About the Special Subject Collection Classical Archaeology
(This page is currently under construction)
- General
- Collection and acquisition policy
- Services
- DFG-funded projects
- Participation in further projects
The collection of archaeological literature of Heidelberg University Library goes back to the 19th century. Since 1949 Heidelberg University Library has participated in a system of national cooperative acquisition funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG). Heidelberg's collection focuses on:
- Classical Archaeology (6.14)
- Medieval and Modern Art History (up to 1945) and Art Studies (9, 10)
- Egyptology (6.21)
Since 2005 South Asia Institute of Heidelberg University and Heidelberg University Library are responsible for the special subject collection "South Asia" which is part of a programme funded by the Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) with the aim of supra-regional literature supply in Germany and partnered by research libraries.
The library has made a commitment to doing its utmost to add to the collection every work from both Germany and abroad that has been written in the above-mentioned matter disciplines. The library receives financial support by the DFG to acquire foreign literature. (see Richtlinien zur überregionalen Literaturversorgung der Sondersammelgebiete und Virtuellen Fachbibliotheken, as of 01.03.2012).
Heidelberg University Library collection is wordwide available: for inhouse users with a library card via (International) Interlibrary Loan and via Subito.
Monographs from publishing year 1986 on and journal titles are recorded on HEIDI (please note: library holdings with publication years prior to 1986 are partly covered, too) and the Union Catalog of the South West German Library Consortium (SWB).
Collection and acquisition policy
Heidelberg University Library holds about 1,550 periodicals on archaeology, currently held about 460 titles. The entire collection amounts to 80,000 volumes. The library acquires about 1,200 new monographs each year. Electronic media are made available on the Internet.
The aim is to add to the collection every work from both Germany and abroad thas has been written in the discipline of Archaeology.
The University Library buys the complete production of relevant literature (including non-book media) on Classical (Graeco-Roman) Archaeology. This comprises pre-classical antiquity, e.g. the Minoan period, Mycene culture, Etruscology and Provincial Roman Archaeology, too. Furthermore there is a focus on general and comprehensive publications in the field of Archaeology (e.g. history of the discipline, theories, methods, didactics)
Related subject collections in other libraries:
The information system WEBIS serves as a central access point for all special subject collections in German libraries.
- Special Collection Catalogue of Classical Archaeology
The "Special Collection Catalogue of Art History" contains most of Heidelberg University Library's holdings on Classical Archaeology (about 80,000 monographs and 1,550 periodicals, inclusive currently held about 460 titles). - Subito for special subject collection
Books and articles from the special subject collection can be ordered. Your request will be processed within 48 hours and items will be sent to you directly. The classical and least expensive way of ordering literature from our special subject collection is via Interlibrary Loan. - New acquisitions lists
They are updated monthly and available online. As a special service, all interested parties can be informed by E-Mail (PDF file) of updates to the list of new acquisitions. You can register byemail.
- OLC-SSG Classics
Online Contents Classics offers access to tables of contents of art and art related journals. Currently appr. 242 journals are being indexed back to the publication year 1993. Online Contents Classics can be used as a bibliographic database as well as an access point to document delivery services like GBVdirekt/subito. - Propylaeum-DOK - Digital Repository Classical Studies
New Propylaeum-DOK is the full-text server of the Virtual Library of Classical Studies and is made available by Heidelberg University Library. It offers members of the academic community worldwide the opportunity to publish their texts in electronic format on the internet at no charge. All kinds of publications (like monographs, articles, lectures) in the fields of Classical Studies can be stored on "Propylaeum-DOK". The standard of these publications should not fall below that of traditional printed ones. The documents will be stored and their long-term availability guaranteed by using standardized addresses (URN) and metadata (OAIPMH). They are accessible through the German union catalogues and search machines, too. - Archaeological literature – digitized
Heidelberg University Library provides digital full-texts from its historical collections of archaeological publications. - „Catalogue Enrichment“: Table of contents of compilations and book reviews in HEIDI
Since April 2004 Heidelberg University Library scans tables of contents of newly acquired conference proceedings, exhibition catalogues, festschrifts and other compilations. These scans are made available via SWBplus and the local catalogue HEIDI as PDF files.There you can also find all reviews published in sehepunkte - Rezensionsjournal für die Geschichtswissenschaften.
DFG-funded projects
- Propylaeum - The Virtual Library for Classical Studies
Joint project of Heidelberg University Library and of Bavarian State Library Munich (special subject collections Prehistory and Early History, Ancient History, Greek and Latin Philology) in collaboration with the portal KIRKE , the Chair of Latin Language of Humboldt University of Berlin (Professor Dr. Ulrich Schmitzer), Deutsches Archäologisches Institut and Gnomon Online (Professor Dr. Jürgen Malitz).
Propylaeum will provide simultaneous access to printed and electronic publications/resources in the field of Classical Studies.
Participation in further projects
- DigiZeitschriften – The German digital journal archive
DigiZeitschriften is a research service. The model was JSTOR. DigiZeitschriften, together with libraries, intends to make it possible for students and researchers to access well-known German journals with long print runs. According to specialists in the field, the journal titles are among the most important in each subject area.Students and researchers can access the journals via subscribing libraries and academic institutions. The leading institution is the State and University Library of Göttingen (SUB Göttingen). Heidelberg University Library is a member of the registered company DigiZeitschriften e.V. and monitors the integration of journals on art history. - WEBIS
Heidelberg University Library is connected to WEBIS (combining WEB and BibliotheksInformationsSystem [Library Information System]). WEBIS is an information system concerning the system of supra-regional literature supply in Germany.