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Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg

Fakultät für Physik und Astronomie

Appenzeller, Immo [Prof.]
(u.a.) Optical identification of ROSAT X-ray sources at the Guillermo Haro Obervatory. In: Rev. Mexicana Astron.Astrof. 26 (1993) 98--99
Die Suche nach der unbekannten Materie. In: Vom Urknall zum komplexen Universum. Hrsg. von G.Börner u.a. (Veröff. der Carl-Friedr.-v.-Siemens-Stiftung ; 6 -- Serie Piper ; 1850). München 1993, S. 109--153

Baschek, Bodo [Prof.]
(u.a.) Line formation in accretion disks. In: Cataclysmic Variables and Related Physics. Ed. by O.Regev and G.Shaviv (Annals of the Israel Physical Soc. ; 10). Bristol 1993, S. 176--179
(u.a.) New abundance analyses of B-type giants in the Magellanic Clouds. In: New Aspects of Magellanic Cloud Research. Ed. by B.Baschek et al. Berlin 1993, S. 337--339
(mit R.Wehrse) Billiardenmal heller als die Sonne. In: Ruperto Carola 1993, Nr. 1, S. 10--15
(u.a.) New Aspects of Magellanic Cloud Research. Berlin 1993. XIII,404 S. [darin S. 1--4: Introduction ]

Bender, Iring [Prof.]
(u.a.) Lattice fermions at non-zero temperature and chemical potential. In: Zs.Phys. 58 C (1993) 333--337

Bernreuther, Werner [Prof.]
(u.a.) The CP-violating electric and weak dipole moments of the tau lepton from treshold to 500 GeV. In: Phys.Rev. 48 D (1993) 78--88
(mit A.Brandenburg) Signatures of Higgs sector CP violation in top quark pair production at proton-proton supercolliders. In: Physics Letters 314 B (1993) 104 ff.

Bille, Josef [Prof.]
(u.a.) Quantitative Beschreibung der 3-dimensionalen Struktur des Zytoskeletts. In: Mustererkennung 1993. Hrsg. von S.J.Pöppl u.a. Berlin 1993, S. 222--227
(mit M.H.Niemz) Laser in der Augenheilkunde. In: Physik in unserer Zeit 24 (1993) 109--116
(u.a.) Stereotaktische Laser-Neurochirurgie: Ebda S. 280--286

Bock, Peter [Prof.]
(u.a.) A study of K_{s}^{0} K_{s}^{0} Bose-Einstein correlations in hadronic Z^{0} decays. In: Physics Letters B 298 (1993) 456--468
(u.a.) Search for anomalous production of high mass photon pairs in e^{+}e^{-} collisions at LEP: Ebda B 301 (1993) 391--407
(u.a.) A study of electric charge distributions of quark and gluon jets in hadronic Z^{0} decays: Ebda B 302 (1993) 523--532
(u.a.) A measurement of K^{*+}(892) production in hadronic Z^{0} decays: Ebda B 305 (1993) 407--414
(u.a.) Evidence for chain-like production of strange baryon pairs in jets: Ebda S. 415--427
(u.a.) Measurement of the mass of the Z^{0} boson and the energy calibration of LEP: Ebda B 307 (1993) 187--193
(u.a.) Measurement of the B^{0} and B{+} lifetimes: Ebda S. 247--261
(u.a.) Measurement of the B_{s}^{0} lifetime: Ebda B 312 (1993) 501--510
(u.a.) Search for massive, unstable photinos that violate R parity: Ebda B 313 (1993) 333--340
(u.a.) A measurement of average lifetime of b-flavoured baryons: Ebda B 316 (1993) 435--447
(u.a.) QCD coherence studies using two particle azimuthal correlations. In: Zs.Phys. C 58 (1993) 207--217
(u.a.) Precision measurements of the neutral current from hadron and lepton production at LEP: Ebda S. 219--237
(u.a.) A study of difference between quark and gluon jets using vertex tagging of quark jets: Ebda S. 387--403
(u.a.) Studies of strong and electroweak interactions using final state photon emission in hadronic Z^{0} decays: Ebda S. 405--418
(u.a.) Measurement of \Gamma(Z^{0} \rightarrow b\bar{b})/\Gamma(Z^{0} \rightarrow hadrons) using leptons: Ebda S. 523--539
(u.a.) A determination of \alpha_{s}(M_{z}) at LEP using resummed QCD calculations: Ebda C 59 (1993) 1--19
(u.a.) Measurement of the \tau lifetime: Ebda S. 183--194
(u.a.) The forward-backward asymmetry of e^{+}e^{-} \rightarrow b\bar{b} and e^{+}e^{-} \rightarrow c\bar{c} using leptons in hadronic Z^{0} decays: Ebda C 60 (1993) 19--35
(u.a.) Measurement of B^{0}-\bar{B}^{0} mixing, \Gamma(Z^{0} \rightarrow b\bar{b})/\Gamma(Z^{0} \rightarrow hadrons) and semileptonic branching ratios for b-flavoured hadrons in hadronic Z^{0} decays: Ebda S. 199--216
(u.a.) Measurement of the average b hadron lifetime in Z^{0} decays: Ebda S. 217--228
(u.a.) A test of the flavour independence of the strong interaction for five flavours: Ebda S. 397--420
(u.a.) A measurement of \Gamma(Z^{0} \rightarrow b\bar{b})/\Gamma(Z^{0} \rightarrow hadrons) using an impact parameter technique: Ebda S. 579--592
(u.a.) A study of muon pair production and evidence for \tau pair production in photon-photon collisions at LEP: Ebda S. 593--600
(u.a.) A measurement of the forward-backward asymmetry of e^{+}e^{-} \rightarrow c\bar{c} and e^{+}e^{-} \rightarrow b\bar{b} at centre of mass energies on and near the Z^{0} peak using D^{*+-} mesons: Ebda S. 601--612

Bühring, Wolfgang [Prof.]
The characteristic exponent of second-order linear differential equations with two irregular singular points. In: Proc.Am.Math.Soc. 118 (1993) 801--812

Cremer, Christoph [Prof.]
(u.a.) Time-optimized analysis of slit-scan chromosome profiles on a general-purpose personal computer. In: Computer Applications in the Biosciences 9 (1993) 381--385
(u.a.) Aberrations in confocal fluorescence microscopy induced by mismatches in refractive index. In: J.Miscrosc. 169 (1993) 391--405
(u.a.) Differences of size and shape of active and inactive X-chromosome domains in human amniotic fluid cell nuclei. In: Microsc.Res.Techn. 25 (1993) 68--77
(u.a.) Identification and cytogenetic analysis of an abnormal pig chromosome for flow cytometry and sorting. In: Zs.Naturforsch. 48 c (1993) 645--653
(u.a.) Analyse von Strahlenschäden in menschlichen Metaphasechromosomen nach Fluoreszenz in situ Hybridisierung. In: Zytogenetische Methoden im Rahmen des Populationsmonitorings. Hrsg. von D.Arndt und G.Obe (bga-Schriften ; 93,3). München 1993, S. 27--32

Duschl, Wolfgang [Priv.Doz.]
Warum leuchten die Sterne? In: Abschied vom 20. Jahrhundert. Hrsg. von K.Kaever (Beck`sche Reihe ; 1000). München 1993, S. 252 ff.
(u.a.) Molecular clouds as tracers of the dynamics in the central region of the Galaxy. In: Astron.Astrophys. 269 (1993) 169--174
(u.a.) A rotating black hole in the Galactic center: Ebda 270 (1993) 102--106
(u.a.) Molecular clouds close to the Galactic center: Ebda 275 (1993) 153--157
(mit A.Bruch) Clues to the structure of the boundary layer in cataclysmic variables from observations of the flickering: Ebda S. 219--226
(u.a.) Accretion disks around T Tauri stars. IV: The star-disk boundary layer: Ebda S. 236--238
(u.a.) Our Galactic center : a laboratory for the feeding of AGNs? Ebda 280 (1993) 468--475
Physics and chemistry of protoplanetary accretion disks. In: The Chemistry of Life`s Origins. Ed. by J.M.Greenberg et al. Dordrecht 1993, S. 55--73
Akkretion und das Galaktische Zentrum. In: Sterne 69 (1993) 220--230

Ellwanger, Ulrich [Priv.Doz.]
(mit L.Vergara) Flow equations for the Higgs top system. In: Nucl.Phys. B 398 (1993) 52--68
(mit M.Lindner) Constraints on new physics from the Higgs and top masses. In: Physics Letters B 301 (1993) 365--371
Radiative corrections to the neutral Higgs spectrum in supersymmetry with a gauge singlet: Ebda B 303 (1993) 271--276
(u.a.) Particle spectrum in supersymmetric models with a gauge singlet: Ebda B 315 (1993) 331--337
Collective fields and flow equations. In: Zs.Phys. C 58 (1993) 619--628

Elsässer, Hans [Prof.]
(mit U.Klaas) A sample of optically faint infrared luminous galaxies. In: Astron.Astrophys. 280 (1993) 76--84
(mit H.J.Staude) Young bipolar nebulae. In: Astron.Astrophys.Rev. 5 (1993) 165--238
(mit U.Klaas) Identification and morphology of faint extragalactic IRAS-sources. In: Astron.Astrophys.Suppl.Ser. 99 (1993) 71--103
Interstellare Materie und Sternentstehung. In: Facetten der Astronomie. Hrsg. von H.Völk. Leipzig 1993, S. 50--60 [auch in: Astronomie und Raumfahrt 30 (1993) 4--7]
(u.a.) The Tautenburg ``Feldspinne''. In: Fiber Optics in Astronomy. Ed. by P.M.Gray (ASP Conference Series ; 37). San Francisco 1993, S. 166--169
Von der Frühgeschichte des Universums. In: Heidelberger Jb. 37 (1993) 31--44
Das Wachstum von Sternen und Galaxien. In: Nova Acta Leopoldina 69 (1993) 107--125

Fechtig, Hugo [Prof.]
(u.a.) CODAG-dust agglomeration experiment in micro-gravity. In: Adv.Space Res. 13, No. 7 (1993) 73--76
(u.a.) Discovery of jovian dust streams and interstellar grains by the Ulysses spacecraft. In: Nature 362 (1993) 428--430

Glässel, Peter [Prof.]
(u.a.) Performance of the multianode cylindrical silicon drift detector in the CERES NA45 experiment : first results. In: Nucl.Instr.Meth.Phys.Res. A 326 (1993) 273--278
(u.a.) Transverse energy measurements in proton-nucleus interactions at high energy. In: Zs.Phys. C 58 (1993) 239--249
(u.a.) Soft photon production in 450 GeV/cp-Be collisions: Ebda C 59 (1993) 547--553

Gromes, Dieter [Prof.]
Construction of Bethe salpeter wave functions and applications in QCD. In: Zs.Phys. C 57 (1993) 631--638

Hepp, Volker [Prof.]
(u.a.) Measurement of the b \rightarrow \tau^{-}\bar{\nu}_{\tau}X branching ratio. In: Physics Letters 298 B (1993) 479--491
(u.a.) Search for particles with unexpected mass and charge in Z decays: Ebda 303 B (1993) 198--208
(u.a.) Measurement of the bar{B}^{0} and B^{-} meson lifetimes: Ebda 307 B (1993) 194--208
(u.a.) Measurement of the strong coupling constant using \tau decays: Ebda S. 209--220
(u.a.) Search for high mass photon pairs in e^{+}e^{-} \rightarrow f\bar{f}\gamma\gamma (f = e, \mu, \tau, \nu, q) at LEP: Ebda 308 B (1993) 425--434
(u.a.) First measurement of the B_{S} meson mass: Ebda 311 B (1993) 425--436
(u.a.) Search for the standard model Higgs boson: Ebda 313 B (1993) 299--311
(u.a.) Search for a non-minimal Higgs boson produced in the reaction e^{+}e^{-} \rightarrow hZ^{*}: Ebda S. 312--325
(u.a.) Observation of the time dependence of B_{d}^{0}--\bar{B}_{d}^{0} mixing: Ebda S. 498--508
(u.a.) An experimental study of \gamma\gamma \rightarrow hadrons at LEP: Ebda S. 509--519
(u.a.) A direct measurement of the invisible width of the Z from single photon counting: Ebda S. 520--534
(u.a.) A precise measurement of \Gamma_{Z \rightarrow bb}/\Gamma_{Z \rightarrow hadrons}: Ebda S. 535--548
(u.a.) Measurement of the ratio \Gamma_{bb}/\Gamma_{had} using event shape variables: Ebda S. 549--563
(u.a.) Measurement of the b hadron lifetime with the dipole method: Ebda 314 B (1993) 459--470
(u.a.) Measurement of prompt photon production in hadronic Z decays. In: Zs.Phys. 57 C (1993) 17--35
(u.a.) Search for contact interactions in the reactions e^{+}e^{-} \rightarrow l^{+}l^{-} and e^{+}e^{-} \rightarrow \gamma\gamma: Ebda 59 C (1993) 215--229
(u.a.) Measurement of the tau polarisation at the Z resonance: Ebda S. 369--386
(u.a.) Update of electroweak parameters from Z decays: Ebda 60 C (1993) 71--81

Hoffmann, Karl Heinz [Prof.]
(u.a.) Linear-response theory for slowly relaxing systems. In: Europhys.Lett. 22 (1993) 565--570
(mit M.Christoph) Scaling behaviour of optimal simulated annealing schedules. In: J.Phys. A 26 (1993) 3267--3277

Hofmann, Werner [Prof.]
An experiment to study CP violation in the B system using an internal target at the HERA proton ring. In: Nucl.Instr.Meth.Phys.Res. A 333 (1993) 153--166
(u.a.) Observation of \Psi_{c}^{0} semileptonic decay. In: Physics Letters B 303 (1993) 368--376
(u.a.) A partial wave analysis of the decay D^{0} \rightarrow K_{S}^{0}\pi^{+}\pi^{-}: Ebda B 308 (1993) 435--443
(u.a.) A determination of two Michel parameters in purely leptonic tau decays: Ebda B 316 (1993) 608--614
(u.a.) Observation of a new charmed baryon: Ebda B 317 (1993) 227--232
(u.a.) A model-independent determination of the inclusive semileptonic decay fraction of B mesons: Ebda B 318 (1993) 397--404
(u.a.) Investigation of the decays \bar{B}^{0} \rightarrow D^{*+} \rightarrow l^{-} \bar{\nu} and \bar{B} \rightarrow D^{**} l^{-}\bar{\nu}. In: Zs.Phys. C 57 (1993) 533--540
(u.a.) Inclusive production of \eta' (958) and f_{0} (975) mesons in the \Y energy region: Ebda C 58 (1993) 199--206

Hüfner, Jörg [Prof.]
(u.a.) Colour screening, quark propagation in nuclear matter and the broadening of the momentum distribution of Drell-Yan pairs. In: Physics Letters 312 B (1993) 235--239

Hunklinger, Siegfried [Prof.]
(u.a.) Distribution of barrier heights in a-SiO_{2} and a-Se. In: J.Non-Cryst.Solids 164/166 (1993) 1183--1186
(u.a.) Brillouin scattering of vitreous silica under high pressure. In: Phonon Scattering in Condensed Matter VII. Ed. by M.Meissner and R.O.Pohl (Springer Series on Solid-State Sciences ; 112). Berlin 1993, S. 271--272
(u.a.) Surface acoustic waves : a new tool for thin film research and sensor technology: Ebda S. 448--450

Kinzelbach, Wolfgang [Prof.]
(u.a.) Modelling subsurface flow and transport. In: Modelling Change in Environmental Systems. Ed. by A.J.Jakeman et al. Chichester 1993, S. 133--161
(u.a.) Use of models in the design and monitoring of in situ remediation measures. In: Technologies for Environmental Cleanup : Soil and Groundwater. Ed. by Avogadro and R.C.Ragaini. Dordrecht 1993, S. 435--454

Kluge, Eike Erik [Prof.]
(u.a.) Measurement of the b \rightarrow \tau^{-}\bar{\nu}_{\tau}X branching ratio. In: Physics Letters 298 B (1993) 479--491
(u.a.) Search for particles with unexpected mass and charge in Z decays: Ebda 303 B (1993) 198--208
(u.a.) Measurement of the \bar{B}^{0} and B^{-} meson lifetimes: Ebda 307 B (1993) 194--208
(u.a.) Measurement of the strong coupling constant using \tau decays: Ebda S. 209--220
(u.a.) Search for high mass photon pairs in e^{+}e^{-} \rightarrow f\bar{f}\gamma\gamma (f = e, \mu, \tau, \nu, q) at LEP: Ebda 308 B (1993) 425--434
(u.a.) First measurement of the B_{S} meson mass: Ebda 311 B (1993) 425--436
(u.a.) Search for the standard model Higgs boson: Ebda 313 B (1993) 299--311
(u.a.) Search for a non-minimal Higgs boson produced in the reaction e^{+}e^{-} \rightarrow hZ^{*}: Ebda S. 312--325
(u.a.) Observation of the time dependence of B_{d}^{0}-\bar{B}_{d}^{0} mixing: Ebda S. 498--508
(u.a.) An experimental study of \gamma\gamma \rightarrow hadrons at LEP: Ebda S. 509--519
(u.a.) A direct measurement of the invisible width of the Z from single photon counting: Ebda S. 520--534
(u.a.) A precise measurement of \Gamma_{Z \rightarrow bb}/\Gamma_{Z \rightarrow hadrons}: Ebda S. 535--548
(u.a.) Measurement of the ratio \Gamma_{bb}/\Gamma_{had} using event shape variables: Ebda S. 549--563
(u.a.) Measurement of the b hadron lifetime with the dipole method: Ebda 314 B (1993) 459--470
(u.a.) Measurement of prompt photon production in hadronic Z decays. In: Zs.Phys. 57 C (1993) 17--35
(u.a.) Evidence for f_{2}(1720) production in the reaction pomeron-pomeron \rightarrow \pi^{+}\pi^{-}\pi^{+}\pi^{-}: Ebda 58 C (1993) 251--256
(u.a.) Search for contact interactions in the reactions e^{+}e^{-} \rightarrow l^{+}l^{-} and e^{+}e^{-} \rightarrow \gamma\gamma: Ebda 59 C (1993) 215--229
(u.a.) Measurement of the tau polarisation at the Z resonance: Ebda S. 369--386
(u.a.) Update of electroweak parameters from Z decays: Ebda 60 C (1993) 71--81

Lassen, Lars [Prof.]
(u.a.) Light-particle emission versus evaporation residue formation in collisions of {}^{40}Ar on {}^{nat}Ca at 30 MeV/u. In: Zs.Phys. A 347 (1993) 117--122

Lindner, Manfred [Priv.Doz.]
Top condensates as Higgs substitute. In: Internat. J. of Modern Physics : A 8 (1993) 2167--2239
(mit A.Blumhofer) Custodial SU(2) violation and the origin of fermion masses. In: Nucl.Phys. B 407 (1993) 173--190
(mit U.Ellwanger) Constraints on new physics from the Higgs and top masses. In: Physics Letters B 301 (1993) 365--371

Meier, Karlheinz [Prof.]
(u.a.) A search for leptoquarks, leptogluons and excited leptons in H1 at HERA. In: Nucl.Phys. 396 B (1993) 3--26
(u.a.) A search for new intermediate vector bosons and excited quarks decaying into two jets at the CERN proton antiproton collider: Ebda 400 B (1993) 3--24
(u.a.) Measurement of the proton structure function F2 in the low x region at HERA: Ebda 407 B (1993) 515--538
(u.a.) Measurement of the hadronic final state in deep inelastic scattering at HERA. In: Physics Letters 298 B (1993) 469--478
(u.a.) Measurement of the gluon structure function from direct photon data at the CERN proton antiproton collider: Ebda 299 B (1993) 174--182
(u.a.) Total photoproduction cross-section measurements at HERA energies: Ebda S. 374--384
(u.a.) Observation of deep inelastic scattering at low x: Ebda S. 385--393
(u.a.) Measurement of inclusive jet cross section at HERA: Ebda 314 B (1993) 436--444
Pipelines und Partonen. In: Ruperto Carola 1993, Nr. 3, S. 24--31

Münnich, Karl Otto [em.Prof.]
Beiträge der Umweltphysik zur Umweltforschung. In: Ökologie und Umwelt. Hrsg. von R.Zwilling und W.Fritsche. Heidelberg 1993, S. 71--88

Nachtmann, Otto [Prof.]
(u.a.) The CP-violating electric and weak dipole moments of the tau lepton from treshold to 500 GeV. In: Phys.Rev. 48 D (1993) 78--88
(u.a.) Spin effects and factorization in the Drell-Yan process. In: Zs.Phys. C 60 (1993) 697 ff.

Pelte, Dietrich [Prof.]
(u.a.) A highly-segmented \delta E-time-of-flight wall as forward detector of the 4\pi-system for charged particles at the SIS/FSR accelerator. In: Nucl.Instr.Meth.Phys.Res. A 324 (1993) 156--175
(u.a.) Entropy induction in the Au+Au reaction between 150 and 800 AMeV. In: Phys.Rev. C 48 (1993) 1232--1248
(u.a.) Velocity correlations of intermediate mass fragments produced in central collisions of Au+Au at 150 AMeV. In: Phys.Rev.Lett. 69 (1993) 156--158

Pirner, Hans Jürgen [Prof.]
(u.a.) Shadowing and antishadowing of the photon structure function of the hydrogen molecule. In: Phys.Rev. C 48 (1993) 877--889
(mit M.Kaluza) Hyperfine splitting in the light-cone Tamm-Dancoff equation of QED and QCD: Ebda D 47 (1993) 1620--1628
(u.a.) How does nuclear Fermi motion modify the gluon structure function and J/\psi-leptoproduction? In: Physics Letters B 307 (1993) 177--181
(u.a.) Chiral thermodynamics in the 1/N-expansion: Ebda B 311 (1993) 213--218
(u.a.) Scattering length expansion of the coupled channels \bar{p}p \rightarrow \bar{\Lambda}\Lambda and \bar{\Lambda}\Lambda \rightarrow \bar{\Lambda}\Lambda near the \Lambda production threshold. In: Zs.Phys. A 344 (1993) 317--323

Platt, Ulrich [Prof.]
Anthropogene und natürliche Spurengase in der Atmosphäre. In: Ökologie und Umwelt. Hrsg. von R.Zwilling und W.Fritsche. Heidelberg 1993, S. 89--102
Droht ein zweites Ozonloch? In: Ruperto Carola 1993, Nr. 2, S. 10--16

Povh, Bogdan [Prof.]
(u.a.) Subtreshold antiproton production in heavy ion collisions. In: Physica Scripta 48 (1993) 184--187
(u.a.) New method to polarize protons in a storage ring and implications to polarize antiprotons. In: Phys.Rev.Lett. 71 (1993) 1379--1382
(u.a.) Quark and gluon distributions and \alpha_{s} from nucleon structure functions at low \chi. In: Physics Letters B 309 (1993) 222--230
(u.a.) Teilchen und Kerne : eine Einführung in die physikalischen Konzepte. Berlin 1993. 316 S.

Putzer, Alois [Prof.]
(u.a.) Measurement of the b \rightarrow \tau^{-}\bar{\nu}_{\tau}X branching ratio. In: Physics Letters 298 B (1993) 479--491
(u.a.) Search for particles with unexpected mass and charge in Z decays: Ebda 303 B (1993) 198--208
(u.a.) Measurement of the \bar{B}^{0} and B^{-} meson lifetimes: Ebda 307 B (1993) 194--208
(u.a.) Measurement of the strong coupling constant using \tau decays: Ebda S. 209--220
(u.a.) Search for high mass photon pairs in e^{+}e^{-} \rightarrow f\bar{f}\gamma\gamma (f = e, \mu, \tau, \nu, q) at LEP: Ebda 308 B (1993) 425--434
(u.a.) First measurement of the B_{S} meson mass: Ebda 311 B (1993) 425--436
(u.a.) Search for the standard model Higgs boson: Ebda 313 B (1993) 299--311
(u.a.) Search for a non-minimal Higgs boson produced in the reaction e^{+}e^{-} \rightarrow hZ^{*}: Ebda S. 312--325
(u.a.) Observation of the time dependence of B_{d}^{0}-\bar{B}_{d}^{0} mixing: Ebda S. 498--508
(u.a.) An experimental study of \gamma\gamma \rightarrow hadrons at LEP: Ebda S. 509--519
(u.a.) A direct measurement of the invisible width of the Z from single photon counting: Ebda S. 520--534
(u.a.) A precise measurement of \Gamma_{Z \rightarrow bb}/\Gamma_{Z \rightarrow hadrons}: Ebda S. 535--548
(u.a.) Measurement of the ratio \Gamma_{bb}/\Gamma_{had} using event shape variables: Ebda S. 549--563
(u.a.) Measurement of the b hadron lifetime with the dipole method: Ebda 314 B (1993) 459--470
(u.a.) Measurement of prompt photon production in hadronic Z decays. In: Zs.Phys. 57 C (1993) 17--35
(u.a.) Evidence for f_{2}(1720) production in the reaction pomeron-pomeron \rightarrow \pi^{+}\pi^{-}\pi^{+}\pi{-}: Ebda 58 C (1993) 251--256
(u.a.) Search for contact interactions in the reactions \e^{+}e^{-} \rightarrow l^{+}l^{-} and e^{+}e^{-} \rightarrow \gamma\gamma: Ebda 59 C (1993) 215--229
(u.a.) Measurement of the tau polarisation at the Z resonance: Ebda S. 369--386
(u.a.) Update of electroweak parameters from Z decays: Ebda 60 C (1993) 71--81

Rothe, Heinz J. [Prof.]
(u.a.) Lattice fermions at non-zero temperature and chemical potential. In: Zs.Phys. 58 C (1993) 333--337

Rothe, Klaus D. [Prof.]
Proper-time regularization and topological mass ambiguity in three-dimensional QCD. In: Phys.Rev. D 48 (1993) 1871--1874

Schmidt, Michael G. [Prof.]
(mit C.Schubert) On the calculation of effective actions by string methods. In: Physics Letters 318 B (1993) 438--446

Scholz, Michael T. [Prof.]
Properties of Mira photospheres. In: New Perspectives on Stellar Pulsation and Pulsating Variable Stars. Ed. by J.M.Nemec and J.M.Matthews. Cambridge 1993, S. 201--203

Schwalm, Dirk [Prof.]
(u.a.) Electron-ion recombination in merged beams. In: 13th Internat. Conference on Atomic Physics, Munich. Ed. by H.Walther et al. (Atomic Physics ; 13 -- AIP Conference Proceedings ; 275). New York 1993, S. 228--244
(u.a.) High resolution measurement of dielectronic recombination of fluorine-like Se^{25+}. In: 6th Internat. Conference on the Physics of Highly Charged Ions, Manhattan. Ed. by P.Richard et al. (AIP Conference Proceedings ; 274). New York 1993, S. 237--240
(u.a.) Coulomb excitation studies to high spin in ^{248}Cm. In: J.Phys. G 19 (1993) 849--860
(u.a.) Upgrading of the Heidelberg accelerator facility with a new high current injector. In: Nucl.Instr.Meth.Phys.Res. A 328 (1993) 160--163
(u.a.) Development of seven-gap resonators for the Heidelberg high current injector: Ebda S. 270--274
(u.a.) Molecular physics in a storage ring : dissociative recombination and excitation of cold HD^{+}: Ebda B 79 (1993) 273--275
(u.a.) Dielectronic recombination from the ground state of heliumlike carbon ions. In: Phys.Rev. A 47 (1993) 4859--4864
(u.a.) Laser cooling of stored high-velocity ions by means of the spontaneous force: Ebda A 48 (1993) 2127--2144
(u.a.) Coulomb excitation of the K^{p} = 8^{-} isomer in {}^{178}Hf: Ebda C 48 (1993) 2517--2519
(u.a.) Dissociative recombination of cold HD^{+} at the Test Storage Ring. In: Phys.Rev.Lett. 70 (1993) 426--429
(u.a.) Observation of a harmonic two-phonon vibration in a deformed nucleus. In: Physics Letters B 317 (1993) 19--24

Specht, Hans-Joachim [Prof.]
(u.a.) Performance of the multianode cylindrical silicon drift detector in the CERES NA45 experiment : first results. In: Nucl.Instr.Meth.Phys.Res. A 326 (1993) 273--278
(u.a.) Transverse energy measurements in proton-nucleus interactions at high energy. In: Zs.Phys. C 58 (1993) 239--249
(u.a.) Soft photon production in 450 GeV/cp-Be collisions: Ebda C 59 (1993) 547--553

Stech, Berthold [em.Prof.]
(mit W.F.Palmer) Inclusive nonleptonic decays of B and D mesons. In: Phys.Rev. D 48 (1993) 4174--4182

Tittel, Klaus [Prof.]
(u.a.) Measurement of the b \rightarrow \tau^{-}\bar{\nu}_{\tau}X branching ratio. In: Physics Letters 298 B (1993) 479--491
(u.a.) Search for particles with unexpected mass and charge in Z decays: Ebda 303 B (1993) 198--208
(u.a.) Measurement of the \bar{B}^{0} and B^{-} meson lifetimes: Ebda 307 B (1993) 194--208
(u.a.) Measurement of the strong coupling constant using \tau decays: Ebda S. 209--220
(u.a.) Search for high mass photon pairs in e^{+}e^{-} \rightarrow f\bar{f}\gamma\gamma (f = e, \mu, \tau, \nu, q) at LEP: Ebda 308 B (1993) 425--434
(u.a.) First measurement of the B_{S} meson mass: Ebda 311 B (1993) 425--436
(u.a.) Search for the standard model Higgs boson: Ebda 313 B (1993) 299--311
(u.a.) Search for a non-minimal Higgs boson produced in the reaction e^{+}e^{-} \rightarrow hZ^{*}: Ebda S. 312--325
(u.a.) Observation of the time dependence of B_{d}^{0}-\bar{B}_{d}^{0} mixing: Ebda S. 498--508
(u.a.) An experimental study of \gamma\gamma \rightarrow hadrons at LEP: Ebda S. 509--519
(u.a.) A direct measurement of the invisible width of the Z from single photon counting: Ebda S. 520--534
(u.a.) A precise measurement of \Gamma_{Z \rightarrow bb}/\Gamma_{Z \rightarrow hadrons}: Ebda S. 535--548
(u.a.) Measurement of the ratio \Gamma_{bb}/\Gamma_{had} using event shape variables: Ebda S. 549--563
(u.a.) Measurement of the b hadron lifetime with the dipole method: Ebda 314 B (1993) 459--470
(u.a.) Measurement of prompt photon production in hadronic Z decays. In: Zs.Phys. 57 C (1993) 17--35
(u.a.) Search for contact interactions in the reactions e^{+}e^{-} \rightarrow l^{+}l^{-} and e^{+}e^{-} \rightarrow \gamma\gamma: Ebda 59 C (1993) 215--229
(u.a.) Measurement of the tau polarisation at the Z resonance: Ebda S. 369--386
(u.a.) Update of electroweak parameters from Z decays: Ebda 60 C (1993) 71--81

Tscharnuter, Werner [Prof.]
(u.a.) Accretion disks around T Tauri stars. IV: The star-disk boundary layer. In: Astron.Astrophys. 275 (1993) 236--238
(mit T.Schmutzler) Effective radiative cooling in optically thin plasmas: Ebda 280 (1993) 318--330
(mit A.P.Boss) Formation of the protosolar nebula. In: Protostars and Planets III. Ed. by E.M.Levy et al. Tucson 1993, S. 903--938

Ulmschneider, Peter [Prof.]
Chromospheric heating. In: Physics of the Solar and Stellar Coronae. V.S.Vaiana Memorial Symp. Ed. by J.F.Linsky and S.Serio (Astrophysics and Space Science Library : Proc. ; 184). Dordrecht 1993, S. 533--540

Völk, Heinrich J. [Prof.]
(u.a.) Galactic winds. II: Role of the disk-halo interface in cosmic ray driven galactic winds. In: Astron.Astrophys. 269 (1993) 54--66
(u.a.) Dynamical galactic halos : effect of magnetic field and galactic rotation. In: The Cosmic Dynamo. Ed. by F.Krause et al. (Proc. IAU Symposia ; 157). Dordrecht 1993, S. 415--419
(u.a.) Very high energy gamma-rays from AGN : cascading on the cosmic background radiation fields and the formation of pair halos. In: Proc. 23rd IRCR 1 (1993) 451--454
(u.a.) The &g-ray visibility of supernova remnants: Ebda S. 455--458
(u.a.) The closure problem II: Ebda 2 (1993) 259--262
(u.a.) Wind driven by cosmic rays in a rotating galaxy. I: Wind structure: Ebda S. 287--289
(mit U.Lisenfeld) Dust heating in spiral galaxies and the interstellar medium. In: Star Formation, Galaxies and the Interstellar Medium. Ed. by J.Franco et al. Cambridge 1993, S. 75--77
Extended TeV gamma-ray sources. In: Towards a Major Atmospheric Cherenkov Detector II. Ed. by R.Lamb. Calgary 1993, S. 32--35
Facetten der Astronomie. Leipzig 1993. XI,154 S. [darin S. 140--149: Die Zukunft der Astronomie]

Walter, Hans-Georg [Prof.]
(u.a.) Analysis of Hipparcos measurements : positions, proper motions, parallaxes. In: Developments in Astrometry and Their Impact on Astrophysics and Geodynamics. Ed. by I.I.Müller and B.Kolaczek. Dordrecht 1993, S. 11--18
(u.a.) Accuracy assessment of Hipparcos optical and VLA radio positions of stars: Ebda S. 377--380
Hipparcos am Ziel. In: Luft- und Raumfahrt 1993, H. 6, S. 27--29

Wegner, Franz J. [Prof.]
(mit H.Mall) Anomalous dimensions of high gradient operators in the orthogonal matrix model. In: Nucl.Phys. B 393 (1993) 495--506
(u.a.) Conformal symmetry and the spectrum of anomalous dimensions in the N-vector model in 4--e dimensions: Ebda B 402 (1993) 669--692
(u.a.) Anderson localization in the lowest Landau level for a two-subband model: Ebda B 408 (1993) 415--426

Wehrse, Rainer [Prof.]
(u.a.) Line formation in accretion disks. In: Cataclysmic Variables and Related Physics. Ed. by O.Regev and G.Shaviv (Annals of the Israel Physical Soc. ; 10). Bristol 1993, S. 176--179
(mit B.Baschek) Billiardenmal heller als die Sonne. In: Ruperto Carola 1993, Nr. 1, S. 10--15

Weidenmüller, Hans Arwed [Prof.]
(u.a.) Interacting electrons in mesoscopic rings. In: Europhysics Letters 22 (1993) 193--198
(mit H.M.Sommermann) Semiclassical approximation for the average level density of a system of identical particles: Ebda 23 (1993) 79--84
Persistent currents in mesoscopic rings. In: Physica A 200 (1993) 104--110
Semiclassical periodic orbit theory for identical particles. In: Phys.Rev. A 48 (1993) 1819--1823
(u.a.) Quantum signatures of classical chaos : sensitivity of wave functions to perturbations. In: Phys.Rev.Lett. 71 (1993) 529--532
Lecture Notes in Physics. Bd. 411--424. Berlin 1993

Weiss, Georg [Priv.Doz.]
(u.a.) Brillouin scattering of vitreous silica under high pressure. In: Phonon Scattering in Condensed Matter VII. Ed. by M.Meissner and R.O.Pohl (Springer Series on Solid-State Sciences ; 112). Berlin 1993, S. 271--272
(mit J.Classen) Vibrating reed experiments on glasses : new problems: Ebda S. 275--276

Wetterich, Christof [Prof.]
(mit M.Reuter) Average action for the Higgs model with abelian gauge symmetry. In: Nucl.Phys. 391 B (1993) 147--175
Geometry from general statistics: Ebda 397 B (1993) 299--338
(mit N.Tetradis) The high temperature phase transition for &F^{4} theories: Ebda 398 B (1993) 659--696
(u.a.) The large-N limit and the high-temperature phase transition for the &F^{4} theory: Ebda 401 B (1993) 567--590
(mit M.Reuter) Running gauge coupling in three dimensions and the electroweak phase transition: Ebda 408 B (1993) 91--130
Exact evolution equation for the effective potential. In: Physics Letters 301 B (1993) 90--94
The average action of scalar fields near phase transitions. In: Zs.Phys. C 57 (1993) 451--469
(mit S.Bornholdt) Average action for models with fermions: Ebda C 58 (1993) 585--593
Improvement of the average action: Ebda C 60 (1993) 461--469
High energy behaviour of total cross sections in weak interactions: Ebda C 61 (1993) 125--137

Wetzel, Werner [Priv.Doz.]
(u.a.) Lattice fermions at non-zero temperature and chemical potential. In: Zs.Phys. 58 C (1993) 333--337

Wielen, Roland [Prof.]
(u.a.) Apparent Places of Fundamental Stars 1994. Karlsruhe 1993. XLIV,510 S.
(u.a.) Apparent Places of Fundamental Stars 1995. Karlsruhe 1993. XLIV,510 S.
(u.a.) Literature 1992, Part 1. Berlin 1993. X,1447 S. (Astronomy and Astrophysics Abstracts ; 55 A und B)
(u.a.) Literature 1992, Part 2. Berlin 1993. X,1602 S. (Astronomy and Astrophysics Abstracts ; 56 A und B)
(u.a.) PPM Star Catalogue. Vol. 3 and 4. Heidelberg 1993

Wolf, Andreas [Priv.Doz.]
Laser-stimulated formation and stabilization of antihydrogen atoms. In: Hyperfine Interactions 76 (1993) 189--201
(u.a.) Electron-ion recombination in merged beams. In: 13th Internat. Conference on Atomic Physics, Munich. Ed. by H.Walther et al. (Atomic Physics ; 13 -- AIP Conference Proceedings ; 275). New York 1993, S. 228--244
(u.a.) High resolution measurement of dielectronic recombination of fluorine-like Se^{25+}. In: 6th Internat. Conference on the Physics of Highly Charged Ions, Manhattan. Ed. by P.Richard et al. (AIP Conference Proceedings ; 274). New York 1993, S. 237--240
(u.a.) Dielectronic recombination from the ground state of heliumlike carbon ions. In: Phys.Rev. A 47 (1993) 4859--4864
(u.a.) Laser cooling of stored high-velocity ions by means of the spontaneous force: Ebda A 48 (1993) 2127--2144
(u.a.) Dissociative recombination of cold HD^{+} at the Test Storage Ring. In: Phys.Rev.Lett. 70 (1993) 426--429

Zeh, Heinz-Dieter [em.Prof.]
Measurements in a quantum universe. In: Classical and Quantum Systems. Ed. by H.D.Doebner et al. Singapore 1993, S. 205--208
There are no quantum jumps, nor are there particles! In: Physics Letters A 172 (1993) 189--192
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