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Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg


Appenzeller, Immo [Prof.]
(u.a.) Speckle masking observations of the Seyfert galaxy NGC 1386. In: Astron.Astrophys. 264 (1992) 9--12
(mit J.Bouvier) A magnitude-limited spectroscopic and photometric survey of the Rho Ophiuchus X-ray sources. In: Astron.Astrophys.Suppl.Ser. 92 (1992) 481--516
Astronomy with small telescopes at European sites. In: EAS Newsletter 4 (1992) 2--4
(u.a.) High-resolution speckle masking observations of the Seyfert galaxy NGC 1386. In: High Resolution Imaging by Interferometry II. Ed. by J.M.Beckers and F.Merkle (ESO Conference Proceedings ; 41). Garching 1992, S. 67--72
(mit G.Rupprecht) FORS : the focal reducer for the VLT. In: Messenger 67 (1992) 18--21
(mit S.Wagner) Forbidden high ionization lines in quasars. In: Physics of Active Galactic Nuclei. Ed. by W.Duschl and S.Wagner. Berlin 1992, S. 389--390
(u.a.) High-resolution speckle masking observations of the Seyfert galaxy NGC 1386: Ebda S. 440--441
(u.a.) A feasibility study of a moderately segmented 12-m mirror. In: Progress in Telescope and Instrumentation Technologies. Ed. by M.-H.Ulrich (ESO Conference Proceedings ; 42). Garching 1992, S. 109--112
(u.a.) A multi-purpose instrument for the ESO VLT: Ebda S. 577--580

Arnold, Frank [Priv.Doz.]
(mit O.Möhler) Gaseous sulfuric acid and sulfur dioxide measurements in the Arctic troposphere and lower stratosphere : implications for hydroxyl radical abundances. In: Ber.Bunsenges.Phys.Chem. 96 (1992) 280--283
Stratospheric aerosol increases and ozone destruction : implications from mass spectrometer measurements: Ebda S. 339--350
(u.a.) On the formation and sedimentation of stratospheric nitric acid aerosols : implications for polar ozone destruction. In: Geophys.Res.Lett. 19 (1992) 677--680
(mit O.Möhler) Gaseous sulfuric acid and sulfur dioxide measurements in the Arctic troposphere and lower stratosphere : implications for hydroxyl radical abundances: Ebda S. 1763--1766
(u.a.) The formation of SO_{2} measurements. In: Proceedings of the Symposium on Atomic and Surface Physics, Pampeago/Tesero 1992. Part: Clusters and Surfaces. Ed. by D.Bassi et al. 1992, S. 328--332

Baschek, Bodo [Prof.]
Lambda Bootis stars. In: The Atmospheres of Early-Type Stars. Ed. by U.Heber and C.S.Jeffery (Lecture Notes in Physics ; 401). Berlin 1992, S. 224--226
(u.a.) Trouble in the Magellanic Clouds : first results from the Key Programme on Coordinated Investigations of Selected Regions in the Magellanic Clouds. In: Messenger 66 (1991, ersch. 1992) 14--17
(u.a.) The effects of lines on the mean opacities in novae, supernovae, and accretion disks. In: Rev.Mexicana Astron.Astrof. 23 (1992) 247--251

Bender, Iring [Prof.]
(u.a.) Full QCD and QED at finite temperature and chemical potential. In: Nucl.Phys. B : Proc.Suppl. 26 (1992) 323--325

Bernreuther, Werner [Prof.]
(u.a.) Top quark physics : theoretical aspects. In: e^+ e^- Collisions at 500 GeV. Ed. by P.M.Zerwas (DESY-Publ. ; 92-123 A,B). Hamburg 1992, S. 255--327
(u.a.) A 2-D treatment of the eddy currents induced by transversal oscillations of permanent magnet rings in conducting axisymmetric plates. In: IEEE Trans.Magnetics 28 (1992) 1386--1389
(u.a.) Angular correlations and distributions for searches of CP violation in top quark production and decay. In: Nucl.Phys. B 388 (1992) 53--80
(u.a.) CP-violating dipole form factors in e^+ e^- \rightarrow \bar{t}t. In: Physics Letters B 279 (1992) 389--396
(u.a.) Top quark polarization and T-odd spin correlations as tools for testing (non) standard model predictions: Ebda B 297 (1992) 318--326
The electric dipole moment of the muon. In: Zs.Phys. C 56 (1992) S97--S100

Bille, Josef [Prof.]
(u.a.) Intrastromal relaxing excisions in rabbits with a picosecond infrared laser. In: Lasers and Light in Ophthalmology 4 (1992) 165--168
(u.a.) Intrastromal tissue removal using an infrared picosecond Nd: YLF ophthalmic laser operating at 1053 nm: Ebda S. 169--173
(mit C.T.Hsueh) An intelligent surgical laser : system configuration and software implementation. In: Medical Lasers and Systems. Ed. by D.M.Harris et al. (SPIE Proc. ; 1650). Bellingham, Wash. 1992, S. 39--47
(u.a.) Principles of operation and first clinical results using the picosecond infrared laser. In: Proceedings of Ophthalmic Technologies II (SPIE Proc. ; 1644). Bellingham, Wash. 1992, S. 88--95

Bock, Peter [Prof.]
(u.a.) Measurement of the average B hadron lifetime in Z^{0} decays. In: Physics Letters B 274 (1992) 513--525
(u.a.) Electroweak parameters of the Z^{0} resonance and the standard model: Ebda B 276 (1992) 247--253
(u.a.) Measurement of B^0 \bar{B}^0 mixing in hadronic Z^0 decays: Ebda S. 379--392
(u.a.) An improved measurement of \alpha_s (M_{Z^0}) using energy correlations with the OPAL detector at LEP: Ebda S. 547--564
(u.a.) Search for free gluons in hadronic Z^{0} decays: Ebda B 278 (1992) 485--494
(u.a.) Evidence for b-flavoured baryon production in Z^{0} decays at LEP: Ebda B 281 (1992) 394--404
(u.a.) Test of CP-invariance in e^+ e^- \rithtarrow Z^0 \rightarrow \tau^+ \tau^- and a limit on the weak dipole moment of the t lepton: Ebda S. 405--415
(u.a.) A test of higher order electroweak theory in Z^{0} decays to two leptons with an associated pair of charged particles: Ebda B 287 (1992) 389--400
(u.a.) A study of two-particle momentum correlations in hadronic Z^{0} decays: Ebda S. 401--412
(u.a.) Measurement of the \tau topological branching ratios at LEP: Ebda B 288 (1992) 373--385
(u.a.) A measurement of strange baryon production in hadronic Z^{0} decays: Ebda B 291 (1992) 503--518
(u.a.) A measurement of the forward-backward charge asymmetry in hadronic decays of the Z^{0}: Ebda B 294 (1992) 436--450
(u.a.) A study of charged particle multiplicities in hadronic decays of the Z^{0}. In: Zs.Phys. C 53 (1992) 539--554
(u.a.) Properties of multihadronic events with a final state photon at \sqrt{s} = M_{Z^{0}}: Ebda C 54 (1992) 193--209
(u.a.) A global determination of \alpha_s (M_{Z^0}) at LEP: Ebda C 55 (1992) 1--24
(u.a.) A measurement of electron production in hadronic Z^{0} decays and a determination of \Gamma (Z^0 \rightarrow b\bar{b}): Ebda S. 191--207
(u.a.) Inclusive neutral vector meson production in hadronic Z^{0} decays: Ebda C 56 (1992) 521--535

Bock, Rudolf [Prof.]
The German heavy ion inertial fusion activities. In: Particle Accelerators 37/38 (1992) 13--22
(u.a.) A midrapidity source of intermediate mass fragments in highly central collisions of Au+Au at 150 A MeV. In: Phys.Rev.Lett. 69 (1992) 889--892
Status and perspectives of heavy-ion inertial fusion. In: Status and Perspectives of Nuclear Energy : Fission and Fusion. Ed. by C.Salvetti et al. (Proc. of the Internat. School of Physics Enrico Fermi ; 116). Amsterdam 1992, S. 425--447
(u.a.) Bose Einstein correlations in the target fragmentation region on 200 A GeV O^{16} + nucleus collisions. In: Zs.Phys. C 53 (1992) 225 ff.
(u.a.) Fluctuations of multiplicities in rapidity windows in sulphur collisions at 200 A GeV: Ebda C 56 (1992) 347--354

Brix, Peter [Prof.]
,,Vermächtnisse`` : Lichtenbergs moderne ,,Fragen über die Physik``. In: Georg Christoph Lichtenberg, 1742--1799 : Wagnis der Aufklärung. Ausstellungskatalog. München 1992, S. 397--404
,,Der unvergeßliche Name unseres viel zu früh verewigten großen Naturforschers Lichtenberg`` : Mondkrater und elektrische Figuren: Ebda S. 405--409
Dolf Sternberger zum Gedenken. In: Lichtenberg-Jahrbuch 1991. Hrsg. von W.Promies und U.Jost. Saarbrücken 1992, S. 213
,,Natürlich der plausible Irrtum findet weniger Widerstand in der Welt als die Wahrheit``. In: Lichtenbergs Funkenflug der Vernunft. Eine Hommage zu seinem 250. Geburtstag. Hrsg. von J.-D.Kogel u.a. (Insel-Taschenbuch ; 1414). Frankfurt/M. 1992, S. 29--31
Georg Christoph Lichtenberg zum 250. Geburtstag. In: Naturwiss.Rdsch. 45 (1992) 259--263
(mit U.Joost) Mit wenigen Worten viel sagen : Georg Christoph Lichtenberg zum 250. Geburtstag. In: Phys.Bl. 48 (1992) 437--439

Bühring, Wolfgang [Prof.]
Generalized hypergeometric functions at unit argument. In: Proc.Am.Math.Soc. 114 (1992) 145--153

Cremer, Christoph [Prof.]
(u.a.) An adapter for defined sample volumes makes it possible to count absolute particle numbers in flow cytometry. In: Analytical Cellular Pathology 4 (1992) 325--334
(u.a.) PCR amplification and simultaneous digoxigenin incorporation of long DNA probes for fluorescence in situ hybridization. In: Biotechniques 12 (1992) 98--102
(u.a.) Preparative continuous separation of biological particles by means of free-flow magnetophoresis in a free-flow electrophoresis chamber. In: Electrophoresis 13 (1992) 674--676
(mit T.Cremer) Analysis of chromosomes in molecular tumor and radiation cytogenetics : approaches, applications, perspectives. In: Eur.J.Histochem. 36 (1992) 15--25
(u.a.) A tilting device for three-dimensional microscopy : application to in situ imaging of interphase cell nuclei. In: J.Microsc. 168 (1992) 47--57
(u.a.) Automated detection of radiation-induced chromosome aberrations following fluorescence in situ hybridization. In: J.Radiat.Res. 33, Suppl. (1992) 189--205
(u.a.) Methods for automatic cytogenetic analysis of radiation damage in metaphase chromosomes. In: Medizinische Physik 1992. Hrsg. von J.Roth. Basel 1992, S. 31--35
(u.a.) Fluorescence in situ hybridization of a repetitive DNA probe to human chromosomes in suspension. In: Nonradioactive in Situ Hybridization Application Manual. Ed.: Boehringer Mannheim. Mannheim 1992, S. 33--35
(u.a.) Development of a two parameter slit-scan flow cytometer for screening of normal and aberrant chromosomes : application to a karyotype of Sus scrofa domestica (pig). In: Optical Engineering 31 (1992) 1463--1469
,,Nimmt in kurzer Folge Signale auf`` : VMEbus-Rechner in der Chromosomenanalyse. In: VMEbus 1992, August-H., S. 76--79
(u.a.) A simplified combination of DNA probe preparation and fluorescence in situ hybridization. In: Zs.Naturforsch. 47 c (1992) 739--747

Dosch, Hans Günter [Prof.]
(u.a.) Quarkonia in a gluonic background field. In: Fortschr.Phys. 40 (1992) 93--115
Ernst Mach und Ernst Cassirer. In: Internat. Zs. für Philosophie 1 (1992) 189--204
(u.a.) Hadronic contributions to form factors of semileptonic decays of D and B mesons. In: Phys.Rev. D 46 (1992) 2995--3003
(u.a.) The heavy baryons \Sigma_{c,b} from QCD spectral sum rules. In: Physics Letters B 278 (1992) 367--369
(u.a.) QCD sum rules in the effective heavy quark theory: Ebda S. 457--462
(mit M.Beneke) Flavour dependence of the mixed quark condensate: Ebda B 284 (1992) 116--120
(u.a.) Soft high energy hadron-hadron scattering: Ebda B 287 (1992) 153--157
(u.a.) Spectra of heavy baryons from QCD spectral sum rules: Ebda S. 176--178

Duschl, Wolfgang [Priv.Doz.]
(u.a.) The role of water chemistry in accretion disks of FU Ori-stars. In: Bull.Am.Astron.Soc. 24 (1992) 798
(mit W.Tscharnuter) Global properties of boundary layers. In: Fundamental Properties of Cataclysmic Variable Stars. Ed. by A.W.Shafter. Mount Laguna 1992, S. 14--15
(u.a.) RNO 1 B, SUS 13. In: IAU Circular 1992, Nr. 5438
(mit S. von Linden) Die Dynamik von Molekülwolken im Zentrum der Milchstraße. In: Sterne und Weltraum 31 (1992) 698--699
(mit W.Tscharnuter) Physics of the disk-star transition zone. In: Viña del Mar-Workshop on Cataclysmic Variables. Ed. by N.Vogt (Astronomical Union of the Pacific Conference Series ; 29). San Francisco 1992, S. 41
A model for the UV-delay at the onset of dwarf nova outbursts: Ebda S. 117--118
Discussion on outburst physics: Ebda S. 130--135, S. 153--165 und S. 190--199
(mit S.J.Wagner) Physics of Active Galactic Nuclei : Proc. of the Internat. Conf. Held at Heidelberg 1991. Berlin 1992. XVIII,716 S.

Ellwanger, Ulrich [Priv.Doz.]
(mit M.Rausch de Traubenberg) Range of Higgs masses in nonminimal supersymmetry. In: e^+ e^- -Collisions at 500 GeV. Ed. by P.M.Zerwas (DESY-Publ. ; 92-123 A,B). Hamburg 1992, S. 703--707
(mit U.Schnittger) Local world sheet Weyl-invariance in the presence of background charges. In: Internat. J. of Modern Physics A 7 (1992) 3389--3402
(mit M.Rausch de Traubenberg) Natural range of Higgs masses in supersymmetry. In: Zs.Phys. C 53 (1992) 521--527

Elsässer, Hans [Prof.]
(mit H.Scheffler) Bau und Physik der Galaxis. 2., vollst. überarb. und erw. Aufl. Mannheim 1992. 650 S.
Raumfahrt nüchtern : Kritik zu J.v.Putkamer: Raumfahrt -- Verpflichtung gegenüber der Zukunft? In: Ethik und Sozialwissenschaften 3 (1992) 605--607

Fechtig, Hugo [Prof.]
Die Bedeutung der Astroiden und Kometen für das frühe Sonnensystem. Heidelberg 1992. 16 S. (MPIH-V ; 4-1992)
(u.a.) The Ulysses dust experiment. In: Astron.Astrophys. : Suppl.Ser. 92 (1992) 411--423
(u.a.) Galileo and Ulysses dust measurements : from Venus to Jupiter. In: Geophys.Res.Letters 19 (1992) 1311--1314
(u.a.) Interplanetary dust measurements by the Galileo and Ulysses dust detectors during the initial mission phases. In: Hypervelocity Impacts in Space. Ed. by J.A.McDonnell. Canterbury 1992, S. 173--179
(mit E.Grün) Messungen am interplanetaren Staub. In: Jb. der Max-Planck-Ges. 1991 (1992) 389--402
(u.a.) Ulysses dust measurements near Jupiter. In: Science 257 (1992) 1550--1552
(u.a.) The Galileo dust detector. In: Space Science Rev. 60 (1992) 317--340
Die Bedeutung der Asteroiden und Kometen für das frühe Sonnensystem. In: Sterne Weltr. 31 (1992) 770--774

Fried, Josef [Priv.Doz.]
A search for excess galaxies around distant flat-spectrum radio quasars. In: Astron.Astrophys. 254 (1992) 39--41

Fuchs, Burkhard [Prof.]
(u.a.) Dynamics of stellar populations in galactic disks. In: The Stellar Populations of Galaxies. Ed. by B.Barbuy and A.Renzini. Dordrecht 1992, S. 81--92

Gail, Hans-Peter [Priv.Doz.]
(u.a.) Chemistry in circumstellar shells. I: Chromospheric radiation fields and dust formation in optically thin shells of M-giants. In: Astron.Astrophys. 265 (1992) 626--642
(u.a.) The role of water chemistry in accretion disks of FU Ori-stars. In: Bull.Am.Astron.Soc. 24 (1992) 798
(u.a.) Atmospheric pulsations and mass loss driven by overtaking acoustic shocks. In: Cool Stars, Stellar Systems, and the Sun. Ed. by M.S.Giampapa and J.A.Bookbinder (Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series ; 26). San Francisco 1992, S. 471--473
Dust formation in circumstellar shells. In: Instabilities in Evolved Super- and Hypergiants. Ed. by C. de Jager and H.Nieuwenhuijzen (Verhandelingen der Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen : Afdeeling Natuurkunde ; 36). Amsterdam 1992, S. 69--75

Gemmeke, Hartmut [Prof.]
(u.a.) Cross section of the charged current reaction C^{12}(\nu_e,e^-)^{12}N_{g.s.} In: Physics Letters B 280 (1992) 198--203
(u.a.) Results from the KARMEN neutrino experiment. In: Progress in Atomic Physics, Neutrinos and Gravitation. Ed. by G.Chardin et al. (Moriond Workshop Proc. ; 12). Gif-sur-Yvette 1992, S. 133--138

Gerhard, Ortwin [Priv.Doz.]
(mit D.N.Spergel) Dwarf spheroidal galaxies and the mass of the neutrino. In: Astrophys.J. 389 (1992) L9--L11
(mit D.N.Spergel) Dwarf spheroidal galaxies and non-Newtonian gravity: Ebda 397 (1992) 38--43
Stellar dynamics of galactic nuclei. In: Physics of Active Galactic Nuclei. Ed. by W.J.Duschl and S.J.Wagner. Berlin 1992, S. 273--292
Gas motions in the inner galaxy and the dynamics of the galactic bulge region. In: Reviews of Modern Astronomy. Ed. by G.Klare. Vol. 5. Berlin 1992, S. 174--187

Glässel, Peter [Prof.]
(u.a.) Kaon production in 200 GeV/nucleon nucleus-nucleus collisions. In: Physics Letters B 296 (1992) 273--278
(u.a.) Proton distributions in the target fragmentation region in proton-nucleus and nucleus-nucleus collisions at high energies. In: Zs.Phys. C 53 (1992) 183--191

Grün, Eberhard [Prof.]
(u.a.) Past, present and future KOSI simulation experiments. In: Annales Geophysicae 10 (1992) 190--197
(u.a.) Collisional and dynamic evolution of dust from the asteroid belt. In: Asteroids, Comets, Meteors 1991. Ed. by A.W.Harris and E.Bowell. Houston 1992, S. 223--226
(u.a.) The Ulysses dust experiment. In: Astron.Astrophys. : Suppl.Ser. 92 (1992) 411--423
(u.a.) Galileo and Ulysses dust measurements : from Venus to Jupiter. In: Geophys.Res.Letters 19 (1992) 1311--1314
(mit R.Riemann) Meteor streams, asteroids and comets near the orbits of Galileo and Ulysses. In: Hypervelocity Impacts in Space. Ed. by J.A.McDonnell. Canterbury 1992, S. 120--125
(mit J.Svestka) Electrostatic fragmentation of dust particles: Ebda S. 139--143
(u.a.) Performance of the Galileo and Ulysses dust detectors: Ebda S. 153--159
(u.a.) Interplanetary dust measurements by the Galileo and Ulysses dust detectors during the initial mission phases: Ebda S. 173--179
(mit I.Mann) The dynamics of interplanetary dust derived from observations of the zodiacal light in relation to the dust experiments onboard Ulysses and Galileo: Ebda S. 200--204
(u.a.) Statistics of Saturn's spokes. In: Icarus 99 (1992) 191--201
(mit H.Fechtig) Messungen am interplanetaren Staub. In: Jb. der Max-Planck-Ges. 1991 (1992) 389--402
(u.a.) The cosmic dust analyzer. In: J.British Interplanetary Soc. 45 (1992) 375--380
(u.a.) Ulysses dust measurements near Jupiter. In: Science 257 (1992) 1550--1552
(u.a.) The Galileo dust detector. In: Space Science Rev. 60 (1992) 317--340
(u.a.) Measurement of pressure within KOSI-samples. In: Theoretical Modelling of Comet Simulation Experiments. Ed. by N.I.Kömle et al. Wien 1992, S. 91--98

Habs, Dietrich [Priv.Doz.]
(u.a.) Laser-induced recombination in merged electron and proton beams. In: Electronic and Atomic Collisions. Ed. by W.R.MacGillivray et al. Bristol 1992, S. 647--654
(u.a.) An induction accelerator for the Heidelberg Test Storage Ring TSR. In: Nucl.Instr.Meth.Phys.Res. A 314 (1992) 399--408
(u.a.) High-resolution measurement of dielectronic recombination of lithiumlike Cu^{26+}. In: Phys.Rev. A 46 (1992) 5730--5740
(u.a.) Laser-induced radiative electron-ion recombination in a storage ring. In: Resonance Ionization Spectroscopy 1992. Ed. by C.M.Miller and J.E.Parks (Inst. of Physics Conference Series ; 128). Bristol 1992, S. 23--26
(u.a.) Measurement of the transverse Doppler shift using a stored relativistic {}^7 Li^+ ion beam. In: Zs.Phys. A 342 (1992) 455--461

Haeberlen, Ulrich [Prof.]
(u.a.) Knight shift tensors and \phi-spin densities in the organic metals \alpha_t - (BEDT-TTF)_2 I_3 and (BEDT-TTF)_2Cu(NCS)_2. In: Applied Magnetic Resonance 2 (1991, ersch. 1992) 441--463
(u.a.) {}^{17}O NMR evidence for 180^o-flips of (COOH)_{2} units in dimethylmalonic acid. In: Molecular Physics 76 (1992) 157--172
(u.a.) The orientations and dynamics of ethanol guest molecules in the clathrate of Dianin's compound : a {}^2H-nuclear magnetic resonance single crystal study: Ebda 77 (1992) 1123--1152

Hampel, Wolfgang [Priv.Doz.]
(u.a.) Solar neutrinos observed by GALLEX at Gran Sasso. In: Physics Letters B 285 (1992) 376--389
(u.a.) Implications of the GALLEX determination of the solar neutrino flux: Ebda S. 390--397
Erste Sonnenneutrino-Messung durch Gallex. In: Phys.Bl. 48 (1992) 901--905
Solare Neutrinos : erste Ergebnisse von Gallex. In: Spektrum der Wissenschaft 1992, H. 8, S. 16--18

Harney, Hanns Ludwig [Priv.Doz.]
(u.a.) Time evolution of chaotic quantum systems. In: Ann.Phys. [N.Y.] 220 (1992) 159--187
(mit A.Müller) Parity violation in statistical scattering systems. In: From Spectroscopic to Chaotic Features of Nuclear Systems. Ed. by D.Seeliger (Internat. Symp. on Nuclear Physics ; 21). Singapore 1992, S. 9--16
(u.a.) Nonexponential decay of a stochastic one-channel system. In: Phys.Rev. A 45 (1992) 701--705
(mit A.Müller) Parity violation in neutron statistical scattering: Ebda C 45 (1992) 1955--1981
(u.a.) Distribution of eigenmodes in a superconducting stadium billiard with chaotic dynamics. In: Phys.Rev.Lett. 69 (1992) 1296--1299

Heintze, Joachim [em.Prof.]
(u.a.) Cosmic ray tracking : a new approach to high-energy \gamma-astronomy. In: Nucl.Instr.Meth.Phys.Res. A 323 (1992) 60--64
(u.a.) The RICH counter in the CERN hyperon beam experiment: Ebda S. 373--379
(u.a.) Measurement of the angular distributions of particles in air showers. In: Phys.Rev. D 46 (1992) 2831--2845

Hepp, Volker [Prof.]
(u.a.) Electroweak parameters of the Z^{0} resonance and the standard model. In: Physics Letters 276 B (1992) 247--253
(u.a.) Evidence for b baryons in Z decays: Ebda 278 B (1992) 209--216
(u.a.) Measurement of the tau lepton lifetime: Ebda 279 B (1992) 411--421
(u.a.) Evidence for the triple-gluon vertex from measurements of the QCD colour factors in Z decay into four jets: Ebda 284 B (1992) 151--162
(u.a.) Measurements of \alpha_{s} in hadronic Z decays using all-orders resummed predictions: Ebda S. 163--176
(u.a.) Measurement of B - \bar{B} mixing at the Z using a jet-charge method: Ebda S. 177--190
(u.a.) Search for a very light CP-odd neutral Higgs boson of the MSSM: Ebda 285 B (1992) 309--318
(u.a.) Measurement of the production rates of \eta and \eta' in hadronic Z decays: Ebda 292 B (1992) 210--221
(u.a.) Observation of the semileptonic decays of B_s and \Lambda_b hadrons at LEP: Ebda 294 B (1992) 145--156
(u.a.) Updated measurement of the average b hadron lifetime: Ebda 295 B (1992) 174--186
(u.a.) Measurements of mean lifetime and branching fractions of b hadrons decaying to J/\psi: Ebda S. 396--408
(u.a.) Searches for new particles in Z decays using the ALEPH detector. In: Physics Reports 216 (1992) 253--340
(u.a.) Improved measurements of electroweak parameters from Z decays into fermion pairs. In: Zs.Phys. 53 C (1992) 1--20
(u.a.) An investigation into intermittency: Ebda S. 21--32
(u.a.) Measurement of the absolute luminosity with the ALEPH detector: Ebda S. 375--390
(u.a.) A study of Bose-Einstein correlations in e^+e^- annihilation at 91 GeV: Ebda 54 C (1992) 75--85
(u.a.) Measurement of tau branching ratios: Ebda S. 211--228
(u.a.) Properties of hadronic Z decays and test of QCD generators: Ebda 55 C (1992) 209--234
(u.a.) Measurement of the b \rightarrow \tau^- \bar{\nu}_\tau X Branching Ratio. Geneva 1992. 20 S. (CERN-PPE ; 92-184)
(u.a.) Measurement of Prompt Photon Production in Hadronic Z Decays. Geneva 1992. 35 S. (CERN-PPE ; 92-143)
(u.a.) A Precise Measurement of the \tau Lepton Lifetime. Geneva 1992. 24 S. (CERN-PPE ; 92-186)
(u.a.) Search for CP Violation in Z \rightarrow \tau\tau. Geneva 1992. 14 S. (CERN-PPE ; 92-161)

Hinsch, Hermann [Akad.Direktor]
(u.a.) Spatially resolved light scattering diagnostic on plasma focus devices. In: Plasma Phys.Contr.Fusion 34 (1992) 801--841

Hofmann, Werner [Prof.]
(u.a.) Cosmic ray tracking : a new approach to high-energy \gamma-astronomy. In: Nucl.Instr.Meth.Phys.Res. A 323 (1992) 60--64
(u.a.) Measurement of the angular distributions of particles in air showers. In: Phys.Rev. D 46 (1992) 2831--2845
(u.a.) A measurement of asymmetry in the decay \Lambda_c^+ \rightarrow \Lambda \pi^+ . In: Physics Letters B 274 (1992) 239--245
(mit K.Knöpfle) Measurement of the decay B^- \rightarrow D^{\star 0} l^-\bar{\nu} Ebda B 275 (1992) 195--201
(u.a.) First evidence of \chi_{c} production in B meson decays: Ebda B 277 (1992) 209--214
(u.a.) A measurement of the inclusive semileptonic decay fraction of charmed hadrons: Ebda B 278 (1992) 202--208
(u.a.) Evidence for the production of the charmed, doubly fraction baryon \Omega_c in e^+ e^-} annihilation: Ebda B 288 (1992) 367--372
(u.a.) A measurement of the tau mass: Ebda B 292 (1992) 221--228
(mit K.Knöpfle) Observation of the decay D_{s1}(2536) \rightarrow D^{\star 0}K^+: Ebda B 297 (1992) 425--431
(u.a.) The measurement of D_s^+ and D^+ meson decays into K^{\star +} \bar{K}^{\star 0}. In: Zs.Phys. C 53 (1992) 361--366
(u.a.) Measurement of exclusive one-prong and inclusive three-prong branching ratios of the \tau lepton: Ebda S. 367--374
(u.a.) Measurement of R and determination of the charged-particle multiplicity in e^+ e^- annihilation at \sqrt{s} around 10 GeV: Ebda C 54 (1992) 13--19
(u.a.) Search for charm production in direct decays of the \Phi(1S) resonance: Ebda C 55 (1992) 25--31
(u.a.) Search for neutrinoless \tau decays: Ebda S. 179--189
(u.a.) A new determination of the B^0\bar{B}^0 oscillation strength: Ebda S. 357--363
(u.a.) Measurement of inclusive baryon production in B meson decays: Ebda C 56 (1992) 1--6
(u.a.) New results on D^{0} decays: Ebda S. 7--13
(u.a.) Measurement of the decay \tau^- \rightarrow \rho^- \nu_{\tau}: Ebda S. 339--345

Horner, Heinz [Prof.]
Dynamics of learning for the binary perceptron problem. In: Zs.Phys. B 86 (1992) 291--308
Dynamics of learning and generalizing in a binary perceptron model: Ebda B 87 (1992) 371--376

Hübner, Klaus [Prof.]
Institut für Angewandte Physik II der Universität Heidelberg. In: Annual Report 1991. Ed.: Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik. Garching 1992, S. 259--260
(u.a.) Time-dependent neutron rate interpretation for deuterium injection into deuterium plasmas. In: 1992 International Conference on Plasma Physics. Ed. by W.Freysinger et al. Contributed Papers II (Europhysics Conference Abstracts ; 16C, Part 2). Innsbruck 1992, S. 1485--1488
(u.a.) Spatially resolved light scattering diagnostic on plasma focus devices. In: Plasma Phys.Contr.Fusion 34 (1992) 801--841
(u.a.) A new approach to fast neutron diagnostic simulation : Monte Carlo with shower and drizzle splittings and finite close-collision treatment. In: Progress in Nuclear Energy 24 (1991, ersch. 1992) 409--415

Hüfner, Jörg [Prof.]
(mit B.Povh) Diffractive elastic scattering and hadronic radii : geometric and pomeron approaches. In: Phys.Rev. D 46 (1992) 990--996
(mit J.Dolejsi) Color in transparency and the cross-section for color-singlet and color-octet hadrons. In: Zs.Phys. C 54 (1992) 489--496
(mit C.Gerschel) Comparison of J/\phi suppression in photon, hadron and nucleus-nucleus collisions : where is the quark-gluon-plasma? Ebda C 56 (1992) 171--174

Hunklinger, Siegfried [Prof.]
(u.a.) Influence of a thin adhesion layer on the damping of surface acoustic waves. In: Appl.Phys.Lett. 61 (1992) 156--158
(u.a.) Thermally activated relaxation processes in vitreous silica : an investigation by Brillouin scattering at high pressures. In: Phys.Rev. B 45 (1992) 2750--2760
(u.a.) Gas detection in the ppb-range with a new high frequency, high sensitivity device. In: Thin Solid Films 210/211 (1992) 474--476
(u.a.) Comparison of Rayleigh and Sezawa wave modes in ZnO-SiO_2-Si-structures. In: Ultrasonics Symposium 1991. Ed. by R.R.McAvoy. New York 1992, S. 363--366
(u.a.) Low temperature ultrasonic properties of vapour condensed films of argon-xenon mixtures. In: Zs.Phys. B 86 (1992) 217--223

Jaeschke, Eberhard [Priv.Doz.]
(u.a.) An induction accelerator for the Heidelberg Test Storage Ring TSR. In: Nucl.Instr.Meth.Phys.Res. A 314 (1992) 399--408

Jessberger, Elmar K. [Prof.]
(mit F.J.Stadermann) Final Report of the Project LDEF Impact Debris Analysis (ESTEC PO 110543). Heidelberg 1992. 44 S.
(u.a.) The volatile element enrichment of chondritic interplanetary dust particles. In: Earth Planet.Sci.Lett. 112 (1992) 91--99
(mit T.Stephan) Isotope systematics and shock-wave metamorphism. III: K-Ar in experimentally and naturally shocked rocks ; the Haughton Impact Structure, Canada. In: Geochim.Cosmochim.Acta 56 (1992) 1591--1605
(u.a.) High resolution {}^{40}Ar-{}^{39}Ar dating of eucrites. In: Meteoritics 27 (1992) 245--246
(u.a.) Analysis of stratospheric interplanetary dust particles with TOF-SIMS, SEM, and TEM: Ebda S. 292
(mit M.Trieloff) {}^{40}Ar-{}^{39}Ar ages of the large impact structures Kara and Manicuagan and their relevance to the cretaceous-tertiary and the triassic-jurassic boundary: Ebda S. 299--300
(u.a.) {}^{40}Ar-{}^{39}Ar dating of pseudotachylites from the Witwatersrand basin, South Africa, with implications for the formation of the Vredefort dome: Ebda S. 300--301
(u.a.) SIMS chemical analysis of extended impact features from the trailing edge portion of experiment AO187-2. In: Proc. of the 1st LDEF Post-Retrieval Symposium (NASA Conference Publication ; 3134). Washington, DC 1992, S. 503--516
(u.a.) SIMS chemical analysis of extended impacts on the leading and trailing edges of LDEF experiment AO187-2. In: Proc. of the 2nd LDEF Post-Retrieval Symposium (NASA Publication ; 10097). Washington, DC 1992, S. 48
(u.a.) SIMS chemical analysis of extended impacts on the leading and trailing edges of LDEF experiment AO187-2. In: Proc. of the 23rd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference. Ed. by the Lunar and Planetary Institute. Houston 1992, S. 25--26
(u.a.) Widespread alien Xe and its formation: Ebda S. 615--616
(u.a.) Ventersdorp Contact Reef Pseudotachylite Geochemical Project. Johannesburg 1992. 186 S.

Kirk, John [Priv.Doz.]
(mit M.Wassmann) Electron acceleration at a supernova blast wave : a model for the prompt radio flare from SN 1987 A. In: Astron.Astrophys. 254 (1992) 167--176
(mit L.Ball) Diffusive acceleration of electrons in SN 1987 A. In: Astrophys.J. 396 (1992) L39--L42
(mit A.Mastichiadis) X-ray flares from runaway pair production in active galactic nuclei. In: Nature 360 (1992) 135--137

Kirsten, Till [Prof.]
Gallex status report as of November. In: Nucl.Phys. : Proc. Suppl. 28 A (1992) 82--87
(u.a.) Solar neutrinos observed by GALLEX at Gran Sasso. In: Physics Letters B 285 (1992) 376--389
(u.a.) Implications of the GALLEX determination of the solar neutrino flux: Ebda S. 390--397
(u.a.) GALLEX mißt Sonnenneutrinos. In: Physik in unserer Zeit 23 (1992) 246--255

Klapdor-Kleingrothaus, Hans Volker [Prof.]
(mit K.Grotz) Die schwache Wechselwirkung in Kern-, Teilchen- und Astrophysik [in russ. Sprache]. Moskau 1992. 451 S.
Double Beta Decay and Neutrino Mass : the Heidelberg-Moscow Experiment. Heidelberg 1992. 39 S. (MPI-H-V 34-92)
Neutrino Masses from Terrestrial Experiments. Heidelberg 1992. 45 gez. Bl. (MPI-H-V 19-92)
(u.a.) Prediction of average \beta and \gamma energies and probabilities of \beta-delayed neutron emission in the region of fission products. In: Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables 51 (1992) 243--271
The Heidelberg-Moscow double beta decay experiment with enriched {}^{76}Ge : first results. In: Joint International Lepton-Photon Symposium and Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics. Proc. Vol. 1. Ed. by S.Hegarty et al. Singapore 1992, S. 667--669
(mit A.Staudt) Calculation of \beta-delayed fission rates of neutron-rich nuclei far off stability. In: Nucl.Phys. A 549 (1992) 254--264
The Heidelberg-Moscow double beta decay experiment with enriched {}^{76}Ge : first results. In: Nucl.Phys. : B (Proc.Suppl.) 28 A (1992) 207--209
(u.a.) \beta\beta decay of {}^{128}Te, {}^{130}Te, and {}^{76}Ge with renormalized effective interactions derived from Paris and Bonn potentials. In: Phys.Rev. C 46 (1992) 871--883
(u.a.) Tensor force and operator expansion method for nuclear double beta decay. In: Physics Letters B 276 (1992) 274--278
(u.a.) The Heidelberg-Moscow double beta decay experiment with enriched {}^{76}Ge : first results: Ebda B 283 (1992) 32--36
(mit K.Zuber) Die Suche nach dem Majoron. In: Phys.Bl. 48 (1992) 1017--1018
(u.a.) The Heidelberg-Moscow double beta decay experiment with enriched {}^{76}Ge : first results. In: Progress in Atomic Physics, Neutrinos and Gravitation. Ed. by G.Chardin et al. (Moriond Workshops ; 12). Gif-sur-Yvette 1992, S. 177--182
(u.a.) New half life limits for the \beta\beta_{(2\nu+0\nu)} decay of {}^{76}Ge to the excited states of {}^{76}Se from the Heidelberg-Moscow \beta\beta experiment. In: Zs.Phys. A 343 (1992) 397--400

Kluge, Eike Erik [Prof.]
(u.a.) Electroweak parameters of the Z^{0} resonance and the standard model. In: Physics Letters 276 B (1992) 247--253
(u.a.) Evidence for b baryons in Z decays: Ebda 278 B (1992) 209--216
(u.a.) Measurement of the tau lepton lifetime: Ebda 279 B (1992) 411--421
(u.a.) Evidence for the triple-gluon vertex from measurements of the QCD colour factors in Z decay into four jets: Ebda 284 B (1992) 151--162
(u.a.) Measurements of \alpha_{s} in hadronic Z decays using all-orders resummed predictions: Ebda S. 163--176
(u.a.) Measurement of B-\bar{B} mixing at the Z using a jet-charge method: Ebda S. 177--190
(u.a.) Search for a very light CP-odd neutral Higgs boson of the MSSM: Ebda 285 B (1992) 309--318
(u.a.) Measurement of the production rates of \eta and \eta' in hadronic Z decays: Ebda 292 B (1992) 210--221
(u.a.) Observation of the semileptonic decays of B_s and \Lambda_b hadrons at LEP: Ebda 294 B (1992) 145--156
(u.a.) Updated measurement of the average b hadron lifetime: Ebda 295 B (1992) 174--186
(u.a.) Measurements of mean lifetime and branching fractions of b hadrons decaying to J/\phi: Ebda S. 396--408
(u.a.) Searches for new particles in Z decays using the ALEPH detector. In: Physics Reports 216 (1992) 253--340
(u.a.) Improved measurements of electroweak parameters from Z decays into fermion pairs. In: Zs.Phys. 53 C (1992) 1--20
(u.a.) An investigation into intermittency: Ebda S. 21--32
(u.a.) Measurement of the absolute luminosity with the ALEPH detector: Ebda S. 375--390
(u.a.) A study of Bose-Einstein correlations in e^+ e^- annihilation at 91 GeV: Ebda 54 C (1992) 75--85
(u.a.) Measurement of tau branching ratios: Ebda S. 211--228
(u.a.) Properties of hadronic Z decays and test of QCD generators: Ebda 55 C (1992) 209--234
(u.a.) Measurement of the b \rightarrow \tau^- \bar{\nu}_{\tau\}X Branching Ratio. Geneva 1992. 20 S. (CERN-PPE ; 92-184)
(u.a.) Measurement of Prompt Photon Production in Hadronic Z Decays. Geneva 1992. 35 S. (CERN-PPE ; 92-143)
(u.a.) A Precise Measurement of the \tau Lepton Lifetime. Geneva 1992. 24 S. (CERN-PPE ; 92-186)
(u.a.) Search for CP Violation in Z \rightarrow \tau\tau. Geneva 1992. 14 S. (CERN-PPE ; 92-161)

Knöpfle, Karl-Tasso [Prof.]
The ARGUS Silicon Vertex Detector. Heidelberg 1992. 18 S. (MPI H-V37-1992)
(u.a.) Study of proton hole states in {}^{63}Cu and {}^{63}Co. II: The \gamma-decay of proton hole states. In: Nucl.Phys. A 539 (1992) 223--248
(u.a.) A measurement of asymmetry in the decay \Lambda_c^+ \rightarrow \Lambda \pi^+ . In: Physics Letters B 274 (1992) 239--245
(mit W.Hofmann) Measurement of the decay B^- \rightarrow D^{\star 0}l^-\bar{\nu}: Ebda B 275 (1992) 195--201
(u.a.) First evidence of \chi_{c} production in B meson decays: Ebda B 277 (1992) 209--214
(u.a.) A measurement of the inclusive semileptonic decay fraction of charmed hadrons: Ebda B 278 (1992) 202--208
(u.a.) Evidence for the production of the charmed, doubly fraction baryon \Omega_c in e^+ e^- annihilation: Ebda B 288 (1992) 367--372
(u.a.) A measurement of the tau mass: Ebda B 292 (1992) 221--228
(mit W.Hofmann) Observation of the decay D_{s1}(2536) \rightarrow D^{\star 0}K^+: Ebda B 297 (1992) 425--431
(u.a.) The measurement of D_s^+ and D^+ meson decays into K^{\star +}\bar{K}^{\star 0}. In: Zs.Phys. C 53 (1992) 361--366
(u.a.) Measurement of exclusive one-prong and inclusive three-prong branching ratios of the \tau lepton: Ebda S. 367--374
(u.a.) Production of D_s^+ mesons in B decays and determination of f_{D_s}: Ebda C 54 (1992) 1--11
(u.a.) Measurement of R and determination of the charged-particle multiplicity in e^+ e^- annihilation at \sqrt{s} around 10 GeV: Ebda S. 13--19
(u.a.) Search for charm production in direct decays of the \Phi(1S) resonance: Ebda C 55 (1992) 25--31
(u.a.) Search for neutrinoless \tau decays: Ebda S. 179--189
(u.a.) A new determination of the B^0\bar{B}^0 oscillation strength: Ebda S. 357--363
(u.a.) Measurement of inclusive baryon production in B meson decays: Ebda C 56 (1992) 1--6
(u.a.) New results on D^{0} decays: Ebda S. 7--13
(u.a.) Measurement of the decay \tau^- \rightarrow \rho^- \nu_{\tau}: Ebda S. 339--345

Knoll, Jörn [Priv.Doz.]
(u.a.) Production of strangeness and vector mesons from a decaying quark-gluon plasma. In: Nucl.Phys. A 545 (1992) 259c--266c

Köppen, Joachim [Priv.Doz.]
(mit M.Götz) On abundance gradients in spiral galaxies. In: Astron.Astrophys. 262 (1992) 455--467
(u.a.) Spectrophotometric survey of southern planetary nebulae. III: Automatic ionization modelling: Ebda 264 (1992) 184--194
(u.a.) The extinction constants for galactic planetary nebulae. In: Astron.Astrophys. : Suppl.Ser. 95 (1992) 337--354
(u.a.) Abundances from planetary nebulae : the past ISM. In: Evolution of Interstellar Matter and Dynamics of Galaxies. Ed. by J.Palous et al. (Center for Theoretical Study : Workshop ; 1). Cambridge 1992, S. 141--142
(mit M.Wilmes) The N-O relation in the interstellar medium: Ebda S. 147--148
(u.a.) Trouble in the Magellanic Clouds : first results from the Key Programme on Coordinated Investigations of Selected Regions in the Magellanic Clouds. In: Messenger 66 (1991, ersch. 1992) 14--17

Krautter, Joachim [Priv.Doz.]
(u.a.) Rosat observations in star forming regions. In: Space Sciences with Particular Emphasis on High-Energy Astrophysics. (Proc. of Satellite Symp. ; 3). 1992, S. 187--188

Lassen, Lars [Prof.]
(u.a.) Central heavy ion collisions in the systems {}^{40}Ar + {}^{40}Ca and {}^{28}Si + {}^{28}Si and the nature of particle emission. In: GSI Scientific Report. Ed.: Ges. für Schwerionenforschung (GSI ; 92-1). Darmstadt 1992, S. 20
(u.a.) Vorgleichgewichtsemission von Nukleonen und leichten Teilchen in zentralen Schwerionenstößen im Fermi-Energiebereich. In: Jahresber. des Max-Planck-Instituts für Kernphysik Heidelberg 1991 (1992) 129--133
(u.a.) Light-particle emission and heavy-residue formation in the fusion-like reactions {}^{40}Ar + {}^{40}Ca at 15 MeV/u and {}^{28}Si + {}^{28}Si at 20 MeV/u. In: Nucl.Phys. A 548 (1992) 525--540
(u.a.) Spin correlation function of neutrons emitted by a compound nucleus with high angular momentum. In: Zs.Phys. A 342 (1992) 67--70
(u.a.) Intensity interferometry with neutrons from the compound nucleus {}^{82}Kr: Ebda A 343 (1992) 401--406

Leinert, Christoph [Prof.]
(u.a.) On the polarization of GL 490. In: Astron.Astrophys. 261 (1992) 130--136
(u.a.) A survey of young stars in Taurus for multiplicity. In: Complementary Approaches to Double and Multiple Star Research. Ed. by H.A.McAlister and W.I.Hartkopf (ASP Conference Series ; 32 -- IAU Colloquium ; 135). San Francisco 1992, S. 21--29
(u.a.) The extragalactic background light : optical and near-infrared observations. In: The Early Observable Universe from Diffuse Backgrounds. Ed. by B.Rocca-Volmerange et al. (Rencontre Moriond ; 25). Gif-sur-Yvette 1991 [ersch. 1992], S. 133--148
(u.a.) Observations of the infrared extragalactic background light with Isophot: Ebda S. 149--151
(u.a.) A survey for pre-main sequence binaries in Taurus : first results. In: High-Resolution Imaging by Interferometry II. Ed. by J.M.Beckers and F.Merkle (ESO Conference and Workshop Proceedings ; 39). Garching 1992, S. 47--51
(u.a.) High-resolution infrared imaging of Z CMa - a 0.10" variable binary: Ebda S. 83--91
(u.a.) Near-infrared lunar occultation and speckle observations of T Tauri stars: Ebda S. 151--159
(u.a.) Comparison of Knox-Thompson and bispectrum phase recovery for two-dimensional near-infrared speckle data: Ebda S. 511--519
(mit R.-R.Rohloff) A fiber optics X-coupler as phase tracker in an astronomical interferometer : concept and first laboratory measurements: Ebda S. 1303--1312
(mit M.Simon) Mit Mondbedeckungen auf der Jagd nach jungen Doppelsternen im Taurus. In: Sterne und Weltraum 31 (1992) 380--385

Lemke, Dietrich [Prof.]
(u.a.) The ISOPHOT data center : a PI institute project in the ISO mission. In: Astronomy from Large Databases II. Ed. by A.Heck and F.Murtagh (ESO Conference and Workshop Proceedings ; 43). Garching 1992, S. 279--284
(u.a.) Observations of the infrared extragalactic background light with Isophot. In: The Early Observable Universe from Diffuse Backgrounds. Ed. by B.Rocca-Volmerange et al. (Rencontre Moriond ; 25). Gif-sur-Yvette 1991 [ersch. 1992], S. 149--151
(u.a.) Annealing of far infrared photoconductors with infrared diode lasers. In: Experimental Astronomy 2 (1991, ersch. 1992) 139--148
ISOPHOT : the ISO photometer. In: Infrared Astronomy with ISO. Ed. by T.Encrenaz and M.Kessler. New York 1992, S. 53--66
(mit M.Burgdorf) The 200 &mm serendipity mode of ISO: Ebda S. 69--76
(u.a.) Sensitivity limits for the photopolarimeter ISOPHOT: Ebda S. 79--85

Liesen, Heinz-Dieter [Priv.Doz.]
(u.a.) The observation of X-rays at the ESR electron cooler. In: GSI Scientific Report 92-1 (1992) 179
(u.a.) The first measurement of projectile X-rays at the ESR internal gas target: Ebda S. 180
(u.a.) X-ray spectroscopy of H-like Bi at the SIS cave A target area: Ebda S. 184
Schwerionen-Atomphysik : ein Forschungsgebiet im Überblick. In: Labor 2000 (1992) 130--151

Mairle, Gerhart [Priv.Doz.]
(u.a.) Study of proton hole states in {}^{63}Cu and {}^{63}Co. II: The \gamma-decay of proton hole states. In: Nucl.Phys. A 539 (1992) 223--248
The {}^{60}Ni(\bar{d},{}^3He){}^{59}Co reaction and the proton strengths distributions in even nickel isotopes: Ebda A 543 (1992) 558--574

Marinescu, Nicolae [Prof.]
(u.a.) A 2-D treatment of the eddy currents induced by transversal oscillations of permanent magnet rings in conducting axisymmetric plates. In: IEEE Trans.Magnetics 28 (1992) 1386--1389

Meier, Karlheinz [Prof.]
Recent QCD tests at hadron colliders. In: 6^{e} Rencontres de Physique de la Vallée d'Aoste : Proceedings. Ed. par G.Belletini et M.Greco. La Thuile 1992, S. 85--95
(u.a.) Jets and hadronic final states. In: Physics at HERA. Vol. 1. Ed. by W.Buchmüller and G.Ingelman. Hamburg 1992, S. 255--260
(u.a.) The hadronic final state in ep-scattering : global features and jet reconstruction: Ebda S. 303--320
Semi-inclusive distributions at HERA: Ebda S. 343--351
(u.a.) A search for scalar leptoquarks at the CERN collider. In: Physics Letters B 274 (1992) 507--512
(u.a.) Study of electron pair production below the Z mass at the CERN collider: Ebda B 275 (1992) 202--208
(u.a.) An improved measurement of the ratio of W and Z mass at the CERN collider: Ebda B 276 (1992) 354--364
(u.a.) A measurement of W and Z production cross-sections and a determination of gamma(W) at the CERN collider: Ebda S. 365--374
(u.a.) Direct measurement of the W-gamma coupling at the CERN collider: Ebda B 277 (1992) 194--202
(u.a.) Experimental limit on the decay W->pi+gamma at the CERN collider: Ebda S. 203--208
(u.a.) A search for charged Higgs from top quark decays at the CERN collider: Ebda B 280 (1992) 137--145
(u.a.) A measurement of single and double prompt photon production at the CERN collider: Ebda B 288 (1992) 386--394

Meisenheimer, Klaus [Priv.Doz.]
(mit H.Hippelein) The emission-line lobes of 3C 368. In: Astron.Astrophys. 264 (1992) 455--471

Mundt, Reinhard [Priv.Doz.]
(u.a.) Herbig-Haro outflows associated with high-luminosity young stellar objects : AFGL 2591 and MWC 1080. In: Astron.Astrophys. 262 (1992) 229--247
(mit J.Eislöffel) Proper motion measurements in the HH 34 jet and its associated bow shocks: Ebda 263 (1992) 292--300
(u.a.) Near-infrared lunar occultation and speckle observations of T Tauri stars. In: High-Resolution Imaging by Interferometry II. Ed. by J.M.Beckers and F.Merkle (ESO Conference and Workshop Proceedings ; 39). Garching 1992, S. 151--159
(u.a.) Rosat observations in star forming regions. In: Space Sciences with Particular Emphasis on High-Energy Astrophysics. (Proc. of Satellite Symp. ; 3). 1992, S. 187--188

Nachtmann, Otto [Prof.]
(u.a.) Top quark physics : theoretical aspects. In: e^+e^- Collisions at 500 GeV. Ed. by P.M.Zerwas (DESY-Publ. ; 92-123 A,B). Hamburg 1992, S. 255--327
(u.a.) Angular correlations and distributions for searches of CP violation in top quark production and decay. In: Nucl.Phys. B 388 (1992) 53--80
(u.a.) CP-violating effects from the standard model in the reaction p +\bar{p}\rightarrow W_{-}^{+} + jet + X. In: Zs.Phys. C 55 (1992) 115--125

Neumann, Reinhard [Prof.]
(u.a.) Laser-induced recombination in merged electron and proton beams. In: Electronic and Atomic Collisions. Ed. by W.R.MacGillivray et al. Bristol 1992, S. 647--654
(u.a.) Laser spectroscopy with a cooler ring at the ESR (GSI) and the TSR (MPI Heidelberg). In: Hyperfine Interactions 74 (1992) 277--285
(u.a.) Laser-induced radiative electron-ion recombination in a storage ring. In: Resonance Ionization Spectroscopy 1992. Ed. by C.M.Miller and J.E.Parks (Inst. of Physics Conference Series ; 128). Bristol 1992, S. 23--26
(u.a.) Heterodyne laser spectroscopy of {}^7Li^+. In: Tenth International Conference on Laser Spectroscopy. Ed. by M.Ducloy et al. Singapore 1992, S. 408--409
(u.a.) Scanning tunneling microscopy of surface modifications induced by UNILAC heavy-ion irradiation. In: Ultramicroscopy 42-44 (1992) 1345--1349

Pauli, Hans-Christian [Prof.]
On Quantizing Gauge Theory Gauge-Independently and on the Zero-Modes in the Light-Cone Hamiltonian. Geneva 1992. 19 S. (CERN-TH ; 6663/92)
(mit M.Kaluza) Discretized light-cone quantization : e^+e^-(\gamma) model for positronium. In: Phys.Rev. D 45 (1992) 2968--2981
(u.a.) Positronium and heavy quarkonia as testing case for discretized light-cone quantization: Ebda S. 3755--3774
(u.a.) The Challenge of Light-Cone Quantization of Gauge Field Theory. Stanford 1992. 41 S. (SLAC-PUB ; 5811)

Pelte, Dietrich [Prof.]
(u.a.) A midrapidity source of intermediate mass fragments in highly central collisions of Au+Au at 150 A MeV. In: Phys.Rev.Lett. 69 (1992) 889--892

Pirner, Hans Jürgen [Prof.]
(u.a.) Chiral symmetry restoration in the linear sigma model. In: Internat.J. of Modern Physics C 3 (1992) 993--1009
(u.a.) Mass sensitivity of chiral symmetry restoration at finite temperature. In: Physics Letters B 295 (1992) 255 ff.
The color dielectric model of QCD. In: Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics 29 (1992) 33--85

Povh, Bogdan [Prof.]
(u.a.) The electromagnetic calorimeter in the hyperon beam experiment at CERN. In: Nucl.Instr.Meth.Phys.Res. A 313 (1992) 345--356
(u.a.) A scintillating fibre hodoscope with avalanche photodiode readout: Ebda S. 429--436
(u.a.) Test of a polarized hydrogen gas target based on the storage cell technique: Ebda A 322 (1992) 13--19
(u.a.) The ratio F_2^n/P_2^p in deep inelastic muon scattering. In: Nucl.Phys. B 371 (1992) 3--31
(u.a.) Ratio of J/\psi production cross sections in deep inelastic muon scattering from tin and carbon: Ebda S. 553--566
(mit J.Hüfner) Diffractive elastic scattering and hadronic radii : geometric and pomeron approaches. In: Phys.Rev. D 46 (1992) 990--996
(u.a.) Measurements of R^d - R^p and R^{Ca} - R^{C} in deep inelastic muon scattering. In: Physics Letters B 294 (1992) 120--126
(u.a.) Proton and deuteron F_{2} structure functions in deep inelastic muon scattering: Ebda B 295 (1992) 159
(u.a.) Precision measurement of structure function ratios for {}^6Li, {}^{12}C and {}^{40}Ca In: Zs.Phys. C 53 (1992) 73--77
(u.a.) Transverse momentum distribution for exclusive \rho^{0} muoproduction: Ebda C 54 (1992) 239--245

Putlitz, Gisbert zu [Prof.]
(mit M.R.Beau) Dye laser spectroscopy of isolated atoms and ions in liquid helium. In: Dye Lasers. Ed. by M.Stuke (Topics in Applied Physics ; 70). Berlin 1992, S. 237--247
Vernon W. Hughes : congratulations to the scientist and teacher of an international community. In: A Festschrift in Honor of Vernon W. Hughes. Ed. by M.E.Zeller. Singapore 1992, S. 124--128
(u.a.) Thermal muonium in vacuo from silica aerogels. In: J.Non-Cryst.Solids 145 (1992) 244--249
(u.a.) Heterodyne laser spectroscopy of {}^7LI^+. In: Tenth International Conference on Laser Spectroscopy. Ed. by M.Ducloy et al. Singapore 1992, S. 408--409
(u.a.) Mitarbeit. In: Umweltstandards : Grundlagen, Tatsachen und Bewertungen am Beispiel des Stahlenrisikos. Hrsg. von der Arbeitsgruppe Umweltstandards (Forschungsber. der Akad. der Wissenschaften zu Berlin ; 2). Berlin 1992. XV,494 S.

Putzer, Alois [Prof.]
(u.a.) Electroweak parameters of the Z^{0} resonance and the standard model. In: Physics Letters 276 B (1992) 247--253
(u.a.) Evidence for b baryons in Z decays: Ebda 278 B (1992) 209--216
(u.a.) Measurement of the tau lepton lifetime: Ebda 279 B (1992) 411--421
(u.a.) Evidence for the triple-gluon vertex from measurements of the QCD colour factors in Z decay into four jets: Ebda 284 B (1992) 151--162
(u.a.) Measurements of \alpha_{s} in hadronic Z decays using all-orders resummed predictions: Ebda S. 163--176
(u.a.) Measurement of B - \bar{B} mixing at the Z using a jet-charge method: Ebda S. 177--190
(u.a.) Search for a very light CP-odd neutral Higgs boson of the MSSM: Ebda 285 B (1992) 309--318
(u.a.) Measurement of the production rates of \eta and \eta' in hadronic Z decays: Ebda 292 B (1992) 210--221
(u.a.) Observation of the semileptonic decays of B_{s} and \Lambda_{b} hadrons at LEP: Ebda 294 B (1992) 145--156
(u.a.) Updated measurement of the average b hadron lifetime: Ebda 295 B (1992) 174--186
(u.a.) Measurements of mean lifetime and branching fractions of b hadrons decaying to J/\psi: Ebda S. 396--408
(u.a.) Searches for new particles in Z decays using the ALEPH detector. In: Physics Reports 216 (1992) 253--340
(u.a.) Improved measurements of electroweak parameters from Z decays into fermion pairs. In: Zs.Phys. 53 C (1992) 1--20
(u.a.) An investigation into intermittency: Ebda S. 21--32
(u.a.) Measurement of the absolute luminosity with the ALEPH detector: Ebda S. 375--390
(u.a.) A study of Bose-Einstein correlations in e^+e^- annihilation at 91 GeV: Ebda 54 C (1992) 75--85
(u.a.) Measurement of tau branching ratios: Ebda S. 211--228
(u.a.) Properties of hadronic Z decays and test of QCD generators: Ebda 55 C (1992) 209--234
(u.a.) Measurement of the b \rightarrow \tau^- \bar{\nu}_{\tau} X Branching Ratio. Geneva 1992. 20 S. (CERN-PPE ; 92-184)
(u.a.) Measurement of Prompt Photon Production in Hadronic Z Decays. Geneva 1992. 35 S. (CERN-PPE ; 92-143)
(u.a.) A Precise Measurement of the \tau Lepton Lifetime. Geneva 1992. 24 S. (CERN-PPE ; 92-186)
(u.a.) Search for CP Violation in Z \rightarrow \tau \tau. Geneva 1992. 14 S. (CERN-PPE ; 92-161)

Rebel, Heinrich Gerhard [Prof.]
(u.a.) Isotope shifts and hyperfine structure in polonium isotopes by atomic beam laserspectroscopy. In: Nuclear Shapes and Structure at Low Excitation Energies. Ed. by M.Vergnes et al. New York 1992, S. 93--97
(u.a.) Signal damping of strongly ionizing particles in liquid ionization chambers. In: Nucl.Instr.Meth.Phys.Res. A 311 (1992) 479--483
(u.a.) Intermediate mass fragment emission in 104 MeV \alpha + {}^{46}Ti reactions. In: Rev.Roum.Phys. 37 (1992) 121--128
(mit J.Knapp) Annual Report on Nuclear Physics Activities. Karlsruhe 1992. 119 S. (KfK-Report ; 5027)
(u.a.) The Karlsruhe Extensive Air Shower Simulation Code CORSIKA. Karlsruhe 1992. IV,54 S. (KfK-Report ; 4998)

Rieseberg, Hans [Akad.Direktor]
(u.a.) The RICH counter in the CERN hyperon beam experiment. In: Nucl.Instr.Meth.Phys.Res. A 323 (1992) 373--379

Rith, Klaus [Prof.]
(u.a.) Test of a polarized hydrogen gas target based on the storage cell technique. In: Nucl.Instr.Meth.Phys.Res. A 322 (1992) 13--19
(u.a.) The ratio F_2^n/P_2^p in deep inelastic muon scattering. In: Nucl.Phys. B 371 (1992) 3--31
(u.a.) Ratio of J/\psi production cross sections in deep inelastic muon scattering from tin and carbon: Ebda S. 553--566
(u.a.) Measurements of R^d - R^p and R^{Ca} - R^{C} in deep inelastic muon scattering. In: Physics Letters B 294 (1992) 120--126
(u.a.) Proton and deuteron F_{2} structure functions in deep inelastic muon scattering: Ebda B 295 (1992) 159
(u.a.) Precision measurement of structure function ratios for {}^{6}Li, {}^{12}C and {}^{41}Ca. In: Zs.Phys. C 53 (1992) 73--77
(u.a.) Transverse momentum distribution for exclusive \rho^{0} muoproduction: Ebda C 54 (1992) 239--245

Roedel, Walter [Prof.]
Physik unserer Umwelt : die Atmosphäre. Berlin 1992. XII,457 S.

Rothe, Heinz J. [Prof.]
Lattice Gauge Theories : an Introduction. Singapore 1992. 381 S. (World Scientific Lecture Notes in Physics ; 43)

Schatz, Gerd [Prof.]
(u.a.) The Karlsruhe Extensive Air Shower Simulation Code CORSIKA. Karlsruhe 1992. IV,54 S. (KfK-Report ; 4998)

Scheffler, Helmut [Prof.]
(mit H.Elsässer) Bau und Physik der Galaxis. 2., vollst. überarb. und erw. Aufl. Mannheim 1992. 650 S.

Schmidt, Michael G. [Prof.]
(u.a.) Orbifolds by cyclic permutations in Gepner type superstrings and in the corresponding Calabi-Yau-Manifolds. In: Ann.Physics 214 (1992) 221--257
(u.a.) New exceptional (A_1^{(1)})^{\oplus r} invariants and the associated Gepner models. In: Internat. J. of Modern Physics A 7 (1992) 2245--2264
(u.a.) Correlation functions for topological Landau-Ginzburg models with c 3: Ebda S. 6215 ff.
(mit C.Scheich) Phenomenological discussion of the three-generation Gepner model: Ebda S. 8021--8067
(u.a.) Numerical study of the electroweak total cross section in semiclassical approximation. In: Nucl.Phys. B 378 (1992) 487--500

Schmidt-Rohr, Ulrich [Prof.]
(u.a.) Study of proton hole states in {}^{63}Cu and {}^{63}Co. II: The \gamma-decay of proton hole states. In: Nucl.Phys. A 539 (1992) 223--248
(u.a.) The Heidelberg-Moscow double beta decay experiment with enriched {}^{76}Ge : first results. In: Physics Letters B 283 (1992) 32--36
(u.a.) The Heidelberg-Moscow double beta decay experiment with enriched ^{76}Ge : first results. In: Progress in Atomic Physics, Neutrinos and Gravitation. Ed. by G.Chardin et al. (Moriond Workshops ; 12). Gif-sur-Yvette 1992, S. 177--182

Schneider, Hermann [Prof.]
RU 486 -- ein medizinisch fortschrittliches Instrument? In: Katholische Bildung 93 (1992) 348--353
Wozu RU 486? Abgründe des Gebrauchs, des Mißbrauchs und der Bedrohung. In: Theologisches 22 (1992) 25--34
Dankbrief an Kardinal Meisner: Ebda S. 355--356

Scholz, Michael T. [Prof.]
The effects of the velocity stratification of a Mira photosphere on line strengths and curves of growth. In: Astron.Astrophys. 253 (1992) 203--209
(u.a.) Molecular opacities in M-star atmospheres. In: Rev.Mexicana Astron.Astrof. 23 (1992) 203--215

Schubart, Joachim [Prof.]
Positions of asteroids for use in mass determinations. In: Astron.Astrophys. : Suppl. Ser. 94 (1992) 259--263
Meine Begegnung mit Cuno Hoffmeister. In: Cuno Hoffmeister. Festschrift zum 100. Geburtstag. Hrsg. von S.Marx. Leipzig 1992, S. 105--111

Schwalm, Dirk [Prof.]
(u.a.) Laser-induced recombination in merged electron and proton beams. In: Electronic and Atomic Collisions. Ed. by W.R.MacGillivray et al. Bristol 1992, S. 647--654
(u.a.) Laser spectroscopy with a cooler ring at the ESR (GSI) and the TSR (MPI Heidelberg). In: Hyperfine Interactions 74 (1992) 277--285
(u.a.) An induction accelerator for the Heidelberg Test Storage Ring TSR. In: Nucl.Instr.Meth.Phys.Res. A 314 (1992) 399--408
(u.a.) High-resolution measurement of dielectronic recombination of lithiumlike Cu^{26+}. In: Phys.Rev. A 46 (1992) 5730--5740
Giant dipole resonances in hot rotating nuclei. In: Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics 28 (1992) 1--10
(u.a.) Laser-induced radiative electron-ion recombination in a storage ring. In: Resonance Ionization Spectroscopy 1992. Ed. by C.M.Miller and J.E.Parks (Inst. of Physics Conference Series ; 128). Bristol 1992, S. 23--26
(u.a.) Measurement of the transverse Doppler shift using a stored relativistic {}^{7}Li^+ ion beam. In: Zs.Phys. A 342 (1992) 455--461

Schwan, Heinrich [Prof.]
(mit G.Asteriadis) An analysis of a ten-year survey of the geodetic network at the seismic area of Lake Volvi in Northern Greece for detecting real crustal movements. In: Survey Review 31, No. 245 (1992) 390--396
(u.a.) Fifth Fundamental Catalogue. Part 2: The FK5 Extension : New Fundamental Stars. Karlsruhe 1991 [ersch. 1992]. 143 S. (Veröff.Astron.Rechen-Inst.Heidelberg ; 33)
(mit R.Wielen und T.Lederle) Apparent Places of Fundamental Stars 1993. Karlsruhe 1992. XLIV,510 S.

Siebert, Hans-Wolfgang [Prof.]
The new hyperon beam experiment at the CERN-SPS. In: Hadron 91. Ed. by S.Oneda and D.C.Peaslee. Singapore 1992, S. 206--210
(u.a.) A fast second level trigger based on &L mass identification. In: Nucl.Instr.Meth.Phys.Res. A 313 (1992) 203--214
(u.a.) The electromagnetic calorimeter in the hyperon beam experiment at CERN: Ebda S. 345--356
(u.a.) The RICH counter in the CERN hyperon beam experiment: Ebda A 323 (1992) 373--379

Solf, Josef [Prof.]
(mit K.-H.Böhm) The two-dimensional distribution of the velocity dispersion and the excitation in the complex Herbig-Haro object HH2. In: Astron.J. 104 (1992) 1193--1202
High-resolution spectroscopy of the inner R Aquarii nebula : evidence for bow shock excitation by collimated wind from the symbiotic system. In: Astron.Astrophys. 257 (1992) 228--244
(mit L.F.Miranda) Long-slit spectroscopy of the planetary nebula NGG 6543 : collimated bipolar ejections from a precessing central source? Ebda 260 (1992) 397--410
(u.a.) The ultraviolet spectrum of HH 24A and its relation to optical spectra. In: Publ.Astron.Soc.Pacific 104 (1992) 251--257

Specht, Hans-Joachim [Prof.]
(u.a.) Kaon production in 200 GeV/nucleon nucleus-nucleus collisions. In: Physics Letters B 296 (1992) 273--278
(u.a.) Proton distributions in the target fragmentation region in proton-nucleus and nucleus-nucleus collisions at high energies. In: Zs.Phys. C 53 (1992) 183--191

Stamatescu, Ioan Olimpiu [Priv.Doz.]
(u.a.) Full QCD and QED at finite temperature and chemical potential. In: Nucl.Phys. B : Proc.Suppl. 26 (1992) 323--325

Stech, Berthold [em.Prof.]
Exclusive decays of heavy mesons. In: Heavy Flavour Physics. Ed. by M.Daviev and G.Wormser. Gif-sur-Yvette 1992, S. 291--297
(u.a.) Exclusive weak decays of B-mesons. In: Heavy Flavours. Ed. by A.J.Buras and M.Lindner (Advanced Series on Directions in High Energy Physics ; 10). Singapore 1992, S. 286--328
(mit A.Blumhofer) Top and Higgs masses from vacuum leaks of the standard model. In: Physics Letters B 293 (1992) 137--141
Weak decays of light and heavy hadrons. In: Standard Model at the Energy of Present and Future Accelerators. Ed. by F.Czikor et al. New York 1992, S. 107--118

Steffens, Erhard [Priv.Doz.]
(mit H.-G.Gaul) A highly sensitive Breit-Rabi type polarimeter for an internal polarized hydrogen and deuterium target. In: Nucl.Instr.Meth.Phys.Res. A 316 (1992) 297--305
(u.a.) Test of a polarized hydrogen gas target based on the storage cell technique: Ebda A 322 (1992) 13--19

Tittel, Klaus [Prof.]
(u.a.) Electroweak parameters of the Z^{0} resonance and the standard model. In: Physics Letters 276 B (1992) 247--253
(u.a.) Evidence for b baryons in Z decays: Ebda 278 B (1992) 209--216
(u.a.) Measurement of the tau lepton lifetime: Ebda 279 B (1992) 411--421
(u.a.) Evidence for the triple-gluon vertex from measurements of the QCD colour factors in Z decay into four jets: Ebda 284 B (1992) 151--162
(u.a.) Measurements of \alpha_{s} in hadronic Z decays using all-orders resummed predictions: Ebda S. 163--176
(u.a.) Measurement of B - \bar{B} mixing at the Z using a jet-charge method: Ebda S. 177--190
(u.a.) Search for a very light CP-odd neutral Higgs boson of the MSSM: Ebda 285 B (1992) 309--318
(u.a.) Measurement of the production rates of \eta and \eta' in hadronic Z decays: Ebda 292 B (1992) 210--221
(u.a.) Observation of the semileptonic decays of B_s and \Lambda_b hadrons at LEP: Ebda 294 B (1992) 145--156
(u.a.) Updated measurement of the average b hadron lifetime: Ebda 295 B (1992) 174--186
(u.a.) Measurements of mean lifetime and branching fractions of b hadrons decaying to J/\psi: Ebda S. 396--408
(u.a.) Searches for new particles in Z decays using the ALEPH detector. In: Physics Reports 216 (1992) 253--340
(u.a.) Improved measurements of electroweak parameters from Z decays into fermion pairs. In: Zs.Phys. 53 C (1992) 1--20
(u.a.) An investigation into intermittency: Ebda S. 21--32
(u.a.) Measurement of the absolute luminosity with the ALEPH detector: Ebda S. 375--390
(u.a.) A study of Bose-Einstein correlations in e^+e^- annihilation at 91 GeV: Ebda 54 C (1992) 75--85
(u.a.) Measurement of tau branching ratios: Ebda S. 211--228
(u.a.) Properties of hadronic Z decays and test of QCD generators: Ebda 55 C (1992) 209--234
(u.a.) Measurement of the b \rightarrow \tau^-\bar{\nu}_{\tau} X Branching Ratio. Geneva 1992. 20 S. (CERN-PPE ; 92-184)
(u.a.) Measurement of Prompt Photon Production in Hadronic Z Decays. Geneva 1992. 35 S. (CERN-PPE ; 92-143)
(u.a.) A Precise Measurement of the t Lepton Lifetime. Geneva 1992. 24 S. (CERN-PPE ; 92-186)
(u.a.) Search for CP Violation in Z \rightarrow \tau \tau. Geneva 1992. 14 S. (CERN-PPE ; 92-161)

Traxel, Kurt [Akad.Rat]
(u.a.) The volatile element enrichment of chondritic interplanetary dust particles. In: Earth Planet.Sci.Lett. 112 (1992) 91--99

Tscharnuter, Werner [Prof.]
(u.a.) The role of water chemistry in accretion disks of FU Ori-stars. In: Bull.Am.Astron.Soc. 24 (1992) 798
(mit W.Duschl) Global properties of boundary layers. In: Fundamental Properties of Cataclysmic Variable Stars. Ed. by A.W.Shafter. Mount Laguna 1992, S. 14--15
(u.a.) RNO 1 B, SUS 13. In: IAU Circular 1992, Nr. 5438 * (mit T.Schmutzler) Time seals of phase transitions in broad line emission regions. In: Physics of Active Galactic Nuclei. Ed. by W.Duschl and S.J.Wagner. Berlin 1992, S. 232 ff.
Am Anfang war es eine Scheibe. In: Unispiegel 24, H. 2 (1992) 5
(mit W.Duschl) Physics of the disk-star transition zone. In: Viña del Mar-Workshop on Cataclysmic Variables. Ed. by N.Vogt (Astronomical Union of the Pacific Conference Series ; 29). San Francisco 1992, S. 41

Ulmschneider, Peter [Prof.]
(mit W.Rammacher) Acoustic waves in the solar atmosphere. IX: Three minute pulsations driven by shock overtaking. In: Astron.Astrophys. 253 (1992) 586--600
(u.a.) Atmospheric pulsations and mass loss driven by overtaking acoustic shocks. In: Cool Stars, Stellar Systems, and the Sun. Ed. by M.S.Giampapa and J.A.Bookbinder (Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series ; 26). San Francisco 1992, S. 471--473
(u.a.) Meeting of the Royal Astronomical Society on 1992 March 13. In: Observatory 112, No. 1111 (1992) 257--267

Völk, Heinrich J. [Prof.]
Cosmic ray origin from supernova remnants : a comparison with external galaxies. In: Particle Acceleration in Cosmic Plasmas. Ed. by G.P.Zank and T.K.Gaisser (American Inst. of Physics Conference Proceedings ; 264). New York 1992, S. 199--204

Wagner, Albrecht [Prof.]
(u.a.) Measurement of the average B hadron lifetime in Z^{0} decays. In: Physics Letters B 274 (1992) 513--525
(u.a.) Electroweak parameters of the Z^{0} resonance and the standard model: Ebda B 276 (1992) 247--253
(u.a.) Measurement of B^0\bar{B}^0 mixing in hadronic Z^{0} decays: Ebda S. 379--392
(u.a.) An improved measurement of \alpha_s(M_{Z^0}) using energy correlations with the OPAL detector at LEP: Ebda S. 547--564
(u.a.) Search for free gluons in hadronic Z^{0} decays: Ebda B 278 (1992) 485--494
(u.a.) Evidence for b-flavoured baryon production in Z^{0} decays at LEP: Ebda B 281 (1992) 394--404
(u.a.) Test of CP-invariance in e^+e^- \rightarrow Z^0 \rightarrow \tau^+ \tau^- and a limit on the weak dipole moment of the t lepton: Ebda S. 405--415
(u.a.) A test of higher order electroweak theory in Z^{0} decays to two leptons with an associated pair of charged particles: Ebda B 287 (1992) 389--400
(u.a.) A study of two-particle momentum correlations in hadronic Z^{0} decays: Ebda S. 401--412
(u.a.) Measurement of the \tau topological branching ratios at LEP: Ebda B 288 (1992) 373--385
(u.a.) A measurement of strange baryon production in hadronic Z^{0} decays: Ebda B 291 (1992) 503--518
(u.a.) A measurement of the forward-backward charge asymmetry in hadronic decays of the Z^{0}: Ebda B 294 (1992) 436--450
(u.a.) A study of charged particle multiplicities in hadronic decays of the Z^{0}. In: Zs.Phys. C 53 (1992) 539--554
(u.a.) Properties of multihadronic events with a final state photon at \sqrt{s} = M_{Z^0} Ebda C 54 (1992) 193--209
(u.a.) A global determination of \alpha_s(M_{Z^0}) at LEP: Ebda C 55 (1992) 1--24
(u.a.) A measurement of electron production in hadronic Z^{0} decays and a determination of \Gamma(Z^0 \rightarrow b\bar{b}): Ebda S. 191--207
(u.a.) Inclusive neutral vector meson production in hadronic Z^{0} decays: Ebda C 56 (1992) 521--535

Wagner, Friedrich [Priv.Doz.]
Neoklassische Transportprozesse in toroidalen Einschlußsystemen. In: Jb. der Max-Planck-Ges. 1992, S. 471--476
(mit I.Milch) Die Perspektiven der kontrollierten Kernfusion nach dem gelungenen Fusionsexperiment. In: Kernenergie : Perspektiven für Deutschland. Hrsg. vom Dt. Atomforum e.V. Bonn 1992, S. 119--129
(u.a.) Studies of edge localized modes on ASDEX (ELM studies on ASDEX). In: Nuclear Fusion 32 (1992) 489--494
(u.a.) Density limit investigations on ASDEX: Ebda S. 1557--1583
(u.a.) Physics optimization of stellarators. In: Physics of Fluids B 4 (1992) 2081--2091
(u.a.) Influence of divertor geometry and boronization on ELM-free H-mode confinement in ASDEX. In: Proc. of the 19th Eur. Conf. on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics, Innsbruck 1992. Ed. by W.Freysinger et al. Part 1 (Europhysics Conference Abstracts ; 16 C). Innsbruck 1992, S. 7--10
(u.a.) H-mode power threshold in ASDEX: Ebda S. 195--199

Walter, Hans-Georg [Prof.]
(u.a.) The FAST Hipparcos Data Reduction Consortium : overview of the reduction software. In: Astron.Astrophys. 258 (1992) 7--17
Corrections to the luni-solar precession derived from a compilation catalogue of extragalactic radio sources. In: Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy 53 (1992) 71--80
(u.a.) Preliminary FAST results on astrometric positions. In: Highlights of Astronomy. Vol. 9. Ed. by J.Bergeron. Dordrecht 1992, S. 416

Weber, Jörg [Priv.Doz.]
(u.a.) New growth technique for luminescent layers on silicon. In: Appl.Phys. A 54 (1992) 567--569
(u.a.) Visible luminescence from silicon. In: Festkörperprobleme 32 (1992) 179--197
(u.a.) Optical characterization of the visible photoluminescence from porous silicon. In: Light Emission from Silicon. Ed. by S.S.Iyer et al. (Materials Research Society Symposia Proceedings ; 256). Pittsburgh 1992, S. 159--163
(u.a.) Hydrogen passivation and reactivation of bistable thermal donors in silicon. In: Materials Research Society Symposia Proceedings 262 (1992) 395--400
(u.a.) Visible luminescence from silicon : quantum confinement of siloxene? Ebda 849--860
(u.a.) Diffusion and drift of hydrogen in Si and GaAs. In: Materials Science Forum 83-87 (1992) 21--26
(mit T.Prescha) Interaction of a copper-induced defect with shallow acceptors and deep centers in silicon: Ebda S. 167--172
(u.a.) Correlation of the D-band photoluminescence with spatial properties of dislocations in silicon: Ebda S. 1315--1320
(u.a.) Hydrogen-related metastable defects in passivated n-type GaAs grown by metal-organic vapor-phase epitaxy. In: Phys.Rev. B 45 (1992) 14400--14403
(mit T.Zundel) Trap-limited hydrogen diffusion in boron-doped silicon: Ebda B 46 (1992) 2071--2077
(u.a.) Siloxene : chemical quantum confinement due to oxygen in a silicon matrix. In: Phys.Rev.Lett. 69 (1992) 2531--2534
(u.a.) Lichtemission aus Silizium : Quantum-Confinement oder molekulare Elektronik? In: Phys.Bl. 48 (1992) 187--188
(u.a.) The origin of visible luminescence from ``porous silicon'' : a new interpretation. In: Solid State Comm. 81 (1992) 307--312
(u.a.) Isotope effect in Ge : a photoluminescence study: Ebda 83 (1992) 843--848
(mit K.Dettmer) Photoluminescence from short-period strained-layer superlattices of (Si_6 Ge_4)_p after hydrogen passivation. In: Thin Solid Films 222 (1992) 234--236

Wehrse, Rainer [Prof.]
(u.a.) Molecular opacities in M-star atmospheres. In: Rev.Mexicana Astron.Astrof. 23 (1992) 203--215
(u.a.) The effects of lines on the mean opacities in novae, supernovae, and accretion disks: Ebda S. 247--251

Weidenmüller, Hans Arwed [Prof.]
(u.a.) Persistent currents in an ensemble of isolated mesoscopic rings. In: Ann.Phys. [N.Y.] 219 (1992) 148--170
Stochastic scattering theory, or: random-matrix modelling of fluctuations in microscopic and mesoscopic systems. In: Chaos and Quantum Chaos. Ed. by W.D.Heiss (Lecture Notes in Physics ; 411). Berlin 1992, S. 121--166
(u.a.) Persistent currents in an ensemble of isolated, mesoscopic rings at zero temperature : a non-perturbative approach. In: Europhys.Lett. 20 (1992) 155--159
Parity violation in the compound nucleus. In: Group Theory and Special Symmetries in Nuclear Physics. Ed. by J.P.Drayyer and J.Janecke. Singapore 1992, S. 411--423
Komplexe Systeme in der Physik. In: MPG-Spiegel 1992, H. 4, S. 39--44 [auch in: Jb. der Max-Planck-Ges. 1992, S. 23--33]
Collective versus statistical aspects of nuclear motion. In: New Trends in Nuclear Collective Dynamics. Ed. by Y.Abe et al. (Springer Proceedings in Physics ; 58). Berlin 1992, S. 1--10
Random-matrix modelling of stochastic nuclear properties. In: Nuclear Physics at the Borderline. Ed. by D.Oliveira. Berlin 1992, S. 225--229
Recent progress in the statistical theory of nuclear reactions. In: Nuclear Data for Science and Technology. Ed. by S.M.Qaim (Research Reports in Physics). Berlin 1992, S. 775--782
(u.a.) Multistep-compound contribution to precompound reactions. In: Nucl.Phys. A 536 (1992) 124--140
(mit M.Kawai) Semiclassical approximation to the two-step direct nucleon-nucleus reaction. In: Phys.Rev. C 45 (1992) 1856--1862
(u.a.) Is there incomplete mixing of states with different K quantum numbers in the neutron resonance region? Ebda S. R1417--R1419
(mit A.Höring) Gamma emission in precompound reactions. I: Stochastic model and collective gamma decay: Ebda C 46 (1992) 2476--2488
(mit C.H.Lewenkopf) Sign correlations in parity-violating compound-nucleus reactions: Ebda S. 2601--2608
(mit C.H.Lewenkopf) Chaotic scattering : a toy model for the compound nucleus. In: Phys.Rev.Lett. 68 (1992) 3511--3514
(u.a.) Distribution of eigenmodes in a superconducting stadium billiard with chaotic dynamics: Ebda 69 (1992) 1296--1299
(u.a.) Approximation for shell-model level densities : leading terms in the loop expansion. In: Zs.Phys. A 343 (1992) 255--260
Lecture Notes in Physics. Bd. 390--410. Berlin 1992

Weiss, Georg [Priv.Doz.]
(u.a.) Comparison of Rayleigh and Sezawa wave modes in ZnO-SiO_{2}-Si-structures. In: Ultrasonics Symposium 1991. Ed. by R.R.McAvoy. New York 1992, S. 363--366
(u.a.) Low temperature ultrasonic properties of vapour condensed films of argon-xenon mixtures. In: Zs.Phys. B 86 (1992) 217--223

Wermes, Norbert [Prof.]
(u.a.) Measurement of the average B hadron lifetime in Z^{0} decays. In: Physics Letters B 274 (1992) 513--525
(u.a.) Electroweak parameters of the Z^{0} resonance and the standard model: Ebda B 276 (1992) 247--253
(u.a.) Measurement of B^0 \bar{B}^0 mixing in hadronic Z^0 decays: Ebda S. 379--392
(u.a.) An improved measurement of \alpha_s(M_{Z^0}) using energy correlations with the OPAL detector at LEP: Ebda S. 547--564
(u.a.) Search for free gluons in hadronic Z^{0} decays: Ebda B 278 (1992) 485--494
(u.a.) Evidence for b-flavoured baryon production in Z^{0} decays at LEP: Ebda B 281 (1992) 394--404
(u.a.) Test of CP-invariance in e^+e^- \rightarrow Z^0 \rightarrow \tau^+ \tau^- and a limit on the weak dipole moment of the \tau lepton: Ebda S. 405--415
(u.a.) A test of higher order electroweak theory in Z^{0} decays to two leptons with an associated pair of charged particles: Ebda B 287 (1992) 389--400
(u.a.) A study of two-particle momentum correlations in hadronic Z^{0} decays: Ebda S. 401--412
(u.a.) Measurement of the \tau topological branching ratios at LEP: Ebda B 288 (1992) 373--385
(u.a.) A measurement of strange baryon production in hadronic Z^{0} decays: Ebda B 291 (1992) 503--518
(u.a.) A measurement of the forward-backward charge asymmetry in hadronic decays of the Z^{0}: Ebda B 294 (1992) 436--450
(u.a.) A study of charged particle multiplicities in hadronic decays of the Z^{0}. In: Zs.Phys. C 53 (1992) 539--554
(u.a.) Properties of multihadronic events with a final state photon at \sqrt{s} = M_{Z^0}: Ebda C 54 (1992) 193--209
(u.a.) A global determination of \alpha_s(M_{Z^0}) at LEP: Ebda C 55 (1992) 1--24
(u.a.) A measurement of electron production in hadronic Z^{0} decays and a determination of \Gamma(Z^0 \rightarrow b\bar{b}) Ebda S. 191--207
(u.a.) Inclusive neutral vector meson production in hadronic Z^{0} decays: Ebda C 56 (1992) 521--535

Wetterich, Christof [Prof.]
(mit N.Tetradis) Scale dependence of the average potential around the maximum in \Phi^{4}-theories. In: Nucl.Phys. B 383 (1992) 197--217
(mit S.Bornholdt) Self-organizing critically, large anomalous mass dimension and the gauge hierarchy problem. In: Physics Letters 282 B (1992) 399--405

Wetzel, Werner [Priv.Doz.]
(u.a.) Full QCD and QED at finite temperature and chemical potential. In: Nucl.Phys. B : Proc.Suppl. 26 (1992) 323--325

Wielen, Roland [Prof.]
(u.a.) The FAST Hipparcos Data Reduction Consortium : overview of the reduction software. In: Astron.Astrophys. 258 (1992) 7--17
(u.a.) Preliminary FAST results on astrometric positions. In: Highlights of Astronomy. Vol. 9. Ed. by J.Bergeron. Dordrecht 1992, S. 416
Structure, kinematics and dynamics of stellar systems : commentary. In: Schwarzschild, K.: Gesammelte Werke. Hrsg. von H.-H.Voigt. Bd. 1. Berlin 1992, S. 385--388
(u.a.) Dynamics of stellar populations in galactic disks. In: The Stellar Populations of Galaxies. Ed. by B.Barbuy and A.Renzini. Dordrecht 1992, S. 81--92
(mit T.Lederle und H.Schwan) Apparent Places of Fundamental Stars 1993. Karlsruhe 1992. XLIV,510 S.
(u.a.) Literature 1991, Part 1. Berlin 1992. X,1625 S. (Astronomy and Astrophysics Abstracts ; 53 A und B)
Literature 1991, Part 2. Berlin 1992. X,1582 S. (Astronomy and Astrophysics Abstracts ; 54 A und B)

Wolf, Bernhard E. [Priv.Doz.]
(u.a.) Trouble in the Magellanic Clouds : first results from the Key Programme on Coordinated Investigations of Selected Regions in the Magellanic Clouds. In: Messenger 66 (1991, ersch. 1992) 14--17

Wolschin, Georg [Priv.Doz.]
Spektrum der Physik : Höhepunkte moderner physikalischer und astronomischer Forschung. Leipzig 1992. IX,233 S. <93 H 255>
Entstand die Supernova 1987A aus einem Doppelsternsystem? In: Spektrum der Wissenschaft 1992, H. 1, S. 26--32
Quasar-Jet präzise vermessen: Ebda H. 2, S. 23--24
Pulsar mit Planetensystem: Ebda H. 3, S. 19--21
Sternentwicklung erstmals direkt beobachtet : säkularer Helligkeitsanstieg bei P Cygni: Ebda H. 4, S. 32--35
Wahlweise gelbgrüne bis orangerote Elektrolumineszenz bei konjugierten Polymeren: Ebda H. 5, S. 26--30
Eine neue Klasse metallischer Kohlenstoff-Cluster: Ebda H. 6, S. 30--32
Ein hochflexibler aromatischer Kohlenwasserstoff: Ebda H. 7, S. 32--33
Geminga erweist sich als erdnächster Gamma-Pulsar: Ebda H. 8, S. 30--32
Giottos zweites Kometen-Rendezvous: Ebda H. 9, S. 16--18
Benennung der schwersten Elemente: Ebda H. 11, S. 22--23
Höchstenergetische Gammastrahlung von Markarian 421: Ebda H. 11, S. 26--27
Nobelpreis für Physik : Detektoren für Elementarteilchen: Ebda H. 12, S. 26--31
Planet jenseits von Pluto? Ebda H. 12, S. 34--38

Zeh, Heinz-Dieter [em.Prof.]
The Physical Basis of the Direction of Time. 2nd ed. Berlin 1992. X,188 S.
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