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Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg


Bartsch, Thomas [Priv.Doz.]
Critical Point Theory for Asymptotically Quadratic Functionals and Applications to Problems with Resonance. Heidelberg 1995. 28 S. (Topologie und nichtkommutative Geometrie ; 110)
(mit Z.Q.Wang) Existence and multiplicity results for some superlinear elliptic problems on $R^{n}. In: Communications in Partial Differential Equations 20 (1995) 1725--1741

Behrendt, Frank [Akad.Rat]
(u.a.) Simulation and sensitivity analysis of the heterogeneous oxidation of methane on a platinum foil. In: J.Vac.Sci.Technol. A 13 (1995) 1373--1377
(u.a.) Fluorescence imaging technique applied to high temperature catalysis. In: Laser Techniques for Surface Science II. Ed. by J.M.Hicks et al. (SPIE Proc. Ser. ; 2547). San Diego 1995, S. 51--59

Busam, Rolf [Akad.Oberrat]
(mit E.Freitag) Funktionentheorie. 2., erw. Aufl. Berlin 1995. XVII,533 S.

Cuntz, Joachim [Prof.]
Excision in Periodic Cyclic Theory for Topological Algebras. Heidelberg 1995. 12 S.
(mit D.Quillen) Operators on noncommutative differential forms and cyclic homology. In: Geometry, Topology and Physics. For Raoul Bott. Ed. by S.-T.Yau. Boston 1995, S. 77--111
(mit D.Quillen) Algebra extensions and nonsingularity. In: J.Am.Math.Soc. 8 (1995) 251--289
(mit D.Quillen) Cyclic homology and nonsingularity: Ebda S. 373--441

Dahlhaus, Rainer [Prof.]
Efficient location and regression estimation for long range dependent regression models. In: Ann. of Statistics 23 (1995) 1029--1047

Dold, Albrecht [Prof.]
Lectures on Algebraic Topology. Repr. Berlin 1995. XIV,378 S.
Lecture Notes in Mathematics. Vol. 1598--1617. Berlin 1995

Ehm, Werner [Priv.Doz.]
(u.a.) Power robustification of approximately linear tests. In: J. of the American Statist. Ass. 90 (1995) 1025--1033

Freitag, Eberhard [Prof.]
(mit R.Busam) Funktionentheorie. 2., erw. Aufl. Berlin 1995. XVII,533 S.

Henn, Hans-Werner [Priv.Doz.]
(mit J.Carlson) Depth and the cohomology of wreath products. In: Manuscripta Mathematica 87 (1995) 145--151
(u.a.) Localizations of unstable A-modules and equivariant mod p cohomology. In: Math.Ann. 301 (1995) 23--68

Hiß, Gerhard [Priv.Doz.]
(mit A.Szczepanski) Holonomy groups of Bieberbach groups with finite outer automorphism groups. In: Arch.Math. 65 (1995) 8--14
(mit J.Müller) The 5-modular characters of the sporadic simple Rudvalis group and its covering group. In: Commun.Algebra 23 (1995) 4633--4667
(u.a.) Autoequivalence of blocks and a conjecture of Zassenhaus. In: J.Pure Appl.Algebra 103 (1995) 23--43
(u.a.) The 2-modular decomposition matrices of the non-principal blocks of maximal defect of the triple cover of the sporadic simple McLaughlin group. In: J.Symbolic Computation 19 (1995) 585--600
(u.a.) The Brauer trees of the exceptional Chevally groups of type E_{6}. In: Manuscripta Mathematica 87 (1995) 131--144

Janko, Zvonimir [Prof.]
On symmetric designs with parameters (176,50,14). In: J. of Combinatorial Theory A 72 (1995) 310--314

Klingenberg, Christian [Priv.Doz.]
(mit N.Risebro) Convex conservation laws with discontinuous coefficients : existence, uniqueness and asymptotic behaviour. In: Comm.Part.Diff.Equat. 20 (1995) 1959--1990

Kohnen, Winfried [Prof.]
A remark on symplectic matrices. In: Abh.Math.Sem.Univ.Hamburg 63 (1995) 239--242
(u.a.) Characteristic twists of a Dirichlet series for Siegel cusp forms. In: Manuscripta Mathematica 87 (1995) 489--499

Leinert, Michael [Prof.]
Integration und Maß. Braunschweig 1995. XII,208 S.

Mammen, Enno [Prof.]
(mit A.B.Tsybakov) Asymptotical minimax recovery of sets with smooth boundaries. In: Ann.Statist. 23 (1995) 502--524
(u.a.) Power robustification of approximately linear tests. In: J. of the American Statist. Ass. 90 (1995) 1025--1033
On qualitative smoothness in kernel density estimates. In: Statistics 26 (1995) 253--267

Matzat, B. Heinrich [Prof.]
Parametric solutions of embedding problems. In: Contemporary Mathematics 186 (1995) 33--50

Müller, Dietrich Werner [Prof.]
A backward-induction algorithm for computing the best convex contrast of two bivariate samples. In: Beitr. zur Statistik 29 (1995) 1--13
(u.a.) Power robustification of approximately linear tests. In: J. of the American Statist. Ass. 90 (1995) 1025--1033

Müller, Gert Heinz [em.Prof.]
L'immanenza nelle scienze e le vie verso la trascendenza. In: Interpretazioni attuali dell'uomo : filosofia, scienza, religione. Ed.: E.Agazzi. Napoli 1995, S. 257--279

Puppe, Dieter [Prof.]
(mit M.Clapp) Critical Point Theory of Symmetric Functions and Closed Geodesics.Heidelberg 1995. 36 S. (Topologie und nichtkommutative Geometrie ; 124)

Reinelt, Gerhard [Prof.]
(u.a.) Practical problem solving with cutting plane algorithms in combinatorial optimization. In: Combinatorial Optimiziation. Ed. by W.Cook et al. (DIMACS Series in Discrete Mathematics and Theroretical Computer Science ; 20). Providence, RI 1995, S. 111--152
(u.a.) Exact ground states of ising spin glasses : new experimental results with a branch and cut algorithm. In: J.Statist.Phys. 80 (1995) 487--496
Kombinatorische Optimierung und VLSI-Entwurf. In: Mathematik in der Praxis. Hrsg. von A Bachem u.a. Berlin 1995, S. 237--260
(u.a.) The traveling salesman problem. In: Network Models. Ed. by M.O.Ball et al. (Handbooks in Operations Research and Management Sciences ; 7). Amsterdam 1995, S. 225--330
(mit T.Christof) Parallel cutting plane generation for the TSP. In: Parallel Programming and Applications. Ed. by P.Fritzson and L.Finmo. Amsterdam 1995, S. 163--169

Riede, Adolf [Akad.Oberrat]
Teaching mathematics to biologists : some general aspects and modelling examples. In: Advances and Perspectives in the Teaching of Mathematical Modelling and Applications. Ed. by C.Sloyer et al. Newark, DE 1995, S. 301--309

Tomi, Friedrich [Prof.]
(mit A.J.Tromba) The Index Theorem for Minimal Surfaces of Higher Genus. Providence, RI 1995. 78 S. (Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society ; Vol. 117, Nr. 560)
(mit J.Ripoll) Maximum principles for minimal surfaces in $R^{3} having noncompact boundary and a uniqueness theorem for the helicoid. In: Manuscripta Mathematica 87 (1995) 417--434

Waldenfels, Wilhelm Frhr. von [Prof.]
(u.a.) Analytical solution of the non-discretized radiative transfer equation for a slab of finite optical depth. In: J.Quant.Spectrosc.Radiat.Transfer 53 (1995) 59--74
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