}SiMe_{3})_{2}Ti(C \equiv CSiMe_{3})_{2}}CuR: Ebda S. 123--126
(u.a.) A stable bimetallic copper(I) titanium acetylide. In: Organometallics 14 (1995) 1098--1100
(u.a.) Synthesis and reaction behavior of the novel mono(\sigma-alkynyl)titanocene chloride [(\eta^{5}-C_{5}H_{2}SiMe_{3})SiMe_{2}]_{2}Ti(Cl)(C \equiv CSiMe_{3}): Ebda S. 1850--1854
(u.a.) Synthesis of \sigma,\eta^{2}-alkynyl-bridged bimetallic complexes containing ansa-metallocene and low-valent nickel-monocarbonyl entities: Ebda S. 3216--3223
(mit C.Weber) Synthesis of the (\sigma-1,3-butadiyn-1-yl)titanocenes : (\eta^{5}-C_{5}H_{4}SiMe_{3})_{2}Ti(C \equiv C C \equiv C C_{2}H_{5})(Cl) and (\eta^{5}-C_{5}H_{4}SiMe_{3})_{2}Ti(C \equiv C C \equiv C C_{2}H_{5})_{2} and their reactions with copper(I) halides: Ebda S. 4415--4417
(u.a.) Alkinol- und Alkindiol-substituierte Titanocen-Komplexe : Synthese, Reaktionsverhalten und Strukturmerkmale. In: Zs.Naturforsch. 50 b (1995) 923--930

Latscha, Hans Peter [Prof.]
(mit H.A.Klein) Analytische Chemie : Chemie-Basiswissen III. 3., vollst. überarb. Aufl. Berlin 1995. XXIV,476 S.

Lichtenthaler, Rüdiger N. [Prof.]
(u.a.) Excess enthalpy H^{E} of binary mixtures containing alkanes, ethanol and ethyl-tert. butyl ether. In: Ber.Bunsenges.Phys.Chem. 99 (1995) 1123--1130
(u.a.) Excess enthalpies of (heptane + ethyl 1,1-dimethylethyl ether + ethanol) at the temperatures 298.15 K and 313.15 K and atmospheric pressure. In: J.Chem.Thermodynam. 27 (1995) 1017--1023
(u.a.) Pervaporation and vapor permeation at the azeotropic point or in the vicinity of the LLE boundary phases of organic/aqueous mixtures. In: J.Membrane Sci. 107 (1995) 277--282
(u.a.) The influence of branching on high-pressure vapor-liquid equilibria in systems of ethylene and polyethylene. In: J. of Supercritical Fluids 8 (1995) 282--286
(mit Y.Cen) Vapor permeation. In: Membrane Separations Technology. Ed. by R.D.Noble and S.A.Stern. Amsterdam 1995, S. 85--112
(u.a.) Removal of organic compounds from water with a ``high flux/low selectivity''-membrane or a ``low flux/high selectivity''-membrane. In: Proc. of the 7th Internat. Conf. on Pervaporation in the Chemical Industry. Ed. by R.Bakish. Englewood, NJ 1995, S. 2--14
(mit C.Staudt-Bickel) Removal of water by pervaporation in the synthesis of MIBK: Ebda S. 249--261

Ludwig, Horst [Prof.]
(u.a.) Ultra-high pressure decontamination of insect biocontrol preparations. In: Biocontrol Science and Technology 5 (1995) 243--246
(mit B.Sojka) Pressure-induced germination and inactivation of Bacillus subtilis spores. In: Drugs Made in Germany 38 (1995) 95--98
(u.a.) L-fucose residues on cellulose-based dialysis membranes : quantification of membrane-associated L-fucose and analysis of specific lectin binding. In: Glycoconjugate J. 12 (1995) 632--638
(mit B.Sojka) Pressure sensitivity of Bacillus subtilis spores that survived previous high pressure treatments. In: Pharm.Ind. 57 (1995) 251--252
(u.a.) Pressure effects on the stability of lipoxygenase : Fourier transform-infrared spectroscopy and enzyme activity studies. In: Zs.Lebensm.Unters.Forsch. 201 (1995) 562--565

Meyer, Hans-Dieter [Priv.Doz.]
(u.a.) Electron correlation effects in target molecule in low-energy e^{-} + N_{2} scattering. In: Internat.J.Quant.Chem. 55 (1995) 291--297
(mit A.Jäckle) Reactive scattering using the multiconfiguration time-dependent Hartree approximation : general aspects and application to the collinear H+H_{2} \rightarrow H_{2}+H reaction. In: J.Chem.Phys. 102 (1995) 5605--5615
(mit U.V.Riss) Reflection-free complex absorbing potentials. In: J.Phys. B 28 (1995) 1475--1493
(mit H.Kutz) Rotational excitation of N_{2} and Cl_{2} molecules by electron impact in the energy range 0.01--1000 eV : investigation of excitation mechanisms. In: Phys.Rev. A 51 (1995) 3819--1830

Opitz, Günter [em.Prof.]
(u.a.) Cyclopentadiene, methylcyclopentadiene and 1,2,3,4-tetraphenylcyclopentadiene used as sulfene scavengers : [4+2] cycloaddition reactions and sulfonylations. In: Liebigs Ann. 1995, S. 2137--2149
(u.a.) [4+2] cycloadditions of 1,2,3,4,5-pentamethylcyclopentadiene and 1,3-diphenylbenzo[c]furan with sulfenes: Ebda S. 2151--2163

Pritzkow, Hans [Akad.Rat]
(u.a.) Neuartige Alkalimetallphosphanid-Aggregate. In: Angew.Chem. 107 (1995) 354--356
(u.a.) Ein \mu-\eta^{6}:\eta^{6}-1,3,5-Triboratabenzolbis(cyclopentadienylcobalt)-Tripeldeckerkomplex: Ebda S. 748--749
(u.a.) Dicobalt- und Diplatin-Komplexe von Diborylcarbenen: Ebda S. 1194--1196
(u.a.) Diphosphanyl- und Diarsanyl-substituierte Carben-Homologe : German-, Stannan- und Plumbandiyle mit bemerkenswerten elektronischen Eigenschaften: Ebda S. 1746--1749
(u.a.) Darstellung und Komplexierung von 1,4-Dimethyl-2,3-bis(isopropyliden)-1,4-diboratetralin. In: Chem.Ber. 128 (1995) 183--185
(u.a.) (C_{5}H_{5})Co-induced head-head coupling of dimethylfulvene : formation, molecular structure and electrochemistry of (1,1,2,2-tetramethyl-1,2-ethanediyl)bis(cobaltocene): Ebda S. 317--320
(u.a.) Organotransition-metal metallacarboranes. XXXVII: Paramagnetic iron-cobalt and dicobalt triple-decker sandwich complexes. In: Inorg.Chem. 34 (1995) 2058--2067
(u.a.) First structural characterization of silicon-arsenic and silicon-phosphorus multiple bonds in silylated silylidene-arsanes and -phosphanes. In: J.Chem.Soc.Chem.Comm. 1995, S. 253--254
(u.a.) Hexanuclear copper arylselenolate : synthesis, structure and proposal for its rearrangement: Ebda S. 1011
(u.a.) C-H bond activation of simple alkenes with cyclopentadienylcobalt fragments : preparation and structure of tri- and tetra-cobalt cycloalkine cluster complexes: Ebda S. 1447--1448
(u.a.) Electrophilic reactivity of arene carbonyl cluster complexes with Ru_{6}C core : crystal and molecular structure of (Ru_{6}C(CO)_{14})(C_{6}H_{4}Ph_{2}-1,4). In: J.Chem.Soc.Dalton Trans. 1995, 1061--1062
(u.a.) Synthese, Struktur und Eigenschaften neuer Übergangsmetallkomplexe des 9,10-Dihydro-9,10-dimethyl-9,10-diboraanthracens. In: J.Organomet.Chem. 487 (1995) 235--243
(u.a.) Teil- und perfluorierte Thioketone und Thioaldehyde : chemische Speicherung, in-situ-Freisetzung und ungewöhnliche 1,3-dipolarophile Reaktivität gegenüber Bis(trimethylstannyl)diazomethan und C,N-Bis(triisopropylsilyl)nitrilimin. In: Liebigs Ann. 1995, S. 95--104
(u.a.) Synthesis and reaction behavior of the novel mono(\sigma-alkynyl)titanocene chloride [(\eta^{5}-C_{5}H_{2}SiMe_{3})SiMe_{2}]_{2}Ti(Cl)(C \equiv CSiMe_{3}). In: Organometallics 14 (1995) 1850--1854
(u.a.) Hybrid diborolyl/tricarbadecaboranyl triple-deckers : (\eta^{5}-cyclopentadienyl)cobalt-(\mu-\eta^{5}-1,3-diborolyl)metal-(\eta^{6}- and \eta^{4}-tricarbadecaboranyl) complexes (M = Fe,Co,Ni): Ebda S. 1911--1919
(u.a.) Synthesis of one-sided sterically congested cyclic diynes. In: Tetrahedron Letters 36 (1995) 4603--4606
(u.a.) Synthese und Strukturen von 9,10-Dihydro-9,10-diboraanthracen-Derivaten. In: Zs.Naturforsch. 50 b (1995) 1476--1484

Quadbeck-Seeger, Hans-Jürgen [Prof.]
Die Bedeutung von Innovationen für den internationalen Wettbewerb. Bonn 1995. 44 S.
Biotechnologie : Chancen der industriellen Nutzung -- werden sie in Deutschland wahrgenommen? In: Deutschland : Technologiestandort mit Zukunft? Hrsg.: Berliner Bank AG. Berlin 1995, S. 16--23
Technologiemanagement in der chemischen Industrie. In: Handbuch Technologiemanagement. Hrsg. von E.Zahn. Stuttgart 1995, S. 807--821
Chemie für die Zukunft : Innovationen im internationalen Wettbewerb. In: Nachr.Chem.Techn.Lab. 43 (1995) 851--854
Chemie für die Zukunft : Innovationen im internationalen Wettbewerb. In: Wissenschaft in der globalen Herausforderung. Hrsg. von H.Markl u.a. (Verh. der Ges. Dt. Naturforscher und Ärzte ; 118). Stuttgart 1995, S. 195--215

Schilling, Gerhard [Akad.Oberrat]
(u.a.) Syntheses and conformations of persubstituted inverse calixarenes. In: Liebigs Ann. 1995, S. 1401--1408
(u.a.) Isomeric triluteolins from Bartramia stricta and Bartramia pomiformis. In: Phytochemistry 40 (1995) 1531--1536

Schirmer, Jochen [Prof.]
(u.a.) Dynamic effects in the C1s excitation spectra of ethene isotopomers. In: Chem.Phys.Lett. 246 (1995) 347--352
(mit A.B.Trofimov) An efficient polarization propagator approach to valence electron excitation spectra. In: J.Phys. B 28 (1995) 2299--2324

Schramm, Bernhard [Prof.]
(u.a.) Refractive indices for volatile anesthetic gases : equipment and method for calibrating vaporizers and monitors. In: J. of Clinical Monitoring 11 (1995) 168--174

Sick, Volker [Akad.Rat]
(u.a.) A laser-induced fluorescence scheme for imaging nitric oxide in engines. In: Chem.Phys.Lett. 242 (1995) 259--264
(u.a.) 2D-laser temperature and NO concentration measurements in a domestic natural gas burner. In: 3rd Internat. Conf. on Cumbustion Technologies for a Clean Environment. [Ed.:] M.G.Carvalho et al. Lisbon 1995, S. 71--77
(mit M.Szabadi) Einstein coefficients for oxygen B-X transitions used in LIF experiments with tunable KrF excimer lasers. In: J.Quant.Spectrosc.Radiat.Transfer 54 (1995) 891--898
(u.a.) Nutzung der 2D-Laser-Induzierten Fluoreszenz in der motorischen Verbrennung. In: Motorische Verbrennung : aktuelle Probleme und moderne Meßverfahren. Hrsg. von A.Leipertz (Ber. zur Energie- und Verfahrenstechnik ; 95.2). Erlangen 1995, S. 196--205
(u.a.) Detection of methyl radicals in a flat flame by degenerate four-wave mixing. In: Optics Letters 20 (1995) 2036--2038
(u.a.) Non-intrusive temperature measurements during the compression phase of a DI Diesel engine. In: SAE Technical Paper Series 952461 (1995) 113--118
(u.a.) Quantitative two-dimensional measurements of nitric oxide and temperature distributions in a transparent SI engine: Ebda 952462 (1995) 119--127
(mit B.Cousyn) Diagnostics in Diesel and SI Engines. Warrendale 1995 (SAE SP ; 1122)

Siebert, Walter [Prof.]
(u.a.) Ein \mu-\eta^{6}:\eta^{6}-1,3,5-Triboratabenzolbis(cyclopentadienylcobalt)-Tripeldeckerkomplex. In: Angew.Chem. 107 (1995) 748--749
(u.a.) Dicobalt- und Diplatin-Komplexe von Diborylcarbenen: Ebda S. 1194--1196
(u.a.) Darstellung und Komplexierung von 1,4-Dimethyl-2,3-bis(isopropyliden)-1,4-diboratetralin. In: Chem.Ber. 128 (1995) 183--185
(u.a.) Organotransition-metal metallacarboranes. XXXVII: Paramagnetic iron-cobalt and dicobalt triple-decker sandwich complexes. In: Inorg.Chem. 34 (1995) 2058--2067
(u.a.) Electronic structure and bonding of some oligodecker sandwich complexes. In: J.Inorg.Chem. [China] 11 (1995) 337--350
(u.a.) Synthese, Struktur und Eigenschaften neuer Übergangsmetallkomplexe des 9,10-Dihydro-9,10-dimethyl-9,10-diboraanthracens. In: J.Organomet.Chem. 487 (1995) 235--243
(u.a.) Hybrid diborolyl/tricarbadecaboranyl triple-deckers : (\eta^{5}-cyclopentadienyl)cobalt-(\mu-\eta^{5}-1,3-diborolyl)metal-(\eta^{6}- and \eta^{4}-tricarbadecaboranyl) complexes (M = Fe,Co,Ni). In: Organometallics 14 (1995) 1911--1919
(u.a.) Synthese und Strukturen von 9,10-Dihydro-9,10-diboraanthracen-Derivaten. In: Zs.Naturforsch. 50 b (1995) 1476--1484

Staab, Heinz A. [Prof.]
(u.a.) p...p interactions of flavins.V: Syntheses, structures and physical properties of flavin systems with covalent bonding to p donors and p acceptors (quinones). In: Liebigs Ann. 1996, S. 1827--1836
(u.a.) Synthesis, structure and proton sponge properties of 1,12-bis(dimethylamino)-benzo[c]phenanthrene. In: Tetrahedron Letters 36 (1995) 2967--2970

Strunz, Werner [Akad.Rat]
(u.a.) Investigation of Fermi surfaces and effective masses of the organic superconductors (BEDO-TTF)_{2}ReO_{4}(H_{2}O) and ... In: Acta Physica Polonica A 87 (1995) 749 ff.
(u.a.) Investigations of Fermi surfaces and cyclotron effective masses of organic superconductors by Shubnikov-de Haas ... In: Synthetic Metals 70 (1995) 857 ff.

Sundermeyer, Wolfgang [em.Prof.]
(u.a.) Teil- und perfluorierte Thioketone und Thioaldehyde : chemische Speicherung, in-situ-Freisetzung und ungewöhnliche 1,3-dipolarophile Reaktivität gegenüber Bis(trimethylstannyl)diazomethan und C,N-Bis(triisopropylsilyl)nitrilimin. In: Liebigs Ann. 1995, S. 95--104

Tauscher, Bernhard [Priv.Doz.]
Pasteurisierung von Lebensmitteln mit hydrostatischem Hochdruck. In: AID-Verbraucherdienst 40 (1995) 51--57
(u.a.) Isolation and characterization of a flocculating protein from Moringa oleifera Lam. In: Biochim.Biophys.Acta 1243 (1995) 477--481
(u.a.) Ultra-high pressure decontamination of insect biocontrol preparations. In: Biocontrol Science and Technology 5 (1995) 243--246
Geschmack : das wesentliche sensorische Qualitätsmerkmal pflanzlicher Nahrungsmittel. In: Geschmacksstoffe in pflanzlichen Nahrungsmitteln. Hrsg.: Dt. Ges. für Qualitätsforsch. München 1995, S. 9--23
(mit P.Butz) Inactivation of fruit fly eggs by high pressure treatment. In: J.Food Proc.Preserv. 19 (1995) 161--164
Pasteurization of food by hydrostatic high pressure : chemical aspects. In: Zs.Lebensm.Unters.Forsch. 200 (1995) 3--13
(u.a.) Pressure effects on the stability of lipoxygenase : Fourier transform-infrared spectroscopy and enzyme activity studies: Ebda 201 (1995) 562--565

Warnatz, Jürgen [Prof.]
Basic Chemistry of High Temperature Gas Dynamics. Pasadena 1995. 37 S. (Karman Inst. of Fluid Dynamics Lecture Series ; 1995-04)
Modeling and simulation of reacting flows including detailed chemical reaction. In: Computational Fluid Dynamics Review 1995. Ed. by M.Hafez and K.Oshima. Chichester 1995, S. 715--730
(u.a.) Parallel simulation of reacting flows using detailed chemistry. In: High-Performance Computing and Networking. Ed. by W.Gentzsch and U.Harms (Lecture Notes in Computer Science ; 796). Berlin 1995, S. 125--130
(u.a.) Modeling of nitrogen and oxygen recombination on partial catalytic surfaces. In: J. Heat Transfer 117 (1995) 495--501
(u.a.) Simulation and sensitivity analysis of the heterogeneous oxidation of methane on a platinum foil. In: J.Vac.Sci.Technol. A 13 (1995) 1373--1377
Modeling and simulation of combustion processes and other reactive flows. In: Proc. of the Chinese and German Environmental Protection Technology Symp. Taipeh 1995, S. 17--24
(u.a.) Modeling of surface reactions in hypersonic re-entry flow fields. In: Proc. of the 2nd Eur. Symp. on Aerothermodynamics for Space Vehicles (ESA SP ; 367). Paris 1995, S. 305--310
(u.a.) Detection of hot spots in the end gas of an internal combustion engine using two-dimensional LIF of formaldehyde. In: 25th Symposium (International) on Combustion. Ed.: Combustion Inst. Pittsburgh 1994 [ersch. 1995], S. 135--141
(u.a.) PDF-Simulation turbulenter Flammen unter Verwendung automatisch reduzierter Reaktionsmechanismen. In: VDI-Ber. 1193 (1995) 203--210
Physikalische Grenzen der Reduktion von Verbrennungs-Schadstoffen: Ebda 1205 (1995) 1--13
(u.a.) Experimental and modeling studies on the ignition of CH_{3}OH/O_{2}-mixtures with a CO_{2}-laser system. In: Zs.Phys.Chem. 188 (1995) 177--196

Wöll, Christof [Priv.Doz.]
(u.a.) Diamond nucleation by seeding from the gas phase. In: Appl.Phys.Lett. 67 (1995) 3898--3900
(u.a.) The presence of two different sulfur species in self-assembled films of n-alkanethiols on Au and Ag surfaces. In: Chem.Phys.Lett. 283 (1995) 308--312
(mit G.Witte) External vibrations of hydrocarbons on Cu(100). In: J.Chem.Phys. 103 (1995) 5860--5863
(u.a.) A NEXAFS and XPS study on the film properties of self-assembled monolayers of organosilanes on oxidized Si(100). In: Langmuir 11 (1995) 512--518
(u.a.) Substrate effects on the structure of Langmuir-Blodgett-monolayers of Cd arachidate using X-ray absorption spectroscopy: Ebda S. 696--698
(u.a.) Plasma functionalization and reorientation of macromolecules at polymer surfaces. In: Surf.Coat.Technol. 74-75 (1995) 664--669
(u.a.) Comparison of surface phonon dispersion for the clean and hydrogen covered Rh(111) surface. In: Surf.Sci. 323 (1995) 228--240
(u.a.) Growth of pyromellitic dianhydride on an amino-terminated surface: Ebda 334 (1995) 235--247
(u.a.) Evidence for absorption-induced distortions of planar molecules from polarized X-ray absorption spectroscopy: Ebda 341 (1995) L 1055--L 1060

Wolf, Gerhard K. [Prof.]
(u.a.) A new device for the ion beam assisted treatment of powder. In: Ion Implantation Technology 94. Ed. by S.Coffa et al. Amsterdam 1995, S. 563--566
Korrosionsschutz durch Ionenstrahltechniken. In: Korrosion verstehen -- Korrosionsschäden vermeiden. Hrsg. von H.Gräfen und A.Rahmel. Bonn 1994 [ersch. 1995], S. 633--654
(u.a.) Hardness and corrosion resistance of single-phase nitride and carbide on iron. In: Mat.Sci.Engin. A 199 (1995) 205--210
(mit R.Emmerich) Surface treatments for corrosion protection. In: Materials and Processes for Surface and Interface Engineering. Ed. by Y.Paleau (NATO ASI Series ; E 290). Dordrecht 1995, S. 565--596
Plasma surface engineering '96. In: Metalloberfläche 49 (1995) 728--730
(u.a.) SiO_{2} coatings produced by ion beam assisted ECR-plasma CVD. In: Surf.Coat.Technol. 74/75 (1995) 292--296
(u.a.) Characterization of cubic boron nitride films prepared by ion beam assisted deposition: Ebda S. 729--733
(u.a.) Effect of deposition conditions on the growth and behaviour of thin carbon films prepared by ion assisted evaporation: Ebda S. 746--753
(u.a.) Ion-beam-assisted deposition of aluminium and aluminium alloy coatings for corrosion protection: Ebda S. 959--965
(u.a.) Lateral thickness inhomogeneities of Cu, Ti, and Ag ion-beam-assisted deposition coatings on 3-dimensional substrates studied by proton induced X-ray emission: Ebda S. 966--972
(u.a.) On the influence of ion induced surface modification on localized corrosion of aluminium: Ebda S. 1043--1047
(u.a.) Teilchenstrahlgestützte Verfahren. In: Vakuumbeschichtung 2. Hrsg. von G.Kienel und K.Röll. Düsseldorf 1995, S. 219--260
(mit R.Grün) Plasmabehandlungsmethoden: Ebda S. 321--352
(u.a.) PSE 1994, Garmisch-Partenkirchen 1994. Amsterdam 1995. XIV,1065 S.

Wolff, Hans [em.Prof.]
(u.a.) The association of normal and tertiary butylamine in mixtures with n-hexane according to isothermal vapour pressure measurements. In: Fluid Phase Equilibria 109 (1995) 245--263

Wolfrum, Jürgen [Prof.]
(u.a.) An all solid state flow cytometer for the detection of fluorescence labelled microspheres. In: Analyt.Chem. 67 (1995) 2666--2671
(u.a.) Polarization-spectroscopic measurement and spectral simulation of OH(A^{2}\Sigma-\xi^{2}\pi) and NH(A^{3}-\xi^{3}\Sigma) transitions in atmospheric pressure flames. In: Appl.Phys. B 61 (1995) 421--427
(u.a.) Thermal grating effects in infrared degenerate four-wave mixing for trace gas detection. In: Chem.Phys.Lett. 233 (1995) 525--532
(u.a.) Absolute rate constants, reactive cross-sections and isotopic branching ratio for the reaction of O({}^{1}D) with HD: Ebda 236 (1995) 343--349
(u.a.) A laser-induced fluorescence scheme for imaging nitric oxide in engines: Ebda 242 (1995) 259--264
(u.a.) Kinetic investigation of the reactions of NCO radicals with alkanes in the temperature range 294 to 1113 K. In: Combustion and Flame 99 (1994, ersch. 1995) 491--498
(u.a.) An experimental and modeling study of the selective noncatalytic reduction of NO by ammonia in the presence of hydrocarbons: Ebda S. 660--668
Mathematical modelling and high speed imaging of technical combustion processes. In: High-Speed Photography and Photonics. Ed. by U.Kim u.a. (Proc. SPIE ; 2513). Bellingham, Wash. 1995, S. 426--439
(u.a.) 2D-laser temperature and NO concentration measurements in a domestic natural gas burner. In: 3rd Internat. Conf. on Cumbustion Technologies for a Clean Environment. [Ed.:] M.G.Carvalho et al. Lisbon 1995, S. 71--77
(u.a.) New fluorescent dyes in the red region for biodiagnostics. In: J. of Fluorescence 5 (1995) 247--261
(u.a.) Polarization spectroscopic measurement of the NH (A^{3}\Pi - X^{3}\Sigma) transition in an ammonia/oxygen flame. In: J.Molec.Struct. 349 (1995) 285--288
(u.a.) Production and characterization of noble metal clusters by laser ablation. In: J.Phys.Chem. 99 (1995) 12413--12421
(u.a.) Nutzung der 2D-Laser-Induzierten Fluoreszenz in der motorischen Verbrennung. In: Motorische Verbrennung : aktuelle Probleme und moderne Meßverfahren. Hrsg. von A.Leipertz (Ber. zur Energie- und Verfahrenstechnik ; 95.2). Erlangen 1995, S. 196--205
(u.a.) Non-intrusive temperature measurements during the compression phase of a DI Diesel engine. In: SAE Technical Paper Series 952461 (1995) 113--118
(u.a.) Quantitative two-dimensional measurements of nitric oxide and temperature distributions in a transparent SI engine: Ebda 952462 (1995) 119--127
(u.a.) Simultaneous 2D-single-shot imaging of OH concentrations and temperature fields in an Si engine simulator. In: 25th Symp. on Combustion. Pittsburgh 1994 [ersch. 1995], S. 143--150
(u.a.) IR-Spektroskopie zum in-situ-Nachweis von Sauerstoff und der Bestimmung der Temperatur in Rostfeuerungsanlagen. In: VDI-Ber. 1193 (1995) 349--356
(u.a.) Experimental and modeling studies on the ignition of CH_{3}OH/O_{2}-mixtures with a CO_{2}-laser system. In: Zs.Phys.Chem. 188 (1995) 177--196
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