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Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg



Frentzel-Beyme, Rainer [Priv.Doz.]
(u.a.) Life style and occupational risk factors for bladder cancer in Germany. In: Cancer 69 (1992) 1776--1790
(u.a.) Mortality pattern of German vegetarians after 11 years of follow-up. In: Epidemiology 3 (1992) 395--401
(u.a.) Risk factors for testicular tumors in South-West Germany. In: J. of Clinical Research and Pharmacoepidemiology 5 (1991, ersch. 1992) 147--148
(u.a.) Follow-up study among model and pattern makers in an automobile company in the Federal Republic of Germany. In: J.Occup.Med. 34 (1992) 552--558
The possible role of organic solvents in occupational cancer risk related to irreversible central nervous effects. In: Research Perspectives in Occupational Health and Ergonomics in Asia and Other Countries. Ed. by M.Wongphanich et al. Bangkok 1992, S. 166--171
(u.a.) Lung cancer mortality among workers in the European production of man-made mineral fibers : a Poisson regression analysis. In: Scand.J.Work Environm.Health 18 (1992) 279--286
Dokumentation von Krebserkrankungen und ihrer Ursachen. In: Sichere Arbeit 1992, H. 3, S. 15--19

Friedrich, Eckhardt [Prof.]
(u.a.) Differentiation of binding sites on reconstituted hepatic scavenger receptors using oxidized low-density lipoprotein. In: Biochem.J. 281 (1992) 745--751
(u.a.) Scavenging of lipid peroxidation products from oxidizing LDL by albumin alters the plasma half-life of a fraction of oxidized LDL particles. In: Free Radical Res.Commun. 16 (1992) 239--246
(u.a.) Design of compounds having enhanced tumour uptake, using serum albumin as a carrier. II: In vivo studies. In: Internat.J.Radiat.Appl.Instr. B 19 (1992) 685--695

Hartmann, Günther [Priv.Doz.]
(u.a.) The influence of mineralising radionecrosis on the dose distribution in interstitial radiation therapy of brain tumors. In: Radiother.Oncol. 25 (1992) 12--18
(u.a.) Accuracy and test of accuracy at stereotactic convergent beam irradiations with a linear accelerator. In: Stereotactic Radiosurgery Update. Ed. by L.D.Lunsford. Amsterdam 1992, S. 81--84

Kräußlich, Hans-Georg [Priv.Doz.]
Genetic analysis and gene expression of human immunodeficiency virus. In: Current Opinion in Genetics and Development 2 (1992) 82--89
Specific inhibitor of human immunodeficiency virus proteinase prevents the cytotoxic effects of a single-chain proteinase dimer and restores particle formation. In: J.Virol. 66 (1992) 567--572
(u.a.) Analysis of HIV particle formation using transient expression of subviral constructs in mammalian cells. In: Virology 186 (1992) 25--39
(u.a.) Expression of biologically active HIV glycoproteins using a T7 RNA polymerase-based eucaryotic vector system. In: Virus Genes 6 (1992) 229--246

Krauß, Otto [Akad.Direktor]
(u.a.) Berechnung und Messung von 511-keV-Kollimatoren für Gammakameras. In: Medizinische Physik 1992. Hrsg. von J.Roth. Basel 1992, S. 196--197

Lehmann, Wolf-Dieter [Priv.Doz.]
(u.a.) Profiling assay for lipoxygenase products of linoleic and arachidonic acid by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. In: Analyt.Biochem. 204 (1992) 158--170
(u.a.) Properties and functions of an epidermal 8-lipoxygenase. In: Eicosanoids and Other Bioactive Lipids in Cancer, Inflammation and Radiation Injury. Ed. by S.Nigam et al. Dordrecht 1992, S. 23--26
(u.a.) Profiling of monohydroxylated fatty acids in normal, hyperplastic and neoplastic mouse epidermis by GC-MS: Ebda S. 405--408

Maier-Borst, Wolfgang [Akad.Direktor]
(u.a.) Design of compounds having enhanced tumour uptake, using serum albumin as a carrier. II: In vivo studies. In: Internat.J.Radiat.Appl.Instr. B 19 (1992) 685--695
(u.a.) A bifunctional HBED-derivative for labeling of antibodies with {}^{67}Ga, {}^{111}In and {}^{59}Fe : comparative biodistribution with {}^{111}In-DPTA and {}^{131}I-labeled antibodies in mice bearing antibody internalizing and non-internalizing tumors: Ebda S. 809--824
(u.a.) Hepatic uptake of a modified low molecular weight heparin in rats. In: J.Clin.Invest. 90 (1992) 2110--2116
(u.a.) The preparation of a {}^{11}C-labelled 5-lipoxygenase product : 5(S)-hydroxy-6(R)-(N-[1-{}^{11}C]acetyl)cysteinyl-7,9-trans-11,14-cis-eicosatetraenoic acid. In: J.Labelled Comp.Radiopharmaceut. 31 (1992) 903--913
(u.a.) Establishment and characterization of monoclonal antibodies against an octahedral gallium chelate suitable for immunoscintigraphy with PET. In: J.Nucl.Med. 33 (1992) 1366--1372
(u.a.) Production of Br-75 and Br-77 from enriched Krypton : excitation functions. In: J.Radioanal.Nucl.Chem.Lett. 153 (1991, ersch. 1992) 417--422
(u.a.) An automatic system for the enzymatic synthesis of N-13-glutamate: Ebda 155 (1992) 9--13
(u.a.) Production and distribution of {}^{18}F-radiopharmaceuticals : 2-deoxy-2[{}^{18}F]fluoro-D-glucose ; radiopharmaceutic aspects. In: Progress in Radiopharmacy. Ed. by P.A.Schubiger and G.Westera (Developments in Nuclear Medicine ; 22). Dordrecht 1992, S. 131--143
(u.a.) Monitoring of combined therapy in advanced head and neck cancer with positron emission tomography and [F-18]fluorodeoxyglucose. In: Tumor Response Monitoring and Treatment Planning. Hrsg. von A.Breit. Berlin 1992, S. 93--96
(u.a.) Positron emission tomography with fluorodeoxyglucose for the evaluation of tumor recurrence of throacic tumors: Ebda S. 169--175
(u.a.) Assessment of tumor metabolism in liver metastases using positron emission tomography and [F-18]fluorodeoxyglucose: Ebda S. 223--226
(u.a.) Evaluation of modulated fluorouracil chemotherapy with positron emission tomography in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer: Ebda S. 227--230

Ostertag, Hermann [Akad.Direktor]
(u.a.) Berechnung und Messung von 511-keV-Kollimatoren für Gammakameras. In: Medizinische Physik 1992. Hrsg. von J.Roth. Basel 1992, S. 196--197
(u.a.) Streukorrektur bei einem Ganzkörper-Positronen-Emissions-Tomographen: Ebda S. 198--199
(u.a.) Optimized therapy management in unresectable bronchogenic carcinoma by fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography. In: Tumor Response Monitoring and Treatment Planning. Ed. by A.Breit. Berlin 1992, S. 127--131
(u.a.) Evaluation of regional fluorouracil chemotherapy in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer: Ebda S. 197--201

Pyerin, Walther Gerhard [Prof.]
(u.a.) Early cell growth stimulation is inhibited by casein kinase II antisense oligodeoxynucleotides. In: Antisense Strategies. Ed. by R.Baserga and D.T.Degenhardt (Annals of the New York Acad. of Sciences ; 660). New York 1992, S. 295--298
(u.a.) Human casein kinase II subunit a : sequence of a processed (pseudo)gene and its localization on chromosome 11. In: Biochim.Biophys.Acta 1131 (1992) 220--222
(u.a.) Cloning of the Ca catalytic subunit of the bovine cAMP-dependent protein kinase: Ebda 1171 (1992) 93--96
(u.a.) Atrial natriuretic peptide is phosphorylated by intact cells through cAMP-dependent ecto-protein kinase. In: Eur.J.Biochem. 206 (1992) 179--186
(u.a.) Protein kinases and cell growth : molecular biological studies on the &b-subunit of human casein kinase II. In: Molecular Pathways of Kinases, Protein Expression, Blood Pressure Regulators, Ca^{2+} Channels and Molecular Receptors. Ed. by R.J.Wegmann and M.A.Wegmann (Recent Advances in Cellular and Molecular Biology ; 4) Leuven 1992, S. 87--100

Rommelaere, Jean [Prof.]
(u.a.) Etude des interactions du parvovirus MVMp avec les cellules transformées. In: Interactions Virus--Cellules (Coll. de la Soc. Franç. de Microbiologie/Virologie ; 9). Paris 1992, S. 157--172
(u.a.) Cooperation of oncogenes in cell transformation and sensitization to killing by parvovirus minute virus of mice. In: J.Gen.Virol. 73 (1992) 2003--2009
(u.a.) Transformation-dependent expression of interleukin genes delivered by a recombinant parvovirus. In: J.Virol. 66 (1992) 2821--2828
(mit D.Legendre) Terminal regions of the NS-1 protein of parvovirus MVMp are involved in cytotoxicity and promoter trans-inhibition: Ebda S. 5705--5713
(u.a.) Nucleolin forms a specific complex with a fragment of the viral (minus) strand of minute virus of mice DNA. In: Nucleic Acids Research 20 (1992) 5053--5060

Schad, Lothar [Priv.Doz.]
(u.a.) Computer-aided classification of malignancy in astrocytomas. I: The value of nuclear parameters obtained by automated black and white image analysis. In: Analytical Cellular Pathology 4 (1992) 397--407
(mit H.-H.Ehricke) MRA-guided stereotactic radiation treatment for cerebral angiomas. In: Comput.Med.Imaging Graph. 16 (1992) 65--71
(u.a.) MR angiography : clinical applications in thoracic surgery. In: European Radiology 2 (1992) 214--222
(u.a.) MR-Angiographie : Einsatz bei pulmonalen und mediastinalen Raumforderungen. In: Fortschr.Röntgenstr. 157 (1992) 15--20
(u.a.) Computer systems and mechanical tools for stereotactically guided conformation therapy with linear accelerators. In: Internat.J.Radiat.Oncol.Biol.Phys. 24 (1992) 781--787
(u.a.) Use of MR angiography for stereotactic planning. In: J.Comput.Assist.Tomogr. 16 (1992) 35--40
(u.a.) Correction of spatial distortion in magnetic resonance angiography for radiosurgical treatment planning of cerebral arteriovenous malformations. In: Magnetic Resonance Imaging 10 (1992) 609--621
(u.a.) Techniken und derzeitige Indikationen der MR-Angiographie. In: Radiologe 32 (1992) 158--164
(u.a.) Messung der Blutflußgeschwindigkeit in den Pulmonalarterien mit Hilfe der Magnetresonanztechnik: Ebda S. 182--184
(u.a.) Radiotherapy treatment planning of basal meningiomas : improved tumor localization by correlation of CT and MR imaging data. In: Radiother.Oncol. 25 (1992) 56--62
(mit B.Wowra) Three-dimensional time-of-flight magnetic resonance angiography for treatment planning and follow-up of cerebral arteriovenous malformations after stereotactic irradiation. In: Stereotactic Radiosurgery Update. Ed. by D.L.Lunsford. Amsterdam 1992, S. 153--155
(u.a.) Magnetic resonance imaging and magnetic resonance angiography in treatment planning and response monitoring of single high-dose radiotherapy in intracerebral arteriovenous malformations. In: Tumor Response Monitoring and Treatment Planning. Ed. by A.Breit. Berlin 1992, S. 71--75
(u.a.) Tissue characterization by magnetic resonance imaging relaxometry and texture analysis in clinical oncology: Ebda S. 371--375
(mit H.-H.Ehricke) New perspectives for three-dimensional radiosurgery planning by magnetic resonance angiography: Ebda S. 579--584
(u.a.) Interactive 3D-graphics workstations in stereotaxy : clinical requirements, algorithms and solutions. In: Visualization in Biomedical Computing 1992. Ed. by R.A.Robb (Proc. SPIE ; 1808). Bellingham 1992, S. 548--558
(u.a.) Magnetic resonance imaging of intracranial tumors : tissue characterization by means of texture analysis. In: Zs. für Medizinische Physik 2 (1992) 12--17

Scherf, Hans R. [Akad.Rat]
(u.a.) Antitumor activity of alkylphosphocholines and analogues in methylnitrosourea-induced rat mammary carcinomas. In: Alkylphosphocholines : New Drugs in Cancer Therapy. Ed. by H.Eibl et al. (Progress in Experimental Tumor Research ; 34). Basel 1992, S. 98--115

Schlegel, Wolfgang [Priv.Doz.]
(u.a.) A medical workstation for the evaluation of alternative 3D radiotherapy treatment plans. In: Comput.Med.Imag.Graph. 16 (1992) 301--309
(u.a.) Computer systems and mechanical tools for stereotactically guided conformation therapy with linear accelerators. In: Internat.J.Radiat.Oncol.Biol.Phys. 24 (1992) 781--787
(mit V.Sturm) Computer application systems in radiation therapy and stereotactic neurosurgery. In: Medical Imaging and Computer Assisted Radiology. Ed. by H.U.Lemke. Berlin 1991 [ersch. 1992], S. 107--117
(u.a.) Radiosurgery in malignant intracranial tumors. In: Radiosurgery : Baseline and Trends. Ed. by L.Steiner et al. New York 1992, S. 155--160
(u.a.) Radiotherapy treatment planning of basal meningiomas : improved tumor localization by correlation of CT and MR imaging data. In: Radiother.Oncol. 25 (1992) 56--62
Tomographic imaging : applications to therapy. In: Rev. Européenne de Technologie Biomédicale 13 (1991, ersch. 1992) 45--47
(u.a.) Rezidive, operative und radiologische Nebenwirkungen und neue Entwicklungen bei der brusterhaltenden Behandlung des Mammakarzinoms. In: Strahlenther.Onkol. 168 (1992) 141--153
(u.a.) Retrospective analysis of complication probabilities induced by radiation treatment of the esophagus. In: Tumor Response Monitoring and Treatment Planning. Ed. by A. Breit. Berlin 1992, S. 433--440

Schlehofer, Jörg [Priv.Doz.]
Parvoviren, natürliche Helfer gegen Krebs? In: Bild der Wissenschaft 1992, H. 2, S. 96--98
(mit C.Walz) Modification of some biological properties of HeLa cells containing adeno-associated virus DNA integrated into chromosome 17. In: J.Virol. 66 (1992) 2990--3002
(u.a.) Induction of differentiation-associated changes in established human cells by infection with adeno-associated virus type 2: Ebda S. 4191--4200
(u.a.) Adeno-associated virus sensitizes HeLa cell tumors to gamma rays: Ebda S. 5651--5657
(u.a.) Parvoviruses are inefficient in inducing interferon-&b, tumor necrosis factor-a, or interleukin-6 in mammalian cells. In: Med.Microbiol.Immunol. 181 (1992) 153--164

Schmid, Wolfgang [Priv.Doz.]
(u.a.) Phosphorylation of CREB affects its binding to high and low affinity sites : implications for cAMP induced gene transcription. In: EMBO J. 11 (1992) 3337--3346
(u.a.) At least three promoters direct expression of the mouse glucocorticoid receptor gene. In: Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.USA 89 (1992) 6731--6735

Schroeter, Dieter [Akad.Oberrat]
(mit B.K.Vig) Centromere phenogenetics : some oddities of centromere behavior. In: Acta Zool.Fennica 191 (1992) 191--200
(u.a.) Deuterium oxide (heavy water) arrests the cell cycle of PtK_{2} cells during interphase. In: Eur.J.Cell Biol. 58 (1992) 365--370
(u.a.) Failure of kinetochore development and mitotic spindle formation in okadaic acid-induced premature mitosis in HeLa cells. In: Exp.Cell Res. 201 (1992) 535--540
(u.a.) Effects of okadaic acid on mitotic HeLa cells. In: J.Cell Sci. 103 (1992) 117--124

Semmler, Wolfhard [Priv.Doz.]
(u.a.) Individualisierte regionale und systemische 5-FU Chemotherapie durch PET und MRS Monitoring. In: Acta Chir.Austr. 23 (1991, ersch. 1992) 196--210
(u.a.) Pulmonar sequestration : diagnosis based on MR angiographic findings. In: Am.J.Roentgenol. 159 (1992) 429--430
(u.a.) Vergleich des Ansprechens auf eine Chemotherapie mit in-vivo Befunden von Aufnahme und Abbau des 5-FU in Leber und Metastasen beobachtet durch {}^{19}F-MR-Spektroskopie. In: Chirurgisches Forum '92 für experimentelle und klinische Forschung. Hrsg. von F.P.Gall u.a. (Langenbecks Archiv für Chirurgie ; Suppl. 1992). Berlin 1992, S. 39--43
(u.a.) Late bone marrow changes in Hodgkin's disease patients : a characterization with proton chemical shift imaging. In: European Radiology 2 (1992) 204--208
(u.a.) MR angiography : clinical applications in thoracic surgery: Ebda S. 214--222
(u.a.) MR-Angiographie : Einsatz bei pulmonalen und mediastinalen Raumforderungen. In: Fortschr.Röntgenstr. 157 (1992) 15--20
(u.a.) Stand der In-vivo-MR-Spektroskopie. In: Jahrbuch der Radiologie 1991 (1992) 91--103
(u.a.) MRI and MRA in treatment planning of subdiaphragmatic radiation therapy. In: J.Comput.Assist.Tomogr. 16 (1992) 110--119
(mit A.H.Gamroth) Ein neues Verfahren zur Gefäßdarstellung : Magnetresonanz-Angiographie. In: Krebsforschung heute. Hrsg. vom Dt. Krebsforschungszentrum, Heidelberg. Darmstadt 1992, S. 147--150
(u.a.) Vergleich von MR-Spektroskopie und Positronenemissionstomographie bei Lebererkrankungen. In: MR `91 : 4. Internat. Kernspintomographie-Symp. Hrsg. von J.Lissner u.a. Konstanz 1992, S. 292--298
(mit P.Bachert) MR-Spektroskopie. In: Magnetresonanztomographie. Hrsg. von M.Reiser und W.Semmler. Berlin 1992, S. 665--690
(u.a.) Bestimmung der magnetischen Cross-Relaxation im menschlichen Gewebe. In: Medizinische Physik 1992. Hrsg. von J.Roth. Basel 1992, S. 222--223
(u.a.) In vivo Bestimmung der longitudinalen Relaxationszeit von Phosphokreatin im dystrophen Vastus medialis: Ebda S. 236--237
(u.a.) In vivo {}^{1}H,{}^{31}P-{­{}^{1}H} and {}^{13}C-{}^{1}H} magnetic resonance spectroscopy of malignant histiocytoma and skeletal muscle tissue in man. In: NMR in Biomedicine 5 (1992) 161--170
(u.a.) MR-Tomographie und MR-Angiographie : eine neue Methode zur Bestrahlungsplanung abdomineller Großfelder. In: Strahlenther.Onkol. 168 (1992) 230--236
(u.a.) Human tumor response to therapy monitored by magnetic resonance spectroscopy. In: Tumor Blood Supply and Metabolic Microenvironment. Ed. by P.Vaupel et al. (Funktionsanalyse biologischer Systeme ; 20). Stuttgart 1991 [ersch. 1992], S. 257--266
(u.a.) Monitoring of tumor response after chemo- and radiotherapy by in vivo MR spectroscopy. In: Tumor Response Monitoring and Treatment Planning. Ed. by A.Breit. Berlin 1992, S. 21--24
(u.a.) Magnetic resonance imaging and magnetic resonance angiography in treatment planning and response monitoring of single high-dose radiotherapy in intracerebral arteriovenous malformations: Ebda S. 71--75
(u.a.) Therapy monitoring of rectal carcinoma by pharmacokinetic analysis of MRI data: Ebda S. 301--305
(u.a.) Individual treatment planning of subdiaphragmatic radiation therapy using MR-tomography and MR angiography: Ebda S. 615--620
(u.a.) Lokalisierte in vivo C-13-MR-Spektroskopie am Ganzkörper-MR-Tomographen. In: Zs. für Medizinische Physik 1 (1991, ersch. 1992) 81--84
(u.a.) Hochaufgelöste in vivo C-13-#(1H#) Doppelresonanzexperimente am Ganzkörper-MR-Tomographen: Ebda S. 165--168
(u.a.) Proton-Phosphor-Doppelresonanz-MR-Spektroskopie am Kernspin-Tomographen: Ebda S. 169--172
(mit M.Reiser) Magnetresonanztomographie. Berlin 1992. XXVI,706 S.

Spiess, Eberhard [Prof.]
(u.a.) Cell interactions and motility in human lung tumor cell lines HS-24 and SB-3 under the influence of extracellular matrix components and proteinase inhibitors. In: Anticancer Res. 12 (1992) 349--359
(mit S.Habermaas) Cell surface glycosylation and characterization of a differentially expressed glycoprotein in metastatic and non metastatic cell lines of the rat BSp73 tumor: Ebda S. 1251--1258
(u.a.) Interactions of the neural cell adhesion molecule and the myelin-associated glycoprotein with collagen type I : involvement in fibrillogenesis. In: J.Cell Biol. 116 (1992) 1063--1070

Suhai, Sandor [Priv.Doz.]
Structural and electronic properties of infinite cis and trans polyenes : perturbation theory of electron correlation effects. In: Internat.J.Quantum Chem. 42 (1992) 193--216

Villiers, Ethel-Michèle de [Priv.Doz.]
Hybridization methods other than PCR : an update. In: The Epidemiology of Cervical Cancer and Human Papillomavirus. Ed. by N.Muñoz et al. (IARC Scientific Publications ; 119). Lyon 1992, S. 111--119
Laboratory techniques in the investigation of human papillomavirus infection. In: Genitourin.Med. 68 (1992) 50--54
(u.a.) Human papillomavirus DNA in women without and with cytological abnormalities : results of a 5-year follow-up study. In: Gynecol.Oncol. 44 (1992) 33--39

Zentgraf, Hanswalter [Priv.Doz.]
(u.a.) Überexpression eines aberranten p53 beim hepatozellulären Karzinom nach Punktmutation des p53-Tumor-Suppressorgens. In: Innere Medizin 19 (1992) 37--40
(u.a.) Assembly of viruslike particles by recombinant structural proteins of adeno-associated virus type 2 in insect cells. In: J.Virol. 66 (1992) 6922--6930
(u.a.) Mutations on free and integrated hepatitis B virus DNA in a hepatocellular carcinoma : footprints of homologous recombination. In: Oncology 49 (1992) 386--395
(u.a.) The use of PCR for epidemiological studies of HNANB viruses in arthropod vectors. In: PCR : Clinical Diagnostics and Research. Ed. by A.Rolfs et al. Berlin 1992, S. A 32--A 36
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