heidICON-Pool 'SKVO “Zafar/Yemen”'
Pool name | SKVO “Zafar/Yemen” |
Institution | Seminar für die Sprachen und Kulturen des Vorderen Orients Schulstraße 2 D-69117 Heidelberg |
Content | The pool “Zafar/Yemen“ documents the research campaigns in Zafar from 1998 to 2010. Zafar, once capital of the Himyarite Confederation, between 270 and 525 the latter held large parts of Arabia under their control. This archive is continually under being updated. Planned are:
List of publications of Dr. Paul Yule |
Characteristics / specifics | After Marib, Zafar is the largest mapped archaeological site in Arabia. It plays a key role in the history and art history of the Peninsula prior to the arrival of Islam. This documentation is intended to complement the excavation reports. As a result of continued destruction, diverse images have already become historic. These update those which appeared in 2007 in the publication series “Archäologische Berichte aus dem Yemen“ vol. 11 on an appended CD. The map of Zafar shows the individual sites. |
Key words |
Search tips | You can also search for individual sites. Further images and texts are being added gradually. Only the sculpture is to appear is a separate volume. |
Quantity | ca. 4,800 image files (state of 10/2013) |
Access | worldwide (guest-login) |
Contact | Dr. Paul Yule, E-Mail: paul.yule@t-online.de |