Help with the online catalogue HEIDI: Result presentation / Hitlist in HEIDI
HEIDI-help: basic functions
- Recommended databases
- Result presentation tab HEIDI
- Short title display
- Complete title display
- Availability
The results of your search are represented in two tabs: “HEIDI” and “Articles & more”. You can change between the two tabs at any time (see Screenshot 'Functions of the results presentation in “HEIDI”')
“Recommended databases”
The link “Recommended databases” uses your search terms to suggest other databases for further research. Please note that this is only a selection of the available databases. For a comprehensive list please see the general link to Databases.
Result presentation in the HEIDI tab
Using the hitlist
- Sorting results
The hitlist is automatically sorted according to relevance. Alternatively, you can sort according to “year” or “person”. - Please note the hits in DigiKat (1936-1961).
- Limiting hits
The filter options can be used to limit the number of hits, e.g. to a particular publication year, language, type of media, subject heading, etc. Click on the plus symbol next to the relevant category to refine the search (“drill-down”). - The chosen search filters will be displayed above the hitlist and can be deactivated before further searches.
Short title display

The short title display shows the most important details of your results in the HEIDI tab.
In the complete title display in the HEIDI tab you can see:
- Complete bibliographic details
- A list of all copies, their locations and availability, e.g. in the library of an institute (vgl. “Availability display”)
The location is either linked to a play of the UB, or linked to the address of the relevant institute library holding the item. - Notice about other editions
- QR-Code
The HEIDI catalogue offers the opportunity to copy bibliographic information (e.g. shelf-mark, location) onto a mobile phone using the QR code. An installed QR-Reader on your mobile phone is required. - Picture of book cover
Complete title display

In the complete title display in the HEIDI tab you can see:
- Complete bibliographic details
- A list of all copies, their locations and availability, e.g. in the library of an institute (vgl. “Availability display”)
The location is either linked to a play of the UB, or linked to the address of the relevant institute library holding the item. - Notice about other editions
- QR-Code
The HEIDI catalogue offers the opportunity to copy bibliographic information (e.g. shelf-mark, location) onto a mobile phone using the QR code. An installed QR-Reader on your mobile phone is required. - Picture of book cover
Availability display

The availability display contains details of location and availability of the item.
Available for loan
This means the item is located in an open access area and can be collected and borrowed in person. It is not necessary to order this item and it cannot be reserved. Please make a note of the shelf-mark so you can find it in the open access area.Available for request
This item is either in a closed archive or in a branch library and can be ordered. After placing the order you will see a notice showing the exact time when the order will be ready. If you order before 12pm, a majority of items can usually be collected from 02:30 pm onwards on the same day. Orders placed after 12pm are normally available from 10:30 am onwards on the following day.Request (Reading Room)
The Item is kept in a closed archive and can be ordered to view in the Reading Room of the UB.On loan (total of reservations: X)
This item is currently on loan and can be reserved online. The date when the item is expected to become available will be displayed. If the item has already been reserved by other users, their loan period will need to be added to the date when it becomes available. When the item is available for collection you will be informed by e-mail or letter. Exceptionally long loan periods are an indication to special conditions and can be shortened when an item has been reserved.Free (returned today)
This item will be available again at its usual location on the next day.In acquisition
This item has been ordered from a bookshop but has not yet arrived in the UB.In processing until …
This item has been newly acquired and is being processed by the UB. This item can be reserved.
For reference only
This item is located in a reference only part of the UB (reading rooms, information centres).For reference only (holding of departmental library)
This title is held by an institute library that does not permit loans. Via the detailed display you can find the location of the item and the address of the institute library.Use online
This title is available online via the University Library Heidelberg. Access to full-text is possible, but due to licence conditions may be limited to particular user groups or computer locations. Please note there may be parallel access, offering access to differing archives. There may also be an extra link to print versions that have their own listing in the catalogue.Use on-site for university members
Because of legally binding licence conditions, film holdings of the UB may only be used by members of the University (=students and teaching staff).See Volumes
Parent record (theoretical unit). Gives details of the location and availability of individual volumes.Missing
To place an order via interlibrary loan please contact the staff at the Information Centre in the UB.Locally available for loan or reservation
This title is located in an institute library and it may be possible to borrow it there. Location and shelf-mark can be found under complete information.