Abou Naddara Collection
This digital archive shows the complete newspaper collection published by the Egyptian journalist, caricature artist, playwright, and theatre director James Sanua (يعقوب صنوع, 1839-1912) from 1878 to 1910. In addition, formerly unpublished manuscripts by the same author, newspaper articles about the journalist and his oeuvre published during his lifetime or shortly after as well as the decorations he received can be found. Most of the material was directly scanned from the originals published by the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th centuries. It offers an ample variety of magnificent and colorful lithographs.
The project to establish this digital archive was financed by the Cluster of Excellence “Asia and Europe in a Global Context”, now the “Heidelberg Centre for Transcultural Studies” at Heidelberg University, and realized in a collaboration of Project B1 “Gauging Cultural Asymmetries: Asian Satire and the Search for Identity in the Era of Colonialism and Imperialism” and the Cluster’s Heidelberg Research Architecture.
The Heidelberg University Library kindly agreed to host the data since the Cluster ended. We very gratefully acknowledge their generous contributions of time and expertise.
10 Years since the Publication of “The Abou Naddara Collection”
List of Journals
- Abū naẓẓāra zarqā = The Man with the Blue Glasses: garīda fukāhāt wa- musalliyāt wa-maḍḥakāt tiẓhar fī kull usbūʿ marra wāḥida = Journal of amusements and things to laugh about which appears each week one time
- Riḥlat abī naẓẓāra zarqā l-walīy min miṣr al-qāhira ilā pārīz al-fākhira = The Holy Man with the Blue Glasses’ Journey from Victorious Egypt to Splendorous Paris: bi-qalam chams sānūwā muḥarrir garīdat abī naẓẓāra zarqa l-bāhīa walidat an-naẓẓārāt al-miṣrīya = By James Sanua, the publisher of The Man with the Light Blue Glasses, mother of The Egyptian Glasses
- An-naẓẓārāt al-miṣrīya = The Egyptian Glasses: banāt an-naẓẓāra z-zarqā l-mugallīya, taḥrīr shubbān miṣr wa-iskandarīya, ta‘īsh al-musāwāa wa-l-ikhā̄ʾ wa-l-ḥurrīya = Daughters of the blue, victorious glasses, published by the young [men] of Cairo and Alexandria, long live equality, fraternity and liberty!
- as-sana r-rābiʿa abū ṣuffāra = The Man with the Flute = Le Flutiste: garīda hazlīya usbūʿīya l-inbisāṭ ash-shubbān al-miṣrīya, yaḥfaẓhum rabb al-barīya min aẓ-ẓālim al-farʿaūnīya, munshīʾhā muḥibb al-istiqlāl wa-l-hurrīya = Humorous weekly magazine for the entertainment of the Egyptian youth, may the Lord of the creation save them from the Pharaonic tyrant, its founder [of the journal] is a lover of independence and freedom
- As-sana r-rābiʿa abū zammāra = The Man with the Clarinette = La Clarinette
- al-ḥāwī = The Charmer = Le Charmeur: al-ḥāwī l-kāwī illī yiṭlaʿ min al-baḥr ad-dāwī ʿagāīb an-nukat li-l-kaslān wa-l-ghāwī wa-yirmī l-ghashshāsh fī-l-gibb al-hāwī = The caustic who takes out pleasing jokes from the curative sea for the lazy [one] and the enthusiastic [one] and who throws the traitor into a big airy hole
- Abu Nazzara Lisan Hal al-Umma l-Misrlya 1-Hurra / Abou-Naddara Organe de la Jeunesse d’Egypte
- Abu Nazzara Zarka - = The Man with the Blue Glasses
- The Egyptian patriot = al- Waṭanī al-miṣrī
- Le Journal d'Abou Naddara = Abū Naẓẓāra = The Man with the Glasses = garīdat abī naẓẓāra = The Journal of the Man with the Glasses = Journal Oriental Illustré
If you would like to make use of the metadata, please check our data publication: Ettmueller, Eliane Ursula; Arnold, Matthias; Alisch, Johannes; Sassani, Nina; Kempf, Florian; Harder, Hans, 2017, "The Abou Naddara Collection - James Sanua's complete works", https://doi.org/10.11588/data/10076, heiDATA, V1